Monday, August 31, 2009

local pussy

Local pussy

The buss words the sound bites ,,,, like THINK GLOBALLY ACT LOCALLY … ahhh sound bites all to often get that programming of the 1 and only RIGHT WAY coming out of us when the truth of TAO is the ever expanding nature of more than 1 right way …..

So ignore those who do not get it ,,, and let them live their lives ,,, and better will be you experience in that you will not be bringing into your world their DEBATE ,,, now providing the OP opportunity for others to see your life style choice ( 1 more free choice ) is good the idea or sound bite of Re-Ruralization ….. for about 100 years out of the aprox. 12 million years of HOMIND DEVELOPMENT . we have been flocking freely into ecominc slavery chasing the golden street promise of PHAROHS … of industrialism and capastlaism ….

But what do you realy want ? in fact what does she realy want ,, remember how much the urge for sex does effect you …. and how ,,the FLOOD OF HORMONES OF powerful drugs effects her also ,,, ( and how the conditioning of socialization has perverted things ) one expression of the desire to return to NATURE is in the expression of BDSM and the realization of the HIGH of the flood of hormones ……. You young master should study … and the book JOY OF FEMALE SUBMISSION is 1 of those examples I talk about of how the world shows you evidence trails that you are on the RIGHT path for YOU ! the feeling of relief and relaxtion of … I knew it ! the understanding of the lies you were programmed with …. ….. the link is alos in

If she had 10 million dollars in the bank …… she would still want to feel her pussy …feel her body you realize that it is not CASH $$$$ money that you want that is not wealth ….. think for yourself thinking for yourself can be hard that is why I titled it FEAR ……. Do not resist your feelings understand them as commucation from you 9 THE BRAODER TAO self and you the you living thru as BUDDHA called it the conditioned expression of living amterials … bio machine …..

Where are the local girls who the local girls …… and what is you expectation that they will have to LOOK LIKE THE FASHIONABLE .. body shape you have been conditioned to be excited by sexually , when in fact the happy expression of sex and commication and friendship can be had with much larger varied body shpe of female … ohhhh now living in a permaculture life style with a sense of pride in the gatherer of foods being a great part of personel excitement ,, the body of people returns to the healthy nature …… sublte changes .

Where are the girls ,, in caves … of concrete their work place or their homes ,,, look around a realize the people on the street represent a tiny tine tiny fraction of the 100’s of thousands which in the population around us ……. Now how to attract them out of their caves …. To meet with , hmmmmm do you have the creativity ? what are your feelings ,, and why ,,, how do they relate as an OPURUTUNITY for learning personally …. For IMPERFECT expression of actions which will provide op’s for newer action ,,, never getting it done ..never getting it perfect for to be perfect is to be thd END of expansion . evryday in everyway getter better and better ….

My Attention to Unwanted Can't Defy the Law of Attraction... If your life has caused you to ask for an improved situation - no matter what it is - and you are no longer offering chronic thought-Vibrations that are opposite of your desire, your desire must come to you. But you cannot continue to keep alive within you Vibrational patterns of what you do not want, and receive what you do want. That defies the Law of Attraction.--- Abraham
Excerpted from from Abraham's newest book, "The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships "
Simple after having understood the problem and having allowed yourself to choose the IMPERFECT response or action path align with that choice and look for the good the fun ,,,now the focus is on IMPROVEMENTS ….. and focus is what is the CHI behind the law of attraction …. And this will continue to expand with each new wanted and unwanted tiny aspect of experience ( ok some seemly not so tiny but that is only because of the econimci stress you are living now as compared to achieving the stability of a food forest in GROwTH the 4 years invest ment plan the MASLOW HIERARCHY OF NEEDS …..

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Grade " A " pussy

Grade “ A “ pussy

Young master it is about how you FEEL as you live the events understanding each one is an aid in the learning about the goal which is EXCITING you . living up to the GRADE the expecatations of teachers? The trained concept still within you of the expecations of mom and dad … the training of dependency of life it self depends on the smiles of the parents to the small juvenile organism human you who accepeted that programming of ….of …… of WHAT ? you know the words to describe those who depend on others not on self …. Slave? Maybe ?

GRADE “ A “ polygamy ..should have been the title ,,, your problems is an EVIDENCE TRAIL of anti polygamy articles , aout MORMONS and Islam poly relationships so I did some reading of what was out there and I found ..the EVE GREED theme really showing up in the UNDER LYING … ahhh good word lie ,, manipulation and the effects of manipulation now you know that in months past I had gone aon a RANT about the EVE concept ,, the comparisions about chimps manipulations and the evidence trail of INFANTICIDES of 14% and the rate of close to 0 in gorilla ( 14% or 3 in 20 babies murdered ,,, over 1 in 10 hum humanitys murder rate of itself hmmmm and finding it has to do with the striving for HIERACHY POSITIONS …. And the use of sexual manipulations )

You twisted concern about the DATA stream ,, which is told to you to be using my words the ROCK THROWN INTO THE AIR ….. ahh but research yourself .. it is your life and as you find better erticles more supportive ariticles as you BREAK the chains of being MOMMY’S GOOD BOY ,, creating the smiles of teachers who hisotirically were mainly women in formaitive years ( FORMATIVE ,,, forming years of programming , elelmentary school the youngr years ) majority were women socializing you ! maybe the only male teacher you had was a PE COACH …… hmmmm think about it ….

Those who are talking to you are the ATTRACTIONS of your past thinking and expectations ,,ignore them they will go away and others who are attracted to you will show up as you let yourself display your new EXCITEMENT FOR LIVING is expressed in the developments of the full range of ….. ideas .... ? have you fear about developing a group to show off your PERMACULTURE HOMESTEAD ? no ! but you do have fear about showing the POLY aspect of it …so do not shout out that ..but do expose other things … and spending $20 on rent for a meeting place instead of $40 bucks on beer at the singles bar ….. to attract those who want to …. Who want .. who look for alter native ……..

Forget about the DEBATE ,,, rmember what Zhuangzi learned centuries before Christ …. Ignore them an move everyday in everyway each event a gift of experience leading piece by piece to your ……in the words of Abraham ..escrow …..
Why Do I Want the Relationship I Want...? Think about what you want in a relationship and why you want it. Look for those around you who are experiencing good relationships, and feel appreciation for them. Make lists of the positive aspects of those you have spent time with. . . . In fact, one of the fastest ways to make your way to a wonderful relationship is to find any subject that consistently feels good, and focus on that even if it has nothing to do with relationships. --- Abraham
Excerpted from from Abraham's newest book, "The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships "
The word of the sage used by the MRKET DRIVEN entertainer Ester Hicks …. But the core …. Remember the core ….. what do you want? What makes you excited ? when you feel confusion remember how much it has to do with the expectations of programming of socialization ……. And where has the sage said …. Relationship is to be expressed in 1 and only 1 WAY ! … in fact the sage has always be the supporter of …. 1 more ever expanding expression of free choice ….. 1 more free choice ……

Sunday, August 23, 2009

healthy pussy

Healthy pussy

Young master you know that … as in the micro you find the macro …. And visa versa ,,, similarities ,, not EXACTS , but general themes. And a complexity way beyond the ablitly for the 2 gigs of human brain power processing to deal with . but never the less , this is what is life of NO;s of limited awareness’es …

Socialism is the same as the COMMUNITY theme found in your ultra conservative ideas of capITAlism and LIBERATIANISm . the idea and need for community family and individual that you talk about ,,, is SOCIALISM in the micro .

A welfare state ,,, makes sure that the masses have $$$ and so the capistalist has CUSTOMERS ,,,, it is the common 80-20 rule ,,even in you system you admit that the 1 makes the cash that 100 family members will live from for 3 generartions . 20% make the $$$ that the other 80 will really upon …. The flow of the resource which will make the next fortune for the next SOCIO PATHIC capitalist … you idea the BENEVOLET capapist has not basis of evidence trail …THROW A ROCK IN THE AIR IT FAILS . learn from history …… the captalsit , be it hidden in the disguise of CHURCH or the pirate , donw right thief or industrialist ,,or slave owner , for 10k years the evidence trail does not show the UTOPIAN CAPTALIST … you talk about it shows the evidence trail of a genetic abornormality or social path .

The community ,, has to curb the social path and also milk the golden stream of them ,,,, to support the family and commuity which supports the capitalist … micro ans macro …. In something so large as the thought form ECONOMY …. Or nation …. The general theme is exapmled by the rise of socialisms systems.

Now health care is a free choice ,t he use of the printed paper with ceasrs piciture is the choice of the user to use , you are SO FREE YOU CAN CHOOSE BONDAGE … you are so free you can make some baisca cash then bail out of the system …. or stay in it and if in it ,,then RENDNER UNTO CEAASR WHAT is CEasrs…. ( reneder unto go what is gods? What is GOD define the un thinkable ness of god and so I give to god what is god’s I give it ,,,, no thought ..unthinkablness ) tax is the taking back of CEASARS shit by ceasar …. To insure community survies and economy survivies and PROFIT POTENTIALS SURVIE . for the evidence of the DESERTS AND DSTRUCTIONS left behind by the sociao path ,,the capapsit ..the rock thrown in to the ari …learn form HISOTRY .

Health care …….. is a who cares to those who live with PASSION …. In the state of excitement in the moving towards that which you … you … you ..really really want ( not wants tainted by expecatations drilled inot your brain . by programming …. Uninstincutal ideas . health care is part and parcel of the mind fuck trap . happy healthy …happy =healthy …. The evidence supports this ….

Ohh to go back to blogs back in may ,,AMRT CUNT … I wonder if she read the ariticle in her AARP .. how to live to 100 ,,,, it like the articles from national geographic did not find longevity or quality of life in the DOCTORS OFFICES OF MODERN medicine but in …living instinctually …. Family friends simple understandable living ….. the secret of living to 100 found in remeote tribes ? the national G .a rticles found the same things in 3 WESTERNIZED nationsl JAPAN , US , and the EEC ….. small groups of peoples who by FREE CHOICE LEFT their chains of slavery and mind fuck and … lived long happy and had no NEED for health insurances .

Ahh but young master you are just a COG in the amintianing th mind ,,,, hungry to make your $$ cash so you can sitt closer to PHAROHS TABLE …. But remember young master … we all never get it worng only get more information to allow fro the EXPANSION of experiences out inot INFINITY …. We never get it done .
What you do is miniscule in comparison with what you choose to think, because your vibration is so much more powerful and so much more important. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Sunday, October 20th, 1996

Saturday, August 22, 2009

objective pussy

Object pussy

You intended to come forth into the physical realm of contrast to define what is wanted, to connect with the Energy that creates worlds, and to flow it toward your objects of attention, not because the objects of attention are important -- but because the act of flowing is essential to life. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Lincroft, NJ on Tuesday, October 15th, 1996
Young master …the object of ATTENTION ,,,, everything has in it ,,,, the WANTED AND UNWANTED …..what is you focus as relted to the THING ….. of your focus ….the thing of focus is different thatn the CHI of focus or activity of focus ….we are the chi ….. not he bio macine used for experiencing thru ,,but the gatherer of data and experience …… what focus are you talking to your friends about ?

What focus are you writing you blogs about …. Is your FOUCS on the unwanted are you constantly describing it and then living ..aspects of that un wanted ?
Tell the story the way you want it ! is what the sage keeps saying but after so many years of struggle it is hard to feel anything but struggle ..well your choice to stay in that FOCUS … you can realize the FLIP SIDE .. you can notice more the flip side …. In evidence all around you and then repeat a simple mantra form the early 1900’s
EVERYDAY IN EVERY WAY I AM GETTING BETTER AND BETTER …. All experiences are claifaction on the path to the wated ..each teachs you and makes you stronger and better and gives you OPS to realize the FLIP side the positive side …. To notice that …..
Ahhhh change in focus will in time bring about the EXPERINCE OF WHAT YOU ARE FOCUSING ON …. My lil’ thing is broke again but my focus of discussion about the reason for wanting the lil’ thing has been often on the FIXABLITY of it my me ….hmmmm so I talk so much about that ASPECT that I get ops for living that aspect ,,when others spend much much more time , driving the GY6 instead of fixing the GY6 ...... my focus has been on what … I have the evidence trail of talking about what aspects about the STATED WANT …. The thing … the thing is just the chance for the life experience relted to the THING being in my life .
The flow of chi ….. is the living of and with ..things . in this time/space state .. forgetting the IN FI NITE I in I …. So to have the OP for expeincing …. Thing ….. instead the always in always of the NO 1 THING …nothing .
But what aspect of the op for expeince am you ,,focusing on and WHY ? old training ? current mass consicsuo attention ? instead of thinking for yourself and finding examples of things you WANT TO focus on …. The fun side the FLIP side … that which stimulates you to get up and out of bed each day , that which excites you so much that when you go to slepp you can not wait for the sun to rise to live once more …. The flow of chi .

Thursday, August 20, 2009

drilling pussy

Drilling pussy fire starter by prodigy ! see if you get it ?

Ohh young master long time since I used a sex meta connection , but as in the micro you can often find the MACRO the big …. Drilling pussy does it not relelase the EGG ? is it not part and parcel of the circle of life ? this video link is about food forest concepts , not working hard ..but living the HUNTER GATHER lifestyle on purpose …. And having at our door step the CITY so we can go to KORN concerts etc ….
Understanding the micro events like the life of a WEED .. it lives where other things can not and it death cycle TRANSITION cycle brings back into play minerals and stuff lacking in the environment that the WEED pioneered … maybe it’s roots found lacking minerals or waters ….. maybe it leaves were able to make nitrogens lacking in the soil . but the CYCLING is what is important .

Deep ly fucking her stimulates her INSTINCTUAL SELF expressing the contractions of orgasims stimulating her PREPRODUCTION SYTEMS …

OIL ,,, prime oil …? Oil that has been OUT OF the cycle of life for millions of YEARS .. stuck like a slug in the BIOLOGICAL being of EARTH of Gia …. A sludge …. Not BIO DEGRADING …. Atleast if we drill the shit we bring it back inot play yes ,,, our efforts make take 700 years to further degrade but what is 700 years as compared to 10 MILLION YEARS ….. 700 years is like a geological week it is NOTHING … in terms of a life cycle of something as MACRO as earth …yet bringing things back into play is improatnat. …. Stimulating the system , relelasing trapeed ENERGY potential out of its TRAPPED state , relelaseing the energy back out inot space as LIGHT …. AS STREET LIGHTS AND STUFF … to shed the EXCESS of potential sun energy traped here on EARTH ,,,, every day each sq. meter receives another 1KW of sun energy per hour …. Compounded in a stored potential form such as fossil fuesl oil or cosl or shale … maybe be LIKE A SLUDGE a block to the complex ansiml whihci is the whole of earth ….

We stupid humans worry some much about ourselves and our fear of death …. Our fears … when the whole of the beign ness called earth has life cycles of billions of years … cycles of millions of years ,,, speicies comeing and going ,, a bear will turn from brown to white then disaaper only to repear to in another formed niche later ..NEW CYCLES NEW BIRTHS .. like a baby of the well fucked pussy .

Ahh so why ,,drive a HIGH EFFEICNCY VEHIHCLE … ? like the little white thing in my front yard …well it is more about MY OWN … my RESPOND with ablitly … to have more control over life …. To be within the flow of CEASARS $$$$$ the cash from PHAROH economy … to want it is fine to NEED IT IS the trap … ahhhh food forest …. Ah building from available materials to have the camels of the 3 tents and a camel idea …… the better you have some conrol over your life cycle including transportation ….. FREES you … maslows hierarchy of needs .

When the comfortable normal thought is being supported by the evidence trail from the examples of others …… hey all those examples are to be found thru out of … ahhh here is another supportie example to help you feels better about the stream of lifestyle you are exploring …..

But the topic is the under lining current of well being outside of the FEAR . of the programming in terms of living the human life in serv ice of PHAROH … and the idea what we are is CARBON CYCLERS …. Humanity is the FIRE STARTER