Friday, October 30, 2009

each pussy is adding to

Each pussy is adding to

How does source.. your greater connecter with everyone elses greater self .. see miss good pussys ,, voyeurism ahhh young master what a question ,,, life is not the waiting around for things to happen that were sent out into Vibrational Escrow ,,well yes it is but it is waiting not trying to force things. But .the action of living is that which which brings up QUESTIONS that continually amend those wants , not total life powerful questions but little questions of claifying … and these are TOO contrasting events are not big important ones , but , form the describing or thinking positively about the question ,,,,, something is created into the VORTEX of tao ,,,,the un maifesed yet ….. and thru VOYEURISM data is added questions are added … to understand vibrational escrow chec out the Abraham link at

And in the saying out loud for others to think about a questions ,,then all thought in VIBRTINAL ESCROW blend in the … I in I … the answers blend together ,,, a group of thought conscsiuoness that does effect answers you will ..experince as your manifestation arrives with events of the PLAYERS the con creators other people , new oppurutunities of finding answers that suprize and dlieght you so often …. All those little bits of adding to

What is it about those girls who have tasted for themselves the contrastof relationship in ways ..that have left them … wanting GRANDER changes or atleast Aalter native CHANGES , just bummed aT the options they have now , but to grasp or talk , or to meet … would be to go outside of bounds of mental cages … the cages of 2nd mind … I believe , that girl too has a core fear of death around breaking out of the shello of protection ,…. We all stay in line for fear that to leave the CORRCT path may mean loss of job of security etc ….. ahhh all things the MASLOW ideas ,,,, who fucking cares what others think ,,, if you have under control maslow’s hierarchy of needs young master you only NEED CASH because you want cash . FOR ALL OF LIFES BASICS are in ( more or less ) your control well matures ..haronmy expressions , that have evidence trails of billions of years of going on and on …. Plants just fucking grow , even chickens ducks and guinea hens they realy do not need my care they can easy to become wild given som form a good home …. And you gave them that …in the site plan . your housing comfy nature based … BUT THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE the fear of realy talking or even exploring ideas for the fear of what others may say or think about even exploring the ALTER NAITVE … so voyeurism is next bes thing .

Hmmmm form source looking at things from broader perspective … .. I asked why ,,, and why is not improtatn ,, what ever her reasoning miss good pussy ,,,, well it serves her from inside the cage she lives , and that is answer enough for me to feell good about her choice to … smile coyly ,,, and just walk on by …. The day will come , in fact from the energy of reader thought also . the larger dynamics chsnges , when I see the amount o hits to vision board page …. That is each person adding to my creation …. Their won creation .. and extra energy to mine .

A mind once exposed to an idea will forever calculate that new option inot the formation of solutions ,,,,, instinctualism will come into mind of all the … miss good pussys , who … in their voyeurism expose themselves to the ALTERNATIVE . …and that is an energy that actually supports me , it supports ..any and all miss good pussy who , feels her contrast ..ACUTELY enough …. Get out side of her box , the nergy flow of …. The whole , supports her FEELING good in her new exploration of ….. instinctualism . s source see it as ,,, a very good? Like always just gotta step back far enough to see the good .

You cannot look at that which you do not want and not join and perpetuate that vibration. Take your attention from that which is not in harmony with who you are, and in taking your attention from it, your "now vibration" will adjust to who you really are, and then you can uplift others.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Portland, OR on Tuesday, June 10th, 1997
Stepping inot the limite ( yes always limited because human barin is limited to processing only 2 gigs per now ) stepping inot the mind frame of BRAODER perspective when it feels good to , is jus that …… taking attention from the unwanted by seeing the positive aspects if not for you atleast in the allowing of OTHERS their won free choice to find positive in it .

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