Wednesday, September 30, 2009

rafiki girls -meet master

Rafiki girls - meet master

Okay write the story the way you want it to happen young master …. The 3 rafifki girls want to meet you ! … YOU have presence some where doing some ting that allows them to meet and engage you on their… THIERS terms and time frame ? like me at jaminn in jesnen girls come by and shop and thus engage with me … to return often week after week to let me ,, know subtle intent .. like the girl gorilla living part time in daddys territory part of the jungle the family/harem still as she samples the new young man 3 bannana trees down the jungle who on occasion shows up on the edge of the family and daddy chases him away …. Realize that even though from our HUMAN VIEW and written MYTH about gorilla the newest studys show that villence is SYMBOLIC ….. TAPOUT OR ..UFC OR HUMAN FOOT … MARSHAL ARTS TRAINING or our love of guns ( why? ) … understand who yuare … actually more important is aceept what you want … for wanting is the expansion of Toa , who are to limit that ? WHAT YOU WANT EXPANDS THE POSSIBLES of free choices for everyone to think about compare with their own experiences and the freely choose and think for themselves …. Going back nature KINDA … living the instinct messages KINDA … free choice . who are you to limit the life she will live the experiences she will ive even if you are just the 10 % of change time she needs before expreses her own freedom and then is able to start the nest generation …. To make the changes no longer be the slaves of PHAROH ….

BEING A SLAVE OF PHAROH IS FINE ESPECIAL;LY IF YOU understand the mind fuck .. YOU ARE SO FREE YOU CAN CHOOSE SLAVERY ! the word tool of the sage .

The sage did a ramble once saying …. do not say “I want to be over there ,,, because over here sucks “ and then YOU say to the sage when the sage asks ..WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE OVER THERE not say only this ,,because over here sucks , for the sage will say … ok I listen the UWNATED now tell me about the wanted .tell me the story …. But you say I can’t for I have never been over there … I can not tell you the sotry sage … and the sage will say well then you can not go to a place that you can not tell a story about or think about ..or describe in some way ….. for that means it is a palce which is UNTHINKABLE … describe something no matter how vague … says the sage and the laws of attraction will amened the storyf of you as experience with the story leads to the …the experience of WANTED AND UWANTED dynics ….

The lil’ evidence trails are shop in CLIPS a lil’ from this event reltes to your WANTING and an aspect of another comes form a non relted event over and over , until blief is more strong that doubt and Wayne Dyers word ring true ,, YOU WILL SEE WHEN YOU BELIEVE IT ….. is will just happen naturally

Gorilla does not chase pussy but letts pussy come to him when she is wanting …. The violence of the manipulative chimp and the rsulting hierachial life style of the chimp females use of sex to gain attention of the GOD/KING male in a tribe which sets up jealuslys expressed in future battles between females and the murder of children . and the need passed down from genenration to genenration ..mindlessly …to be part of PHAROHS army to be prepared and in fact worship WARFARE , in terms of OFFTBALL … OR TAPOUT ,,, UFC the study of fighting and the CREATION OF PAIN in other humans as the tool for a person learning self displine or self confidence ? or weight control ? weight control is about realizing that your fingers and hands even what we like to eat , ispart of the DNA expression of our bio mechanics and we have ignored this to eat RATIONS developed to maintain armys ..convient foods for slave populations …. Those ripped out of natures food forests …. Whose hands eveolved to PICK FRUIT FEEL THE RIPES whose sense of smell detects sweetness ….. front teeth desgned to peel and eat fruits and beerrys not rip the hide form water buffola be ACTIVE FORGERS .. expending calories in haromany with social feeding experiences with the family unit ……. Not EFFEICEIENT FOR PHAROHS SLAVES who needed to build his temples and pyraminds.

That was donwer , but ….back into the evidence trail of the lfow … when a GIRL(s) aready to fuck you know from your past young master there is no stopping them just think about your past ,,,the girls you found making house in your house when you came home from work … those couple of times that they were even asleep waiting in your bed ( I came home realy late because I went fishing not knowing there was a friend wating at home to get fucked ) ,,, to a girl you might have met on the road that you knew from online you meet for coffee and since you are staying the night in a motel in her town she invites herself over which of course you wanted anyway so who invited who never clear … to bumping iinto friend at store who could tell I was distracted only to invite me over to her place to eat the icecream she was there buying and you end up fucking all weekend , to the girl who invited herself on a ROADtrip youu were not even planning but went for it anyway ( ROADTRIP ROADTRIP ROADRTRIP) THEN to have her buy the beers because she says that She nneds to loosen up a bit before we settle into the motel room ,,no hint at getting two rooms ….. over and over young master look back at you life and seee how when they are ready for you … seem to be along for HER RIDE … .

Write the story …. In words writin it in picutes …. described the WANST the solutions …the expansive possiblitys you add to the TAO for others to TWEEK eve further and thus expand the IN FI NITE ….

We would focus on everything that mattered to us. It is so satisfying to hold a thought and to find the feeling place and then see the Universe conspire to help you receive it. Oh, co-creation at its best. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Chicago, IL on Sunday, November 1st, 1998
So the flow of energy brings the OBERVALBE world that your SENSORY ROGANS will translate in to your life experience of being …. We all EXTRACT different importance form shared events …. Yet our interaction brings about the ablity to TASTE life from an other view point thus bringing in oppututunitys to EXTRACT a different BETTER AND BETTER or wanto for ourselves . ..the better you feel the more you notice better feeling things , the more you look within each event for EvERYDAy IN EVERYWAY THINGS ARE GETTING BETTER AND BETTER …. The more stable life is and enjoyable is the freedom to choose the MINDSET . so free you can choose slavery

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