Wednesday, October 28, 2009

teacher of myself

Teacher of myself

Words are an un lit candle….. for like the sage reminds old wisedoms , words to not teach it is life experience that teaches ,,,the words if used if the candle is lit it can guide someone thru darkness while adventuring .

Young master it is wisely said , a teacher teaches what they themselves need most to learn …… and I can proudly say I feel I have proven that correct , in fact I believe in the suing of you as my tool of self exploration , is again t he same as in hypnosisi to guide the client into FEELING the wanted thru them imagining of a non related third party experiencing the wanted event of the client… now this is again not the first time I have admiited this or brought up this topic ,,not an admission like I ever thought myself better than be teacher per se … only A 1 ..who will ..willl ..WILL expose in effort to create candles for those who attract these candles in word . how many people run churches ,, hwo many TAO teachers re there around …. Lack of supply .

Sounds fucked up , it has to do without training to live for others not our selves , but ,,to arugue with reality is not profitable ,,to move in lil steps of understanding ,,that make sense ,,, you can not want to become a major league pitcher and expect to land the job without some time of practiseing ….. a complex structure of BELIEFS is surrounding the importance even IN YOU revolving around the posossiton of becoming a major league pitcher ,, so that belifeef in your own mind must be satiflyed .

So to it is in making any changes that effect the WHOLE AGREEMENT state you have lived in , YES YOU CAN CHANGE THINGS , to keep the POSTIVE EXPECTATION ,,, accept the experience of TIME/SPACE TO STILLB E PART OF the experience of time/space .

What ever tool FEELS GOOD works with LIL OR NO RESISITANCE , is agood method …teacher teach what they need to learn the most ,,,, ahhhh what you do not want to admit you are still a LEARNING of the IN FI NITE , what you want every one to believe you KNOW IT ALL ! … fool , who or what but the complete connction to the Unthinkable THE UNDESCRIBABLE .. SOULD A STATE OF … knowing it all be … inthis limit you are always in ALLWAYS still a LEARNER OF SHIT … the one learning even from your own teaching . of others
Self wanted

Hmmm so again I will talk to myself thru young master …. Wanting ,,, it seems so easy to want but then again , there I believe is wanting that has a BAISIS in the self image you have of yourself that is really the relfection of reactions from others ,,and then …. There is YOU ….. it is a sublte difference that is felt when you cut the strings … it is felt in the passions .. or lack of passions

Now there is no one else to do something for except self ,,, the real self … not the self created to get resonses form others who react to your actions …now

Now your WANTING is pure …. Now when you get the passion for actions , it is based upon YOU and only you …… there is something here that will be. Come to over a period of time …. A clarity of this issue , I have felt before ,,, yet never gave word to . but his time I will put word to it , for there is the ME and then the ME as a reaction to those others … this will be one of those CORRELATING of data expeince events …

There is some sort of magic in this difference …. One is the energy of creation for ..self yes , but self as in the 2nd mind … and the other is pure you . without regard for 2nd ..mind yet we are SOCIAL …. Being friendly is important we do not like being alone. We want to attract 2nd mind/s ….. attract to a real you

Ahhh …..ATTRACT TO A REAL YOU …. Not the response image that which you cultivate in a MIRROR ….. but a real you they can choose to attract with or ignore . so who is the REAL YOU ? ever met him lately ? now the effects of living in a FAST FOOD WORLD ..INSTANT GRAIFIACTION . … when reality is that life does take up TIME/SPACE ….. manifestation of wants take experiences to be correlated and new belief patterns formed so , ALLOWING CAN …..ALLOW based upon belief for nothing comes to you outside of BELIEF .
So if you explore or look to know REAL SELF ,, form a frustrated set point .. then you set up ….. a confused wanting … there is a sublte question of importance here . in all this it will arrive … understanding will arrive …

This ties to the Eistien quate a solution can not be found in the thinking that created the problem …… just hearing stock answers coming from standard ..SHAM . self help acutaliztion movements ….. no eventhose Guru’s wonder why their teaching work so GREAT for some and not for others …. The others are creating formt he SELF of 2nd mind response ,,not pure SELFISH –NESS …. And why do inot act from self ? ohh that is old traing that I have been very good at living up to …

So I experience the classic of momentum pyshihcs … in thought …. Something in montion continues in montion until acted upon by opther forces , and that takes time ..
Being happy and expective of wants …. When ALONE …. Without audiences ….. hmmmm there is some learning here .. piece by thinking piece … tis is so important a PIECE ..for when you here the great expanantion from the sage of Taon in current day word tool , yet the listener is still lost ….

Even those who get it ,, get it thru a MENTAL SELF CREATION of response to tohers ,,, so engrained it becomes the functioning self …. Ego ? what about …ME behind the persona phil ….. that which is using the BIO MACHINE HUMAN ….. who wanted to use bio machine human …. What do …me want .

For in MY THRIVING I am less concerned of the clamor of the world ….. how am I tuneing my self …..
Ahh now what if ,,, I am in the action game … no longer I am on theoutside wanting but now I am ,,more and more in it , and from the inside the feeling place is different …. It is comparable to the excitement or dream of someday owning a baitshop and then ,,,then ,, the days of walking in rain , painting walls being creative .to adapt to events that were really happening as it pertaining to living that DREAM

Maybe thisis the aspect of FEELING PLACE DIFFERNECE I am feeling …. And the ego self and me self is a red herring making WOMTHING OUT OF NOTHING …. Yes and no … will accept both aspects in fact many more aspects of feeling points , I am not simple , neither are you sim[ple young master …. All pieces of the dyanic called the human bio machine . and the brain self ,,, resulting of years of manipulations . ..that self talk we all have ….

Ahh the clarifying of my want to from another set point of experience ….. have I described what I want the EVER spirit to become ? I have talked much about the UNWANTED but what about the wanted ? my idea not the diea form 2nd mind , but what I THINK , and from there I ATTRACT ….. those who want to expand beyong the concepts of EVE that are here and not serving ,,,,,, anyone ? well those who do find ,,, sonme thing wrong ? not to judge ..any one for all are correct as there are , but the ALTER NATIVE nust be DESCRIBED teacher ,, what is you idea which will be the NEXT JUMPING OFF POINT FOR EXPASION ..

You never get it done …… for done would mean the end of INFINITY .

You don't have to take the bad with the good. Why include the bad in the vibration? Only include the good in the vibration, and then only the good can come to you.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Napa, CA on Thursday, February 27th, 1997
Ok to translate it …. There was no thing as HURRICAINE ( BAD THING ) before human gave it NAME , described it ,,, and then man wated in fear for the hurricaine to come as was described by the olds , who heard it from the old ones …. And as they waited and heard the storys , hurricane came , or atleast something that was comparable to the DESCRIPTIONS of the named …. THNK ABOUT IT
So you already have been TRAINED in many many BAD THINGS they have been described nad over time you started to experience evedience ot them … this training is hard to EXTRACT from the ..future plans you have about the WANTS you have sent out into the TAO /vibrational escrow …. It is hard not IM POSSIBLE , remember being more source like or being …. Mr. I don’t know of tao …. And tao ,,,there is NO IM-possiblity ..there is IN FI NITE possibles , even for your way of choosing to think …
A body in motion tends to stay in motion until acted upon by another force ….. the other ways of thinking is your FORCE ….the force that effects the POSSIBLES in TAO that may ,,ever changing ..may express themselves for you to extract what ,,, you are EXPECTING belieiving will and can or MYA happen … and here comes the understanding of SLEEP WITH PIGS WAKE UP SMELLING LIKE SHIT …. The poisin of living the same old same old life and expecting changes? Well this is not the evidence trail of changing the MOTION THE MONENTUMS .

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