Friday, October 16, 2009

look you RIGHT between the thighs

Look you Right in the thighs

Young master no not for you young master ,, I write to YOUNG MISS what a night at jensen huh ? from all outwards viewing it was just the same old same old , but it was also ..connections , and questions , and personel allowing ..extracting that which is freely given ? whatever fabric your pants were made from …. I am like so fucking suprized at how they framed , siloutted showed every NUANCE of your pussy ,,,not a camel toe ,,or a pubic mound which maybe just her padd crafted by a smart girl to be a pubic mound ,,no t his was a girls now woman(er) than a few years ago , but still 100% girl ,, and being a girl is OK she does not HAVE TO become the cold bitch woman of eve … be girl even with the toddler so proudly standing holding mommys figner ,,refusing his stroller making walking around impossible so you KINDA juast had to stand there for me to STARE BETWEEN YOUR …..THIGHS .. I was happy reading my new novel when like MESSAGE FROM SOURCE said ..look between her legs ..LOOK DEEP ! ….and I saw …. It , and I saw you watching me … you scaning for where my gaze was so powerfully locked , drawn , held … and as you accepted that I was fixed on your pussy I swear I saw your cunt pound and fill ever so slightly with blood in some sort of excitement and pride ….. it was like I had the pererphial vison of a pilot to watch you watch me as I never left the complete focus on the dangleing lips of your pussy held within the fabric of those pants ,,THAT IS GREAT FABRIC , more girls should be wearing that fabric what ever it is !

And as I write this I feel my cock swelling up moving down my pants legs , pounding subtly filling with blood once more Ilike it has afew different times to night as girls presented their sex thru mindfull displays just to produce this hardening dick effect in the men they would encounter both knowing their part in , I know that I will align with source myself to night easing my slip in to a deep healthy sleep after , I shoot my sperm all over the sheetas after I jack with the visions of my face first buried tween those thighs , at first cleaning all the folds of o that pussy if shaved my tongue flat against the outer lips and teasig her inner thighs .. my enjoyment of her SMELL yes sexual SMELL for you all know about from many writing I am a twisted pany sniffer love to a fresh pair in my glove compartment of the car to continue my during the work days ….. I wonder if her flavor will be strong so that I will have to concsouly produce more salivia to blend with that falvor to make her pussy much much more injoyable ….. I will feel my left hands fingers spreading her pussy lips and the middle two fingers of my right fist pushin deep donw to knuckles …… I know I will putting those two finger in her ass hole in a few minutes as her excitement build and I move to experiment twith the , popping and pullin go her clit thru my teeth and tongue , to see it inhacer her or distracts her achieveing the climax I want her to have before I swiftly raise those legs back to her shoulders , enjoying the gaspe on my cock opening her further than my fingers and the rammin my dick down inside of her to BOTTOM out making sure she feels the difference now ….now you are getting fucked and I am getting the reactions that will excite my own selfish pleasures that will full fill the NATURAL GIRLS ATTRACTION OF HER ALIGNMENT with source she calls for …. Yep I will align with my ouw source feeling better and better … and shoot the fresh sperm all over the sheets tonight like all nights now that I living alone ,,, a good thing realy but back to that ANTURE OF SPERM it made all day every day ,,the ADPATIVE part of a 2 part sex reproduction adaptive for in that EVERYDAY new creation it carry with it theDATA the succeses the VERY THOUGHTS an essence of adding and expanding humanity POSSIBLES .thru the sperm of the male who will shoot it in those wett pussys walking all around and enhanced by the sexual teasing of girls who came to jammmin in Jensen tonight to ..excite ….

We always want joy growth interactions ,,, friendship ,,more than money honeslty ,,there is where you conncet with me and I with you …. No matter how much $$$ you get you want more joy ,,that can only be filled with vibrational alignment ,,acceptatance of me and yourself we are doing what we are each doing with and for eachothers ,,,expreince and freedom to choose the good feelings or the ….. flip side .WHY IS HE STARING AT MY CUNT ,,WIERDO ! but how we feel excited and passionate condemning and separated from source eventually becoming cold and angry ..all are free choices of hwere you want to be on the emotional scale

A regurlar teen mom ,, a LABEL of society I see and saw and see in many girls the DNA expression of OVULATION ….. the laws aside and on to the INSTINCTUAL AWARENESS OF WHAT IS ..REAL OF NATURE set aside the MIND FUCK her INABLITLY to search out the WORTHY MASTER her or your … young miss ..your DNA calls for only worthy if he has done the tour of duty ,,, like the gorilaa established himself a range for feeding and maintaining health …. the urge for MILLIONS OF YEARS … you expressed it .. and now stuck with a toddler? no you love him and he I have seen knowing over the years the locals who come walk the thrusday night streets … he has grown in your love … that toddler is healthy happy connected to source is that why is stopped you in foront of me ,,,so that I could have this stream of writing out side of the NORMAL … he is not a problem he is a gift … he is TRUTH . the MANIPULATION of sex the terrible lie of NIN …. LISTEN TO THE PAIN we have been expressing for 100’s of years we know something is wrong but there is not OTHER ….ALTER NAITTVE .. choice around to explore , well young master I say BUILT IT AND THEY WILL ……… CUMMM ! I use sex ..for sex sells and I am a salesman at heart ! ( thanks hatman for the push …write ..jam with the band .. just write … let it flow without explanations or punduatations ,,well I use way to many punctuations . the tool of thw warbling sound the smoothe pebbles or jagged rocks in the path of sounds you played out of you saxophone in JAM with the band . )
Those sweeling pussy lips will mother more gifts like him , and I hopw next time you wil birth them BORN FREE CHECK OUT THIS CONCEPT OF ORGASIC CHILD BIRTH A CONCEPT I HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF FOR YEARS BUT …. Of course what does a MALE know , so no women would ever listen to me for men only KNOW ABOUT FOOTBALL or fishing ,,not humaity …. Watch this trailer just a few minutes will expand totally your concepts about the POSSIBLITY OF TAO ,,the unimpoosiblity ,, WHAT IS YOUR CHOICE OF limits …
Well all good things come to and END no to a contrst event the oppurutnity for growth ,, as a customer broke my gaze and involved me in sale , the youmt mother was set free of the power of my convictions ,, which she ATTRCTED . and by the time I retunred to sitting with my book she was gone and the pages called my attention once more … reading some one who can realy write well .

Normal people lving what they think is a NORMAL life ,,,, I know for fact that ALL OF THEM at times question that NORMAL but since they never have the chance to SEE FEEL TOUCH TATE THINK ABOUT OR EVEN >>>live any alter native then well all ther is is…..the same old thing getting the same old results ,,the girls flirting later on be fighting later on to be crying and drunk with men who treat them as they have treained men to treat them . allowing for the xperience of a contrast to CREAT a new want ..will you flow young miss with POSSIBLES or just repeat the same old same old … out of fear of the thoughts you use from the 2nd mnd

Contrast helps you to identify desire. Desire is summoning. It's always flowing through you. You have the opportunity of opening to the harmony of the vibration of your desire or not. As the desires are being summoned through you, and you go with the flow, you thrive, but if you use things to be your excuse for not going with the flow, you are arguing for your limitations. We want to show you how to go with the flow. Which means nothing more than finding vibrational harmony with your own desire, and letting the Universal Energy that your desire is summoning to it flow to it through you. It is optimum creative experience--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, October 21st, 2000
The events that just flow as you let the AD VNETURE unfold ,,, everyday in everyway getting better … this time for me of being alone is like my own time for peace to train myself well in ..not using or thinking thru the point of view of another … suing a 2nd mind ,,, now being more and more of 1 mind ..that is a wanted result of all those years a budhist monk will meditate for .. letting the in spirit action lead ..what will happen in 5 years or 10 in 20 how will my today be so changed because of my own time for peace I created …..a page of flow in spirit action in expression ,,, not on the NAV bar but with links on appropate pages for the law of attraction to allow for attraction . what will happen to me in 5 years ? who will I teach and how?

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