Wednesday, October 14, 2009

good girls swallow

Good girls swallow

Young master ,,, the fact THAT if I am feeling it then most likey I have made a choice to think with 2 minds not be in 1 mind and I get ….dis cord …… makes the wrong vibration . and it is all aobut VIBRATION . so , I have adream an idea something worthy I believe and it is only when I think thru the ..eyes or brainof others who I care about I ever feel any discord about what I am thinking or planning ,,, hell actuall not even PLANNING sometimes as letting it flow without ..RESISTANCE into my awareness … ( you will have to go thru a lot of words before you understand the title )

As long as I am …close to 1 MIND ,,, with my own mind … I am happy on the river going down stream with lots of OPPURUTUNITY for experience to TWEEK the actuall events . or me philip vander mude are not important in an of themselves , just 1 more ..being coming and going ..the being-ness OF AN ART OR IDEA BE IT A Jackson Pollack PAINTING OR A STREAM OF ideas like or a bait and tackle store … not important yet they give the OPPURUTUNITY for expansion towards the BETTER of individuals who have attracted …that being-ness INTO their life experience . 1 more spice in the kitchen of the unverse …… my writings using the words of the SGA , or zhuangzi , or my slant on Buddha ,,, or my stream of DATA on supporting science that leans towards the INSTINCUTAL NATURE OF HUMANITY …. And how that may be a free choice towards moving into better and better feeling places for an indidivual .

to not express that to move towards that just because I still feel the need to PLEASE others ,,other who I can never realy please . you can not please any one … YOU DO NOT FORCE PLEASURE UPON anyone , you only allow them to EXTRACT it from interaction with you ..or not … have you ever TRIED HARD to make someone happy but they are in such a fucked up mood nothing you could do would make them smile? See YOU DO NOT FORCE ANYTHING ….. you allow them to EXTRACT what is pleasing for them …

so I have not ..RESPONDSIBLITY for the feelings of another .in theier choice of what they are EXTRACTING from their life experiences . they have a kitchen full of SPICE .. to add to their pie …. They can taste me or not free choice .

when I think about he feelings of OTHERS I lose myself and I feel discord , I LOOSE MY HIGH MY PASSION MY DELIGHT , MY POSITIVE EXPECTATION . ahh this is part and parcel of involving close friends or family to much in your personel world …. If they want to know they will attract themselves to where you are if not … all their shoulds that travel thru your head or mine …. An th DIS CORD of that is my INNER/GRATER being saying YO ! shithead I am talking to you … you are now not of 1 MIND but of …. TWO your and that pther persons and you have noPOWER in their creation only yours …. You are a secondary player in their experience . get back INTO YOUR OWN MIND …. Get back into anything about that flow that feels good and true to you , and be TRUE to what makes youu feel go do not live thru the FILTER of ANOTHER MIND … which ain’t yours to use anyway ….

Omen ,,,things you have attacted to get your attention to make you stop and ponder why ..why .. hwy is the UNUSAUL usual ? what am I not listening to in myself that MYSELF greater or inner self ,is making sure I NOTICE something . this law of attraction teaching has been around since JESUS …. Ask and it is given knock and the door shall be opened ,,,faith of the mustard seed to move mountains …. I have a book passed down my family line from the 1800s same story …. Belief .
I have felt in my first bike 2nd bike the first boat I made especaill yin the CREATION of my second boat , using the pop pysh. Stuff my mom was teaching me …. I saw a boat at like 13 and said I WANT THAT BOAT , well at fifteen I found that same boat same color same motor forsale at a good price and it even came with a free car ( as far as I ws concerned for I wanted the boat at that price ) to tow the boat . cool ….to owning a bait and tackle store on FEDERAL HWY in Miami Fl a fishing capital of the world , if your loved FOOTBALL playing for the Jets or Dolphins or 49er getting paid to play ball ..well to a fisherman being guide or bait shop owner ,,in a MAJOR CITY on a major road ,is being in the biggest pro league you can get short of your own TV show . and I did have a daily TV spot , plus a line of my manufactured products on the shelves of my competors thru out the country …… livng here on this waterfront street , I got lost on this street once and said to myself this would be a cool place to retire from the store to and go commericail fishing and tie jigs again ,,, and I did that ….. just letting things flow .over and over things I wanted came . always do ….

And only when I let myself think more about their ..ideas recommendations concerns about things do I ever have any probems wioth a project .for then I am not in 1 MIND . but 2 ….. when I am following most purely my own GAMBLE … I FIND NO GAMBLE IN IT … I find learning and experiences in it which I alter along the way based not upon the 2nd mind BUT 1 MIND .
Yeah but
Yeah but
yeah but
each yeah but is you thinking thru the 2nd or 3rd or 4th minds …….. it is an old drriled in habit … a deeply rooted habit like smoking cigs …. Like how you put on your shoes … trained in from day one …. And it does not serve you . for your actions as long as they are from the place of …moving towards feeling better and you are not deeply TWISTED by the effects of the 2nd 3rd and 4tha level of mind … MANIPULATED your actions will be in harmony with GOOD NATURE natural to the suceesful species homind human .

what will life be lke in 20 or 30 or 40 years of this continued writing …. Of expsosing myself to you young mster in greater and greater ways in more varied associations , always able to explore the vents in writing ..what does it PROFIT ME

WHAT DOES IT PROFIT ME ? hmmm for this I need a coffee … and smaoke , for automactically I sense the 2nd and 3rd minds …… for why do I NEED PROFIT ? as long as I am following my bliss …. Smiling excited ready to go ? great ideas great plans with each will come the TRUTH and thus the oppurutuniy to TWEEK my approach …. To get what I want ..what do I want .?
I have always ended up be a teacher of sorts ….. fishing or whatever even in sales I taught the benefits of the stuff I sold …. As a parent I taught …. I teach by being out there some where doing something and letting us INTERACT on your term … the PATH started by TWISTED INSTINCT those 4 years ago … I needed al FULL LIFE to get to the point to be able to VOICE …. And even though my voice is not a sonnet from shakespeare …. Neither ws my method of teaching fishing equal to bill dance ….

If we were honeslty only of 1 mind ONLY 1 TEACHER WOULD BE NEEDED . said the sgae ….. how many churches in lil Jensen beach to preach the SLANT on the words of the sage from 2k years ago now called Jesus … 11 different building and many fulltime employess ……

How does it profit me …. I do not need profit …. I have , well will have again recreate once more a DAY JOB ….. a church has a few 100 people on average arrive at the doors to learn from a teacher …… when I write regularly and I am on a good flow …. I get a 1000 a day 7 day a week world wide coming to my door …..
THAT IS PURPOSE ENOUGH TO KEEP DOING exactly what I have been doing …. Hell that is moe people per day than I would make smile at PBT in Miami per day excluding big holdays maybe .
I force nothing but I give the oppurutunity TO THINK FOR YOURSELF …. Abou issues and ideas … LOCKED and HIDDEN in the confuse and conquer as described ALLUDED TO … in the MYTH written by AEROSTOPHINES . as the GOD’s said … “this will have the advantage of making them more profitable to us” the god the PHAROH …. Knew that the confusion of SEX of love of soul mate ..would make us easier to control . creating the mind fuck ..the terrible lie of NIN that causes

The 3 girls I over heard today want to either SNORT OR SWALLOW ..whatever PHARMIES they had ….. bummer she said as they bumped up before returning to beauty school out back .. I used get them 2 for 20 not it is 4 for 50 or 20 each . they are just trying in their ocnfsuion to FEEL BETTER ….. ahh good girls swallow …. But there is some other thing you girls can swallow that will make you feel BETTER and BETTER also ….. if it were not so FUCKED UP IN …. Social confusion .

So the hints keep flowing my way …. I bumped inot a broker who has a great market idea of my house the where the how and the who all made it to be 1 of the EXTRACTION events I should take notice of omen ? when the unusal becomes usual … then I bumped into online a 6.5 acres I had been tracking months ago to find it is still on the market now even more reduced the …. I realized in a flashof IN SPIRIT ACTION of thougt only ….hey …. at the door step to a waterfront nature park where I can invite people to come dig the PERMACULTURENESS OF instinctualism thru the bargain pricing of running GUIDEDTRIPS on that state park water feature . that already draws people from far and wide … …. Way far fucking out I AM BACK IN THE RCREATION BUSINESS without the strss of depending on it for my actuall cash flow …. And I get to expose ALTER NATIVE or instinctualism … why have never thought about that before I gues those were the sail boats on the vision board in fact not just 1 foto but 2 …… the hints . the data , that day by day coreelate into belief ,,, for nothing can come to you outside of BELIEF .

When you withdraw your attention from those things that are not pleasing, and you put your attention upon those things that are pleasing, those pleasing things begin to become more abundant, and those not-pleasing things become more rare. Until, eventually, those not-pleasing things cannot be part of your experience because you will have eliminated your attraction factor from your vibration... What you think and what you get always matches.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Sunday, July 31st, 2005
Hey if you got a bad back cast in fly fishing you gotta explore that unwanted to understand it so you can get better….. then , as you are more focused on the pratice of of suceess ,,the problem becomes a memory only useful in helping some new learner later on . so it is all good to go over the unwanted , the ties to 2nd 3rd or 4th minds ,,, but do no fight them , use them to focus on the sultion so they can be fogetten .

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