Monday, February 16, 2009

as you did

As you did

Young master the self empowered … the way to look at the DAD and you event in a way that will bring POWER back into your hands is to see .that you ….. the TAO self came inot a BIO machine that was helpless …. And during this time you trained your PARENtail units all about your HELPLESS-NESS ,,,, couple this with the unnatural child rearing training we have all gotten for centuries …. All based upon fear of TRANSITION of death …. The TWISTED INSTINCT concepts of the slave Economy …. Which needs to find important aspects of the slaves world to use to control the slave

Young master do not get over whelmed remember the complexity upon complexity is just a bunc of bricks that can be understood when looked at individually ,,, in the joined form the 2 gigs of thnink of processing power can only understand the WHOLE … but each brick seen and thought about indivually then thought about as the Brick interacts with aspects around it you can then realize …. Some shit

You TRAINED DAD to believe you ARE HELPLESS ..and you did not even know it …… you started the training from day one , when you arrived in an UN DEVELOPED bio machine ….. CONFUSED WITHOUT ..word tools to commicate . TO YOUR EQUAL TOA ….. the beigings around you that you are ….I in I …. Also during the beginning years you TOO forgot your deepest inner nature accepting the current passed down concepts created by the GOD/King thought form ,,forgetting the teaching of the SAGES of aboriginal peoples ..who understood the EQUALITY of all … MATTER as expression of source … of Tao …. You forgot so to have this NOVEL THIS adventure story of being YOU !

This ..time is a time of contrast ..of adventure ….. the young silver back getting ready to TRUST HIMSELF …… to retrain yourself first then DAD will get retrained to trust you by your own example of trusting your self .

I know your old man for years he …. Quit university got on his 10 speed with a pup tent an back pak and rode form the Atlantic ocean to the pacific ocean and back …. Coming back to his home …. His folks your GRANs … not trusting him did not come forward with new unviercity $$ so he joined the Miliatray got educated got out …. And did OK …. Part of him know feels that his adv enture time was a MISTAKE .. that he SHOULD have followed the SHOULDS and not be the adventurer ……

Like so many others who are not connected with themselves as PART OF THE TOA … who have forgotten totally and will not let themselves remember for FEAR of their position in their current social structure …… do you get the layers upon layers of FEAR every where ? go to this new page there is one plan and I will draw out with words another more adventurous plan one where you can choose better a place to settle in the great big world ….. ( remember you can always change things you can not get it wrong you will never get it done ,,if you rmember your IN FI NITE SELF … ) it is your life now kiddo … the ‘ola …. No more fear no more teaching everyone els how HELPLESS YOU ARE ..because dipshit you are far from helpless if you will just DREAM and trust and want …..PASSIONATELY ..

Sunday, February 15, 2009

roped and tied pussy

Roped and tied pussy

Young master the IDEA of Security ,, of control .. of arriving at an ENDING place where no problems can get you ……hmmmmm ? problems are the contrast remember the events from which you have the free choice to decide what it is you like and dislike … the happy event ! Having a contrst and adventure

$$$$ finnaincail security ….. is what your OLD MAN wants for you he wants for you to have LESS probems than he did … because he sees LIFE AS A PROBEM … he has heard only 1 side or possibility about life …. He does not see the TAO ..or this time/space as being a adventure playground for you …an EQUAL pat of the I in I … who comes here to experience a form of limits … he does not see himself or YOU as …. The UNBORN expression of IN FI NITY ….. but the slave of a god who demands perfection and creates state of worry and free and IMPOSSIBLE DEMANDS … your old wants the best for you … I know that you know that ..

but your INNER tao plus … the instinctual part of your DNA savannah APE … the silver back gorilla you ..the BIO MACHINE .. is calling you with 6 million years of INSTINCT …. Those instinctual urges are at war with the LIMITS and rules of your DAD ..who has accepted the slavehood cutlre perfected by ROME 2000 years trained into the population the FEAR of death ...why is your pop so afraid if he has done the right thing by the rules of his god why is he the slave of the MEDICAL COMMUNITY begging the doctor to keep him alive comabat the effects of stress ?

roped and tied PUSSY …… the expression of her KNOWING THAT she has to be a SUBMISSIVE target to be FUCKED to be penetrated in the way that will give her the CLIMAXS the orgasisms that she craves …. ….. and your urge to be the SILVER BACK the Dom male ….

pop ..tells you to do the RIGHT thing ,, well I tell you to look at his life at his dads life and the RESULTS of the AVAGES all around you ..of men who are you POPS age and see is that the LIFE I WANT …. Do the SAME OLD THING GET THE SAME …RESULTS .!
POP WANTS YOU TO HAVE $$$$ FINNACIAL SECURLTY .. well if you would think about it the whole design of is to give you REAL $$$$ security …. Even a state kinda of resemebling retirement level of $$$ financial securlty at like age 20 for you … since you are 18 …. Your dads plan is the RIGHT plan as described by the rules of PHAROH ,,go into debt into his schools create debt then get a job in PHAROHS factorys at the white colar level and depend on the fear based medical for PROFIT industry …to keep you alive . because you live in a constant stae of ANXIETY AND DIE..EASE …

Tour of Duty
Young amster I use this term a lot lately , lets you and me understand some shit first OK ! fact 1. the average YOU who goes to school 4 years to get that ALL IMPORTANT 4 YEAR degree . with all the help form mom and dad and student s grants ETC . ends up with $23, 735.00 in student loan debt ( not to mentions the now rising level of student credit card debt to maintain that all important image while in school ) 2. the average starting salary for a person with a 4 year degree is $28,000. ( 538.00 per week ) 3. the MODE income average of people with 4 years degrees is $ 42,000 per year ( $807 per week or 200 a day )
Mode income , take away that tiny percentage of bums , take away that tiny percentage of the TOP performers and what do the average Joe and Jeosphine make ….. 42k ( if they have a degree )
Now this is the great life, that the advertisers tell you to buy into ,,, and you should do this , it is very secure , and will afford you your place in the structure of the economic slavery world . so do the right thing . like every one else . and go to college !
NOW for the other tiny tiny tiny , percentage of MEN ( young masters ) out there who can handle the pressure of being alone ! yes ALONE , this can not work if you have to tell every one your plans , be part of a crowd or even tell the truth to mommmy and daddy ….. ( special mentor is good but only a true mentor self employed with 20+ years of success will do ) . Being ALONE is vital ! It is the core of thinking for yourself , it is you who will take the ideas ,,, thoughts … which are nothing but tools to YOU , those who can think for themselves .. ALONE ! . Take my ideas and your own , and the evidence trails of DATA , to forge a newer world of opportunity . Oh yeah WORK HARD AND LONG FOR 2 YEARS ego-less-ly , then 2 for EGO , then enjoy the fruits for a life time still work , but now you ….. “ go see your friends ” once you understand this you never work another day in your life , every job is serving friends : I gotta charge my friends because my enemies don’t shop here : old words of wisdom hung on a BAIT AND TACKLE STORE WALL . (mine).
In the same time it would take you to do , a 4 year Degree or a 4 year term in the army or 4 years in prison , you can be for all appearances RETIRED at age 22 . HOW you ask ? WELL dumbass the answers are hidden thru out my writings , and it is for those men who can think on their own to DIG OUT THE GOLD , to find the PEARLS in all the shit I write , to take pen and paper in hand and think . Once you do that , you will find more and more information which will make more and more sense to you ( actually not cents but dollars ) . For me to just write out the plan would do you a GREAT DIS-SERVICE !
I do not want to train idiots ! It is a service to the girls who would call you MASTER , to know that you are really a MASTER , not just a fashionable male with a hard dick and a whip and some CHARISMA.
The girls like to call Master during play time .

M tour of duty … think for yourself …. It is from your GUTS your own design that and free choice ….. but are you so WELL trained to depend on the ..SMILES of others TEACHERS parenst the preacher at church ..doing what you are told that you can not think out isde of the box ? yes …..
$$$$$$ finiacial securlty ,,what does your dad have … that home .. the 2 cars . his JOB which he hates his other job which he KINDA LIKES but over all he has stress ! look to his dad … eventually grand ma and grand pa got divorced ..di they not? And now both are dieing realy slow in older folk communities like the masses are every where …do the same old thng get the same old results ..REMEBER fear life FEAR DEATH ,,even though death is a fact for every one … it is your choice how much control this fear has over you …how dependant and …… mind fucked you allow yourself to become over this ISSUE everyone will have to epxrience no ..old folks home will PREVENT death no DOCTOR will stop the REAPEER from taking your ass !

so live in FEAR all your life like DAD or follow the urges of your TAO self … the silver back gorilla the 6,000,000 years of DNA or the created rules of the REAL LEGIOSN the political machines …the GOD/KING theme passed down by PHAROH the thought form ecomony ….

If you choose with GUTS … an not fear what DAD will say you will make it because I hppen to know you are a smart RESOURCEFULL young man … your inner commitment willl and EVIDENCE TRAIL will bring about a Suppoortive action from dad in time ….. this event is another complex expression of the FEAR …… as Buddha said all we have to fear is fear itself …. The core behind your problem is in fear ..yet the URGE THE INSTINCT to leave the family unit is being expressed in ….PROBLEMS ….. the catch 22 of the PHAROH ..designed … divide and conquer of the slave masses of humaity …. Divided attention ..confusion ….. enables you to be conquered because of the good nature which is the NATURE OF THE GORILLA SELF …. All in the FamilyA family group includes one dominant silverback male, several adult females, adolescents, juveniles and infants. The group may also include one or two subordinate silverbacks. All adult males are silverbacks. Although gorillas are normally not aggressive, they can exhibit certain aggressive actions when disturbed. Adult males perform elaborate displays, including chest beating, running sideways and tearing up vegetation to frighten off an intruding male or other threat. Males also use these displays as a show of dominance within the group. Adult females can become aggressive when defending their infants, or while helping each other drive off rowdy, young adult males. The silverback is the peace keeper and stops occasional squabbles between females.
Vegetarians with MusclesGorillas are incredibly powerful, the largest great ape in the world. Regardless of their imposing appearance, they are in fact quite shy, gentle animals. Gorillas are virtually vegetarian and forage throughout the day in search of a variety of plants to consume. The hair of the western lowland gorilla is grayish-black and usually reddish on their head (particularly prominent in adult males). At about age 10, males begin to grow the distinctive silver-white saddle of hair on their back, which in western lowland gorillas continues to extend down the rump and thighs as the male gets older. Mountain gorillas have darker, longer hair.

word tool of the entertainere ESTER HICKS
Nobody else knows your reason for being. You do. Your bliss guides you to it. When you follow your bliss, when you follow your path to joy, your conversation is of joy, your feelings are of joy -- you're right on the path of that which you intended when you came forth into this physical body--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Houston, TX on Saturday, January 5th, 2002

Saturday, February 14, 2009

make her clothes fall OFF!

Make her clothes fall OFF!

So young master I am sure you have seen the Advertsisng much more than me since I have no TV no Babble box . no mind fuck devise in my home ,, but I did see this ad one day while on my travels …. Advertising for a PJ gream for valentines day and the tEASE of SEX the manipulation ,,now remember rememeber ..the effects of manipulation over the long term ..ohhh it can be fun short term but just like Running her_ron or smoking crack or doing Blue berrys can be fun Short term the EFFECTS long term will FUCK YOU UP …. Every JUNKIE knows quiot or die ….

Wow even though I am not writing daily like I used to ,,,, the tracking soft ware from the web provider shows that WORLD WIDE I am still getting 100’s of hits per day on average …uniques and that you are are exploring the Various pages of and spending lots of time sure of course the Surfers spending only seconds on a page out number but it is nice to see the numbers of people per day who are spending a ½ plus …THINKING FOR THEMSELVES … understanding their EXPERIENCES of contrst the wanted and UNWANTED … and the resulting comparisons of their current posisiton on THEIR PERSONEL emotional scale .

But today is HOLY DAY …. Holiday a day of ESCAPE ….. like doing a drug sancationed by PHAROHS slave masters the churches and real legions …. Escaping into PRETTY LITTLE FARIY TALE LANDS …. Of the mind created by ROMAN ..and romance … of course skills learned from culture from culture ..peopels to peoples thru time on how to control the POPULATIONS … you are the population dipshit !
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY … enjoy the sancationed escape of ..fairyt ale land forget you ..instincts …. As is the DESIGN of the manipulations of Ecomony of PHAROH … and what is you instinct hmmmm? Start your own personel journesy in comparing the contrasts …. and and .... nude and NATURAL ….. not needing to pay ,,, GOLD with PHAROHS PICTURE ON IT .. render un to Ceasar what is ceasar’s /… pay to UNLOCK the combination of the SAFE of sexual MANIPULATIONS … of the 1 on 1 relationship form …. Thru buying a kiss or paying to et her to take her clothes off ….. every kiss begins with zales jewlwers ,, the old advertsing went ..the =mind constant repetition of your PROGRAMING until you think L;IVING IN STRESS is natural ….
No! it is not he TAO …. It is the construction of the thought form of ecomony which lasts eons longer than the PHAORHS or slave masters who are just CELLs or organs of economy ….. not he flow of NATURAL ECO SYSTEM OF THE savannah pae called human who has a history written in our DNa dating back 6 million years as compared to the current social structure forced upon our minds dating back to ROME only 2 , 000 years old …

The legend has it that Claudius II was trying to raise an army in Rome. It was his belief that married men would not make good soldiers because they would always be worried about their wives and children back home. To raise men for the army he forbid young men to marry. The punishment for any priest who would perform a marriage ceremony would be death!
Now here is a good example of how complex the MIND FUCK OF the thought form of ecomony realy is ,,remember ecomony lasts longer than those who live in it … like the cells of your body live and die off the primitive multi celled orgaism .where the single cells could live alone without the colony if needed refroming a new multiceeled being but within the colony the co-operated ..there is s THREAD of simailarity about this evolution of the thought form of Ecoo=mony ….. which we are all just cells within … and it lives on beyond us and before us in varying stages of its own evolutions … this the MYTH … the Emporer and the shurch were said to be at ODDS … but remember ..the church needs to CREATE EVIL ones form which it protects you the cnfused from to the ROME the emoroper has to have Enemey states from shihc it needs to protect itself froma dn needs to create armys to do that … think deeply young master about the DEEPER thruths of Myth …. Of Valentines day or the story of EVE …the understanding of the GREED NATURE of the female during preganacy the short term ….. hormonial nature of her urge to …. Divide … ( single cell multi celled ..the I in I ,, often the macro and the micro are very very similar ) have A GREAT DAY KEEP THNKING FOR YOUR SELF PEACE Phil

Worthiness, in very simple terms, means I have found a way to let the Energy reach me, the Energy that is natural, reach me. Worthiness, or unworthiness, is something that is pronounced upon you by you. You are the only one that can deem yourself worthy or unworthy. You are the only one who can love yourself into a state of allowing, or hate yourself in a state of disallowing. There is not something wrong with you, nor is there something wrong with one who is not loving you. You are all just, in the moment, practicing the art of not allowing, or the art of resisting--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Kansas City, MO on Saturday, July 22nd, 2000

Sunday, February 8, 2009

the now of pussy

The now of pussy

Young master …. Word tools ,,, all any one can ever do is describe to you their experience thru word tools …very incomplete word tools are for there are so many faces sides to …. Every now ..every pussy …. There is the wetness you are confronted with the INSTINCT to be pentrated expressed in her lubrication … there is the BAGGAGE from all the relationships she has had in the past all the DREAMS broken not fulfilled …now remember the BASIS of the dreams was from a flawed PREMISE about what is natural for the human bio-machine …. So think about the 1000;s of years of mind fuck the Soul mate fairy tales built upon the greed of KINGS and Queens that every one is trying to imitate …. The perfect life of gold and jewels and castels and $$$ … . And the reality of the INSTINCT of the savannah ape or us humans ….

And then there is this ..time/space playground we live in it seems so real so fucking concrete like it is ..before we experience it like it extends off into a future all aready TERRA FIRMA ….. but the QUANTUM REALITY is that it is JUST ….VIBRATIONS … based upon nothing more solid than the flashing ina and out of FORM OF THING-NESS of points of views … whhihc we describe by use of ..word tool with the name ..Quanta ….. size or life span ,,,or QULAITY OF LIFE as compared to human life or BEING-Ness … judgements based upon humanity as being some how the ULTIMATE EXPRESSION …. Of being ness .. ( prestty conceited I think us users of a bio machine thing that can not fuction with our INDIVIDUAL bacteria in the Gut living in WHOLE ISTIC harmony ) that we some how are the ULTIMATE creation …pretty laughable limited to process ing 2 gigs of info per second limited in our understanding thru sensoring organs that are not even as developed as many other creatures or bio machines we share the planet with ) equality of EVERY thing ..form the NO one thing …. The infitie … time to infitiy ,,,, compare .. a billion years to I second … once back in the TAO ..who cares ..? time is IRRELEVANT .. size is ..irrelevant …. The job or adventure is irrelevant since ..the OP TO HAVE … in fin ite other epxiences is the TRUTH … ( truth - a flawed word tool )

Your THINKING … your choice to focus on the lack of or the OPPURUTUNITY of …. Is from where the assembalage of quantas gets it’s design PROTOCALs …. Each individual creator being and their expecationas and WANTS ….. with in the AGREMENT state ….. agreed upon limits about the manifestations limits of MAGIC . of chances … your thinking about or focus on the LACK of pussy or the sTRESS BEHIND dating instead of the FUN OF LEARNING ….. ... and to the fun of doing your TOUR OF DUTY …. the saving brick by brick the fun of seeing the cash being put away and the growth …. Or the ….. learning about how to BREAK THE CHAINS of the FEAR OF LACK the focus of lack …..i am sure you were trained that $$$$ is hard to come by and even harder to hold on to ..the MODELING you had form your parents is very powerful and most of your learning realy comes form the molding you livied ….. not he words … DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO …. And guess what most people do as they have seen done ….. what is the modle of the community you have grown up in and are not associcating with day to day ….. hey here is where you can THINK FOR YOURSELF ….. realize that this Venue this TIME/space assembalege of QUANTAS is of your own choosing a desing ,, FREE WILL to think differenetly not limted by the TEACHING of PHAROHS …. Mind fuck and their REAL LEAGions of slave master called churches … keeping you in line to follow PHAROH into the after life ,,the same old story just changed culturely by ROME ..
If you realy believe in the QUANTUM sciences ..then the under standing about your own VIBRATION … a slow vibration ,,, a 70 year vibration you are in…in …IN …. Time space for just 70 years as a BEING you … are just the EQUAL a single Quanta …. You are the GREAT SPIRIT …. The life force the American Indians would talk about as being the BEING of everything ..ancient sages understaood this ..Zhuangzi understaood this but word tool limits of teaching …. so if you have a grasp on this shit ,, then you can use the skill of understanding more clearly the UNWANTED …the day to day ,,the each and evy NOW is a chance to focus to EXPRESS THOUGHT ENERGY …. On the aspect of the OPPURUTUNITYS or the lack of ….. and the life you live is the Evidence trail of thoughts you were thinking yesterdays YESTERDAYS that does not limit you tomorrows …but the EXPECTATIOSN the trained AGREEMENT STATE aboiut how much magic will be expressed in this PLAYGROUND …. Your personel expectations you will find changing …. As you travel in your experience .

People say. "If I'm always setting goals and reaching for the future, then am I not squandering my now?" And we say if in your now you're using a future event to make you feel good, you are still feeling good in your now. And that's the best use of now that you could ever find.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Atlanta, GA on Saturday, November 4th, 2000

Saturday, February 7, 2009

true bi sexy girls

True bi sexuall girls love sex

there is not A 1 true or truth ,,, young master …. The conditioning of the words and the expectations behind the words the learning you and we all accepted so we could play within the limits of time/space in THIS 1 aspect…. Of the NO 1 THING … toa … the WORD TOOL … we got , that we hungered for from our family members as babies was ,,, love … conditionally based on our actions you are a good BOY of a BAD boy … is a truth for the majority of people as they grew up ..the reactions of parents the conditional love expressed based upon the actions of the child …. compared to the ideals described by FLAWED word TOOLS used to describe how WE PERFORMED AS BABIES . whether we were good enough to warrant being loved …. Ohhh how we fucked with our children who we really did love ,, but since we are/were trained animals parents trained children based on our own experiences … passed down ideas from generation to generation for 1000’s of years …

So how then can we now love unconditionally ….. not skin deep !

True love ? that fairy tale … look at the animals our fellow experiencers of the TAO ….. Do they depend on the fashion of clothes or compare each others ass shape ,,, do they work out to enhance the curve of their asss ? do they go the a Gym ? of there is comparison that NOTICING OF healthy and un healthy ,,,, good disposition or mean mother fucker ….. with a community of Ferrell cats the un social ..well gets left alone …… the un social well does not get mated ..fucked or ….. gets the chance to fuck …. For the female will choose to spend her time under the protection of a nicer male … seen in humans seen in Gorillas ….( ahht the EVE greed and violence the MURDER rate of 14% of babies all based around ALPHA positions PHARAOH …. Position )

UN CONDITIONAL LOVE Does cause the depending factor on whether a bottle nose dolphin female will sexually excite the other female bottle nose dolphin ,,, homo sexual recreation is common among MAMMALS …… sexual recreations. The evidence trail is of female bi sexuality ….. for the OVER WHELMING majority of mammals actually have LONE MALES and some form of harems … even if the harems are loosely associated … and form out ward appearance seen NON exisistant

Young master you have not fallen in love with a female then to experience her change in body shape , yet find no real change in your feelings for her you still desire her .. you love her … no matter how her body changes shape …yet it is she who is all FUCKED UP IN THE HEAD ABOUT HER BODY ,,,, when deep down all you care about is her health and in that it is good that she is not over weight getting FAT …… a healthy human is an attractive human … nude and naturally attractive mind and body ..NOT MANIPULATIVE … using clothing to create states of sexual frustration …. Manipulation causes …. Effects over time

girls will agree they do not fuck our TRUCKS they fuck our DICKS they like to be penetrated by real LIVE FLESH … dildoes are OK but cock has not real substitute ( except after the mind has become so WARPED so self convinced to the opposite to over ride INSTINCT . …. They know the TRUCK car ..the today’s fashion clothing is bait to attract their attention ( just like their ear rings are flash to attract our attention ) ,,, but they desire us …. Hey girls your clothes is a wrapping paper …. AHHHH BUT THEY KNOW THAT , they dress up not for us they know they have gotten us already we are easy to excite … they dress up in a SELF TORTURE OF COMPETITION with each other for HIERARCHY …. Yes hierarchy often related to the wealth of the male they are seen with ,,,,, the yin and yang of the term ARM CANDY , is that they are the ones DISPLAYING >>>US ! .. they display the male the caught ….then they ,,, complain that is us males who DEMAND they look good ….. ooooh how mentally fucked up we as a DNA animal mammal species we have become .

And us male we are just fucking confused TWISTED INSTINCT …. That is why I do not want YOU to try to understand to ONLY play their fucked up mental torture games any more but create the compound , explore the instincts of us as animals … to free those girls who really want to find freedom from the pains of completive tortures ……. Even the bonnoboo chimps( seen by many to be examples of FREE LOVE ) have hierarchy struggle , but in harem animals that hierarchy is much less a torture . instead there is a working together between females a friendship . we are not bonbobes we are not gorilla we are human ANOTHER GREAT APE and I believe our mating is a mix of these two cousins in that sexual recreation between females is natural … present in humans … it is not just hetro sex in the harem , but girl to girl recreations also …. Friend with friend SEX as relaxation , and touchy intimacy ,, an intimacy that I when pounding my cock in and out of you girl really do not provide you with ….. I do not make love … I fuck !

But you young master will I betcha feel guilt ( confusion … acting outside of social expectation .. FEEL IT what you resist thinking about persists .... understand the divide and CONQUER of the human animal divided attention or confusion WHAT ARE THE RULES the right ! ways expected by society as compared to the TRUTH of the DNA instincts ? ) in the building of the compound ,,,, a guilt in wanting to build something that in the end will be the best thing for the children the girls and yourself … why should that make you feel guilty ? because of your training …. Who will stimulate that guilt the girlfriend you now presently have ….. her body language will stimulate it maintain it , her interactions will . the paradox of those interactions ,,, in her want for FAIRY TALES , yet her want for LASTING PEACE AND LOVE …. Her confusion will bring confusion into you , since you only want the happiness of those you call family … that you love unconditionally ! that you love when they wake up,,, as much as when they are dressed up . GET THAT ?

Sunday, February 1, 2009


At peas with where your at

Young master whatever you are living now is the results of the expectations you have held in your past ..currenetly … aseembling ..being experienced and de=assembling flow of quantas oncr lived at are just DATA experiences as described byt the MUSIC FOR CANDLES people reality is information and energy …. Energy being the WORD TOOL they use to describe the undescribalbe Tao ….

All the Contrast …the aged mechanical devises that break and you gotta pay cash to hae fixed … or buy neww ..well are the expectations we were conditioned in …. The adventure the level playing field of this TIME/SPCAE so that we no longer expect everything to be ..instant like in a purer …puruer state of magic or tao ..the purest of toa there is NO SEPERATIONS … between thoughts or exeperinces … in facts NO THING 1 thing at lall just everyTHING always till it becomes no one thing …. …. Again a OWRD TOLL of self guided imagery for you to FEEL or think about what it is to BE YOU …. Nameless you a … I IN THE I …. An I equal yet of a number of ever larger and smaller I’S off into the unthinkable ness of IN FI NITE …. Where for example you a scientist here in this time space with a WANT ..wanto …. Find the smallest particle of matter …. Your choice to ignore the feeling deep inside of you about INFINTY and toa … you play in the game of LIMITS ….. and the Quanta ( the infitie other you’s expressions of I IN I ) … will aloow the scientist to DISCOVEWR the next smallest particle l…giving them the next GOAL of finding what makes that up …. And so on ..TOA will always give you the OPPURUTUNITY TO HAVE adventure of moving towards your own personel WANTO’s …. And then express yur EXPECTATIONS ….

Now your expectations or that of the sub sub sub atomic psysighist … they have many EXPECATIONS built upon the socialized the Programed the trained and taught stuff ….

Ok …. Now your current life ….. you have wants born from the contrast .. of life you have lived .these bore ….. the new goals …or dreams ..some you wake up to over and over again each day ..these are the PASSIONS …. Your past life conditioned you to have expecations about the POSSIBLITY of having your new wants ..what LIMITS you will have to experience so tohave the next DREAM or wanted experience …. So as to not break OUT of the agreed upon dream state of TIME/SPACE …. We all share SO THAT YOU not act like an GOD and manifest magically you wants … instantly …

Plus the clarifying BENIFTS of time ..for during time ..experince you get more and more clarity revolving around the DREAM …. The VIBRATIONAL realitiviy …or the FEELING palce of is it possible or is it not possible changes as you clarify the wated …. at peace with this part..understanding the benefit … if you are deeply and questioning instead of just living ….. both MR.I DON’T KNOW AND THE SEEKER Are equals living tao time space adventures … the Seeker is mr. I don’t know also …. In the flow of his search for that which deep inside he knows is himself and everything … he thinks is out side of him ….

From the entertainer Ester
If there is no source of illness, why are there so many sick people? It is because they have found lots of excuses to hold themselves in vibrational discord with wellness. They are not letting it in. And when they don't let it in, the absence of it looks like sickness. And when enough of them do it you say, "Oh, there must be a source of sickness. In fact, let's give it a label. Let's call it cancer. Let's call it AIDS. Let's call it all kinds of terrible things, and let's imply that it jumps into people's experience." And we say it never jumps into anybody's experience. It's just that people learn through trial and error, and -- through banging around with each other -- patterns of thought that don't let it in.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Buffalo, NY on Wednesday, September
To experience magic you have to take your self OUTSIDE of the agreement state to express the magic found in the book ILLUSIONS by Richard bach is easy …. Just enter a thought times spce world …. Ourside o the one everyone else is in and you can have the magic ..buct no longer the interaction …the level playing flield of …limits needed to be trained to the baby when it arrived from PURETY …inot limited DNA machincal experience …. So the continultiy of the playing fiel could be maintained ….. ahhh but keep the SLAVES like mushrooms in the dark and fed on shit …… think deepley about the PHAROH concepts how this tool of working for pharoh and flowing pharoh inot an AFTER LIFE GOAL … how these slave training tools were used to teach the worker class but became the THOUGHT FORM of ecomony something we describe to be healthy or unhealthy like it has life ..of its own but is just he expression of the parts … your body is not life with out the agreement state of indivuvla cells ….. the first mulit celled …built upon the agreements of individual … life . built up ..the EXPERINCERS … of molecules built upon the Experincers of Atom … built upon the experiences of elelctron proton neutrons ,,depending upon the experincers of being QUARK GLUONS BLUONS ..etc etc etc ….dependant on the ever modelable ex[presions of toas points of views expressions of THING