Tuesday, September 30, 2008

friendship fuck

Friendship Fuck
Young master ,,being THEIR frind …. Is STATICALLY a bad plan ..because on average she does not become emotionally involved or sexuallt involved with her FRIEND …you are in a COMPARTMENT of her mind where sexual activity does not happen ….
It has been a long time since we talked about mental compatments of the female mind … the evovlution of this tool came about as a result of her having to change MASTERS during her life ,,,we …DIED DEAD game over back in the TAO ,,the lion or tiger ate our asses ….but our DEFENSIVE actions allowed the girls to escape to safety ,,, often splitting up , and while the predetor ate the MOLECULES we used for time space adventure to gain nourshment so they to could continue their eperince of TIME SPACE ….that preditor animal … no value judgement jus the understanding of this PLAYGROUND ..and your body ,,, you know that there is nO ATOMS in your body that are over 7 YEARS old …. In fact you are always aseven year old…understanding the YOU ,,as a part of the … I - in - I I believe does help you dumbass because then you can FEEL how this whole PLAYGROUND is TITLED toward the state of WELLBEING with the OPPURUTUNITY to experience live cat dead cat ,,contrasting events to allow you to FEEL …and choose …. Between flavors or things you WANTO do.
So I refer you again to ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html a mental exercise to break your awareness from your connection to this BIO machine to feel yourself as a part of the UNTHINKABLE .and then to …… http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html and the EMOTIOANL guidance scale that feeling that VIBE that message from the inner you who is choosing freely from events and things that YES WITHING THE LIMITS OF YOUR INSTINCT your DNA design ,,, you get to choose between the WANTED AND UNWANTED …now …realize the freedom you have so free you can choose slavery …
Mr. I don’t know of Jensen beach last week ….. Gave me a word of wisdom from his toa ,,, he was palying the part of MR. I KNOW BUT I CAN’T SAY … and the yellow emproror…. When he said ….
I WANT EVERYTHING …… I NEED NOTHING …. I AM FINDING the wants in each of my ..NOWS.
The needing of nothing is important …… you do not need her ! … to need is to choose slavery . Wanting her COOL yes that is natural and good ,,being happy with our her is being in the FLOW of positive expectation and then generating a more psotive energy flow for your fufutre to FORMAROUND …
But back to you being the friend of the GIRLS around you …. The stats are like 90 /10 she ends up dating a guy who is a totall stranger ,,that is why I had coached you in the past about working a ten foot ciricle and putting yourself out in life … in the real world where you come into contact with many girls … and working the numbers games . And understanding learning realizing that in this culture which is so UNNATURAL and since you currently are striving to excell within this ….world and not do the TOUR OF DUTY and build a HAREM LIFE STLYE … iwlll suggest then the learning of DATINGS sKILL SETS … http://www.instinctualism.org/dating.html and here …. Again I what I told you over the phone last night …. You are doing the FRIEND THING but ….but ..do not become her GIRLFRIEND ….. No be a MALE … yet a mle who is concerned for another human being ….. We humans are friendly animals honeslty you can be concerned for her well being and PLEAASANT without becoming her BUDDY ….
So she is pain because of the BREAK up and just as you would be concerned about anyone you saw who had just fallen down and was injured attempting to helpo them natural humanity ..we like to help each other …
Tell her you learned or saw this done on some TV show …. And it will help her get over the pain of the break up …. It is CALLED NLP …. Go ahead tell her what you are doing ,,remember as we like to help each other she like s to learn from each other …. BUT SHE ALSO DOES NOT ON AVERAGE FUCK HER TEACHER ..she will fuck her MASTER …. If she finds you confident enough to lead her … and confidence is buit AFTER AFTER you ride the skateboard … AFTER YOU have practiced and fucked up a few times …. ( and remember you will find 100’s of girls druing your life with broken hearts ,,, 99 percent of all dating relationship FALL APART and over 6 in ten commited marriages FAIL …. Brokenhearted girl are ..EACH GIRL you ever see ,,, it is just a matter of time before the UNINSTINCTUAL stress of the 1 on 1 causes another COLLAPSED relationship yand you can do this for her helping her and PLACING YOU IN A NEW A DIFFERENT AND SPECIAL PLACE IN HER MIND . That comaprtimentlized mind ,,, one for friends , one fro family one for lovers one for husbands one for children ..///
Have her close her eyes , refer to the PRO you saw or heard this from …tell her to see her boyfriends face smiling one of those HAPPY MEMEOIRIES …the reason why you loved him so much … ON THAT blank screen on the back of her eye lids , and put a guilded GOLDEN frame around this image …. Give a 5 count ( count in your head sliently) the move on EXPECT THAT SHE WILL FOLLOW ALONGS ..we humans DO FOLLOW along we like STORY TELLERS watchin movies or listening to music ALL following along activity ..
Now teel her to move his pictuyre out of the frame moving it off to the right ON DOWN toward the bottom of the movie screen and inside the frame seee …. A place in NATURE … let your mend pass thru a 100 vaction spots and times …lead her on to free her imagaination up …. WE are sto TRAINING even to not hope for good things to happen to us that we will not even allow ourselves to day dream …. So GUIDE HER … suggest sunrises , beach scens palm tress wide open private beaches ,,,, lush green tropical mountains islands …where ever you could ever dream dream about spending a great vacation …. Maybe this year maybe later DURING SPRING BREAK in your 3rd year of college …. Later after you have gotten that better job and you cash flow will be beetter enough for you to goo away for a few weeks ,,pick a realy great exciting natural
PRIVATE location ….. ( do a 5 count …)
Now as you are leading her thru the options … beach … or sunset ,,, reinforce this gently ,, and the picture of your BORE friend … say bore friend … fast as to not ACEENT the bore the SUB C. picks up on the association because of her curent mental of pain EMOTIONAL GUIDANCE … telling her to move on to look for new passions …. Her brain will agrre with BORE FRIEND ,,, he will become less interesting and THUS less of a pain to LOSE … honestly remember her INNER being had wanted the break up as much as he did …. It is just that she had been living not feeling her emotional guidance during thr elationship she was living based on SHOULDS and she SHOULD have a boyfriend ….. That is what gives many many girls a SENSE OF SELF identity ….. Being someones’ anyones girls friend .
So .. Refer to the bore friend as ..his picture is getting smaller and less DEFINED moving off down to the right hand corner of the screen as you are now FREERE and freer to choose which picture is the best and happy , and warmest feeling place you could ever dream of being at ….. Keep up the PATTER …. People love to follow to escape … describe ,, the isalnad mountain and be excited ,,,, and happy , then refer to the bore friend with a DULL tone of voice … and now says its pictures is becoming BLACk and white in fact like afuzzy gray …. Do not spend or get her focus to much on that touch on his the BORE friends image as becomein unrecognizable quickly and move her back to the WANTO of her current NOW her new passion … do the bore friend thing 3 or 4 times he should be almost invisible by now …. And now do the 5 count to let her bask in the glory of ther SPECIAL place ….then anchor her to YOU . A FRIENDLY HUMAN MALE BUT NOT HER buddy
Feel that HERE now …. And touch her WRIST or ponky finger with 2 of your fingers or EVEN BETTER is to put your hand over hers …. Off and ondruing the whole patter and when you say ….feel that HERE now . Gently squeeze her hand ..REMEMBER the hand ….
Now anchor three times …. The first was general …. The next time you continue to patter about that special place as being PRIVATE ( private always brings up SEX in the human mind and she is female very very sexual animal , remember she BLEEDS monthly for sex …. So reinofrce RPVATE and lead her again to …feel that HERE now ….. And then a third time of saying it can happen any time you can have this WONDER feeling any time … just by closing your eyes and thinking a bout feelinthis wonder ful feeling HERE now …
What you did is instill …a trigger ..her body if you touch her hand in a like manner will automatically feel the flood or relaxtion …. Postive expectation …. Privacy which is alluding to sex … and this is alll done with the underlying JOY of the GOOD Tiems she had with an IMPROTNAT PERSON OF HER PAST ,,, they must be respected as a PAST ..they being the OLD COUPLE now …. Gone … just a faded memory but the feelings of happiness are still possible .
This is helping someone WHO stumbled get bak on their feet ,,, if you sway some on fall you would help them back UP ,,, help them pick up their grocerys or book bag make sure they were OK .correct? You are a nice human this is mentally doing the same thing …..
Only you anchored your voice and presense to wonder POTETNALTS FURTURE EXPERINCES in her mind and in her body … you have done a good thing. Want everything …expect NOTHING . Enjoy now

Monday, September 29, 2008

wassabi sex

Wassabi sex
Young master have you experienced the eating of SUSHI yet , well it is not as much about the food value
, or the flavor or the friendship or going the the Sushi Place ,,but the use of a DRUG ….. Wassabi is a very intereting SPICe ,,it is way fucking hot it clears the NOSE makes breathing easier and gives a person a head rush …. Due to the release of ….endorphine ….. The timed BUMP of each piece of SUSHI and the acompaniny PAIN OF IT ….. Releases controlled levels of enorhines… see WASSBI is so UNCOMFORTABLE and the release of th enodorphine to conteract this UNCOMOFT the body is experiencing ….. Well the relase is more than the lasting effects of PAIN from the Wassabi ..so if the USER ..eats their wassibi properly they can establish what AMOUNTS TO MORPHINE DRIP …. SELF ENDUCED …. And aDDICTIVE .( yet natural )
This peptide is an endogenous opiod biochemical compound, better known as an endorphin. Notice that the scientific name of this compound has the root opioid, meaning that it belongs to the group of chemicals known to most people as opiates. The use of opiates is stigmatized in our society because drugs such as heroin, methadone and morphine, which are highly addictive, are part of the opioid family. Yet, the endorphins that are naturally produced in our bodies are of a very similar structure, and therefore have a similar function as the aforementioned drugs
Ok yesterday ,,,,, I talked aobut he confsion felt when you maybe PRESENTED with a CHICK who NEEDS TO BE punnished for acting NATURALLY wanting to get that wet little pussy FUCKED ,,, to have herself used ? No YIN AND YANGED … fucked …. INTERACTING as nature designed with a male … but because of her PROGRAMING HER brain washing the mind started due days of sweet cute inoccense ,,,, “ no w I lay me down to sleep I pray the lord my soul to keep “ ….. the compounding of this lead to her not understanding her own NATURE and in her frustration , and based in INCORRECT sexual training ,, she needs PUNSIHMENT TO FINALLY …SUBMIT TO PENENTRATION . http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html on the page ……. http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html right there at top is a book calld the loving DOM
Think about it like learning the skills of a good SUSHI CHEF ….. Understanding the HIGH OF enodrphines … then takes the CONFUSION of HURTING THAT WHICH your nature is SWORN to tprotect out of the equation ….. You become the artist of ENDORPHINE and Enkephalins production ,, stimulating the production of these pure complex naturally occuring HIGHS ,,, yet not allowing yourself to EXPRESS REPRESSIO:N ..yep the SADIST who is a eal sadist has lost contact with his INSTINCTUAL SIDE ,,,,, he is expressing his ANGER at being forced to live out side of his nature ,,with out a “ GOOD BOY “ way of expressing the DNA self ,,in fact being told humans are above animals and we hav eno instincutal nature which is so much BULLSHIT that stems back to the ages of MYSTICS of the beginning when mankind claimed it self to be SONS of GODS ……. Limited GODS who can be described in books or graven images .
Your sue of the RIDING crop , the multi tailed floger ,,, your use of restrainst to generate ,, that traped feeling in her so submission can happen so that in the traped state the animal is right at the level of expecitng something bad and the ENDORPHINE FLOOD is always ready to be dripped …DRIPPED into the human blood flow …
That is the place of the loving Dom …. On top of the allowing her to release her sexual nature to be the GOOD GIRL which she was trained to believe was a BAD girl needing pusnishment …. http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/0806524006/ref=sib_dp_pt/002-6094049-6313649#reader-link now this book the joys of FEMALE sexual surrender …… is a great reading for you and every girl you meet ,, for her to have a more complette understanding of her SELF her OWN FREE CHOICE …. Does she like , hamburger ,,california rolls , chocolate ice cream …. Coke or pepsi ,,,, spider rolls …. Lots of ginger or none ….. Does she not yet understand …..FREE CHOICE do you understand ..how much the progrmaing that stateed with the CUTE inccocent baby trusting wanting to smile and be smiled back at … the baby NEEDING DEPENDING ON giants FOR LIFE … NEEDS SMILES … it generates smiles that is it’s ITS instincutal niche to make sure the parents continue to feed and care for it …. …..the relaxtion oand peace from a sleeping baby the JOY OF A c hilds laughter ….. The feeling of being needed and loved … by the child …this whole EPOCH of your life was tainted with the EXPECATION that your mom and dad would do like the countless parents before ehtme and INSTILLY YUOU WITH ….the beginning of your life long mind fuck…. Thru little cute words and FEAR OF DEATH ….. Thinking aobut OURSELVES A S SEPERTED FROM THE TAO instead of being in adream of living inside the TAO ,. Understanding the I - in - I that all the rest of living creatures still are connected … even many humans cultures are still connected to . But instead we teach words of fears ..now I lay me down to slepp I poray the lord my soul to keep IF I DIE before I wake ,, I pray the lord my soul to take ….. Why pray the lord my oul to take … or else go to EHLL and pusnish ment of not serving PHAORH …… teach FEAR young .
This is all part of …… learning about , you dumbass ….. Your nature to love and protect the family YET YOUR NATURE TO PUSSY CRUSH her …. To cram you hard cock in her …. And her NATURE TO ENJOY JUST THAT ACTION ,,see she is DESIGNED TOI SUBMIT TO PENENTRATION ./… it is her nature to take it … so the DOM/sub of YOU MALE sexually dominating her is very instinctual … the current ..use of ENDORPHINES on your part … to create a DRUG DRIP thru power swapping , further confuses her to become the DOM ,,to become a SADIST …. Which is her won expresion of confusion …. In GETTINGB ACK at you actually for the instillment of the TWISTED INSTINCT STATE http://www.lulu.com/content/2019732 link to the book twisted instinct …
NO ANSWERS HERE YOUNG MASTER only topics and threads of thoughts for you to REALIZE for yourself … what the fuck has been going on !

Sunday, September 28, 2008

slap me you pussy

Slap me you pussy
Young master ,,, Movies must have Mass GENERAL APPEAL ,,, it is about making $$ right that the moive is made and put on the big screen then sold into DVD rights ETC coreect ….. Ot insure the LAREST POTENTIAL income it must appeal to the largest audences ….
Comedy ONLY WORKS , if the people watching it can RELATE to it ,,, they must in some way have had some EXPERINCE with the events that the comedy is …POTRAYING …. And EMBARASSMENT laughing at one OWNSEL:F self is the theTRUTH about comedy …. We see ourselves our won weakness our OWN flaws there on the xcreen or on atage …. And since it is not US THIS TIME we can laugh about it and release some of our OLD PAINS AND STRESSES related to that topic ….
The pains and stresses are because of CONfusion ..we humans are PLEASERS …. We asre group social animals which have lengthy childhoods …. Forcing long terms SOCIAL bonds ….
THE HEART BREAK KID with Ben Stiller …what a great movie to explore the reality that most of us ,,,, westernized humans … Dna flesh and blodd ,,,, hard on dripping with white sperm to pussy dripping with monthyly blood flows ,,, us ANIMALS …. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html that mature sexually in our teens ….. Have babies in those teens quite often ,,,the REALITY has NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING to do with the NUMBER of CONTROL forced upon ….. Us ,,the number 18 ……
This movie shows examples of the I LOVE YOU SLAVE EFFECT of sexual control of a 1 on 1 relationship ,,,, in very GRAPHIC uncomfortable comedy that the average person can FEEL yet maybe not understand or relte to the controls that their DNA lfesh and blood human animl is bieng forced to live ,,,the cohersion and control the maniuplation …. Of one characters mantra ,, A HAPPY LIFE IS A HAPPY WIFE …. THE movie touches on so many aspects of DATING and dating stress and FUCKING stress and MARRIAGE STRESS ,,,, and divorce stress …. It ALL is there to be seen again with new eyes of understanding yourself not only releaseing that stress in laughter ,,but understanding ,,,now THAT IS ME! …. Do you like it ? http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html it dates back to this era and before … old fairy tale ideas usefull for certain percentages of the population ….. Grand mom’s of history making sure they used the SEXUAILTY of grand daughters to ADVANCE politically ….
And why ? It stems for the programming …. Of a COMPANY who wanted to gain a 10% tax from all the people of the land ..for their service of reconnecting you with that ..which they TAIGHT TO YOU ,,, lied to you about ….. You connection with your OWNSELF your inner self ,,,the … I - in - I ….. by starting it off young with out understanding genenration after generation bought into the SLAVATION of the PROFESSIOANL CLASS . The learned calss the SLAVE master classs …. And to not follow the direction of that class meant you may not be allowed to EVEN LIVE in ages past …. Kinda like in times of the INQUSITION … to not train your children young was to risk , problems with everyone else in town …. So each generation was taught the rules of living in this CULTURE ,,this culture ..remember the savage ..the aborignal humans of many lands saw themselves as just another animal … part of the flow of nature ,,we do not own mother earht ..the american idin chief said …
It started with words like this …. NOW I LAY ME DOWN DO TO SLEEP , I PRAY THE LORD MY SOUL TO KEEP ….. Reinforced with hugs and smiles ,,the words not understood by the child but repeated due to postive and negative reinforcements …smiles or angers if they disrespected the GOD . Training that lead to acceptance of more complex social controls as the human grew and related it body functions with being DIRTY .
SLAP ME YOU PUSSY ,,, I have been a bad girl ,,,in her confusion ,,,of wanting what her pussy WETS for ,,, wanting that feeling of being FILLED ,,,her vacuum a hole is a s vacuum , and nature ABHORS A VACUMM … the human pussy wets in INVITATION OF penentration http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html ..but what about the SLAP ME ISSUE the TWISTED instinct to want to be PUNSIHED FOR EXPRESSING NATURAL HUMAN DESIRE FOR …SEXUAL recreation ….WHY ? I have touched on it on this page ,,, the addictions page because it manifests very often to the levels of ADDICTIONS in you young master and her … the NOT ALLOWING YOURSELF TO EVEN realy THINK ABOUT THE DEEPEST true issues in real ways accepting of your DNA nature that sex is good and we are designed to enjoy it , in fact all animals enjoy it ,,, alll MAMMLAS female have CLITs …it is a fun activity to get COCK DRILLED …. http://www.instinctualism.org/addiction.html …….. now her need to be pushihsed for BEING ANMAIL is the EVIDENCE TRAIL of the long term sexual mai;ulation of her her too… and asking you to act OUTSIDE OF YOUR PROTECTIVE NATURE …. From the bottom of this page just incase you never go there and read the hwole page , and THINK FOR YOURSELF I will give you some http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
All in the FamilyA family group includes one dominant silverback male, several adult females, adolescents, juveniles and infants. The group may also include one or two subordinate silverbacks. All adult males are silverbacks. Although gorillas are normally not aggressive, they can exhibit certain aggressive actions when disturbed. Adult males perform elaborate displays, including chest beating, running sideways and tearing up vegetation to frighten off an intruding male or other threat. Males also use these displays as a show of dominance within the group. Adult females can become aggressive when defending their infants, or while helping each other drive off rowdy, young adult males. The silverback is the peace keeper and stops occasional squabbles between females.
Vegetarians with MusclesGorillas are incredibly powerful, the largest great ape in the world. Regardless of their imposing appearance, they are in fact quite shy, gentle animals. Gorillas are virtually vegetarian and forage throughout the day in search of a variety of plants to consume. The hair of the western lowland gorilla is grayish-black and usually reddish on their head (particularly prominent in adult males). At about age 10, males begin to grow the distinctive silver-white saddle of hair on their back, which in western lowland gorillas continues to extend down the rump and thighs as the male gets older. Mountain gorillas have darker, longer hair. do not let yourself get confused with the other info NOT related to the subject today ,,but mine and dig for the topics presented that do relate to todays topics the evidence of what you ,,,the other GREAT ape ,,must have in common with our BROTHER ..we share … many common things like 99% of our DAN for one thing and the shape of the head of of our COCK ,,they do not have a long shaft but we do ,, the head of your cock is blunter than the chimp and is what is described as ACORN SHAPED ,,, but thru the ages ,,, longer shafts became more common ,, a smiple effect of antural selctoin and sexual recreation in fact we human males have practised ofr ages , JLEGING http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penis_enlargement something you would have been openly doing in the tribe during your youth …and not ashamed of … in fact expected to do .. Like learning to throw a pear or farm ,,, being ready to have RECREATION IS NATUIEL except in our MANIPULTED ONCTROLED SOICETY OF THE creation of ROME …. Romance . Ok I have presented enough threads for you to think for yourself you are not suppoeed to be expecting me to give answers my job is to stimulate thinking . Peace out PHIL have a great Sunday ,,,, I am going to finish my chicken coop … it has been like 10 years since I have raised some chickens at home ain;t nothing finer than fresh , natural eggs form home ,,, if you have never had ithem you have never evr eaten a REAL EGG … http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html is a complex site .. Not just sex ,,but sex is there NOT HIDDEN ,,beut expressed as NATURAL

Saturday, September 27, 2008

but this is a real ....

But this is REAL
Young master , your focus on what is real ,,,, is …. Your focus … youthinking even when you think you are not hinking about the LACK of the WANTS in your life you actually are noticing the LACK of th that BIG WANT. It falshes constantly ,,, as ,,, a I TIOLD YOU SO ….. This is reality and since you were trained to believe you are not IN THE TOA ,,, but an outsider NON DESERVING , in fact born into EVIL and in need of cleaning of sin …. You were PROGRAMED into forgetting the lfow of NATURE …. By slave master working to support the thought form ECONOMY …. Trained from the time of your birth by the exposure to parent s who accepted the TRADITIONS and their own training without knowing any different well because ,,, if like the days of old …. You did not PROFESS faith in the god of PHAROH you were a DEAD MANWALKING ….
DIVIDED CONCETRATION … is confusion and a confused army is notan ARMY .. But easy to pick off indidivuals to the PROFESSIONAL killer ,,the ARTIST solider …. Confuse and conquer… divide and conquer ,, so many topics to keep each human’s ATTENTION divided … on topics so that the REAL ECONOMY can continue as it wants letting the people when they are not drunk and even when they are drunk arguing about ….. NOTHINGS….throw in alittle doubt throw in a question ..like hydrogen storage .. Or using inner combustion hydrogen verus Fuel Cell ….and you can stop the use of a clean available fuel for decades so ,OIL BARONS can make their last GENERATIOANL CAH IN hhhhhhorah !
This in terems of you CHOOSING to leave the mainstream culture which you show is your stated intent thru your TAOTOOS asn all the shit that flows from your mouth even though your EVIDENCE trailo of real actions hows you are just … A POSER ! …. A non thinking sheep …. Who just complains …traped still in the programming of his childhood ,,,,” now I lay me down to sleep pray the lord my soul to keep ….”
That little repeated story ….. Year after year supported by mommy and daddy and grand mom aetc etcetc , even by TV in sublte ways …. Makes you believe you live out side of the TAO ….
Time space .. Is like a deck of cards where you the real you the experiencer you …the focus of the UNTHINKABLE .. Who decided to come and FORGET for a while like YOU FORGET YOUR TROUBLES AND ENJOY A movie ( the you like in http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html )…. GET INTO THE STORY IGNORE EVERYTHING ELSE OF YOU life for the duration of the moive …… just like that ,, as best as can be explained using the tools of words based in the descriptions common to a TIMES SAPCE event …not TAO understanding of a VANTAGE point of still being …still being in totall foucs and understanding of the OPTIONS AVAILABLE IN AN UN-THINKABLE .. Toa …experiencing time/space is like experiencing a deck of cards …..the FLASH of opening the BOX of shroidingers cat … TWO possibles are there when the box is LIVED EXPERIENCED ,,the fact goes into history the possible collapse into a reality ,,but this deck of cards is passing so fast WE CAN NOT …PERCIEVE sense translate ,,the spedd of the QUATUM SECOND ,,, remember young master you can ot EVEN HEAR the sound of a DOGS whistle you can not see the mouse in the grass like the EAGEL CAN … you can not smell blood like the shark ,,your BIO _ MACHINE is very very very limited … so that you can .. So that you can … soTHAT YOU CAN enjoy the movie the adventure . Of life ..believing you are out side of the TAO ,,,, yet of course ARE you “OUTSIDE of your home town just because you are sitting in a MOVIE theratre watching JOHNNY DEPP be a PIRATE …but for a few short hours you’re a totally in grossd in the action almost like you were living the events …
This has to do with HOPE …… the xcitement of living the thoughts …that you have concerning what you call REALITY , and the PROGRAMING ,, your family programmed you to live and expect certain conditions and limits depending on there place in the ECONOMY of service to the GOD KING …. Pharoh of our age ,,, h idden off in the concept that the ECONOMY ITSELF must live on …. The posisiton of your TRAINERS those who loved you and wanted to teach you to do the EST they believed was available to you based on their lives and the lives of their parents ….. These EXPECTATIONS , are the ENERGY ot thoughts that you judge your wants and expected ….ECPECTATIONS …the energy of thoughts … you will se what you expect to see … over the course of the flow of the QUATNUM seconds the opening of the Quantum box the collapse of the Quatuam possible YIN OR YANG ,, live cat or dead cat . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger's_cat yet even though the box is sheildeed ( remember a best that can be explained explanintion from the FOCUS of being inside a limited movie event ) sheield from exteranl events the AGREEMENTS state to create TIME/SPACE PYSHIHCS … the toa coming together each QUAT itself equal to each other part of the I in I ,, who understand that 1 second or 1 nano second or 100 years is ,,,NOTHING not even a grani of sand an NON PERCENTAGE ,,to an ever expanding INFINTY…. So each experience no moatter HOW WE JUDGE IT , each experience of BEING a thing ! ,,, a thing … a single quata used to creat sub atomic particle from shihc a universe can then be formed ,,each experience is a valid experience ,,that existing for billions of years as a QUATA ,,, when the movie is over will be ,,,, just amemory to the I in I that was that single un- idenetied QUAT to us … yet the agreement state ,,NOT A LAW BASED STATE , with free of a QUATUM POLICE force to insure that toa does its job oof BEING <<< IN a state of BEING … or else the Quartum will get arrested and putting a QUATUM JAIL to see a QUANTUM JUDGE ,,, and be prosecuted by a QUATUM DA … and then do time on Quantum PAROLE … as a pariticle in time/space …
THE WHOLE INTENT IS ONE OF WELLBEING ..to allow even QUANTUM second the chance to experiences a SLOW evovlution based on the lfow of ENERGY and free choice ,,,, an expectaion is just that ENERGY of thiking of FREE choice yes your programing is strong and DEEP but you choice to not NOT taster water like ahorse that you have been lead to ..is FREE choice ..the flow of energy of thinking and expectations . That flow is the flow of the QUANTUM itself the agreement to be ..to just BE ..to allow the creation of SMILES ..of experience ….
I feel like alittle child amazed at everything
I am paving a glorius joyful path for my future
I am so excited I know this life is GOOD I can feel it all about to burst
It is forming and molding as I write this
All good things come to me …. By Debroha Miranda http://www.lulu.com/content/2097143
Now doesn’t that make you feel better hope ful that event by event the slow evovlution of what you want can be expressed by your friends that are your equals who live as building blocks as ATOMS themselves so you can have a short 100 years of MOVIE TIME CALLED living …where you can choose to believe ” now I lay me down to sleep I pray the lard my soul to keep …. “ or ..live the NTURAL HUMAn design othat is written into the bio machine ///your DNA ,,, live like every other FREE to choose life form on the palnet ….. Who does not have to RPAY IN FEAR to the concept of a GOD ….. Animals make FREE choices everyday be that MATER THAT SAGE take some time out to watch the free choice of the animals all around you realizxe YES THERE IS dan PROGRAMING GOING ON IN THEIR EXPERINCE IN LIVING ..SO IT IS WITH YOU ,,, YOU ARE ATRACTED SEXUALL TO FEMALE humans you do not get all hot and bothered wanting to fuck cows and b ull Elephants ,,the direction of DAN is in us also . Like them but within that experience is and EXPRESSION of freew ill for the animal and US .
Yet an animal can be trined to follow to FEAR mankind to PREFROM like a trined animal like a human slave .. Trained by REPetition …

Friday, September 26, 2008

700 billion dollar ASS FUCKING

700 billion dollar ASS FUCKING
If we INVESTED THAT 700 BILLION , IN REAL JOBS …. THEN WE AS A NATION WOULD HAV REAL ONG TERM VALUE and ,,, real money in your and my pocket not using our DEBT to prop up ,,, inflated paper profits of the top 1 % who will then trickle it down to us over the course of a few years .

We have 62 billon in july TRADE imableance we send out of the country over 60 billion dollars a onth … lost money …. http://www.eia.doe.gov/pub/oil_gas/petroleum/data_publications/company_level_imports/current/import.html
Of that 62 billion $ 37 billion is petroleum IMPORTS … it is not NOT N O T about china ,,, it is about OIL .
A 700 billon MORTGAGE at 5 % is 35 billion a year INTEREST ONLY …. Mainly going to foreign investor ssince america is already BROKE to the tune of TRILLIONS of dollars ….
If we did the Hydrogen infrasture investment worth that 700 billion of of government promises .. ….. We would realize a net INCOME INTO THE US or a maintaining of DOLLAR in the US to the tune of 37 billion per month or a return on invest of 444 billion per years so the pay off of the 700 billion debt would be just 2 years . Mother earth news did a specia on a repeort bak in the late nintys blue printing a ecominc package to create a hydrogen ecomony ,,,, and even at todays dollars it would be much less than 700 billion we would have enough money for some needed road work also . http://www.motherearthnews.com/Renewable-Energy/2006-10-01/Meet-Stan-Ovshinsky-the-Energy-Genius.aspx?page=2 and they are even making it cheaper … to use water as the hydrogen source http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008/jul/31/energyefficiency.energy and wel who cares about cost when the actuall energy needed to split the water is free ,,, from wind to the gulf stream to … http://www.hydrogenhighway.com/hhop007.htm geothermal and we gots pleanty of it ….
The storage and safety are non ISSUES , except for BMW who thinks the needed tanks for 300 mile distance will make their sports car less SEXY ! …… using toxic HYDRIDES IS insane and only needed to SATIFY EGO AND FASHION … but eve realy only cares about things that are skin deep … look at the MAKE INJDTURY AND hari and nail salons ….. Fashion is much more impprtant think for yourself ,,
“ mother should I trust the government ? “ pink flyod asked the question

4 fingered fuck

4 Fingers fucking
Well young master ,,,, I still want you to continue the exploration of http://sisterwives.yuku.com/directory because the reality of the ATTEMPT of ..the EVE spirit to nderstand herself gives you ,,gives me …HOPE ,, adds excitement to the THRIVE to the passion of getting up every morning still hoefull that living is WORTH doing for the value if the experiences and adventures ,,sure it will not be sunny every day … and the uncomfortable gives me the FREE CHOICE to …. Do just that choose to stopp to feel …the experience and find something GOOD in being ….. In being …in being here in limited awareness ,,not trying to return to the TAO this is not a testing ground or a learning ground …
How can you teach A …I … of the I in I …. a toatla complete equall to every …to every … how can the completeness be taught anything … so it can move the the smarter side of the BALANCE which is what it IS ,, and was ..before you choose ,,, to come here and FORGET …. Free choice to forget to be come so focused in a dream as to FORGET …. Your really ity …. Being here to experience THINGS .. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html ou our ot he..NO 1 THING .. Yet the state of everything the unthinkableness of ,,the UN-IMPOSSIBLE TOA … so when all those years of “ now I lay me down to sleep I pray the lord my soul to keep ….. “ when the TRAINING THE PROGRAMING ,,, like you were some sort oof DOG or puppy learning the rules of living inside a house like paper trained and programmed to existit in the ECONOMY …. When that programming starts telling you about BEGININGS and ENDINGS …CREATION AND DEATH alpha omegas …. When the INSTALLED SOFT WARE … makes you think with in … the idea of POOSILBES nd impossible … well time to think for yourself once more …
But dam I got off track of … a girl a female who … when I was telling her an old joke first she shot me a ibrd ,,, so I held up …4 fingers my thumb palm side and my back hand to her ,,, and said WHATS this ,,,, and she says ,,,, WELL IT LOOKS LIKE I will be having FUNN FUNNN FUNNN to night …( well the sign I shot back was a BIRD times 4 …) but I could feel the flush of GOOD MALE come to my face at her choice of RESPONSE ……. Her expression of http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html what is FUN ? Being penetrrated ,, natures fun ,,,, evne in the comparisions of our Dna cousins is the OBSERVATIONS that they the many many amny species find sex fine their body to be SEXUALLY RECREATIONAL to the point that vast numbers of mammals mastrubate ….. For recreation … that the sounds of orgasmic bliss is made but FUCKING ANIMALS …… http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html ….. AND THIS ACTUALLY ties back into ,,, ROMANCE …. Rome ,,the romans ….. and the contrived relationship form ,,for SOCIETY of EVE GREED of SPERM GREED …. Of control SUBLTLY INSTILLED and installed from the time of BABYHOOD … based in and thru the ALLiagence to the LEGION or community or ARMY .. And armys need human leaders … a PHAROH …. THE RELIGON ….. Real leagion … the associceted TRAINING AND SOCIAL EXPECTATIONS …. The way of living with in the rules of the society for the benefit of ..? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor's_New_Groove this silly little film great escapist enteratinement .. And what is is it about what lesson does it have ,,, how the basisi for an ecomoy an empire ,,can revovle around the service of 1 …… and the romans learned that the changes of the GOD/HUMAN wwere desruptive to ECONOMy …. So create the concepts of TAO in the form of … a mono DIETY …. That even the king himself serves .
Ohh so EVE in her uderstanding that her SEX can cause changes in the male mind ,,,UHHHDUHHH . The flush of sexual hormones and if the male is kept form expressing his DNA ,,, if he is brought up in a CONTRIEVE ECO SYSTEM ,,, a cage or the mind ,,,not of iron bars ,,,, a cage where his PRIMAIAL URGES FO SEX are not allowed to be EXPRESSED like his DICK SHOWS HE IS DESIGNED to express himself in the harmonly of NATURE …the 6,000, 0000 years of DAN data written into the BIO+ MACHINES we TAOIST .. I in I ‘s use for time/space adventure experience ..contrast ..potential ….. EVE cold see the CLEAR way to develop the …. Sublte control to make the male comptet ..to create the ability to become QUEENS …. And important and powerful thru the sublte control of a male …. Thru ROMANCE ……
Roman ,,,,romanance ….. In the sexual frustrated state ,,, othe the male and female … generate and are controlled by ,,STRONG PERFECT … DRUGS ..like herion and morphine .. In edroPHines … like COCAINE IN adrenline form … …. The PERFECT HIGH ! With no hang over and no OUT OF POCKET EXPENSE … ahh but the expesne in genertingthis HIGH AND LOW of romance is the eventuall CRASH ….. As romance does not equate real LOVE …..
Real human love is … in the sounds she make when I am fucking her with those 4 fingers she said looked like fun ,,, whether it is 4 fingers or the continued tease of just the tip of one finger ,, teasing her pussy over and over with the PROMSIE of penetration …. And yes in time I will shove some meat in the tight horny little hole something a lot bigge than the little finger that I teased her with till her pussy got so tight it felt to me like she was a little tiny bopper angain …. And well her SQUEELS for senstaion that came out of her from my forcing of my meat into her wet hot pussy ,,, PRVES she is still that VIRGIN EACH AnD every time if I and SHE …SHE wants …. If you had no mirros and just felt …the exictement of living you would feel , 20 for ever never knowing that you BIO-machine maybe showing age ….. That is unimprotant the spriti would be young and happy the real EQUAL ENERGY …. Of the young and old ,,the EQUALITY of our TRUE selves … the bio machine is just a car .. We use … the observers are all equal … http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html
Ohh but his blog … lat night while talkingto you all at JAMIN IN JENSEN BEACH or at the TIKI bar later after the show was over ,, today was suppoed to be about how ,,, my writing shows NOT …. Congflict in dieas but , the growth of ideas …. Just a chronicle of I THOUGHT Z and Y ,,, events contrast came and now ,,, admended I think F and G …… but my thoughts are UN IMPORTANT for I am only suppoed to be avehicle to stimulate your won THREAD of thoughts …. To lead you out of a door in the box of your won mind .

Thursday, September 25, 2008

no fucking .......... fun

No fucking …fun
Okay here is the topic from http://sisterwives.yuku.com/topic/1628 Wife B begins to experience pain during intercourse. She sees a doctor, and the doctor tells her it is a problem brought on by stress. Thus, until the stress alleviates, the condition will worsen making it almost impossible for sex. In the meantime, hubby and and wife A maintain sexual intercourse, and wife B knows this. However, she begins to experience insecurities over her inadequecies in this area, which leads to depression and bitterness on her part. She also grows jealous and angry, which further adds to her stress and her inability for sexual intercourse. How would you handle this situation? How would you feel if you were wife A or B or the husband?
And here is one great reply from the community …. Intimacy has NOTHING to do with sex. Husband only being with wife A is wrong and has to take that into account. There are other ways to sexually please a woman than penetration. Just as much time should be spent with each wife, regardless of having sex or not. As a woman, I find it just as fulfilling to lay in bed and have heartflet talks and cuddling from my husband as I do when we have sex. With that stress gone, then work on the other stresses until she relaxes and can again enjoy intercourse, don't push it so that she just gets stressed out again.
For me young master to see that there is an understanding in the world about the deeper aspects of what is going on is ,,GREAT it makes me feel ,,,, more in EMOTIOANL alignment with what I sthink is the most natural family lifestyle for humans ,,,now that is not to say ,,it is the only family lifestyle …. Just because it is most natural we humans have that freedom of choice ,,, WE ARE SO FREE we can choose SLAVERY …. Emotional alignment … is the RESISANTANCE …. You have ddpely in grained in you to the point you do not realy even understand it , so many people feel like they are SELF DESTRUCTIVE … some how , they are going along great then everything Collaspes again over and over like life pattern they may even get into things like the LAW OF ATRRACTION the moive the Secret , and get all pumped move on to ,,, What the Bleep is Down the Raibbit hole and realize the science behind it all ….. And even enjoy the Eneertainment of ESTER HICKS … whose link can be found on http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html here is a direct one to a video where she does a RAMPAGE of aprrecsiation ….. Feeling good is what is important ..the flow of your average state brings on more of the same flow in the up coming …. Energy flow of YOURS … your experience of time/space ….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74OvS7SBZsk and from this link you can get so many more of her entertaining CLIPS …. Keeping ESTER in the realm of Enteratinment as she and …jerry even describe themselves as Enteratiners …. Is improtant for the …deep training started way back before you even can rmember the TRAINING to IGNORE YOUR OWN ,,, emotional guidance THAT CONNECTION WITH SOURCE .. with the real observer the real chooser the real experiencer ,, ( here is a self guided self hypno scritp to help you FEEL that BARE INNER SELF http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html
But the Values or ethihcs social programming started way back with words like this ,,, NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP ASKING THE LORD MY SOUL TO …. KEEP …. If I should die before I wake … etcetc etc … done night after night , the young human mind , created INGRAMS , Nueral pathways … just the thoughts the repeated words the feeling behind the words DEVELOPS PYSHIHCAL REALITIES …
Ahhhhhh the above girl with her ….pain during sex , is told by a good DOCTOR it is all in your mind … everything is in the mind ,, everything is vibartaionl ,…. The make up of the sub atominc paritcle is only vibration ….. And again over and over I will bring you back to science ..to Shroedingers Cat .. To Bohn’s respsonse and to Wingner …. Us ..the OBSERVER it self effects the WAVE . Why do we need to have double blind study because ..INTENTIONS on the parts of the particapants effects the results .
The wealth of topics from http://sisterwives.yuku.com/directory is great …yet MOSTLY it is people be ing concerned over the SYMPTOMS ….. The symptoms are part and parcell of the DIVIDE and CONQUER .. Confuse and conquer , for confsuoin is just DIVIVED attention … as you look around the site youngs master you find the DEEPEST thems is ABOUT the JEAOPULSY theo OWNERSHIP the focus of LOSS ..the mental FOCUS of fEAR of loss the UN - UNDERSTANDING about the DNA design of the human animal and the FREEDOM of choice to IGNORE IT … http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html …resisitance , is ..not letting your self thingk fro yourself ,, no matter how much you tell me or show .. Off that you are ALTERNATIVE ….. In reality I see your associaltion with just smaller SOCAIL GROUPS and you acceptance with in these limiting communities ,,, communities often where your actionsa re so ILLEGAL you must live like A RAT … underground ,,, scared of being caught and caged .. ( like the one master I wrote a few weeks ago and the other who gothat stupid marijuana bust etc etc .. ) so free we can choose bondage …… and calling tha choice being ALTERNATIVE … without seeing how much of you activity is based on social placement in that culture … is not THINKING FOR YOURSELF
The sister wives ..site shows that , WITH IN THE PRE…PRE …existing 1 ON 1 RELATIONSHIP WHERE THE … the I LOVE YOU statement has been given the resulting stress causes every one even you DEEP stress … unrealized expectations about a love or human life that is not in HOLIStic Haromony with the DNA design of your body or mating expecations http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html just hink about the HARD EVIDENCE your engorged cock ….. That is hard evidence ,,,the chimp cock one who has a VARYING relationship form …not a stable family unit the HAREM being the m ost common family unit for MAMMALS ,, we broke off form birds over 20 million years ago …. They are 1 on 1 ‘s not us …. The chimp cock is apencil dick esinged for deep spern placement in a sperm completive pussy …. Her pussy design of the chimp over engorged ,,, receives it pentration pleasure because of the banging experience on the Engroged lips , where as the thicher ACORN heeded cocks stimlate female pleasre because of frictionm of repeated intro vaginal movement …. The leg=nthgt of the human cock shows our EVOVLUTION inot sexual RECREATION .

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

just to make nice

Just to make nice
Palcating … just to make it seem you are realy inot what you are really not inot ,, doing it becaue of a Have to … NOT A REAL WANT TO , DONE after the feact …NOW THERE ARE OTHER WAYS THAT A PERSON MAY SHOW THEIR LOVE … I MAY NOT SAY I LOVE deb BUT MY GOING OUT IN THE MORNING TO SEARCH OUT TH perfect FLOWER NOT JUS THE FIRST FLOWER BUT WITH INTENT AND DESING to find my expression of how I feel about hving her in my life that is …. My WAY of shoing which may not commicate like ahri touching … I wonder if the woman to woam aspect here … if the other woman shows her affection in a way the other is not READING as affection
We are a threesome and I have a question I would like to ask you sisterwives... Wife one is comfortable with me being brought into the family, she has no problems with sexual intimacy, either with or without her, but there is still a huge void as far as basic affection goes - it is still early days as far as her and I are concerned, he and I have had over a year to grow whereas her and I only 5 / 6 months and it is developing beautifully, but... I long to hold and be held, not just in a sexual sense. I NEED warmth as we sit on the sofa, I want to feel his hand in mine as we walk out in public. He knows my feelings but is reluctant to push, he is the most patient understanding man I have ever known, to the point of being so laid back he is near horizontal. First wives, how do you cope with seeing the man you love develop real affection (not just lust) for another? Second wives, how do you cope with the huge void and loneliness as you wait for complete acceptance? Should I push my affection more to her? Sometimes I feel I give so much affection to her and even though I know we are bonding sometimes the physical is not reciprocated as I long for (example - I will stroke her hair for hours, I enjoy it, she enjoys it, but I ache for her to reach and touch mine for a change). If I speak up am I then left with the feeling that she does it just to placate rather than it being a spontaneous action? Being the third person I feel I am often on the edge of the nest, I wonder how long it takes before real comfort with the situation/relationship settles. Any stories of experiences would be appreciated.
The proof of your tour of duty young master ,,,, your proof of deep study about the aspects of your past and future life as a HAREM animal human ….. Shows LOVE …. It commutates .
I have and expectation of commication from my current partnere the ACTION LANGUAGE I want and what I see dispalyed are non=congruous …. But yet I know at certain levels in certain DISPLAYS she is doing the best she can to display her love for me ,, aceeptance for me ,, and her commitment to to at least ry ,,to taste the waters in my future ….. We have talked that in the here and now of hving only 1 HOME HOUSE … that I feel it does not resepct her as a human female to demand her to share her SAFE space with another girl . So …. I must cash out to develop the3 tents 3 single family homes http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html now you .. Young master not starting form a position like mine of being a single 24/7 reciviing no child support ( dead beat dads ? 80% of males court ordered to pay child support do , only 40% of female so ordered do who is the dead beat ? ) and I pay 50 percent of my after tax income out to the familys of my other 2 ex’s wives … I am not able to build … NOW ,, my wealth is still tyed up in http://www.clarkhodges.net/Jensen_Beach/Florida/Homes/St_Lucie_County/Agent/Listing_1704043.html when freed up ,,, this stressful period for us both will then MORPH ..into a realitiy of …SISTERWIVES … searching living experiencing ..contrasting ,, learning the wanted and unwanted ,t hur living reality and contrsts. http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html ……. Ok this was written in two
Part two the AM writing after a good nights sleep and my run ….. Last nihgt I got into adisscusion with an ECONOMICS student ….. And my GF got involved also , interesting , about the truth about my GF ohh she is into ,,, me … into ceratin aspects of of me , but not HOESTLY AT ALL underrstanding of SELd exploring the aspects of ……CONERSION AND CONTROL ,,, the sublte effects of the 1 on 1 fairytale and the effects of the I LOVE YOU SLAVE STATEMENT and the broken people and familys we all know …. And what does this have to do ..with ECONOMICs as taught discussed in our universities ….
DIVERSEITY …………. Gives better foundations …………a complex ecosystem especially with the nderstanding of specialization beneifits , yet the understanding that the benefit of the one is acutaaly to the beifit of the all …… THAT MOIVIE A BEAUTIFUL MIND ….. HIS nobel prize ( based on real events ) was all based on PUSSY
Relationship dervistiy , ,, when the MODELS of diverse relationship forms are around to the viewing then the activity of the 5 steps is better for a p[erson can better judge some …some ..some of the visible UNWANTED of each relationship form ,,, 1 on 1 fairyt tale …. Gay / Lez …. A sexual ….. BDSM sub themes on the 1 on 1 …. And of course extreme examples of the effects of manipulations cohercion and control …. ABUSE http://www.instinctualism.org/sexual_abuse.html ……..
Having also present for choice the ecominc model of … mutli specialized career paths where ( a free choice not a HAVE TO of an instinctualist lifestyle …nothing in http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html is a HAVE TO or a recommendation but a model from where you can ..gain DATA to engage in your own personell thinking … free choice the core of RESPOND with ability ,,responsibility …. And underlying glue of LEGAL systems http://www.instinctualism.org/relationship_contract.html )
Now I can never force you or anyone to SELF explore ,, to use a POINT OF VIEW to explain the UNEXPALINABLE events of your life ….. You can take horses to water over and over as a teacher but you can not force them to drink … and as a teacher the effort of continuing to bring a horse to water theEFFORT you as a teacher young master expend costs you in so many ways , becaue it is the truest of human natures
THE INSTINCT OF HUMANITY , to seek the showing of teeth from each other …..SMILES . Doing things that produce the COOO=ing sonds from a baby it is programmed into our DNA …to find out why the baby is Crying and attempt to lead the baby to the nipple if the baby does not drink ,, if there is some FLAW in the DNA of the child and it does not LATCH ON INSTINCTUALLY TO THE NIPPLE it will die ,,,,
That BIO - Machine was malformed … maybe due to stress enutero during pregnancy .. Times of dis-ese AND THUS THE BABY’S machine was malformed because the PROSPECTS for the baby were limited in the EYS of the instinctual wisdom of the DNA of the mommy … and the baby was given a body which would aloow for a fast RASNSITON back inot the TAO ,…. If allowed to live naturaly , but the ecomony which needs slaves to feed it ,,,the economy a life form beyond our descritpion of LIFE ….. The thought form … does not respect the diversafaction of complex eco system …. But is not that just like any life form …THE ACTIONS OF THE ONE benift the whole …. I should watch the movie a beautlyful mind again …. The economy is a 1 . The finding ways to maintain GROWTH …. Benifts the whoel actually for in time the DINAOsaur dies and compost is released .
Relationship diversity and ecomincs fredom diversity of provide the models the HARDER DATAT , still since not lived by you young master will still eventually be lifestyles fullied with contrasts and further Op’s FOR

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

this wealth

How TO BEST USE THIS WEALTH OF INFORMATION IN SISTER WIVES , http://sisterwives.yuku.com/topic/1949 young master ,,,, for me it is feelings like have been doing the WAX ON WAX OFF stage of training for like 4 years been personeall dealing with topics I have read on their site … SOCIAL ACCPETANCE ,, and for me deeper personale reprogramming of relationship expectations .
So using this site I will left luck and fate guide my writing … pick one an d if there is a prticle in that post that generates feeling I will explore htat ,, WANTED ..to clariffy the WANTO OF IT THAT TOPIC .
BECAUSE it seems the info at www.instinctualism.org … already blueprints aspects about much of the topics raised .
I am concerned about the female mind …… and here I I saw …. Female mind . You can teel this is my not my writing well be cause there are few few …… ,,,,,, and mizspeeeeled wordz
Although there are already several posts pertainng to the problem of those 'pretending' to be seeking sisterwives or established poly-families to join, I wanted to reiterate: "Everyone should be 100% CERTAIN that he or she is truly ready to attempt the poly-lifestyle". well young master if you produce the 3 tents and a camle lifestlye before actively dating your statement of knowing your wants is very fewclearly stated .. It is then very much in the arena of the women to not be LIARS TO themselves ….Women, if you are pretending or pretending is a very nice way of saying lieing to ones self.to agree to help your husband find a second wife, then you are asking for at least twice the amount of pain & heartache that you would experience if you just told him NO at the outset. Why put yourself, & ultimately, your husband, through such anxiety (what if this woman is the one he wants? what will I do, then?!). PLUS, you are also condemning a well-meaning, sincere single woman to betrayal, emotional hurt - and possibly financial hurt (if she quit a job, used her savings, whatever, to join her new family). If YOU wouldn't want to be deceived in such a way, then DO NOT deceive others. Men, please be absolutely certain YOU are desiring the poly lifestyle for the right reasons, too. Do NOT insist on your wife agreeing to seeking a sisterwife. And most of you know exactly what I mean: a husband can sometimes just suggest something, and the wife will take it as a command! The slightest nuance, even the most innocent, can cause your wife to think that there would be consequences for her if she doesn't give in to your wishes. consequences …is felt because she or he is living based on the should ‘s of society …. Like I have said humanity is on average very nice we do like seeing the smiles of others we realy do like to please each other except after we experince the sublteness of the confusion of our twisted instinctual nautre http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html Antony, of course, said it best: "Do not force your wife." The same for the wives: "Do not force your husband". Most of all, Do Not Force Yourself!!! For those here who are honest with themselves and, if married, with their spouses, my very best wishes for you in your searching For those who are here out of fear and/or insecurities, please search within yourselves very carefully, be very certain of what you are doing - & read the Brutal Truths Forum ok sounds like a good idea …. Learning about the trees you maybe encountering that you may cast your fishing lures into while in the learning stages of this lifes lye. But again .. The level of commitment I am suggesting of you young master the whole lifestlye etc shows already lots of thinking on your part lots of study ,,, but know thy eneney know the competition ,,know about shit … - before you place your 'ad'. And for those of you who are here just for fun, please go play somewhere else! We have serious business to conduct!!
My my own OCNCERN is about the hidden to herself motivations of my current partner ..the voice her her …body languauge … and expressed stress ,,states of discomfort ,, and what comes out of her mouth …
Now the truth about LOVE and the relationship many men and woemn first FORM , is that so often ,the realtionship ,,is that of the SEXUALF RUSTRATION motivation model that is the basis of the 1 on 1 system ,,, often times the man is the …ISLAND of security for the chick ,,, we are young master that KNIGH ON A WHILTE SHORSE . That she opens her legs up to in reward for our bravery and PROVIDING for her already prior to each of us meeting each other ,, we often times are her rescuer ….
From this posoition I worry about the ablity of the wome n to make dsicisions about their futurres , since there is this level of dependance …. Whether it is SUBBIE SEXUAL ONE OR $$$ and the blending the mylti complex dynaincs is what is realy true . …. THE DEEP ISSUE OF HER SUBBIE SELF IS real SHE IS THE PENTRATED http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html this is a truth ,, that you can not realy understand because we are the active hard cock PENTRATORS ,,,, we are the Gorilla ….. We do not depend on her . But provid ethe stableity that attracts the female …..
So in having built or already strted atleast the building of the compound bfore dating the ….fate au complete .. Thingie ,,, well the dynaimcs are very different than starting after the fact ,,even though when I meant this girlfriend I was already well into my study ctively land searching etc ….. I choose from HONOR to enter a 1 on 1 with ,,, based on the D/s lifestye modesl which actually did not work becaue of the compounding subltedyamincs of puttins so much of my ???? Needs upon 1 person 1 female I actually became sublty manipulated by the relationsship , I became again the beggar … because of my HONOR to the I love you statement , I m ade …. And the effects of manipulation infected the realtionship .
The support that is available the keepin g od realtionship demands INSTINCTUAL … see I can not be her best friend I am her FUCK and I am her male to be brutal about it ..love me for what I am .. No the fairy tale you want the fairy tale of a 7 years old girl ….. Or poetics of pain http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
Now the whole topic of sister wives ..for me is so VERY HOPEFULL after years of writing and having to deal with the people coming back responding so negatively yet at the same time ,,people who respond to me on average start asking how alternative aspects of FIXING their BROKEN 1 on 1’s …. and I have to rep[aet over and over that the ! On ! Is so unantural to our species that it forms such deep sublte TWISITING or that INSTINCTUAL nature as to bring on the effects of cohersion and control manipulations …. And thus the problems you all encounter in you 1 on 1 ‘s ,,,, is self eviddnet … in this little list of EFFECTS of manipulation . http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html
The whol idea of of siter wives …NOT ….FISRT WIFE and others …. The hierarchicl the grred of EVE … but sister wives .. Like I explored using the book the RED TENT in my own book TWISTED INSTINCT …ahhh to cash and start building ,,, well that will come when it comes when my VIBRATION is up to sped wit that which I want , the manifestation will come in an easy , natural way ..to STRESS about the aspect of lack , is to continue resisitance ,, ia m living exactly what I am living as the GRATEFUL student doing his training of WAX ON WAX OFF …… sisterwives …. Hope …real hope that there are women out there brave enough to hide behind sudo names and web personalitys to even talk about being NON GREedy ….. Gives me hope after 4 long years of writing alone.

Monday, September 22, 2008

sisiter wives

Sister WIVES
Ahhh reaching the next level on the emotional guidance scale feels like RELIEF that is what I felt as I arrived at http://sisterwives.yuku.com/directory ,,, a [pyshical manifestation of DIS EASE or discomfort had plaqued me ,,, of course when I was in the FLOW of thriving I did not notice the tightness inmy chest and lucky I live in that flow most of the time but other times I those HIDDEN concerns … I keep suppressed because of my good training to be a good male … WORDLESS stress!
NOW young masteer a master who is not doing CEU’s well is not a master …. The toa is inifnite so your leanring will never END the contrast forces learning for within each UNWANTED is a WANTO that needs aspected about the WANt to be learned so that you become in ALIGNMENT VIBRATIONALL thoughts are nothing but VIBRATIONS …. The reality of TAO is that the sub sub sub …atomic particle is noting again but an expression of vibration . Ever expanding outward wave that we surf the face of …IF YOU THINK YO ARE ABOVE BEING A STUDENT A BABY AGAIN and saying ,,,HELLO I am here in need of guidance ,,,
BUT FEEL THE GUIDANCE ..do not just let yourself be …LEAD like a stupid mindless sheep but remember to think for yourself..feel the commucation of your INNER BEING ,,,feel the messages ,,, listen to your feeings http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html now if you feelings your ability to hear your feelings is still dampened by WAX BUILDUP like in a persons ears like mine has been so that I can hear my own inner being speak clearly to me , it will talk woth you or with in thru manifestations of PSYCHICAL NATURE . A tightness or a discomfort … and to have FINNALY this tightness in my chest feel a sense of easing in the exposure to a TOPIC or web site ,,, is very interesting … to feel the tightness disappear while learning was great .. Like I said when I am in the FLOW in an living of a PASSION or activity related to my CORE VALUES … thei - in I of living I feel only the GLOW of chi …
Now when I did active study and book reading about the BDSM CULTURE ..no longer to just play FASHIOANLBEY but to see if there is something real in it for me other than an another way to get LAID …. I found that ,,, the GREED OF EVE is deeply entrenched ,,in the pride she feels being a GOOD SUBBIE ,, and like drunks who compete to see who can drink the other under the table . Filling themselves to dangerous level with the TOXIN of alcohol becoming IN-TOXIC-ATED … so to does the SUBBIE cpmpete for a positionn of HIERACHY ,, and firt wife staus and ,,,, I can endure more discomfort than you can ,,, some many subbie find a greedy sense of pride in theier wearing of a FASHIONALB COLLAR … the posoiton of SLUT .
So ….. I go to again become a baby a student …. I will feel ..the enviroment to see if it feels good or IS IT THE BLIND LEADING THE BLIND … ( I have admitted to you young master in 100’s of blogs , THAT I AM A DIPSHIT LIKE YOU RIGHT ALONG WITH YOU … I am the blind ) the toa is so large honestly we are all bilind are you cool with the paradox ..being the largest and the smallest a the same time?
Well I hope that this site will be the ..thread of many new blogs … my own exploration of self thru the teaching of you ….. Those who can DO , those who can’t TEACH ( so much ols wise words have already been written by other wise teachers themselves )
Polygamy is not Codependency
Is Polygamy Attractive to Women? In A Personal Ad we presented a hypothetical personal ad. A few readers were upset with the promise No more loneliness, no more insecurity.Their objection went something like this -- "The idea that I need anyone in my life to be happy makes me angry."I respectfully disagree. I'll let Dr. Marion Solomon, author of Lean On Me, speak for me --Our need for each other is profound -- and profoundly normal. We all depend on other people to help us define who we are. Our doubts, fears, and vulnerabilities bind us as surely as do our strengths and talents. Dependency is not a dirty word.For two million years we've been living tribally in low-level warfare, where being alone meant being dead. Even today, it's well established that infants who are held and touched prosper, and that the elderly who live with others outlive those who don't."The idea that I need anyone in my life to be happy makes me angry." Where does this anger come from? Wounds from a previous relationship? Why not "I don't understand why you think I need anyone in my life to make me happy." ?Despite the cultural icon of the Marlboro man, riding off alone (well, on a horse) into the sunset, we are not, and cannot be independent. Nor are we by nature codependent. We are by nature interdependent.Let's take a look at an extreme example. For two summers, I attended a camp at the John Woolman school, a well-known Quaker boarding school in Grass Valley, California. At that time the Quakers (who call themselves Friends) were fierce proponents of independence. Students came to the school to learn animal husbandry, horticulture, house building, cooking, sewing, and even how to make their own pottery. Their library was full of copies of the book Five Acres and Independence, promoting the idea that a family of four could live off the grid and provide for all their needs on five acres of good land.Over the years, the Quakers have realized that these families would naturally specialize, for example, some working with leather and others with metal, and would become interdependent traders. They changed their curriculum to reflect this insight, replacing animal husbandry and horticulture with biology and chemistry.The same dynamic happens naturally in every human relationship. One partner likes to cook, another likes to repair the house. Interdependence is stronger than either codependence or independence.Consider the word lonely. It means "I'm sad because I'm alone." Think of it! We have a word, and therefore a belief, that there is a relationship between sadness and aloneness. We have no such word for "I'm happy because I'm alone." All the languages I've studied, except Swedish, distinguish between alone and lonely. Maybe that's why the Swedes make such good explorers
posted by Martin at 12:05 PM

Sunday, September 21, 2008

empty cup

Empty cup
How can you learn when you already know it all …. It is fine to know it all as long as what you are KNOWING is giving you what it is you want ,,, but if you are STRUGGLING with the common struggles ,,,, uhhhhduhhh something may still need to be leraned … ohh do what you have always seen and get the results you have always seen ,t hrow arock into the air and it will fall . same old same old …
You my young dips hit friend are so fucking full you want me to listen to your wisdom ,,,, well if I want to know about riches I take a millionaire to lunch , if iw ant to know about house building I take skiled carpenter to luch ,,, if iw ant to know about FAILURE I will buy you lunch ….. Sounds LOGICAL ? Just plain stupid logic you actually do yourself yet you expect me to listen to you ,,,, you even when you were learning skateboarding did not listen to me ,,,NO , because I SUCK at street surfing …. You sought out much more highly skiiled teachers …. Wow so you do the same shit I am trying to get you to do , you did not teach those much better boarders you shut the fuck up in AWHHH of their skilll , because of the LEVEL OF WANTO you had for the learning the teaching of being in their circle …. Your level of WANTO the passion that gets you out of bed ….. And in the learning you THRIVED you were in your zone falling off the board fucking things up … breaking shit up , but in the zone
YOU AIN’T JUGGLEING IF YOU AIN;T DROPING THE BALL . You are not living the edge of TIME/SPACE without experiencing the possibility of the …particle or wave … the yin or yang … the wanted and unwanted …. It will always be if you are here in ..and on the face of the wave fo ever EXPANDINGNESS .. ( ok I am your kinder garden teacher gotta the idea ,,, I spark your thinking and lead you to thinking and learning for yourself searching out more in depth info like on dating for example ,,, remember a PHD … knows everything about nothing ….. So getting to hooked on one teacher is to trap yourself in the study of only 1 aspect of the TAO which is to know everything about nothing. http://www.instinctualism.org/dating.html since this info is based on the 1 on 1 model its total usefulness is TAINT’d but the skill set is fanastaic to have experience and competence in .
WHAT does this have to do with pussy and aHAREM lifestlye http://www.instinctualism.org/ , well the complexity upon complexity ,,, states that we are to trust in some things to be done by AUTO PILOT so that we can enjoy and experience the rest of the it ,,, you do not think or totally control each and every msucle movement needed for you to breathe you do not JUDGE the exact pressure of the HEART MUSCLE consciously changing it so that you can sleep or run ,,, no…NO ..no … that is something lived thru auto pilot ,,, DNA programmed into the bio-machine ,,, our mating isntincts very very important MOTIVATOR in our total experince of BEING a…… BEING for it is part of the experience to insure more OP’s for the next generation of bio=machines to exisit …. That means SEX , fucking as sucking … and it better be fun or why the fuck do ?
So it is our DAN design to be SEXUALLY recreational … yet SEX is so fucking confusing generating massive stresses not because if is hard to understand but because your CUP IS OS FULL OF BULLSHIT that you have no space for other learning ….. In fact your cup is so full of shit you can not even hera yourself think or feel …. If we are all the same if ,,the very VERY essence of EVERYthing is Tao is the I IN I then you r what the wise ones always have een saying THR TRUE MASTER LIVES WITHIN YOU YOU JUST GOTTA FREE HIM … that freeing is all about thoughts … the limits you aceept as your limits , the experience you have over time erodes limits … experience by experience you see the limits for for wht they are areegrement states of THOUGHT .
USEFULL FOR MAINTINAING … a balance of equality in time/space playgrounds …. The forgetting of wht you truefully are … allows us the OP for expereincing adventures the chnce to learn shit .but you can not learn when you know it all already .
WHAT do you kow WHAT do those who think and act like that which you already ,,, what is their STATE of living ans do you want that honeslty have you looked behind the smiling face of EVERYTHING is so cool here …and seen it is not so fucking great there .do you realize you can choose to think differently about your life it does not have to be what every other sheep lives . LIFE LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS …. You are alive ,,so that is done ,,, liberty the right to choose you are so free you can choose to do the wrong thing and lose it all …. Liberty …. And that choice is your pursuit of happiness ,,is it a logical one ,,, is it thought full of all the possible REALY available to you … or are you is your CUP so full of shit …. You have no space in your cup for clean clear refreshing water

chatter box

Chatter box
So young mster all those thoughts of right and wrong it is chatter in your mind now a days the training instilled so deeply you donot know it , you have learned to live depending on the SUBLTE SIGNALLS you get from other important people in your enviroment ,,, understand this was a benift to you when you were a helpless infant ,, even 6,ooo,ooo years ago ,,, the new life the baby ,,,, well no the baby is just a baby it depends on the PARENT who wantd it ito keep it alive ,,, and later it found out that to maintain so place in the society it had to be NICE TO TOHERS to read the singalls of the other members of the house hold …. Or tribe or gorilla group ….
Withus humans and the complexness the confusion of living in the CIVIL world ,,, the rules and en=mends upon demands , of taxes ofd insurances of martagages of car loans and bills upon bills , on depending on stores to provide us with foods , and other s to provide us with job OPS so we can then go to stores and buy food even buy water ……. The stress of being SLAVE and DEPENDANT and thus the need to MAKE NICE …..that AUTO - CHATTER of the mnd constant stream of thinking about what others maybe thinking about based upon the sublte SUB C signales of NON VERBAL COMMUCATION I am re wording again a topic of ABRAHAM-HICKS the enetertainer Ester .. http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html you can find links to her here at this page ….
The presense of thinking in terms of what others want POLLUTES YOUR OWN EXPRESSION OF PASSION AND ….. Thus your thrive …for you are not living your life but the lives of others is right for you ….. That is a POLLUTED pasion .
To live to wake every morning and INTEND to see your wants ,,,, is to intend to meet people who accept you as you are , even those who you have deep past log involved pasts with … whose friendship is important but is it important enough for the to aACCEPT you ass you are ..?
Look fear that man kind is basically EVIL is a trained in ….thing ,,,, it is like the sweet tender feeling we human get when we see a PICTURE OF A LION laying down with a LAMB ..the word piciture or UTOPIA …. Written 1000’s of years a go in the bible ,,,, a most UNANTURAL vision . Hey maybe there is some other demsion in the ALL of the UN-IMPOSSIBLE ..TOA ..where the carivore evovled to become a grass eater like the lamb …. But then the lion would no longer be a lion …. The balance of that ecosystem would have to so foreign as to have newer unknown PREDITORS to keep the balance ..of predation on GRASS in a harmony …. For the lamb can over kill grass and well GRASS HAS A SOUL ALSO ! It is alive ,,, all life is just life equal to us even though it may not feel the NEED TO CREATE churches to pray in becaue it the GRASS does not feel it sepeartion for the toa … like we have been able to do …this FORGETTING OF OUR DEEPEST nature …. This ability to forget to feel fear and ALONENESS the sepration and forgetting about our larger TAO self … is a blessing int hat it makes life even more real … more painful because now you are very confused alone not understanding the importance of the connection you stillhave to your greater self ,thru your emotional guidance scale …
ESTER HICKS just an entertainer just a human who allows herself to stream thoughts that and feelings … has produced such great intersting ideas to ….think for yourself about . The idea that FEELINGS of the chooser the observer …. Are those personel PREFENCES … or choices ,,the I like choclate you like vanilla dn you like strawberry …. Icecreams . And in the enjoyment of that which each 1 of us has when we get to enjoy it ifreely we feel ,,that state of RELIEF … the moving up the emotional guidance scale it can be found even in the planing to go eat ice cream .
THE CHATTER of your own mind planing to live based upon the BEST way ,, is based upon the incorrect assumption that mankind is EVIL that our preditor prey ecosytem of the entire planet is EVIL … when in fact it is the ying yang of INFINTY FLOW …. You are just a point of view experincing time sapce ,, lost in the movie of life feeling it to be so real that you fear … leaving the threatre … the transition back into the unimpossible toa because you can not understand the toa , for it is so much larger than anything you can describe using terms or words or GRAVEN IMAGES …
On average if your intention is to see your wants , well then see how NICE HUMANITY IS ON AVERAGE TO HUMANITY ,,, if you focus on noticing your watns the law of the AGREEMENT STTE of pyschics comes into play in YOUR PERSONEL experice of time/space ,,, your life is yours … not mine , you get to FREELY choose what to notice and what not to notice ,,and remember ,,,,the world will continue on long after you are just dust in the wind ,,this body returns to atoms again , remember ,,NO ONE GETS OUR OF HERE ALIVE …. But while alive you have the choice to notice what you want to , and a hpaay world is a world made up of happy people and people have free choice I CAN NOT FORCE you to be happy …but the more you live life noticing your own TRIVING YOUR OWN PASSION realizing that humanity is a smailing giving loving creature on average … it is only because of the EFFECTS of confuse divided concetration confuse and conquer ,,that you show sign os manipulation found for example on this page http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html this is where war and violence is born … it is the individual who are like minded confused who gather together LEVEL 8 of the list and express their frustration of being SALVES to a life they do not fully understand ,,,
But ,,, the best method to change things is not do 2 WRONGS to make a right ,,but for you to find a smile ,, and when someone askes you how come you are smiling you tell them , how ..to become un confused … and they in turn also smile and the smiles grow over decades over years over centuries . Over eons long after you are dust ,,, not isn your life but who cares ,, you are living the alaw of atraction for YOU IN FACT YOU WILLNOT ATRACT THAT WHICH IS NOT YOUR FOCUS NOT IN YOUR MIND , UNLESS YOU ALOOW THE POSSIBLE OF IT TO BE your focus …. The less you lie with dogs the less fleas you have .
Understand the unwanted to better understand the wants ,,, use the exposure to unwanted to think beter thoughts of wants ….. The xposure to an unwanted automatically brings about the thought of the oppisite ,,what is that thought ,,the oppisite can you feel it .. Or are you so stuck in old thought aptterens you can no longer feel …… your own personel preferences your wants …. Are yoo so well trained to attempt to be a pleaser of all around you that you have forgotten how to feel or think about what is RIGHT isntinctuall for you ,,can you no longer notice your won CONSTATNLY EVOVLING STATE ..of intutition …? ( as it pertaines to this short 100 years of BEING HUMAN )
AND SO THIS ….LIAR …MAYBE OUR NEXT RPESIDENT ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEtZlR3zp4c

Infinity Center of Light
2500 NE Indian River Drive
Jensen Beach, Fl 34957
(772) 334-9008 or 485-7989
October Schedule - from Cheryl and Paul Gaydos
Weekly Events
Wednesday Evening - Every week at 6:45p.m. Meditation Love donation.
October 1 , 2008 Book Review “Love is Letting Go of Fear” by Gerald G Jampolsky, followed by Discussion and Meditation at Infinity Center of Light, 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, FL 34957
October 8, 2008 “Infinity Meditation” What does infinity mean to you? Poems and Readings followed by a Meditation.
October 15, 2008 “IET” with Jackie Bean. Integrative Energy Therapy, experience the vibration and energy followed by a meditation, at Infinity Center of Light, 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, FL 34957
October 22, 2008 Crystal Bowls and Harp Meditation at Infinity Center of Light, 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, FL 34957
October 29, 2008 Shamanic meditation and Healing with Betty Borden and Margaret Lee at Infinity Center of Light, 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, FL 34957
Thursday Mornings Each week at 10 am.
“Reiki Healing Circle” - Reiki Masters- Betty Borden, Nancy Baten and or Cheryl Gaydos, Love offering, at Infinity Center of Light, 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, FL 34957
Friday Evenings “In Harmony Reiki Circle” 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM. You are invited to join us and experience the relaxation, healing and spiritual connection of Reiki. Take time for you to just be, as Reiki Practitioners share the blessings of Reiki energy with all who attend. Love offering, at Infinity Center of Light, 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, FL 34957, for information call Rev. Mary Ann Walker (772) 335-5266
Workshops and Lectures
Tuesday October 7th 2008 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. “Change Your life”
Facilitated by Betty Sloan Understanding your belief systems. How they effect everthing in your life. How we see the world, how we hear, how we react to the world as examples. Learn to become aware so that you can enhance what is working and change what is not. Love offering, at Infinity Center of Light, 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, Fl 34957, for information call Betty Sloan at 772.260.0221, registration is required.
Thursday October 9, 2008 7:00 – 8:30p.m. “TAT Abundance Circle “
With Susan Somerset Webb By Popular demand, the TAT Group is re-grouping and is now called the TAT Abundance Circle. Each month the focus will be on getting free of negative subconscious beliefs that are keeping us from creating Abundance, Prosperity and Peace We hope you can join us for a fun and powerful experiential evening. Please dress comfortably, bring water and a friend. Come early for networking 6:30 pm. Love Offering +$10.00. Infinity Center 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, Fl. 34957. For more information and to register call Susan Somerset Webb at 772.225.1771 or sswebb@gate.net
Monday October 13, 2008 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. “Spiritual Support Group”
Facilitated by Ilene Gottlieb If you would like to participate in a group that approaches life’s every day issues for a spiritual and energetic perspective then join Ilene. This group’s focus at its core is empowerment. Love Offering $20.00. Infinity Center 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, Fl. 34957. For information call Ilene Gottlieb at (561) 694-8408 or healingig@aol.com Registration Required.
Thursday October 16, 2008 6: p.m. – 8:30 p.m. “All we want is right here now”
With Donna Suares - Advanced Cranial Sacral Clinical Applications
With Barbara Socher – Self Discovery Life Mastery A journey of experiential exploration of self Increase your awareness by accessing yourself with a quiet mind. You will focus on: Pure Awareness, Unified Field, and Beliefs. Love Offering $10.00. Infinity Center 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, Fl. 34957. For information call Donna Suares at 386.506.7901 donnasuares@earthlink.net Registration required.
Monday October 20, 2008 7p.m. – 9 p.m. “Interactive Shamanic Workshop”
With Betty Borden and Margaret Lee, both Trained by Omega Institute. Bring along your drums and rattles, if you have them. Love Offering $15.00. Infinity Center 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, Fl. 34957. For information call Betty Borden at 772.485.9134 Registration required.
Thursday October 23, 2008 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. “EFT Workshop”
Facilitated by Susan Somerset Webb. Change the Software of your Subconscious with EFT.
Did you know that Dr. Joe Vitale of “The Secret” and “What the Bleep” had an EFT Coach? What does he know that you don’t? The power of EFT!!! Learn this amazing healing technique in a 3 hour workshop. Cutting edge microbiologist Dr. Bruce Lipton says that “EFT is a simple, powerful process that can profoundly influence gene activity, health and behavior.” They all use EFT to change the “software of their subconscious”. EFT has been used successfully in thousands of documented cases for allergies, addictions, anxiety/depression, phobias, insomnia, pain, trauma, stress, weight loss and much more. Infinity Center 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, Fl. 34957. For more information call Susan Somerset Webb at 772.225.1771 or sswebb@gate.net Registration required $50.00 Be prepared to be empowered.
If you are not on our e-mail list please let us know and we will add you. Thank You Cheryl and Paul
Every day is a gift!!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

thriving muff diving

Thriving muff diving
In your thriving ….. You are less concerned about other shit …. What is thriving? Do you even realize what that means that word young master ? Thriving is a state where you are in the ZONE …. There is nothing but ,,the experience you are living at that second ,,, you are totally concerned with the face of the wave you are surfing down ,,,, you are not comaparing the LIVING with a past or a futurue but you are living this now for all that it is …. http://www.instinctualism.org/
Now how about when you are muff diving ? Are you really in the ZONE or is there a state of WORRY still alive in your mind ,,concern about what she is thinking about ,? If you are in the ZONE the oly concern is playing the sexual act for the music she can make because of my tongue teasing and touching her pussy …. Her pussy is more than her clit ,,, yep the clit is peciall it is the MEAT of the pussy ,,but the wholeness of the experience the TEASING OF her tatolly senstive pussy ,,, makes the MEAT GROW THICKER MORE HOT PULSING PUMPING WITH HOT BLODD IN EXCITEMENT OF receiving some attention if you have not been licking it already or more attention for if you left the excited clit it and she connected to IT ,,, are both waiting expectedly for the return of stimulation ….
Ok young master ,,the sounds of girl …. Having an orgasim for getting licked well is a n EGO boost right ? And you will do much exercise and practice in many of your sports to gain EGO boosts …. Well muff diving can have its own set of EXERCISES …… I have not recommened buyin a bag of dumbdumb’s lil’ lollopops for a while but again I will recommend you do that ,,,, and learn to control your TONGUE moving side to side rhythm actually pretty hard to master that side to side rhythm learning to do circles ,, both forward and backwards …..
Pussy licking skill…. Even when you are in a relationship keeping up on your exercises …is important . For over time you may not be licking her as often as you did in the p[ast and if you neglect your tongue exercises …. You skill set willl suffer and then your enjoyment of hearing the complexity of the MUSIC INSTRUMENT CALLED human female …will also suffer . Ohm sure you will get you rocks off either way but to realy enjoy her enjoying the complexity of sensations she is capapble of …. Welll .that is great fun also. And can be lost for so many stupid reasons …
I guess ,,,, those lolipops are like me doing an ABRAHAM-HICKS thing of focus …. By by chioice practicing I am ,,,, prepeing myself without stress for the main events to come ….
Thriving in the experience of a now. Being where you are…… not in a state of comparing this now with a A past or future …. But being that which you are doing ….. That is what Zhungzi meant when he described Mr. I don’t know as being a natural man living a nautral life. It had lesss to do with where or how he lived as compared to others like you can only be natural by being a hermit in the woods away formt he city …no the city is …it is … an ecosystem …. It is a NATURE unto itself . A jungle …. By beeing totally in the now of what you like ,,,,,
Ahh here is …. A something to think about …..that is kinda importatn and that is am I are you ? Really in the now totally licking her pussy or are there other thoughts flowing in and out of your mind also ,,, are there expectations that you worry about that you bring down to your tongue touching the hairs along the edge of her inner and outer pussy lips ….. Your are there …. Here face first in a cunt …not In the past alone or in future wondering if she is still happy ,,, questioning …WHAT SHOULD you do ..to make her HAPPY so you can be happy …. Becaue the truth of the saying is there A HAPPY WIFE MAKES A HAPPY LIFE …. When you are in the tRAP of the 1 on 1 ,,,the improtance of having SEX is very IMPORTANT ..do you get that?
SEX is important it is a DNA …need kinda on the level of food and water but just more a long term need or want ,,,, ohhh sure you can be SOME WHAT trained to be unnatural and un sexual .,… but at what cost you the person and HOW MANY IN THAT ATEEMPT ACTUALLY BECOME OVERLY SEXUALL PERVERTED IN TIME ????
Sex is nature …… your worry about having a good consatnt supply is natural ….. The CONSTRICTED reality of the 1 on 1 ,,for a HAREM ANIMAL … as a male …. Harem animal creates this ….. Lack of THRIVING of living in the now because you have DEEP ..SHOULDS .
THRIVING IS SO …NATURAL A FLOW that you know when you are in it ,,the flow of CHI or toa … that you are not ignoring …. That you are here in the middle of the 3 dimensional story book adventure ….of time/space …… you can disconnect from it …. Or been totally in it ,,thriving in it . And thriving has nothing to do with ,,, any shoulds any futures or any past thriving is experiencing a now …. Living what you intented to see ..and that is ….something that makes you happy ,,, and you know that happyness maybe a GRAVE totally encompassing life and death challenge …..
I am always in a state of passion ABRAHAM ….. And I am just not feeling it any more ….. ….that is why there is CONTRAST ..feeling hot so you can enjoy cool ,,, hunger so you can enjoy food …. Horny so you can enjoy shooting your load . Ahh but remember young master you go thru hormonal ups and downs every hour ,,,, in fact every seven hours you are ready ,,, within 2 days your body is selfdestructing un used sperm out of its sexual frustration …… 1 girl well she goes thru monthly cycles hence and part of the over 6,000,000 years of DNA design of us HAREM APE anaimals http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html

your time for peace has come

Your time for peace has come
Wealth has nothing to do with the elctronic numbers kept on a ledger in a bank …..real wealth is thr freedom to choose to enjoy LIFE. This life you have right now . NOW LEARNING TO DO THAT well that can take some people a lot longer than others . HOW ABOUT YOU ? Lots and lots of people everywhere are out there showing you where the water of a peaceful life is i …. Wwill you go taste their ewaters and feel satifaction get peace and the enjoy the learning of other teachers as you open up and learn about the wealth you have in just being HERE
http://images.lulu.com/content/2097143 , a friend of mine a local JENSEN BEACH FLORIDA artist wrote her book , that book we all say we want to write but never do , well last year she sat down started writing and did not stop …IT WAS THAT SOMETHING THAT DRAGED HER OUT OF BED EACH DAY , excited to be alive here in TIME/SPACE given this universe of WEALTH to play in , having tasted the waters of a teachers well , she now wanted to share the water her own special description of the waters of PEACE AND WEALTH.
SO GO CHECK OUT HER ART …. Her teaching …. Her guidance on where to find the water , which is inside of you actually inside of everyone already ..just waiting for you to TAP YOUR OWN WELL and drink .
Now for you young master I rec omend this book highly for a few reasons one being the UNDERSTANDING OF THE FEMALE mind and the female life experience ,,, see Debbie does an AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL section in her book , and her life actually is not unlike the lives of MOST women , even if the women did not live the events they HAVE THAT WORRY …that for by the grace of GOD there go I , too . It is the story of being female in todays world , whether lived or not I believe every woman can relate to the events in her story having worried themselves about having to live that life if push came to SHOVE .
And so for you young master the wisdom of business and military worlds comes into play … KNOW THY ENEMY …. Understand that animal which is so Confusing … feel her motives and her wants ,, so that you can better work your own 5 steps .. Understand the UNWANTED to clarify your WANTO’s .
Her fast easy steps , exercises for finding peace and self awareness is her own twist on the exercises of so many other teachers . Just like when I teach fishing , I do not re-invent the wheel I PASS ON TIME HONORED SYSTEMS , WITH MY OWN LIL’ FLAVOR AND WISDOMS. So with Deb’s explainantion of simple relaxing self growth , happiness based life lerning exercises and programs .
NOW HER USE OF THE ……… MIRRORED BALLS as a way of describing the TAO the I - IN - I , is very simple to GRASP . And worht the $ 10.00 for a downloaded copy of her book just to have and read and understand the TAO in very clear simple terms . Young master if you got 10 bucks +/- . Use it wisely and this book is wise .

Friday, September 19, 2008

who the fuck are U

Who the fuck are U
I think the WHO said it best …… ‘ I’ Will let to go sleep home to night if you can get and walk away….”who are you U …. who who the fuck are you ! So a friends eve comes waking me me up a second go ….. Complaining her MASTER willnot go to the DOCTOR .. For he fell off a ladder his legs all cut twisted his knees back and must be broken yet the STUBBORN mother fucker is BEER in hand down there at the dock watching his buds fish …… why doesn’t he just go to a doctor to let them see what is wrong with him ?
http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html a few YEArs ago , this guy I often look at and DISRESPECT him for his … 24/7 dependence on booze to get thru living …. His women troubles I understand ,, his ex wives his kids from them all ….. His strenght an purpsoe to work and be here on the water where a fisherman has just got to be …. I resepct …. But his drunken anger … one night fighting over some CRAZY BITCH …. He loses a fight and get tossed off the second story of the house … him totally fucked up laying on the pavement out .. Cold close to dead ,,, when the paramedics came to scoop up his body I bet that was all I was going see of my friend … BUT NO!
SURE THE NEXT DAY ,, the doctors tell him he is PARALYZED …. He broke his neck and his back in multiple places on top of his arm and leg …… you ain’t going NO WHERE OR DOING NO THING .. Ever again …. But not this guy ,,, it wasy like ..he said ,, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU ! …. I got beills to pay kids to feed I ain’t got time to be sick you stupid mother fuci king doctor ….. Sure I maybe still stoned and hung over even a bit drunk …… and that may resembel being paralyzed but ,,, to be really paralyzed would mean giving the FUCK UP ….. No! and well the stupid mother fucker not knowing that what he was going to do was imposible …. Willed himself to feel his own body
WHAT DRAGS YOU OUT OF BED .. IN THE MORNING young mster ,, will you let the world telly you what you can and can not do …sure I do not respect this dumbshit for still at OUR age wanting to show who is right and who is wrong with the use of his FISTS ….. Maybe I got shown I was wrong realy fucking young enough to realize there are other FISTS who are better trained or more lucky or have more friends that … that form of PROVING JUST AIN’T WORTH THE .. Testing … …. But …. To drang yourself out of the HOSPITAL BED . To deny the FACTS the PROFESSIONALS ALL SAY IS IMPOSSIBLE BECAUSE of stuborn force of will ….. Sure they would not let the man move with out him bing in a CAGE of metal supports … and he took it , because well he could not walk any way ,t he broken leg well was a fact even he would not argue with ,,,,, compound broken and bleeding ,,,, so … he had to let himself heal … let his family do some fucking work for a change take care of themselves etc … but within a year that dumb mother fucker was CAGE free running up and down ladders fishing in HIGH SEAS …. Being what he is MASTER OF HIS OWN LIFE . Who the fuck are you to tell me shit …. I go to sleep at home to night if I can get up and walk away !
The force the vibration of his thoughts broke the //varialbe rules of the DOCTOR … it was possible that he was not paral;yzed yes maybe he was just to drunk to stoned ..to over hormonal stimulated becaue to the total collaspe of his body ,,, so that for all purposes he did not respond to any norm medical test …. Sure the body in such a state … fo totally being fucked up ,,, is just concentrating on ,,living … yes maybe the combination of pain meds they gave hime before he was REALLY HE .. Talking ,, even made his weakness state seem more real to the doctor ,,but a day or so later after his own HIGH AND DRUNK state had stopped after he really realized he was in a fucking hospital not at home …. Still drunk and pased out like he normally would be after getting hurt at work or at play …. When he REALIZED some one was trying to LIVE FOR HIM to tell him …shit . Tell him he would never live like he WANTED to live …. He said WHO THE FUCK ARE U ! … and walked away ..( ok he walked awy weeks later but he showed signs of feelings within a day or so … )
He can still walk so there is nothing a DOCOTR can do for him that his body will not do for itself ,,,the doctor does not HEAL the broken bone the DOCTOR only provides a good stable covering so the DNA body can AUTO - HEAL …… the doctor does not grow new skin cells ,, the doctor does not ,, grow the heart transplant ed in to a chest …. Into living tissue the AUTO REBUILD mechinisms OF A BIO-MACHINE programmed to auto heal does that …. If it has that desire to live
Ttthat …WHAT GETS YOU OUT OF BED FEELING … in the morning ….
Now a smiling face shown to the world that lies about the deep hidden hopelesness of your soul ,,,, is NOT what gets you out of bed in the AM ,,type of power of will … the vibtration of TAO ..that life force to HEAL and live …. To trust in ones self not a FUCKING DOCOTOR ,,, thank you doctor ,,, thank you everyone over the years who has found my own stupid ,, ass ….. Passed out some fucking where and drageed me to some place where my AUTO - REBUILD mechansisms could do their job instead of … my body just waiting out the SHOCK state till some …. ANCIENT PREDATOR ANIMAL OF MY DNA … past could come and finish the job ,,,, of death that what ever I had been doing earlier had not quite completed …. Whether it was getting in a fight with the wrong person(s) or surfing waters and waves I was not ready for …. Or fsihing way to long past my water supply had ended only to lose my mind my fish my tackle my everything and find my self under a tree on a beach saying ….who the fuck are you …. Yes I will say publicly thank you medical profesional you have arrived to my unconcisuocss aid 3 times … and in time I got up and walked away to go sleep at home tonight . So ,, DO NOT THINK I AM TRASHING THE HELP OR SKILL of well trained helpful people I am not …
But to DEPEND on a DIAG- know - SIS .. Of a pro ..to put your experience oife in those who only see the WHAT IS not the DEEP inner drive of what is your ? WANTO ? That thing which pulls you out of bed each morning . There is the issue , for another frind of my NOW ,,, has been told that cancer is EATING HER UP and she is talking to me about ALTERNATIVE medical theory for the doctors have nothng else they can do for her but help her DIE and she asys …. She say ,,she says ,,she does not want to DIE ,,,, but I say ,,WRONG LIAR .. You have been wanting to die for years now ( http://www.instinctualism.org/id74.html cancers blessing )…. Dragging yourself out of bed confused and boken by a world that fucked you our of the FAIRY TALE DREAMS OF your 7 years year old girl mind ,,, you have been letting your self get sicker and sicker ,,, fatter and fatter ,, each new medication and deprseion pill each doctor telling you it is A CHEMICAL IMBALENCE …. Whn it is you ..who does not REALY WANT TO BE HERE ANY MORE ,,yet in your consfusion about the TAO you fear your won FREE CHOICE to die slowly and painfully of your own creation …. Whether it is from the heart problems from hiding your pain in food , that also lead to DIABETIEAS …. Whether it is the FACT that you hate life so much that the only way to make it worth living is to take ANTIDEPSRASANTS for years now on and off … call them ANTI ANXIETY PILLS of adult ADHD ,,, whatever …. It was just anew way for the medical PRO to keep you trying his newest HOPE FOR A BETTER LIFE thru ,,chemistry …
INSTEAD of thinking about what drags you out of or… OR back into bed each morning … so you come to me to learn to self heal ,,,, to prove to your family ,, that you are a fighter PROVE TO YOUR CHILDERN ? How about what drags you out of bed ,,,not living for the shoulds of any other ….
My friend did say I GOT BILLS TO PAY KIDS TO FEED … but he said ,,I HAVE …. He wanted to do his MALE his MASTER’S job of being the silver back male protecting his broken family and crazy bitch girlfriend who ..teased some other male …into fighting her master …. She TWISTED and manipulated .. Because of the control of the 1 on 1 .. I love you SLAVE state of MALE KIND … she can use those sublte yes to encourage the attentions of other males or not ….
What does this EVE ..have? She has the DIRECTION of a MASTER a medical professional … the guidance of a MASTER … to lead the harem …. HER SUBBIE NATURE CALLES HER TO THE doctor ..to the leader … tell me what to think for I have fucked up living on my own . She did not live her instinctual nature the YING AND YANG of our DNA …. Instead she goes to purchase … a master with the money form her slave job of economy going to those who will tell her how to live instead of respecting her deepest instinctual urges ,, because of the FASHION the shoulds of others ,,, so now ,, stillignoring the call of her inner self saying IT IS ALL FUCKED UP … I am tired …. Let me live out my days in all the happiness I can ,,, and DIE ,, the one thing in common well all have ,,,,,, NO 1 GETS OUT OF HERE ALIVE ! …. She buys into the slave hood of depence on PAHROH’S PRIESTS/DOCTORS …. Paying them with the gold given her for her service to the ecomony of god king paharoh …. Her slave job ,,which she also liked yet hated … when wil she start to think for herself to feel … allow herself to FEEL ..realy feel! Her won INSTINCTUAL SELF her inner guidance …. And say to the world WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU ….. I will go to sleep at home to night I CAN get up and walk a way …… home in this time/space flash of memory expression of bvibrations felt thru senses that are unable to show us the truth that the ATOM is not REAL …. Noting is real except for the FEELINGS of the AGREEMENT STATE of pyushics the expresion of VIBRATION ,, what are your REAL vibes telling you
You can not hear your self becaue you are listening to someone else. WHO MAY THAT BE ? Young master ? Who is describing to you want is real and what is not and what are they getting out of it ? Really now think about it ? Honeslty not let them tell you what to think about what you should be thinking as RIGHT for you , but think for yourself …. Feel it .