Sunday, October 11, 2009

the empty roo is full of pussy

Empty room is full of pussy

Young master , this event of now is real yes but not something rock hard and unchanging , it is the expression of QUANTAS flashing in and out to make up the assemebalge , I kno wihave goone over and ovner this idea , that ,,being is the use of THING once a thing ,,,is DESCRIBABLE then it has being …and A YOU 1 aspect of US …of the I in I …. Be’s that thing …that describable thought form it rock , coffee cup , single atom or concept like economy ..something describable. Has BEING life ,, and it had a time of ASEEMBELAGE or birth it has a time epxerince or life and it has decay …or death , becoming of data ,,,, the user/s of the tought form go on to other adventures the THING becomes data avail data from within the ? event horizon ? the venue … the time/space event where others stillhave access to the MEMEORY … of the data expression that was the decyed thing …. And since you the I in I …has the LARGER CONNECTION to each other you have the possibility of tapping into memeory not deirctly under your perceived control …. Your own brain storage ,,, it will be commicated to you thru books or thru speech … and other methods but you also have …. Connection thru the non pysichcl is you want to believe int hat possibility .

The chair does not store memeory into abrain in the surgar compounds and stuff , but the chair expresses memeory in the satines and the visible expression of it’s use , now if you have TOOLS OF PERCEPTION to enhance the IVBRATIONAL sensory organs you depend for data collection , eyes ears tater touch etc … if you have a micro scope you can learn more about the memory storage of that chari ,,its past events is memeory storage ystem …that is availbe for commication to you …. If you UNERSTAND THE WORD TOOL or laugugae of that thing the chair . wo this went of in a direction unexpected .

What I was expecting to write about was the , starting of a club ,,, and the self image of failure you can or can not accept …. An author on the radio , describes that within him he still sees himself alone in a meeting room waiting for the masses of excited kids he expected to arrive all happy to join HIS CLUB …his comic book club , but the hours past and only 1 kid came and seeing the LONIENESS nd enptyiness …that kid fled …leaving this young man alone once more ,,,and keeps this VIBRATION that desribes himself active even now some decades later .

And I flashed into the starting of PHILS BAIT AND TACKLE , phil the crab man , SQUEEEGEE even the Tie LADY BUSINESS ( NOT MINE BUT I HELPED START ) and other projects
ALL ..started and there was no LINE OF PEOPLE waiting ….nope , it was me wanting so much to SHARE WHAT I THOUGHT WAS IMPORTANT , that eventually brought VALUE …what I thought was important of VALUE …that eventually ,,lines of people did come … the creativity I had to express to get the attention of people to let them wonder about their OWN ATTRACTION to the information they encounbtered …then they came …..some finding values some not …the LAW OF ATTRACTION.

The a THING IN MOTION will continue in motion until effectd by other events … a miss worded law of pyshihcs ….. the quantum expression would be ..non changing if it were not for your personel expression of WANTED ….. but this wanting most likely is not of STRENGTH to alter the totality tof the current flow of quantum expression , but like the laws of friction … your energy of thought rubbs against the current flow of events to SLOW SOME of it down to explore the Value you preernt.

I can remember being alone in PBT . for days …. Advertising did not stimulate that change of current buying pattersn …. My signage did not either ,,,but a lost leader DID …. When I low balled the most important bait item in maimi for a period of months I went from a empty store to lines of boats along us1 …….

So I heard the song MOTHERLESS CHILD ….. old old song ,, of family dysfunction , the expectation of father to now become mother also …. And I realize again and again .. I hear that author talking about his mom becoming a single parent like 60%+ of american familys ….and how he had tobecome a parent to his younger children ,, a piss poor parent and unwanting to be parent parent …. The living of family dysfunction ,,,only be cause of the LACK OF FAMILY UNIT OPTIONS …… the other bait and tackle store another option . the other seafood vendor ,,,, the crab man , the other windwon washer … the other advertising delivery method ..the clown , the other fishing lures , the other clothing line the tye dye lady … all had at first no line of clients …all later had lines of people asking for service and information ,,,, ATTRACTED to the exploration of a new idea to find out whether there is value in it …..

The toa would just be stangnangt with out the expression of you wants creativity stimulated by your experience of the UNWANTED ….. and and if you realize that many mnny are experiencing things UNWANTED and the need for exposure to DATA options …is a WANTING they are attracting in their own activity of living .

The fsherman is not worried about bait prices except during the life events that has to do with fishing ….. when he is planning a trip … then he becomes awaore o fht einformation ..about my LOST LEADER PRICING ….
When you are in alignment with who-you-really-are, you cannot help but uplift those with whom you come into contact. Your value to those around you hinges upon only one thing: your personal alignment with Source. And the only thing you have to give to another is an example of that alignment—which they may observe, then desire, and then work to achieve—but you cannot give it to them. Everyone is responsible for the thoughts they think and the things that they choose as their objects of attention.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
The room is only empty because you have yet to TWWEEEK the attraction event …. You bring them in for cheap shrimp , then sell them hooks ,lead ,leaders ice, beer , soda , seasick pills , inscet repellant , and suntan lotion ……. They say the worst bait sotre owner is a fisherman , they have such closed minds it is and EGO expression instead of service business to generate profit .
the embedded video on this page is the lost leader ,,, 500,000 babies are born today , and tomoorow and yesterday etcetc , for 9 months or about 270 days a new girl gets preganant or about 130,000 million girls at anyone time , they EFFECT a spere of 3 other girls , 2 girlfrinds and th grandmother … so the numbers of influence at any 1 time is on the lines of 100’s of millions of possibles … the oppututnitys are all around you young master … the tow girl friends are feeling their own emptiness GREATLY thru the pregnancy of their friend .…. The lost leader of ATTRACTION from where exposure to your vastness ALTER NATIVE expression is there form them to FREELY CHOOSE to experience .

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