Saturday, October 24, 2009

white tiger

white tiger

Young master ,,when the UNUSSAUL Becomes USUAL ..stop and thin it over and figure out the gifts …. All of them .

So I find myelf having supper with 2 girls at the end of work …. It is a big commercial job , a regurlar account friendly place FEMALE DRIVEN … 3 men have their names on the Door but the women run it . it is the end of the day Friday ..the office has emptied I have about fifiteen minutes left to do , when this lil brunette who I know comes out an says PHIL stop come in and eat ,,,no saysing no like you always do we have a plate already made for you …… hmmmm interesting ,,, people are friendly and if I ate all the food my customers offered to feed me I would weight 300lbs … and it is very common at this locale that when they have the very regular catered lunches .. I get sent out plate like it or not …. They got great kitchen/lounge … I dutifully stop work and go inside to find herself and other yong wome I know from the office all of us have nice roast chicken sandihcihes cheeses humus chip salad … not a full dinner but a nice supper … I know I ain’t needing to cook tonight .

These two are both very young but both up and coming in this creative company where your degree is less important than … so I have known both for about year , and the young one who asked me in I knew from last month was dumping her boyfriend iw as some how brought into the discussion in the office about it back then so I ask how it went ,,,and off the talk and talk goes … ohh the other girl has a lil boy there are sublte dynimacs present ..a difference between a woman with child and woman who may want one someday let me y girl 1 ( no baby ) girl 2 baby …

1 some how brought up the baby aspect …. As I was on about how life changes and will keep on changing I was ina SAGE mood ..the the game never ends ..change keep happening … only to stop whenyou transisiton or die ,,, I stayed very true , to SAGE wording even if it meant being asked what I meant by TRANSITION INSTEAD of deth ..
then girl 2 goes on with …an example of when the UNusual Becomes usual .. it is a sign and girl 1 brings up a new aspect of her learning an new teacher …. A guide astrologer who has told her that her dreams areimportant and that she is spiritual , 20 bucks for this visit please … type of guide though … so give her info about ABRAHAM …. Nonphysical toa ..source …. Number 2 is steeped in her church but opne to like she said SIGNS ….
OHHHH both are single ..well number 2 is not single she is dating ..she is the other woman to a powerful player in their industry she has been pinning her hopes on him leavinghsi wife for almost 2 years now , I guess it works for both to me it is kinda sad…here is time … inher eyes when we have talked over the year or so we have been talking …. I can see that her yes TALK ,, before she responds , to me about almost anything or even more to co-worker , you can se her BRAIN CALCULATE her response …… girl 1 …not near as much …

And I got thinking the MOTHER INSTINCT , she has to make sure her baby is taken care of no matter what the higher she moes up in RANKING in job in income etc ..the safer her child is ……. Ahhhhhh the EVE …. Spirit …. Hmm I am cool with this ..sound INSTINCTUAL securing good food supply like finding a good gorilla with lots of banana trees …..

Now girl 1 on the same topic after she brings up when we get to talking about changes I was on the change of her leaving her looser boyfriend LOVE MY ASS … aftrer a while a smart open her eyes and realizes it … and actually both girls like most girls atually.. have their eyes open ,,, even those in relationships the numbers are that 90% non marriage will fail ..they have open eyes
Back to #1 and baby ….. she understood me when I brough the idea of having some form of lock on maslows hierarchy of needs …kinda if did not go inot but her instinct to self judge or pick her words duiring our conversations was noticeable as compared to girl 2 that has child already …

Where am I going with this …well this is my future ….. enteringinto NO SEXUAL DISCOURSE on varied life topics ..with girls ….. yet finding that sex and realtionahip and family ..and spirit and tao ….. etc all come into play … because we are sexual … oooht he sex came in with girl 2 and her times with her married man …. The sparks , the idea of him going bak to his wife , the newly single girl not missing sex because it had cooled down with her boyfriend anyway , but being single was already strating to suck because …wel girl like to be ….

I did not look for this nice supper or conversation and company ..or anything yet it was handed to me on my lap ….

Ohh the pussy and the tiger .. iwas trying to help girl 1 clean up her vibration in a dream state that her for profit guide said was so important ….. she wanted to change the dream image ,, so I repeated the words of the SAGE … you can get what evr you want …by just wanting it ….. so I did a 17 seconds combustion of thought exercise with her after teaching to allow herself to choose a new dream …. That she realy liked ,,it was strange , she said I CAN CHOOSE? I CAN HAVE WHAT EVER I WANT ? yes you can choose and have what vver you want ,,but I remeinded her about classic PYSHIHCS and the laws of motoin a body in motion stays in motion until acting upon by other forces … your new wanting is that force but you have years of momentum tied to this repeating dream form you want to change …so the summoning of the tiger will expressin many forms maybe first it will be in the expreince OF ….. when the UNUSAUL BECOME USAUAL … I said just notice over the days if you see more tigers , white or any tiger tigers on tv , or in fotos or stuffed animals outside of TIGGERS ther are too many tigggers … notice any evidence trail relting to the siberian white tiget of your wanting …. ,,then look deeper into the dream state to see if the tieger starts to show up and if so …let it EAT the problem thoguth form since you kinda want the tiger to do that anyway ….

I got GREAT EXPERINCE CONFIDNECE BUILDING experience with cute lil’girls inexactly the things I want for my future ..ohhhh sex yesYES SURE … that seems to always happen to me …. But the full wholistic life aspect tooo ….. in a resepectful conversation where they did not have to give up their Beleifs.. nor be combative with me being on the other side of the wall in heaven calling them forward ,,just climb over expand thnking as I brought them inot thnking UNTHNKABLE HTOUGHTS …

For I believe really young master it is girls like THESE , who will really be the ones to DRAW you over the wall , too ,,then my words will become of value ..after a girl is the one saying to you… BECOME MASTER EXPAND ….. I want to leave the RAT RACE AND SHIT I AM LIVING …and have not a WORTHY MAN to call master by my free choice . Expand or I will IGNORE YOU OUT of my FIELD OF FOCUS …..

(OK READER IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THIS BEFORE ….I WILL SAY IT ANGAIN JUST LIKE IN TWISTED INSTINCT MY PUBLISHED WORK … I PROPERLY FICTIONALIZE CHARACTERS OF MY WRITINGS .. it would be cruel not to ! .. a jamming in Jensen person will be a congolmerartion of girls .. 1 asking about this, one introducing herself herself , one questions about my reading there ,,whateer unitl I am able to disguise the girls of my topic enough that I feel that even if some one were to watch every person who talked to me they could never ever pin point that 1 person I get insprired to write about . and so to it is with these 2 girls ….. ) but that makes it no les important in the aspect of the core issues and events …. Strange how I can let myself srite in stream of C and have this protection event just happen ….. source energy is a loving energy stream , becaue I am suprized often in the quality of the disguise that I wrote …. Like I am suprized at the words that flow also . ) smile smile girls just in case you are reades …. I am not a hidden person I have a decade of openeness here in my PARIS …. many many know my life and what I am I often wonder who am I interacting with …. It is OK FOR ME TO EXPSOSE MY SELF but not ok to force that on another . I guess that is ANOTHER evidence trail of me getting my deepest wanting ….. because I do not like another normal happy huan to hurt another even by accident …… we are good loving animals ..not the evil ones who NEED RESEMPTION from a Saior to be worthy of GOD /KING A AND THE DKINGDOEM OF …HEAVEN …for there is no where else to go like Buddha knew and tried to teel ..ther is no where else to go but back to SOURCE …. The I in I ….. good things are good and yu R good so good things ………….. are a free choice of yours to experience . do you get it young master ? maye more important do you yung miss … so you do it ? for I am understanding more that you … you will IN SPIRIT ACTION young MASTER TO BECOME WHAT IS CAPAPBL;E OF HIS ……………. INSTINCT . a harmony for both of you and kids to boot !

You can be happy or sad, it doesn't matter. You get to choose. You can go this way or that way. You get to choose. Figure it all out as you go. There's not one right path. There are many right paths. Do anything you can do -- which means think it or speak it or do it -- that makes you feel a little better.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Sunday, October 10th, 1999
INSTINCTUALISM is a Holistic ...... STYLE OF LIVING1 more choice to look at , in this world full of choices to freely ........ choose from !

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