Monday, October 26, 2009

be becoming

Be Becoming

This was so perfect I just had to start with it instead of end withit …

All is well, and you will never get it done. Life is supposed to be fun. No one is taking score of any kind, and if you will stop taking score so much, you will feel a whole lot better -- and as you feel a whole lot better, more of the things that you want right now will flow to you. You will never be in a place where all of the things that you are wanting will be satisfied right now, or then you could be complete -- and you never can be. This incomplete place that you stand is the best place that you could be. You are right on track, right on schedule. Everything is unfolding perfectly. All is really well. Have fun. Have fun. Have fun! --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Tucson, AZ on Tuesday, February 20th, 2001
I feel there is not to translate in that word of the sage it is said so clearly .
Now that was weird , and worse almost is I can not find the creature in any search page , there ae not that many swallowtail butterfly groups and espcailly distinctinve as this one birght orange wings and white body ( moth or buttefly )

Now sure a butterfly can like land almost on your nose and it is not a big deal.. it just chooses the leaf right in front of your nose instead of your nose ….. most cool most pretty ,,most DISTRACTING …. And actually that was exactly what I was wanting to ,,get in my here and now more fully ,,, it had been along day I was getting tiered out there in the service personle parking area preparing more paper towels I had way to much time to think … and starting to wish that the house would hurry up and sell ,,,then I remeinded myself ,,no I wanted that 3 years ago ,, and msy times over but each time ti was good it did not ,,, so many good aspects so much learning so much good for the family to … everyone got to get their wings about them … and lfy a way …

So no big fucking deal about a butterfly almost landing on my nose …cool but no big deal ….. cool also in that I had never seen that species before I dig stuff like that fish , bird , animal or bug ,, it dig species ID . and there that butterfly sat on a leaf just inches away from nose as I prepared to retrun to wrk most cool …very distracting very in a now . living in a now is the moral of

Ok so , I head back to the job site some 1000 feet away leaving that butterfly still there beating it wings . , get back to work and get back to thnking about wishing the house would sell , self talking to an realestate adgent ,,no I do not want to LIST the house ,,I WANT TO SELL THE HOUSE …. There is a difference ! if you got a buyer then sell it and we’ll factor in the com . ….. blah blah bla in my head ,,, WHERE AM I when doing that

Am I in my now? On this great estate home … surrounded by some of the most beautiful gardens I have ever seen ( I love this estate home ) ….. am I dreaming about the future ,,, in a dsaydream of digging dirt to make adobe walls ..or getting my cock sucked letting girls be their nature self …. ? where am I ,when I am , re hashing ….. am I in the Tao of eXPANSION … or in the past .. a contraction ? or the now of being ..aware of ……a butterfly …Eexpansion is enevitalbe but joy or bliss in the journey is the reason for being here in the game …. Am I using my time for the OPPURUTUNITY … to achieve just that ….joy of my own design ? I am free to do that … so free I can choose bondage .

Wow …………about 15 minutes inot returning to work …. this is now GOT MY FUCKING ATTENTION …. A butterfly is like 1000th the size of me so I gues ,,1000 feet x the factor of 1/1000the my size would make the ODDS OF THAT MID TO SMALL SIZED bright orange swallowed taild butter fly with a distinctive white body ..for it to fly and land on the window frame where I was just starting to work and would remain actively working sloshing water around , cleaning scarping ,,squeegeing drying ETCETC …. For at least 10 minutes fot htat window grouping ( I left that goup with the butter fly still there opening and closing its wings far fucking out ! ) … what are the fucking ODDS of this ….. 1 Osprey comes running with me every morning not missing a day for a solid week in fact I get out early one day and it fucking catches up with me to fly from telephone pole to telephone pole waiting for me to arrive befoe it flys to the next pole …. ( that was a year ago ) the sea turtle around my dock … I am on the inside of the river not on the ocean sea turtles are most common ocean side ,,, not reiver side … and to see one , the same exact size one so I gues the same one , voer and over for a course of weeks weird …. 3 coral snakes in a week where I had only ever encountered 1 befoe in all my years in the woods … and now the buttefly

What is …it ..when the UN USUAL becomes usual ? and the theme …. Neat thing is ..they all had ASSOCIATED THEME events happening in life … what is the butterflys real theme ….?HERE AND NOW ….. BE HERE AND NOW …. There is stuff to do here and now …

Yep for when I …. Sell move . I will be so focused on that new aspect of adventure , I will not have the freedom to FEEL .. to get the inspiritation of JENSEN .. there is WRITING TO DO … now! … I can feel that , calrifactions on aspects that will become BLUEPRINTS to things up coming ….. for ever changing yes … but here and now is just perfect to allow the assemblage come in words first …
Yesterday is over,,,, tommoroow will come all to soon they say ,,, there is something in important in the NOW …. The relatively short terem ,,,, that relatively short term for me ahs be going on for well 4 years ….. and each year is imporatnat not was , but in my now ..i thank each of those eyasrs for the supporting DATA that I got to experience correleate ..etx.

Some how this writing .. is part again of LESSON PLAN …. The Idea of NOT BRINGING ANY PAST in to the time for peace … … no pics , foto memoriabilaia or anything ,,it is only for 2 years , and if you want to interact with those people in the FOTOS , why not call them in their NOW ,,,, why not go see them NOW ,, their foto is not them …. It is a past ,,go be in the NOW WITH THEM . instead of in a past …. Be the becoming the expansion ..not the PAST … antoher expreince to live to compare to what WAS lived ….. so a person cn really make a better FREE CHOICE living without mirrors ….. like lving a more or less RAW FOODS lie ( except for the chickens and fish , and freah water lobsters , and duck meat and eggs …oppps tossed that VEGAN ideal right out the windown ) but still in harmony with the gifts of a FOOD FOREST . living off grid … living Cash $$$ less …. Living more in aligment with source BODY mind .. flowing bliss

Lesson plan …. I feel resisitance the whispers of SHOULDS mainly social pograming … there have been other aspects I have been letting myself writie about that I feel resiaitnce to also ,, life plans that could unfold but not ones of my CONCSIUOS WANTING but what I let my self WANT consiuosly is often tainted …by the core phrase ,,, AREGUE FOR YOUR LIMITATIONS AND THEY ARE YOURS …. So free to choose bondage …. just kinda weird … not IMPOSSIBLE …. Just LARGER or grander than I expected … to become …. Hmmmmm …… another blue print of lesson plan for … ( I wll have to catalog them )

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