Thursday, October 1, 2009

close to 1 mind

Close to 1 mind

Young master to be different realy alter anative without the support of others like yourself around ,,can be …… contrasting . and that means the oppurutunity to notice within a WANT springing forth ,, and from wants are the PASSION ..the drive the EXPANSION outwards constantly of TAO of infinity being expressed as always ,,, if you do not follow the expansion then you feel DISCORD … emotional guidance ….

Ther is man who trips onlife , a MR. I DON’T KNOW except that he does KNOW he likes to enjoy himself …… he contracts himself out as a sign man on the streets for the last few years here and there for this company and that ,, his appearance of the straggly bum itself attracts attention to the signage and those who are locial well jjust know who this bum looking dude is ….. and pay no mind realy to his appearance … and over the years I have known him talked with him … and today as he was calling it quits coming back to the plaza where the gold shop has been hiring him ,, and I work monthly , he and some other store owners and my self just got into some pleasant converstion ,, now MR. I DON’T KNOW tried to engage a customer a Chef leaving a store in ….human interaction , the chef was havig nothing to do with converseing with the likes of the bummm …. And Mr. I DON’T KNOW noticing that he was not going to get any FUN no stimulating smiling interaction with this human he Bode ( said good bye ) to us who he had already extracted for himself ,,extracted … fun interaction … and went to retrun his sing get his cash ….

As he lft …. The NAIL salon owner said to the chef person ,,, ohh donot worry about him HE IS CLOSE TO 1 MIND … a refereance I betcha cash money went right over the head of the self absorbed stressed out chef … all dressed in his robes of IERARCHY … he weren’t no pizza thrower ..nope he probably no longer eve realy did nuch cooking at all he was the CHEF ….. all dressed in white .. ever work in a kitchen I mean really work there you can not stay WHITE ,,,, for long and work stains ruin those WHITES . but back to MR . I DON’T KNOW , as he left got on his bike , he smiled once more acknowledging the many times we have talked in the past fleeting ly talked ,, and just to say to me Have fun ….. ENJOY THIS NOW … I SURE THE FUCK smile smile laugh laugh off he rode on his bike ,,,,

There will be events maybe ,, there will be changes in weather or seasonal dynics which subltey effect aminsl bio=dynamics LIKE DAY LIGHT LENGTH CHANGES ,, high and low pressure … colling winds or oppressive heat … … full moon tides .. all water based life reacts in one way shape or form to these enviormental changes that effect WATER … or maybe it is an unexpected Bill … but you will feel OFFF not high not low .. just off …… and the sage says ,,, find that ENERGY of the expansion of source ..PASSION it is your choice free choice every minute to notice what you want or not ….

And maybe the sage says ,, you can re gain that PASSIONATE EDGE , by ..describing what you DO NOT WANT …..hmmmm not the expected words of aguru OF THE s.h.a.m. ( self help actualization movement ….. there ahs to be a pidgeon hole even for the words of the sage the same wisdoms over and over just different word tools fitted for the new age the new languages …. )

I do not want economic stress …hmm just in the voicing of that statement your mind automactically processes a STATE of WANT … of solution it springs to mind maybe it is the PLAN you have been working on for so long ….and there will be pump in emotional resposnse a FEELING of BTTER maybe it is based in ANGER at the unwanted but there is movement .. and simple steady climb up to remembering the of NOW hold in them the EVERYDAY IN EVERY WAY I AM GETTING BETTER AND BETTER …. That event reminded you made you FEEL LIFE and the passion of WHY you formed the plan to begine with those orginal PASSIONS . hey from todays stand point that lil’ bump was quite fun for no longer I am at the oplace of ORGIN that surrounding stress or contrast that first formed the WANTEd or better idea the soloution …. No I am well on my way to that becoming in EVERY WAY …. It is a bump of a diiferent flavor a supportive pleasant flavor … but yet some other UNWANTS I have found to be more difficult to put into diect worded statements yet , these issues too .. stimulate my actions …. An I want to FEEL that bump as it pertains to those aspects that originally motivated me ….just for the CURRENT ..FUN OF IT to feel the flood of PASSION

But to ge back to …the nail guy like so many others from ASIAN worlds he is steepedin Buddha …. He has a respect for the FORM of society the gift of the CONFSUED 1 .. Confucius …"Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself".. and some touch with the TAO sage philo of the I DO NOT KNOW WHAT IT IS SO I WILL CALL IT ………. TOA . you see in their places of business the tiny temples so cute to western Christian mind ….they endear themselves with the yellow folks are so darling …. And their lil temples , where when they hear my ideas and that I can not tell them where I go to church because well I am an AMERICAN Taosit … I am the UNCHRITSTAIN sinner some one of SUSPECT … or is it my choice of FOCUS ? letting myself think morea bout eh 1 here and 1 ther event of life instead of the OVERWHLELMING good …… of the average Christian ? and how does that FOCUS effect my HIGH .. MY FUN ? should I take a page of wisdom form MR. I DON’T KNOW and in seeing that I will not have fun with XY or Z person I should just ignore them move and fine some thing better ? moving towards the better ..i am so free I can choose bondage.
You did not say, "Let's go forth into this physical experience and take all the ideas that exist and whittle them down to just a few good ideas that we can all agree on and peacefully cohabitate." Instead you said, "Let's go forth and take the ideas that exist and expand them to more. Let's let the contrast be more so that the desires can be more, so that the Energy will have more avenues to which to flow." --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Tuesday, April 14th, 1998

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