Tuesday, October 27, 2009

shit pie


Do the tings that make you feel better , sounds simple enough … is the way you are thinking ..amkeing you feel better ? http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html emotional guidance …. You only create in your own mind ..you have no power in the mind of another , their minds can change and do and you really have not lasting effect in that brain … it is ILLUSION to believe your actions effect them … any more than their own free chice to let your actions effect them .

So not doing one thing makes you feel good , but it also stirs up GUILT …. And guilt is very stupid it is trying to create the happiness in 2nd ,,, a place I have no creative control in …but I some reason feel I ,,, or I want so much to help some one , that I will hurt myself for them ….. if I hurt myself in the aid of another am I realy then in any position to AID THEM or are we both damamged ? neither alble to helpt the other ?

Ahhh the whole mountain trail story

The thinking aobut why ,, are they not , seeing the plain evidience trail of me , and not being nice and wellbeing nice thinking of the feeling of another …OOOPS .I ask of the other to create in my m ind ….to be responsible for my feelings …. No their job my job is to move confidendenlty to my goals ,,, and adapt along the way .

So the expecatation of me that that any will will act to take into account my feelings IS BACK WARDS ……I NEED TO THINK ABOUUT THIS SOME MORE . I am doing unto others that like I do not want done to me … ….

I am saying hey can’t you see me and where I am going and what I am asking for …give me that ……. The other has a choice to give or not ,,, and if not I have the choice to ignore them out of my focus … and move on to attraction points . for this one must not be a good attraction match ,,it may have been agreat 1 at a time in a past but that evolved out ..and now ..movement time

If I do not move I will eventually expression the evidence trail of STUCK energy , emotional guidance not listened to ..or dis-ease OF SOME SORT ,,, STRESS IS ….. dis-ease ….. ,,, if everyone were in the same place only 1 teacher would be needed …

Over again , so in asking the UNDERSTANDING of others I am doint unto them what I am complaining about in the moment …. I am feeling stuck because I feel guilt in not making a friend happy … and at the same time asking my friend to take my feelings into account … both of us are asking the other to make us happy ,,now that is fucked up .

That other person is a big person , they can work themselves up their own scale of emotions … if my actions do not provide them with happy happy , they can ignore me out of their world ….. would that hurt my feelings ? and who is able to RESPOND WITH ABLITY IN THE 1 mind? My mind ..them of me …. Can I just then choose ..LEAN IN THE DIRECTION OF NOTICING SOEMTHING ELSE that feels good in the minute ,… take that event out of my focus by free choice or choose bondage ? to that thought . I can notice a butterfly or something else , the world is full of distractions , …really PLEASANT distractions , trees birds clouds ,, life ,,, who chooses the bondage .

And their mind ? that old traiing to worry about how teachers or mommy is feeling .. to worry about PHAROH …. Yes this ties to PHAOROH MIND FUCK TRAINING also , not just the micro of the famly and friends unit , but often in the MACRO there is the same patterns of the micro …

How does my graeter self see that ,,, a recommended slef talk to practice until it becomes habit …remember young master you have been trained in many forms of self talk ,,,now this time you YOU GET TO CHOOSE the patter form going on in your head ,,not the shoulds of ..TOEHRES GREATER than you when you were young who for years told you , WOORY ABOUT WHAT I THINK OR YOU WILL BE PUNISHED SOMETHING AWFULL will happen ….

My greater self , for to use the word tool inner being brings to mind SPIRIT or soul and that brings the perjorative imagery … that it LOOKS LIKE ME … IT HAS HUMANISTIC QUALITIES …. This importance on the FORM OF THE HUMAN BODY ,, the bio machine … WRONG!

Ok , one of the reasons I dig the sage so much is she ,,,says ,,, you are the equal of the animal the bird the worm even the dirt molecules themselves …. Well the inner being of dirt sure as fuck does nothave a ghost like appearance that is humanistic in form …. What would a DIRT MOLECULE ghost look like ? months and months ago I went on and on ..about ,,the BEINGNESS OF a grainof sand …iis my equal …. I mean you can hear the Sage talking about equality of all ..all the time , in a tlk about words she says , THE LARGEST APRT OF YOUR POPULATION HAVVE NO …WORDS . then she goes on to clarify ,that by saying the babys the beasts sonot have words but they have ALIGNMENT …… when she first says population you think right away ,,,HUMAN … we are the ONLY POPULATION …. No the beast the bugs , the BUTTERFLYS …. Are BEING …. Just being ..too !

So that touched on once more …back to me ,, changing my own inner patter .

How would my greater self see the realestate agent … that I am still letting bug me ,, she is not in my face … but thoughts of her creep in to my mind …. Ahhhh what is realy at play … it is me wanting to be LIKED …. Yep the suppilcator …. http://www.instinctualism.org/dating.html the core Ross teaches not to do wit women … but we do it with everyone for it is our core training to think about others first to WORRY IF we are liked , for if we are not liked will will DIE ,,really it is deeply a core fear of dEATH , issue ….. we are so fucking dependandt on other for everything that a certain amount …. Of neediness in approval makes sure we keep jobs oppurutunity supportive systems ,,etc etc etc …. And the reason I stress the MASLOWS HIERARCHY OF NEEDS aspects of instinctualism . to free you from that dependace , then being nice whichi beeive is human nature can be freely given not manipulated from ..

How does my greater self see her …. Fine ,,she is great playing her game living the IMPORTANCE OF ASPECTS OF THAT GAME , which I can freely choose to become involved in or IGNORE OUT OF MY FOCUS , my free choice … see is great living a MR. I DON’T KNOW life …. One face is the evolved high goddess spiritual eader of a community locally ….. the other expression is the …… fear ….. ohh yes she fears much … and $$$$$ is in that fear … honesty not as important as $$$$ … wide open thinking … not as important as ,,living up to the images that other will seee her ….. hey cool her game not mine …. She is fine , I am happy she has such a great ADVENTURE to become engrossed in …. And the more I gnore her the faster she will move away …. For there is no retrun of energy …
And my greater self knows that everyone is ..attracting to themselves , their own ..stuff ,,, if they say they will fel bad … real estate agents aside or any sales person for they just know the ARTS of manipulation and GUILT WORKS . when other things do not … if a person says they will feel bad , HEY THAT IS THEIR POINT OF ATTRRACTION THEIR OWN CREATION , not mine I do not create in their mind ,,they are my 2nd mind … I do not get to create there only they do . I can not RESPOND WITH ABLITY in the feelings of the 2nd mind . no resposnisiblity

Opinion of me …. I don ot want your opinion of me ,, yor reasons . like wise I do not any longer feel the need to give my opinion of you to you ,,,, for I see through larger perspective you are ALL RIGHT JUST FINE DOING GREAT HAVING FUN .. bye ! I ignore you out of my focus .

Ahhhh a better patter stream ,,, my mind will PATTER ..if it is empty not filled with something passionate for me to focus on the mind will AUTO fill itself ….. with something ,,, nature abhors a vaccum … so I can choose the FILLING IN MY PIE …. I can fill it with SHIT FALVORED MUD …. Or bostom crème …. Or KEY LIME ! OR DUTCH APPLE …. YEAH ….. sounds a lot better that ..SHIT ! ( wow no referenece to pussy …hmmm that does happen sometimes )

You can live comfortably and joyfully and resiliently and healthfully as long as you have desire that summons life through you. People don't die because they pass through time. They die because they don't allow this arena to stimulate decisions. The only reason people ever die is either because they have stopped making decisions about being here, or they have made decisions about being Nonphysical. --- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Orlando, FL on Saturday, February 21st, 1998
They do not allow this life to stimulate WANTS …. If I get TRAPPED IN LIVING int eh mind of …. Others …. I do not allow MYSELF to decide about my life my here …. Then I start to think or focus on ,,, some way of feeling better and , then a CRACK OF LEST RESISITANCE into the Transition will appear , thru aging and death … but the key is ,,,, my own chice not to …live my own life first not feel passion in my own free choices first ,
Aging also is ,,,a BELIEF PATTERN ,,, if you count the years and you buy inot the TRAINING about age . and remeind yourself constantly FOCUS on age thru mirrors .. well you get wha you think about , if you live agelsess well you are age less.. death will happen because boredome will eventually happen ,,, nothing more to AD TO THE VENTURE …. Like the nature of HISTO COMPATIABLITY limiting the DNA expression os SILVER BACK GORILLA MALE he has nothing more to add to this world he , allows the retrun into NO 1 THING … thru a relatively swift creack of least resisitance , .. and allowing the SHOCK SYSTEM to aid the sleep so the body can stop functioning while the toa self is already in connectionw the SOURCE like in a lsleep state .

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