Friday, September 21, 2007

fingering fun

Fingering fun

Young master ,,,, ever listen to how much fun a girl has with your finger ,,, ever think about that dipshit … just a finger ,,,, have you really explored the inside of her pussy , feel textures feel indentations areas where you get and extra OOOOH YES … actually my passion today is not to write how to’s on sexual stimulation after all , I am not into discussing dating problems and 1 on 1 relationship stress … no , I think more important is your mental state while you build the compound , keeping your pump up while you are saving the money to buy the land which will provide you with that DIFFERENCE .

And dipshit the difference of building a compoing that is off gird ,,, no more will you be giving to much money to the Gulf states because of your involvement in the common energy cycle …. Once you have the land once you have two of the tents ,,,, then your dating the YOU will be so different as be well now you are SPECIAL like having the real cool car.

But during that building time …. I wanted to go over something called level of wanto … dipshit if you pissed your pants 1 out of every ten times you had to go ,,, if you love baseball but 1 out of every ten throws you just dropped the ball like a 2 year old , if you were a doctor/surgeon and 1 out of every 10 people you worked on died ,,,, if you were a fisherman and 1 out of every ten casts you fucked up on …. If at work you only showed up 1 out of every ten days … what do you think that says about your level of WANTO about the activity ,,, if you realy wanted to not pee in your pants and it was just being fucking lazy that you ened up peeing your pants , if you found out it was just being fucking lazy in all the above activities that was the reason for fucking up …… would you agree that maybe on some level that activity is not realy that important to you ?

I am mean think about it , fucking 1 in 10 times doing it right 9 times then fucking up ,,, especially at an activity that you can do … not something you are learning but something you can and do ,,, do ok at . fucking 10 percent of the time . brings into question your real wants .

Now if you really want something you will get it ,,, it just seems to be one of those laws about reality ,,, because if your realy wanto , you really want it you work and work and work ….. till you no longer fuck up 1 in 10 times . and you succeed .

Now many many times beople say they want this they want that , yet they do not do whatever it takes to achieve it , the evidence trail does not support their stated want , well there was a technique it was , just writing once a day your want , this is especially powerful in some thing like stopping smoking ….. just write once day , 1 want to stop smoking … just write those words doen not just say them but atleast take the effort and have the planning and fore sight to have a pen and paper , with you to write those couple of words … I want to stop smoking …. Ohhh important is to choose a special time a day for when to write your want …. Now dipshit can you commit to that ?

Would you commit to just writing your all important want only once a day …? For only 30 days ,, what you can not commit to some thing for 30 days yet you want . to commit to a life time withone girl and the kids .. or 3 girls and the kids …. Or working the job of your dreams versus a job you hate ,,,, would you commit to writing your want one quick simple sentence to describe / just name the want ,,,, not a whole fucking book ,, just a word or two whichi is important to you ,,, for only 30 days …. But but but , if you find you FUCK UP 1 in ten times …. And you do not have a pen to write … or you miss the scheduled time or you find that something else is more important thatn the idea of your greatest biggest most important WANT … then re think your want ,,, do you really want it?

Hey if you find yourself wanting to do something else MORE ,,, if you can not take 30 seconds to your self , excuse yourself like to go to the john or something … ( kinda the pissing in the pants that is why I used that you would stop everything and excuse yourself to go use the john instead of PISS your pants ) but if you find yourself choosing your OTHER WANTS , more instead of the want you CLAIM is all important than ,, re think yoiur wants ,,,

Now if you do do the 30 days anad do not have a failure rate of 10 percent ,,,, well many many time magic happens .. all the expectation of enjoying the idea of writing , all the expectation of the arrival of the time when you will write your IMPORTANT want everyday ,, that positive expectation generates it activates the infinite potential fields …. That enengy of magic for lack of a more scientific word ,,,, you will find especially when it come to like smoking when you end the 30 days and you do choose a STOP date , you do realy stopw with out any withdarawls or efforts it is just so natural …. With almost everything , things just line up for you to receive what ever that wants is … and you find yourself much much closer than ever before …. There is a power in clearify your wants .. to programming your mind that tool ?

How does this work when it come to building the compound , well the real day to day choice to prove that you will do this ,,,, writing ,,, the proof of the level of wants . if you do not do it and choose to watch a movie instead ,,, or spend that 30 seconds entertaining some one else ,, or becoming distracted … welll thr truth the EVIDENCE TRAIL …. Speaks to the universe … that whole idea of the law of attraction , the ideas that have been proven by evidence trail and evidence trail written in history . to the point the evidence is impossible to deny that a LAW OF ATTRACTION does exisit . so prove the law your self by really wanting one thing more than all the distractions in life … all you gotta do is write astupid little sentence everyday for 30 days , all you gotta do , is have a pen and paper … all you gotta do is choose a time ,,, a time that you are a wake everyday …. There must be some time of the day that everyday you are a wake .

So dipshit ,, think about what you want , think about the evidence trail of the world you grew up in ,,, were you from a divorce family do you really want that for your kids … and what do you think you do not want kids .. dipshit , you want kids , and wives , yep having and just palying being free sure is fun but at some time wyou will want the family and it is worth ,,, everything , kids are so cool and the girls who give birth to them are great fun and very loving caring ,,, well if … if … and it semms only if , the reality of your harem is just aht a reality . other wise you will most likely slip back into 1 on 1 rensentments and stresses . So dipshit so starting early towards the idea of the harem will allow you much more freedom during your twenties and later . look at your bank account dumbass , look at the floor board of your car what is ther CASH ? bage from fast foods places empty red bull cans …… really think about your wants and your evidence trail .

Thursday, September 20, 2007

sensation of pussy lips

Sensation of pussy lips

Honestly young master have you taken time to enjoy her pussy lips and if not why ….. why is fucking something so much a stress for so many ,,,, or for a few of you guys you really are not all that interested , you think and act on that I LOVE YOU SO much she gives you that you act as if the girl is not realy that important that she is the person trapped because of LOVE and dipshit you are right up to a point , on average that love commitment on her part her being the natural submissive will last until you show that you are not worthy to be MASTER ……now I really so not want to waste my time writing to you if you are the male reading this no ,,, I am more into wrting to that NICE guy who has in him that realy good man , that master but finds … jumping thru the emotional hoops of today dating system to be fucking insane ,,, he /you can feel the extremem tension and say to yourself it should not be this fucking hard to been fucking ….

The idea that you build a life you put forth the effort and smarts ,, then let the evidence trail prove you …. It is like again I will use a movie to show ourselves to ourselves ,,, that movie lonely hearts near the end a young girl a store clerk who brings the main character a box of ceral he forgot , well the girl comments oh how COOL his car is ,,, she like 90 percent of the girls in the real world ,, are attract by life’s bling the shiney … they see a really cool new style car and they want the experience of riding in that car so they use their sexuality to achieve that end ….. and if during the interaction with the cars owner they find that male to be of their likeing well then a relationship will develop ,,, but the thing that brough them the boy and girl was the girls GREED ….. 4 wheeels that bring a good man from point A to point B …. Is not fun or exciting ….. but that new design of sports car , that corvette , that Jag , that rag top …etc. that Fairy tale now that is fun . and the guy must have money look at what he owns ….. ahhhhhhhh you know this is what is happening dumbass you know we all talk about it us guys talk about it … but we still buy … bling to attract pussy .

That is where and when the problem with enjoying the texture of her pussy lips come in since the relationship is not built upon the real needs and INSTINCTS of the human animal . but built on the idea of the money …. Yet the money was used to buy fishing lures to attract and catch pussy to … enable you a male to GET LUCKY …. It is a relationship that atarts out on the wrong foot and you wonder why 60 percent of EVEN marriages fail , marriages which are dating relationships that have ENDURED longer than the regular date …… which ends at level of 99 percent …

Ok so your evidence trail your … amount of goats and tents how many camels you have … these things like the level of your ROAR or the way you pound your chest of the size of your horns … do if you were a lion dear or gorilla … your car home clothes the loudness of your music whatever it is that you feel you can show off .. to prove to the animal in the girl that you are special …. Starts to ball off , but the 1 on 1 is a road to and end .

It continues the problems of fucked up children because of power plays that most people do not erealy even realize they are play , each person feeling they are right the other is WROMG , when at the most basic of real reality at the QUATUM level of the psychics we all share ,, you and she are the same energy or spiritual force , the way the atoms assemble into human form and face …. The memeory wach of us have and the things we each feel is important based on our personnel morals and ideas ,,,, thos actually deep down are the same , because the base TOA-ist energy of life is a constant ….and that is a constant of changes variation of infinte possibilities . here to experience just that a variation of life not the 1 and only life . hmmmmm not a 1 a life of restricted choices .

Dipshit , just think about the idea of …. ALTERNATIVES … after you have the evidence trail , then to talk proudly of what you have built and why , will give the girl hunting ,,, the girl who only has the choice of dating because of BLING , it will give her a nes choice …. To go live with this male this family … this poly amourus life , where she has the friendship of girls and the sex and friendship of a male , without the greed of eve or the greed of adam ….. you the male have already proven your commitments , you have built 3 tents , you have provided the OFF gird power life style , you have natures foods growing every where in your own private Idaho or paradise ….. something that girls can not get form just any one …

Ok so this way if the girl get s pregnant and then want so leave well leave ,,, she can never control you …. Even sing the child/ren will ot work over the long run because the kids will see the truth of the greed of that female , of tha mother …. When they grow up and see that you dipshit did your TRUE GOOD MAS JOB ,,, ot a job of just buying shit having expenseive FIARY TALE weddings and honey moon ….. but actually you spent your time an effort inot building a sustainable life style where you as a male , father and shuband to three females would have had time to enjoy and be there to inteat with every in a relaxed manner not over working to buy the next new …… toy or house or vaction …

I promote doing something different , based on just plain JUST AND HONEST shit , and yet I expect to be free to enjoy the girls in deeply sexual ways ways ,,, but of course this is all about …. FREEDOM of choice no girl should be with you or give you a child thinking that it is thru the child that she gains a level of control over you or the family … having or giving you a child is a subconsiuos control tool for manymany women …. In the poly she will realize up front control is not possible …. PARTICiPATION is the reality …. And you children also will see Truth not a fairy tale . ohhh yes back to sex …. Since for me to relax and enjoy sex is important …. Having then the time ,,, having then the location where you can enjoy with alevel of privacy ….. all of this is available because of your choice to create something before you ,, created the relationships … not like me being invested deeply to the tone of big bucks in fairy tale land …. Having to wait and wait day after day for a miracle ….. a buyer. Well miracles happen everyday my buyer is here somewhere , and then I get to build what you can build from the beginning … and once you got it on the way ,,, you can be as proud of the poly compound as you would have been with the cool truck …. And you will be suprized that over coffee how OPEN MINDED GIRLS REALY ARE .

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Pussy Crack

Young Master , the smell of fresh pussy is a drug it carries with it is the Pheromones , subtle drugs produced by her body which your male body is designed to respond to . And well it is just fucking fun to listen to her repond to relax and expect even more even futher stimulation . to let your female remember that she is also ,, ALSO driven by her sex drive the drive of finding her BLISS of finding natures happiness .

It has nothing to do with thing with what money can buy ,,, in fact to realy enjoy the feelings of getting her pussy licked , her body touched she has to submit , to allow my tongue to explore her body to explore the folds of the lips of her pussy . She must be still to allow me to flick her clit to circle her clit with my tongue . to dips ans force my face , my tongue into the hole of her pussy as I search for more and more success …. SEARCHING FOR SUCK CESS ….. THAT sound of her responding to my actitiy … and during the whole pussy licking I get higher and higher … from that scent and taste of her animal hormones . this has nothing to do with money but is sure is fun ,,,, it is something that can be enjoyed where ever and whenever ,,, well those words would be more real if we ,, as a culture a society realized and acted in accord with the animal side which we have ignored .

But over and over just look around and also dipshit realize your own responses …. To the hope anw wish we have for the FAIRY TALES of love we see around us ….. I too , hope the best for everyone I hear that feels they have found that 1 special someone ,,,,, I love to see the smiles , the drug like giggdyness of the chemicals of love which flood the human body because of love and lust ,, the synengery of a good friendship and a sexual actraction ,,, the trust of freindship that helps aperson to feel connected and safer in an unpredictable world and life ….. that is a high in itself the opportunity to relax and trust something ….. and the then smelll of pussy .. or for the girl it would be the smell of her own pussy on the male . god dam girls can and do smelll pussy as much as we do , the scents of other women in and around the home or work place eefect the reproductive cycles of the women . so dumbass understand your soft spot for the fairy tale …

But does this soft spot ofr the fairy tale have to mean that creating the POLY is without SPECIALNESS? Being special is very important … and it is impossible for a human to not be special ,,, UNLESSS , that person creates in themselves the aura of NOTHING – NESS . or being unworthy of specialness .

But be understanding even at you syouthful age that you will treat each women with , specialness it is not something that you have to learn it comes naturally ,,, the fear of not neing special is that GREED OF EVE …. That FEAR . you treat all you male friends specially , you treat everyone of importance in your life already uniquely …… when you become a Daddy it is natural to love each child in that childs special way yet you … you DO love all your children not one more than an other ,,, you love the children ALL . you love everyone and each person , brothers sisters cousins mom and dadn and friends each you love and each person is AUTOMACTICALLY treated uniquely ,, WIT SPECIALNESS . it is only in the mind of the girl that UN WORHTYNESS , comes in … and she feels the only way ,, THE EASIEST way to change that is to force you! Into say

SAY THAT YOU LOVE ME ,,, become my I LOVE YOU SLAVE ,,,, give me that words , that vow ,, which the soldier inside you that warrior deep inside of you with attempt to honor with its life .

A movie , our movies expose us as a culture ,, comedians also expose us ,,, the average [person in this world … a movie Lonely Hearts ,,, the core is THE GREED OF EVE …and the GREED OF ADAM …. Her desire to be special to the 1 and him the desire to make a female happy ,,, yet once pushed to prove his VOW of love to prove and prove and prove …. In this movie based on facts , the proof was to murder murder murder ….. fucked up… onw the girl it is said was the VICTUM of sexual child abuse ….explore that and find out it comes out of this confused sexuality of the 1 on 1 … the trap of the fairl tale love gone NUTS , where the CONTROLED MALE , expressed thru controlling the weaker humans he has around ,,,,, even though in public a husband can seem to be controlling of the female , in the end when he finds that he hurt his female ,,, the abusive male …. Gets on his KNEES to beg of the female forgiveness …. To show her who is reality in power .

Dipshit this is very subtle almost invisible ,,, macro and micro …. The whole universe is shaped by the unseen force of dark matter gentlely ahpping things and cotnroling actions , yet that gentle constant force ,,,, looks weak in the face of a SUPER NOVa ,,, a woman looks weak in the face of the angery male ….nut dipshit ,,, if it were not for the times that the male had begged and promeised to be tter ,, gave his vow of love and asked her for her understanding that is just a male and males are violent …. Etc etc … but listen and look … at the real power and control

Then like in TWISTED INSTINCT as I went over that list of the effects of coercion … of control … and you will see that power play that child sexual abuse is ,,, is nothing but the effects of that power sometimes modeled over generations ….. repeating of a patterns almost like an AUTO POLIT diss ease ……. Fucked up

The PLY , the three girls gives a great number a good dynamics of personalities , of friendship of commitments , of safety and trust …. Especially when it is a good group of you and understand desiring rils who create the pOLY family …. Understanding each person motivies for searching out and ALTERNATIVE

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Instinct for fun

Instinct for fun

Young Master , are you better than , everything else ion the planet ? Now for some time I have gotten off the nuts and bolts of pussy of dating ideas and your concepts as a Master the exploration of why we males have allowed our to be controlled by pussy and how it has effected us and the girls ,,,,, I have talked about the reality about your day to day fun and your day to day level of stress ,, diss – ease and of course drepressions hiding in chemical recreation .

1926 ,,,,, most people did not even have a radio . so they did not know that a hurricaine was coming …. NPR radio reporting about the hurricane of 1926 in Miami Fl.

the need for finding bliss , it is instinctual , but honestly what did you do for fun ,,, us humans who are able to have recreation thur sex any time we want to … there are other animal who can have sex just for fun and gues what they do …. They have sex . what did us humans do thru out history ? before we got fancy got all wrapped up in the idea that to get a female we have to bee rich … be able to afford her. Think about it didpshit you know that on average your self worth in the eyes of girls your ,,,, your concept of what she is thinking ( but honestly what you thin she thinks and what she thinks is often very close … especially when it comes to money or atleast , the reality of what money does buy …. So maybe it is not about the moneyu but it is about the image and or comfort that only only money can buy .

are you dumbass better than a bird , is your vibration higher than a bird? Are you more important to god because you can think because you are the leading edge of thoughts? But wait god does not NEED anything …. Infintiny does not lack anything ,,,, not even the idea of experience itself …

so I watching an osprey gliding by ,,, not this time of year out front on my beach the water is full of food , so . this bird I guess was most probably full , so it was spending its time gliding on the cushion of air , being pushed over the cliff out front …… hmmmm gliding for why? Well to watch that bird , twsit and turn dips and soar ,,, all I can think about is a skate boarder experimenting with moves just for fun ………. Hmmm so I watched a grass hopper this morning …. The grass has been pleantiful soft rich in water and green , it is summer ,, this grasshopper was not stressed that when it landed on the blade of grass that I began to eat like it was straving , no It walked around the blade of grass almost like to get into a nice place to sun itself .

and a morning dove this morning during my run , lands in front of my while I run in it’s animal eyesight and brain something developed thru time to insure that this style of animal will live on and . its DNA will survive …. Any thing larger than it , if the bird notices that the thing moves , the bird leaves .. fast … because the natural selection process has proven to the bird ….. trees to do move to wards it but foxes , wild dogs , wild cats etc do move and the birds that did not move first well their DNA ended

DNA ENDED …….. when the bird I saw got out of my way to a distance of safety as programmed by the DNA memeory record of that birds forefathers , like the memory record that you carry so that you can live thru DIS EASE that American Indian DNA could not , yes , we Europeans did die off because of child hood disease ,,,, but not in the 80 or 90 of the popilution numbers that native peoples did , why because the DNA of tha ntives had no ,, no memeory or instinct …. No memeory of it parents beating the stress the lack of ease that a child hood infection represented …

And then what id the bird do as I watched still like a tree this time … what did the bird do ,,,, quickly eat eat eat …. Work work work ….. no it walked …. And looked at its world it was having bird fun …… instinct to have fun . like th ferrel cats around the house , sunning themselves the dog tossing the stick for itself to chase ….. just animals having fun . but these are animals who do not have the body which is designed to have fun thru causual sexual activity .. we humans are .

So when I hear about the TRIAL of the RELGIUOS control freak that is being tried for rape because a person who choose .. the person and family choose to become a SLAVE to a god designed by man for the benefit of men to control the masses , thru confusions and fear …. When that person blames the preditior for being hwat a preditior is ,,, istead of the human being animal and leaving and uncomfortable life , like a bird …. Twisted by expecatations and controls we haumans have become , we have lost the truth about

SEXUAL RECREATION …. To force a girl to have sex , when in fact the male of that sect has three wives and in that having a female who also should want to feel recreations and relaxation thru sex , instead of working working working ……I see the problem which is your problem and it is simple , the lack of seeing the we all are just the same animals who like having fun . like a bird cat dog ,or grasshopper … except us humans …. No us humans we are to important to much like ? GOD ? and the reat of life is wrong we are right …… the last 3.3 million years without RADIO was wrong

Monday, September 17, 2007

Author it yee

Author it yee

Young Master ,,, what is the pro that that know it all of this day and age who thinks they understand and can explain the totality of the field of infinite POSSILBES … the one who say that is impossible because I say so …. Do you dipshit honestly believe that some where in the infinite is a brick wall so to say , and on one sidde of that brick wall is the POSSILBE and the other side is all the impossible thoughts or things , like flying pieces of metal must have been to the great thinkers of time way back in the Days of Pharo or ancient Greece of the court of Queen issableele or during the days of President George Washington …. For fuckin ever man thought flying was impossible … and we do it in metal machines , somthting ass heavy as metal …

Authority ,,, just because someone writes something does that make the word on the screen some sort of authority , just be cause it is aurthored words?

What if the aurthor is like me and does not take the time to spell check or grammer or even really make sure his facts are really good , does that still make the written idea some sort of god given gospel ….. ? yo ! dumbfuck I am no authority on nothing other than the idea that ALTERNATIVES , are a must , they are the stuff of the TO the field of infinty of possibles ,,, the reality that there is no wall where the possible end and the impossible starts .. that wall is something of an individuals choosing to accept the wall of impossible. And when some one describes to you the impossible that Por fessional in his trade a person who got his licsence to call him or herself a professionsl they got tha degree by being able to repeat information that they got from books from aurhtorities …. Limited thoughts that died the minute they were written ,,\

Dipshit have you really read my shit ? and if so you have seen me to write what must be a million contra dictions ,, some times , because my sritting is not aurthoity but , experience … the record f experiences of thinking and feeling and being just me ,,, HOW ABOUT you dipshit , have you been thinking enough yet to open up your ideas and your eyes , to see the evidence trail around you … to listen not with the sound of authorities repeating in your subcosnsiuos but with your own , thinking ….

Why Am I writing this because another of so many other girls , all to scared to express themselves in public wrote to me to say ,,,,, I want a dom and most guys do not understand .

Dipshit when she is tied to the bed , her eyes blid folded and and she is helpless naked and submitting to what will happen trusting like the cave woman did that the stronger DOM cave man would not KILL her but fuck her to HIS OWN pleasure and that she would like it ,, it fact she did . gilrs like to be pentrated to be fucked to be used by the male . 3.3 million years of CULLING out submissive genes and DNA and what do we get after just 40 or 50 or 60 years of commercialized dating and western ideas ,,,, what how many of your friends hide their lives in drinking and dope or doctors and anti depressenats , or thru purchasing happiness ,,,, how great loves break up even before the marriage those relationships with somuch hope and passion and lust and the small percentage that make it to marriage what 60 percent end in divorce … the other 40 opercnet how many of them are DISFUCNTIONAL?

YO DIPSHIT …. You think giving her a spanking is weird but it is natural ,,, yes natural … the dominant exciting of the body which I will use for my sexual pleasure in a few minutes and a LARGE PART of my pleasure is found in the SOUNDS of her repeated ORGAISIMS /// that feeling of I DID THAT ,,, you know you rremember .. and if you do not well dumbass you have been missing most of the fun .

Young Master your feelings of confusion while you tie her up is of course natural ,,, your underlying eagerness is in the hope you will her the sounds of sex , of desire … the feelings of her feeling you … then you feel your strongest . you believe finnnally in the words of love because of the sounds of sex . her orgasisms .

Dipshit know what you want , feel the difference between the contrast of , what you want what you live ,,,, decide what it is you want ,, believe you can get it , then as life hands you all the small choices , small actions , again feel that which makes you happiest and strongest and then follow that , as long as it is inline with your over all goal …. Use you brain dipshit ,,,, logic ,, use you spirit your feelings of MOTIVATION are you waking up in the morning exciting about this day and the path you are traveling ? use your body actually do things do not just get stuck in front of this computer or passively playing a video game go live a life ….. and if that means passing your uncomfort zone the nervousness of hand cuffing your girl friend so you can spank her ,,, because she wants it MORE than you … DO THAT because the action is in the end bringing you to what you really want …. What do you want

To live a life not the same as everyone else , a life of desperation ,, a life where you agree with every other male , “ girls ? you can not live with them and you can not live with out them … ” just a life of hopeless – ness .

When you decide to create the 3 tents and a camel you , are an ALTERNATIVE . for every girl you will talk to ,,, not worry about what she may think , who are you to think for her , do you really know what is deep inside that girls brain , her past experiences maybe have gotten her ready for an ALTERNATIVE , but since no no no other male has ever talked to her atleast no one with the compound already built , someone really real ! she had to LIKE YOU , she had to build her life based on ….. the fact of silent desperation with the world as it is ,, since no male has the guts to be really alternative . but remember a written word is not the word of a god , a written word is dead ,,, it is the thought of 5 minutes ago , it is only and idea which you now have the choice to think about ,, freedom of choice .

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Sexual power over

Sexual power over

Over ? as in like control? Young master honestly , think dipshit about how you act with a chick you really like and think about the facts of evolution and … especially depression how depression factors into the life of any animal ,,, all animals observers have been noticing can show effects of stress which eventually manifest as depression which then leads to death ….. wow what a way to start death …

Dumbass you get excited by the idea of sexual control you see in porn you dream about it while you jack off …. But in the real world you care for the female you want her to feel but you also want her to be happy and healthy so sometimes you hear her screams and you slow down so she can catch her breathe ,,WRONG ! …. In sex the PENTRATED , the submissive needs the force of a good fucking to stimulate blood flow to the sexuall organs to ripen the egg , to exercise the imunine system to create STRENGTH for the months of preganacy ,, so the girl will be in top form to grown her baby in her belly a stronger and healthier mom create a stronger and healthier baby ,,, and the POWER of your fucking is the stepping stone towards that end that has been designed by nature …..

If were to fuck to exchange sperm and egg in peace and harmony …. All soft and butterfly and daisy like then we would have evolved ,, we ALL animals would have evolved a more peaceful SEX ACT . but look dumbass sex is POWERFUL ,,, it is violent ,,, VIOLATING .. of anothers body with our ,, engorged sex organ our hard fucking dick …that stimulates ,,,, this pentration , this force stimulates ,,, feel good hormones , of the brain , it stimulates the inumine system to be ready for invaders …. It stimlulates the whole body to be ready to be STRONG .

Now if it were not a desired activity for the female or if the male was truly abusive , then hopeless-ness creeps into the awareness fo the female , the inner animal feels trapped …. HEY DUMBASS , do you feel that way about your JOB or the dating scene you live in? is that why you hide try ,, try to find release and pleasure thru getting high ,,, getting a buzz on? And then depression… to depress is to push somoething down and in time turn something almost off , and if that is done to a dynamic orgaism like an animal … YOU FUCKHEAD are an animal … she is an animal … then in that almost stopped start the animal is open vunerable to infections , intruders of a maliced nature DIS – EASE …. And over the last 3.3 millions of years those girls for example forced trapped to live under a truly sick males RULE OR POWER . WELL THOSE GIRLS DIED OFF their dna did not nove on ,,, MORE IMPORTANTLY , is that the DNA of that male did not move on , it did not grow like the male who was better to his females …

Better did not mean fucking her softly , for to fuck her softly would mean she would not be in her healthiest state ready to bring forth the stronges baby , the healthiest baby and herself being strong and ready to care for that new young life ,,, and the DNA trail of the male goes on ,,, the truesly power hungry male ( not the bad male of today who because of the social net is able to exisit and reproduce … in nature he would have died off ,,,, the genes the DNA of that male would have only shown up on occasion as a nautral ABNORMALITY a mutation … that regular 3 percent of all births that are ? deformed ? ) being NICE IS IN OUR NATURE , we are pre disposed to being nice and caring ,,YET

In sex we fuck our females till they scream in what sounds like pain , BUT ACTUALLY IS her way of saying THANKYOU MASTER ,,,, ohhh my god thank you master fuck me harder please , make me stronger healthier love me please love me enough to hurt my poor tiny little pussy , fuck me like a little slut … ohh thank you master !!!

Sexual power …… ? hmmmm think dumbass . feel your own life dumbass ,,,, what may outwardly be viewed by the FILTER of your subconcsuios your training , things you do that may seem wrong yet ,, when you are thinking or planning with that idea in mind you feel stronger your runn that morning is stronger your breating is better …. You feel NO more twinges of pains from old injuries ,,, then FEEL dumbass the days you do the RIGHT THING , what ever that correct life or action is and you find yousefl feelinging tired , feeling aches and pains ,, wanting to relax with that beer after work … feel your lie dumbass ,, and trust not the CORRECTNESS …. Of the mind but the feelings of the body … be aware … she is , that awareness , that is why after a good fucking she returns for more .

Friday, September 14, 2007

mean terrible bad master

Mean terrible bad Master

Young Master , with a smile on your sybbie face after the fact … after the fact you will be called mean , terrible and bad … then she will cuddle up to you and almost purrrr .Submission over and over I talk about the NATURE of submission ,,,, and for you dipshit Dominance , sumbass just think honestly about how you feel when you view Dom/sub porn , I know look at be honest dam you would be supprized to know the girls who look , yet act as if , they do not want it ……… being teerrrible and bad ,,, look dumbass my friend have you enjoyed sex honestly , have you learned to go past that urge to cummm fast because of the fear she will change her mind and the opportunity to fuck her will be gone m or that you are so sexually twisted that you have to cumm fast ? just because of the inner pressure .

Well when you finally do get comfortable with some girlfriend and you can take the time to enjoy sex and just play ,, well then I hope you will enjoy licking and teasing that pussy , in fact her whole body ,,, driving her desire higher to the point of pain ,,, hey like that pain of desire we feel so often that feeling of needing to burst to just cumm fast … ( girls wonder why we cumm so fast ? welll goo thru a session of orgasism denial with your male DOM and you will understand the pain most of you ex-boyfriends lived thru everyday and probably still live like ) so Young master when you are able well than take it! The time , to prolong herdesrie to the point of pain and frustration , and then let her cumm in your mouth ….

Ohhh god it had been like what 10 days maybe 2 weeks since since I had licked her pussy ,, strange how you can have sex everyday even twice a day and not get the real time to enjoy everything … so I had fun last night forcing her to cummmm and cummm and cummmm poor girl …she got whipped with her leather belt , she got licked and teased and her body touched and bitten … her pussy fingered her ass fucked ….. over and over she PROCLAIMED , her GOD ,,, ohhh my god …. Ohhh my god ….. and then about an hour after her first orgasim I finally let myself shoot my load …. Ohhh dipshit remember playsing STOP you get to multi orgasim also so , I got to enjoy that state of PRE EJACULATION at least 10 times …. Before I let it go … and pulled out of her ,,,,and watched with PRIDE

Yes dumbass pride I , can remember in my youth in my past worrying about the girl who would curl up into a little ball twitching moaning aome of the girls in tears crying , as they continue to orgasim to feel like they are still be ing fucked in their pussy and ass while ,,,, I do reach arounds to rubb pinch stimulate their engorged clit … only to get a good screa, out them ,,, then return to fucking then hard or soft , fast then slow ,,, ass for 3 strokes then pussy for 10 or visa versa ….. with pride to watch a grown woman lay on the bed for minutes twisting twitching moaning feeling her body her pussy her asss …. And then and then

The come back to you YOUNG MASTER , yes they find you they reach out to their master , for comfort and protection ,, to feel your skin and body again ,,, and msybe even to start the whole event 1 more time …. The screams pain forgotten and the lust for SENSATION , take back over her animal side wanting to submit once more PLEASE MASTER her body is saying .. she seeks you out where ever you maybe , still in the room just enjoying watching in her after shocks of your fucking or if you give her time to experience those shocks alone … she may find you or me in the kitchen re fueling getting ready to fuck the hell out of her again ……. WHY BECAUSE IT IS YOUR NATURE dipshit ! you like to see her feel her body that sound of her screaming … OHHH MY GOD OOOOH MY GOD , while she is getting fucked on makes you dick harder even larger and thicker …. It is the reason you become creative in your rythms and angles of pentrations …. You strive to find ways to hear those PROCLAMATIONS of your divinty of becoming her GOD …. PLEASE OHHH MY GOD DON’T STOP PLEASE MASTER FUCK ME HARDER ! she says that in the first 15 minutes and she says it again 45 minutes later alittle more tired very much more sore ,,, but still FEELING what it is that is NATURAL for a female to desire …… fuck ne harder MASTER , that is you dipshit! Master .

I am programming you dipshit reprogramming getting you to think about other , alternatives , not the RIGHT THING that you were trained in by society ….

Ohh training programming mmm let see what is in the news welll there is a WHACK JOB , preacher a power hungery God wanna-be , who trains brain washes people like he was brain washed , programmed like his parents before him ,,, like you were dipshit … this Preacher tells little girls and little boys that if you do not do what he thinks is the CORRECT thing that they will burn for ever ini some fairy tale hell of pain ….. yet reigon serves people we like it ,, mostly because we are to scared to think for our selves or we do not understand that religion is not natural really ,,, it is a control of power passed down for 1000’s of years to the point most people really do not understand the history of how their religion actually really developed … it develops thru people who wanted to control the mass of people they were king or ruler over , using that incredible power of threat ….. SEE THAT LIGHTING OR THAT EARTH QUACKE …. That is the power of god , learn fear !

So this Wahck job , serves many that is why he is head of his sect many many many people love him and his ideas m many many POLY FAMILYS LIVE IN HEALTH AND PEACE , under his ideas and 1 girl did not want to and this power hungry idiot welll believed in his own power , and told a little girl go home and be a wife ,, he said the same thing he has for years told many many manyhappy women go home and be a wife …. But this 1 instead of being responsible for herself because of the effects of the brainwashing of her whole life .. not her fault yet her fault .. this young one allowed herself to enter a marriage she did not want …. BUT SHE DID LEAVE …. Like history has proved many girls do leave freedom of choice . and now the whack job preacher is in front of a judge but with him all preachers who recommend the life style of sexuality common to their faith are also in front of that same judge ,,,b ecause he told a folloewer to FOLLOW the words of the GOD they created .

Well dipshit as you have read my words I am all about freedom of choice , the nature of polygamy I feel is nautrual for the human animal it supports the female and male in our BASIC DRIVE … that drive I explored in the beginning of this blog that drive where she the female desires more attention of that male of her FREE choice who has just be … MEAN TERRIBLE BAD .

Thursday, September 13, 2007

ass fingering

Ass fingering

Ok Young Master , I have had this whole meta theme going on for a while actually you can find reference to it from the beginning understanding infinite possibility is a good thing , but that is why I am also so basic …. Instinctual

Because being ANIMAL is why you are here you are not an animal trying to earn the right to become spiritual . NO you are part of the whole energy potential that is expressing in a NOW the idea the STOP the NO … of being a thing … 1 thing out the the all ,,, the NO 1 thing , the nothing you became animal.

And in being animal in a PREDICTABLE universe , brings with it certain , agreed upon rules of how time and space and THING will act. What does this have to do with fingerin your girl friends asshole ? lots dipshit the new ( old ideas this fashion of positive thinking just like bull markets in the stocks , spec markets in land ) ideas of the SECRET well they promote relationship ideas ,,, your love life will be perfect if you will only do XY and Z if you force your mind to act unnaturally force your body to expect that a state of being unnatural is GOOD . it is possible I do not ,, DO NOT say that all 1 on 1’s are dis functional I say that only 80 percent are so 20 work out I am happy and the tools like in the secret probably are the reason atleast in part .

But me I talk about being …. Returning to being human .. feeling our human-ness and that means sex RECREATIONS and understanding the reality of that fun , the fun of lining in harmony with nature even your own nature and her nature ….. her nature is that of being PENETRATED , being submissive to allow your pentration ,, she wants to be fucked , she wants to feel you lust for her sounds of submission .

And getting ass fucked is being submissive , now while you PUPPY fuck her and if you finger her while doing that , playing just playing with her ass ,,, then deny her you cock so that her NATURAL LUST , starts to take over her mind … all that positive thinking all the metapyshcial spiritual things disappear as her lust for the sublime Pleasure . OF SEX takes over her NATURE her and your real reason for becoming a THING leaving the TOA to be a thing human an animal …. So , you return to fucking her and you add in the sensation of your finger fucking her asshole … creating an exciting and anal exploration … now

( do not worry about it being dirty or urinary tract infections these are common in the first few fucks any way because you bring into her body your own CULTURE of bacteria and aslong as you keep fucking her daily you both grow each others cultures and no infections occur )

slip your dick into her ass ,,,, then back out and in to her pussy ….. time for SWITCHY ! …. And ask her to say thank you MASTER … remember dumbass ,,, your are young master CORRECT ! well ask her to tell you that you are her master ,,, her choosen master , the one she is now choosing to be still for to allow for you to pentrate her so that she can feel her PUSSY LIKE THE NATURAL LITTLE ANIMAL SLUT she is , like all girls are NATURALLY . OHHHH yes they can force their animal side to disappear as the girl explores her spiritual side ,,,, but that is not the real REASON why she left the TOA also … she became a female human to enjoy the NAMIAL life aof being a female human and that means getting FUCKEd IN THE ASS and liking it! So switchy , back and forth ass to pussy ,,, pussy to ass …. And then holding on to your sperm resting plyaing stop so you can enjoy her screams of submission ,,,,,her screams of feeling her body … her screams of her enjoying being what she REALLY DEEPLY TRUTHFULLY wanted in the first PLACE … feeling something .

to be separated for the infinte field of the all possible and all time and all space ,,,, always , to experience the idea of forgetting agreeing to live in an predictable universe agreed upon rules . to allow our own ADVENTURE . pain and pleasure ,, CONTRAST . yes you can have what ever you want , just think and REALLY WANT IT …. Get equal with it , but dipshit , look at your own evidence trail , that often tells you want your own TRUEST DEEPEST wants really are , yes they represent flawed poragraming training and confused expectations , but remember the message of the SECRET has always been around every year there are people writing that secret … positive thought and the rules about it have been explained over and over . taught to each generation , yet we humans DO NOT want to be INFINTELY POWERFUL , your deepest want is to be just a plain old fashioned ANIMAL . you have gotten hypnotized by flashy lightrs TV’s , easy stuff and actually very selfish thru using money istead of using an interdependence on the tribe . the tribe 3 wives and you dumbass …..THE ALTERNATIVE OF BEING WHAT YOU ACTUALLY CAME HERE TO BE.

You , you animal after age 12 wwants GIRL and she also by age 12 is looking at boys … and by your late teens it is the basic motivating factor , in your choice of what you will MANIFEST ….. with the power of thinking …. You can have anything you can think about just keep at it , whenever and where ever ,,,, as oppurtunites arise … as long as you reaaly want it , you will everyday find new OP’s to work at that thinking thing ……… now think about it ,, what aspect of that thing! What aspect does it play in you getting pussy … and guess what the pussy wants to be GOTTEN and the pussy likes its asshole played with ,,,, the scream of pain is a thankyou of her TOA – self , saying thankyou for helping me feel what is is like to be human to ffell alive to be female and INSTINCTUALLY SUBMISSIVE . thankyou that is what her screaming is saying or else she would not come back for more .

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Attracting pussy

Hmmmm , attracting pussy

Ok young master ,ok ima gunna get metapyshical on you again dipshit , accept that part but do not be dazzled by it that part of you and everyone , it is just a part of life not all important ,,,, with out the pyshical what is there for the non- pyshical to experience ? I wonder what you think is it your instinctual body or that part of infinite energy which is the thing which realy is responsible for calling forth the creative energy of source , toa , infinity ? take wanting pussy for example , that sex drive that starts in you on AUTO – PILOT . as you mature in happens in you your sex organs the FEEL GOOD spot drives you and many of you because of the stress of sex your want becomes confused …dating is hard confusing not natural , not based on game rules that you can really anticipate and then plan and work to wards winning at. YOUR WANT IS SPLIT

Because I think if it were not the animal me who does the calling then why would the I which is the experienecial part of infinte energy which is being … being me … why would I have a split thought a split callong , that Try the positive thought energy +1 and at the same time the limiting thought or negative thought of doubts -1 which so often stops the creative energy of all possibility from generating my want ….. +1 + -1 = 0 no thought energy …. I collapse the wave function so to speak .

So it is the machine this bio-chemical machine itself which is responsible for the creations of wants and “ not wants “ and this machine has instincts which we all agree to , sub currents created by hormones , which yes can be reduced and changed by thoughts … but . only when it seems that the natural course is unattainable or undesireable based on …. UNNATURAL influences , IE , moral bullshit and expectations.

Your desires / wants / feel good things your bliss just like a plant heading towards sunlight …. your buts/self doubts / limiting beliefs the effect of training and memory and deductive reasoning . both things are in the realm of BODY for with out the properly functioning body mind does not exist . and what of spirit well that is in reality a part of ininty just playing just sitting watching a movie experiencing the idea of TIME . when in reality it is all possible always.

So pussy is a desire of the animal ,,, and it does feel good your dick feels good , and there is the high you get from seeing her respond to your actions …… the want for pussy is ? from where ? mind body or spirit yet one does not realy function with out the other and each has its own specialized job ,,,,, hey like male female child …. They function and each has its own place in the total experience …..

You are the pentrator she is the ? and child is the next newest design model to take over after you leave this experience . now instincts tell you good young man , young master my friend and fellow dumbass , your love to see her smile out of bed you love to hear her moan in bed …. Now the most basic needs of human life when a person is living with those as being the motivator they can control and enjoy the process of succeeding at that WORK and still have plenty of time to enjoy the TV of nature …. And enjoy morning afternoon and night time .. pleasure spot activities ,, sex , that sublime pleasure but the drive to find happiness thru CASH money well now you are working and working thinking and thinking wanting and wanting …. Not relaxing and enjoying what is available . WELL ATLEAST most of us arenot enjoying , sure some are that 1 percent but I write not about that 1 percent that you may become , but the 99 perent that actually ARE .

If you get caught up in the SECRET and jerry and ester hicks and other MOTIVATORS to the point of wanting to MANIFEST , meta pyshical power and create stuff in your life like cash well you will get it … fact law of attraction if your level of wanto is really that strong you will get the CASH …. But then again what are you getting the stuff for? To feel pleasure to feel enjoyment when enjoyment in reality is very cheap to have . it is the activity of life that is really the enjoyement not the things in the life ,,, it is the activities the actions of taking care of your house and yard interacting with family and friends it is the action of watching kittens play and birs fly by , and plants growing and of course , tieing your girl friend up with her Velcro hand cuffs , so she can escape the level of stimulation you are forcing her to feel …. That is really enjoyment .

WITH BASIC HUMAN NEEDS MET you can relax and enjoy the experience …… not work at enjoying the experience not slip back into the AVERAGE down fall of depending on things to make you happy but being happy being the HUMAN ANMIMAL that a human animal is … look dipshit we were talking about your land you had with that last wife what are you dumbass 21 now what was that 5 acres at 19.5 k it was and hour outa town nice rural land ,,,, so the possible was that you could have started working at age 15 for 6 bucks and hour ,,, while living at home 10 hours a week ,,,, 60 bucks a week ,,, now before you did not even have 6 bucks a week of income now at 15 you got 60 and like most people you end up blowing the money and never really understand where the cash went …. But if you would have a design in mind , you would have spent $6 saved 54 so by 16 you would have almost 3,000 in the bank , by 17 another 3 for a total of 6 , and from 17 to 18 still living at home you doubled your work hours and still got you’re your high school diploma you would have 12k in the bank at 18 ….. and OK so what you still ride a fucking bike but you can now buy out right a motor scooter not a harley but TRANSPORTATION ONLY …. And either choose to still go for more schooling or go into work …. Either way is cool I mean what parent would stress a good young man who by 18 had 12k in the bank and still wants the help of keeping his room for another year so he can buy his land , which 12k plus 6 more eaquals 18 ,,, 18 19 whatever it is so close that by the time you are 19 you show girls that have 5 acres of land as compared to a car with loud speakers and a lift-kit . by age twenty and the end of an AA degress with that years savings you have the cash to PLOP down your first tents ….. I have been like so programmed to believe a tent is not enough .. that you must have a CBS home … then I look at my town and see ,,, tents .. tin cans mobile homes waterfront in the same place since the 60’s now over 40 years old that lived thru 3 CAT 3 hurricaines it is all about enjoying the process of life , of yes relaxing after work but never working so hard or letting the bills get so high that work becomes stressful …. So that when you come home and relax for a bit after work you still have the desire and energy to continue to work ,,,, not so stressed that comeing home means ,, opening up a beer or smoking a joint to relax , which makes you unable to have PLEASURE , work activities that will keep your tents clean safe stable for a life time …. So by 20 you own 5 acres of land and 1 home ….the land will provide food in the forms you enojoy growning ,,,, the job willl provide 2 more home in the next year …. And you will BE A 1 IN A 1000 male a different male to date ,, a real alterntive male …. Not just the Goth guy the tattooed guy that every girl sees every day who she is dating … you will really be different you have a something really different to talk about while on a date or out for coffee …. You have some place real to take her to show her ,,, not just a tricked out car life every one else has .

And girls like things that are different ,, we all tend to look for different experiences and learning . that wi why we on average work so hard to continue to buy THE NEWEST different stuff . you are the newest different MALE . and it could be all done and securely paid for by like age 20 ,,,, no more real stress …. Housing and food needs taking care of ,,, everything else is just toys ! and well I am really cool on buying toys . so dumbass that land was 19.5 …. The trade you now know is needed in that city also …. But what are you doing with the cash you now get ,,,,, just look at the stupid things you let yourself spend it on ,,,, how did you live without the cash all those times you lived without cas flow .. but with cash you feel like you DESERVE stuff , stuff that costs $ and so you end up with no money …. Because you spent it all . hmmmmm , interesting what are you wants? The real deepest wants . yes you can become the 1 percent the richest you can become the 99 percent the trapped ,,,, or you can become and ALTERNATIVE. Your choice . and with the alternative you get more time for really cool sex .

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Bloody fucking diamonds

Bloody Fucking Diamonds

Young Master , begging for PUSSY are you still in denial are you still telling yourself a lie because of what you think you understand about the weakness of the pussy you fuck ? Dumbass my frined , there is incredible power in what we think and call weakness , it is the weakest force the force of dark matter which actually shapes the whole cosmos .

And like wise dumbass the weakness of the female you desire ,, is her control the HUMAN INSTINCT is one of love it on average , on average , in large part a larger part than the EXCEPTIONS ( there are always exceptions to call attention to , to there by create the NEWS , the reason why ! ) again from the facts of DNA if a male were to be to violent especially to his own family thru our history he would have created a feeling of fear and eventually depression and in depression there was a high moratlity rrate there by limiting the DNA record of that male ,,, good males supportive males who cared about their familyare our forefathers …. Like the gorilla and all animal life for the most part they were peacefull to their own kind and only VIOLENT ( as we judge violence ) to wards prey/food and that actually was natures humanity in fact a form of spiritual humanity for the weakest were killed of quickly by a predator not FORCED to suffer slowly like we humans not force our own aged our old we force to live in their bodies long after the bodies are not fun …. Not fun strange wording dipshit you think I use strange wording .. like you say I am a crackhead huh? Well I hope the wording in part will cause you to think , not just accept my ideas or thoughts and in thinking your won thought I hopw you continue thru your day in that state of freedom of thinking …

Dumbass you are genetically predisposed to be a caring loving animal ,, even in spanking or tieing your female up and fucking her with that dildoes and forcing her over and over to feel her clit with that HITACHI …. It is a basic love , her moans of FUN drive your actions , and what if she did not really like it she could leave correct ? huh correct … I know for a fact that on average on average in the larger over all count of numbers the female is free to leave any time any day ….. shile you sleep dipshit or while you are out at work ….. or even worse if the male is a bad male while he is out drinking the female has the chance to FLEE but they do not , yes in great part to her own PROGRAMING , which keeps her faithful to a bad male …

Ohhh , but this is about begging for pussy this today I about the movie BLOOD DIAMONDS …. Every kiss starts with ZALES …. Just listen to the PROGRAMING listen to the advertising you let into your mind the repeation over and over …. Day after day … it has effected place artificial limits on your actions based upon the wants of a SYSTEM , not really individual personal wants but the wants of and industry and power system that continues generation after generation , the leaders falling into the part of being leaders and us working class who fall into the posisiton of the ones being used to support the leader of today ,,, but it is the system that really lives on ,,, with a life of it’s own … using both the leaders and the followers .

And the way to keep the system going is to make sure that man feels he has to BEG for that which is NATURAL. To confuse sexuality creates the stress of the girl needing to paint her face when in reality I love her pussy , I lover her personality ,,, I am only TRICKED , by the flashy gold given to her by old lovers , the diamonds and flash of earings , the paint on her face only tricks me ….. yet it is most often us who behind the scenes fund this whole industry ….. you provide the security for the female and when she has that feeling of security she feels like buying pretty things so to make sure she keeps your attention on her …..

And behind it all is the terrible death and horror of poverty thru out our world ,,,, now mind you it is the choice often of the players in those countrys to be involved into the ecomony ,, yet thru out time the harvest of slave labor thru war harvesting , native peoples to work the industry that actually has its roots in our TIWSTED INSTINCT .. OUR LIE OF SEX …. Our dating rituals . the harvest of child soliers and strong adult workers .

When in reality the native was happy being native ,,, they did not want TV and California grapes or a new BMW … they were happy just being like any animal a farmer or hunter or fisherman … and like many harem anmaila we males protect the harvesting hunting fishing areas that our females use ….. we do that we build the nest the homes the tents we repair them for the family we love to live in safely .

On average for if we did nto do this on the largest part on average we would have become instinct since we would have honestly on average killed ourselves off… HONESTLY DIPSHIT think reason it out , rmemeber just 100 yearsa go when the vest majority or people world wide 1907 the vast majority of people were agri people ,,, the industrial revolution was just starting…… 3.3 million years versus 100 years …… 3.3 million years of poly lifes stlyle as compared to 1200 years of ROMAN socio/cultural control thru the understanding of CREATING SEXUal stress thru 1 on 1 marriages . this age of control of the mind fuck ….. do you really like it? All you gotta do is something called HOMSTEADING …. Not for everyone sure that is why it is an ALTERNATIVE ! unlike your tattoos which are nothing but fashion something flashy without substance.

Monday, September 10, 2007

lights on fuck

Lights on fuck

Young Master , what is really important to you in the end when you look back , when you realize what was the real deepest motivation that drove your activity over the last few years …. I am sure yes because of your programming you will see your motives to be your pursuit of? What a sport ? the sport of proving how high you can get ? actually again the competition of male against male which actually is you competeing against you to develop the self worth needed to prove to yourself you are WORTHY to mate ,,, to fuck

Self worth issues ,,,,, you an energy experiencing limits of time and space ,,,, without real memeory in the package called baby something with out memeory that tool of body function the brain …. The thing you use to experience limited awareness ,,, the took that yu agreed to use to experience the idea of NO ,,,, not yes ,, but experience NO a lack of a lot . and since you have no memeory of what is ,,, and you believe totally in what you are experiencing is the real and only ….. is . well then you judgement about who you are based on the in put ,,, IN PUT , the shit people told you about you ,, is how you developed your self worth …. And it is that self worth that is expressed in sex acts ,,, the act of re creation of life in mating . YES RECREATION ALSO . just plan fun sex is fun so that we would want to do it and so create lots of us …

But the DNA animal needs to be worthy , the female wants a worthy mate . what does this have to do with fucking with the lights on dipshit …. Well th expectation of society that you show your worth in it’s manner … it’s manner .

Dumbass , listen to everyone who is complaining about work and bills and health care and terror/war and problems of relationships and divorce , and their hangovers . OHH the gifts of todays life style ! and we want to give all this to 250 million in Africa …. We want to give then a gift so they can study at night so they can work longer hours so they too … they also , can enjoy what we enjoy , what we drink our selves into states of POISINING to forget so we can finnaly relax and interact get fucked .. women will submit happily when realy drunk when she lets her nature express itself in HARMONY with it’s deepest animal self . stripped of the artificial self worth that memeory and programming created ,,,we the developed want to give the simple gift of STRESS and ecominic slavery to others

We are going to give them atleast , eco friendly stuff this time not addicting them to excess like us ,,, we are giving these 250 million Africans SOLAR POWERED . light , so they can do what?

SO THEY CAN LEARN TO WORK WORK WORK WORK , be slaves to the greed of buying more , showing their sefl worth thru buying more shit making more money so they can buy ,,,,, grapes grown in CALIFORNIA , instead of their own yard , so they can show off , their cash by eating a BRAND NAME GRAPE … dumbass have you ever eaten fruit eggs or foods direct of the farm ? probably not! If so you would know that fresh and ripe is great store bought is a pale second …..

Like the difference between jacking off to internet porn or having cybver sex ,,,, and real real good sex , real male female sex , DOM/sub sex where the girls does act like her nature wants to act ….. kinda like you being sober and her being drunk and using those solar lights for a real good purpose like fucking that submissive girl ,,, that girl who consumed a poisin so toxic it can and does cause death by poisoning to many many people each year , she gambles her own life in the attempt for just a few hours of being able to express her TRUEST nature …. And now the AFRICAN can see himself fucking his girl in the dark !

NOW THAT IS A WORTH WhILE use of the solar lighting ,,, to work harder just to eat unripe foods from another continent ? to prove to the people around youhow rich your are so that you can attract a girl who looks at your money , which is her nature to look at wealth to judge if you will be able to take care of her offspring before she enjoys what her deepest nature realy wants ,, the reason she dresses so sexy …. The reason why she spends the money she makes on face paint . to attract me , so that I will stuff my hard dick in a place far away from her face while she is on all fours . and I can’t even see her face …. But atleast if I am African I can look forward to see her pussy get fucked with my new solar powered lighting …. 250 million living UN- ADDICTED . to the stress we live in ,, and we want to give them the gifts of our great life , 60 percent divorce , 1 in 2 adults using drugs or alcohol or medications to make life bearable … BEARABLE . because of diagnosed or undiagnosed … depressions or life hatered …. We want to give these natural people this GIFT .

YO !!! AFRICA ,,,, you are Adam and Eve and we the fancy developed peoples of this planet are the SNAKE ….. there is some wisdom in the dirty bath water of religion along with the baby of understanding energy / spirit … yes there is the control of religion , one of the books probably expected to be studied with thoase solar lights so that the young African can become part of an econmy and make cash to buy grapes from California …..instead of just enjoy fucking when the sun goes down or during the afternoon after picking the ripest sweetest grapes to be eaten from his own vines in the afternnooon the fucking like an animal in the day light ,,, I AM A FLESH AND BLOOD ANIMAL .

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Gorilla love

Gorilla Love

Young master do harem animals love? do animals love? would we realy love like we love without the hormones of sex that attract us to the opposite sex ? sure we develop strong lasting friendships that have nothing to do with “ love ” and … that “ love ” we write love storys about fairy tales about is based in the HIGH we animals get from the chemicals of PROCREATION … that motivating force to find someone to fuck ……

Look at the animal kingdom the force the mating call …. We Us , we the scientific observer has been tainted by our belief in the FAIRY TALE of love and we judge the actions of animals as not having LOVE like we have love … nor do animals form friendships like we form friendships … but dumbass , if you have been reading ,my shit then you may have a mind open enough to see … animals build friendships .. the LOVE we have they have ,,, otherwise why would the harem animal defned his harme like he does like the cave man did ,, like we men do now by working ourselves to death .

Love …..

Now so while I am living my life feeling my feelings ,, exploring my own “ rockets of desire “ to put things in a metapyshical way …. I write about what I feel sometimes , yet over the last year I have also kept my feelings hidden to keep the peace …. So the same old thing get the same old result ….yet

Being that I am an intelligent person , I do have some what of an open mind and give what another person my recommend a good look over in fact accept other ideas as mine ,, while I TRY >>> TRY …. To internalize another point of view ….another point of view may actually be another person ROCKET OF DESIRE …. The reflection of their life force mirror shining more brightly than my own . to understand that reference look up some day the writings of Debbie Miranda and her discussions about MIRRORS . and how the wants of others can influence your experience of your own life .

So when I notice my own motivations change , I know my feelings are being confused , what was once my personel drive for my personel life I notice becomes a drive based upon the ROCKETS OF DESIRE of another person …. Very common young master how often do you do things based all in part on the desries of the important female in your world .

In nature does the Gorilla really base his movements on the ideas of the females or does he do what he feels is best and if the GIRLS , want to follow well they follow …. Remember there are no cages no bars or guns to keep the girl gorillas in the tribe … observers watch as girl lions gorillas , deer , walrus ALL HAREM females leave sometimes . YES LEAVE THE TRIBE . sure if the male is awake and watching he will try to herd his ggirl back , but just like you dipshit her can not be there 24/7 to herd every girl every time back into the tribe .

And well the nature of nature is that there is a young master always circle just outside the harem tribe territory just waiting for a girl to leave with him …. Him the new younger male .

How does that Iinstinctual MALE CHOOSE THINGS LIKE WHERE TO LIVE WHEN TO MOVE ,,, HE DEOS IT BASED ON HIS GUT FEELINGS ,,,, ahhh FEELINGS IF IT FEELS RIGHT THE ANIMAL MOVES OR DIES .. feelings , emotions … friendship love and we think we humans are so fucking special.

No as of late the last month I have been TRYING 9 there is that word again ..trying ) to feel good about my Deb’s ideas her RoCKETS OF DESIRE . about dating and about how to design the conpound …. And very often I have had to suck up my own ideas because of her Feelings , which meant that I lived with feelings of confusion as I tried to learn a new way to see if it was ME … and well dipshit listen to your guts , that master part of you ,,,, but to do that you rsik losing a good thing maybe? You risk acting in a way that maybe judged as not , not LOVE . and to act in a way perceived as not LOVE , would make me a liar because I say I LOVE YOU .i use the words of the fairy tale .

Yet my instincts say , dating based on the sexual desire of one of my girls is confusing I am trying to fulfill her ROCKET OF DESIRE . hmmmm why does the animal female stay with the male ?

What is my expectation of females who may choose me ?well I expect them to want my happiness and that their happiness is based in knowing that I am happy , and they know that their happiness is based upon my well being ,,, if the girl is living in TWO worlds …. The fairy tale and the instinctual …. If she is thinking about herself outside of the well being of the male of her choice then she is in REALITY living in the fairy tale world …. Her choices of girls friends based on her idea and wants .

And are her wants some what based on the avoidance of competition ? she wants to BE THERE ! to insure that I do not form any bonds that may endanger her position of FIRST WIFE . ahhh this is what I am feeling , my intutition , my instinct talking to me . my perception , some thing real to the inner ME.

My orginal idea of 3 sepreate homes yet with a group building ( not a home per say but a group building , the idea of alone time for each girl , designed and choosen by the girls in the tribe ,,, Makes for a respect of the nature of HAREM .

NOW , my choice of girls ,,,, sure I do want the girls to be friends , but I must explore the idea that just like in the real world of business of work , diverse girls become friends because of the common need for work ….. yes of course people come and go especially early on when people find they just do not fit in … but the choice of employees is up to the boss not the other employess ….IN THE FAIRY TALE OF love to compare our human love to that of NAIMAL LOVE . or to other relationship DYMANICS , well that pisses people off ,,, theny want to maintain the illusion of HUMAN LOVE fairy tale love as being some thing built in and around the SECURITY OF spirit and majic …

Ok if that bing the case how come ther is 80 percnet disfunction 60 percnet divorce? If spirit and majic are so important so powerful? And all the while real comparision are all around us humans in the animal world and human world.

But young master to open you mouth you must be able to convince anothther person …. And if that does not work either submit yourself or risk ending . it is a fucking bummer , that is why I write if I do not wirte who will .

Who out there is writing the ideas I write about ? no one ! It is easier and it sells more books to just write about the fairy tale .

But dipshit in the end what are you really doing feel your gut , notice your self your motivations , your evidence trail .. are you feeling your usual powerful self or are you just going along following the ROCKET OF SOMEONE ELSES DESIRE . easy thing to do especially when you do love her …….

Does the gorilla love? is ther tenderness in the non sexual time the mutual cleaning times , the time the females are friendly with the male and each other , does the male play with the babys ….. yes! Animals love. why do the girls fooolw their choosen male , they have no bars guns or cages to keep them force them to stay .

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

same as sex

Same as sex

Or is it same sex ,,, the oppisite of Co – Ed , young master here is the evidence from the pro’s that they are becoming aware of the effects of the animal side of humanity on humanity …… the return in experiemental terms to aingle sex class rooms …hmmmm the returen to , that is important to realize because up until 1970 , single sex class rooms were the NORM .

The rules , like the rules of POLY lifestyle that were written down in the reigous book of our human history were there because they were found to be words of wisedom ,,,,,wis words that helped mankind for eons , the writttne wisedom from time before writing. HIDDEN in religion religion is not all bad , to throw out the good in the ancient written religious traditions and laws , is to throw the ababy out with the dirty bath water you were using to clean just that baby …. Do you get that picture dumbass? You want to clean a baby yso you give the baby a bath , and then being stupid you throw out the baby also because the baby happens to be in the dirty bath water ….

Mankind needed a way to write rules , GOOD IDEAS , and to write just good ideas well that was hard , now writing religion books , books that were used by some to create power for themselves … well shit like that happens , people who like power are a very small percentage of average people …. They are like a human birth defect .

GOOD ideas based upon the life of humanity , now being studied by todays PROFESSIONAL … today pro , the leaders of knowledge like in the days of Colombus the leader were so stupid as to think the world was flat . OHHH dipshit Colombus cme up a round world because he observed nature and the wise of old sages also leaded him to understand the concept of the idea of universal roundness.

Have single sex shool keeps us SANE . the kids can think about storing shit in their memory instead of being concerned of dealing with mating and SEX ….. just listen to kids as young as 2nd grade already the girl are make believing that they are playing house and getting attractive for their future PRINCE . the fairy tale.

The abnormals the people of power wanted a break down of humanity so that a few females could gain more pwer …. The greed of a few l has lead to the suffering of many .. the wisdom of the poly is already written , plus it is in you ,, gad dam it is in theDNA of the girls you date , but programming confuses you.

Now building your 3 tents it is very important it is something that you do , by your own plans , it is very hard to follow your dream when others are putting in their 2 cents worth ….to listen to them during your building phase is like living for them and not yourself ,,, trust yourself and when you are done if you did a good job they will come , if the girls do not come that is the evidence trail you need to alter your designs .

Look my plan is to be off grid , like the ECO touritst the skindiver says ,,,, take only fotos leave only bubbles … leave no impact on planet earth . be like the beast of nature so that mother earth will be healthy …. So I am planning things like using soar cells for electricity , wind w=power , and solar cookers … now a stone solar cooker gives heat and stores heat like a brick oven . it will be different for the girls to use not like the wasteful stove and oven she is used to … but if we humans went in this direction became less centralized we would be less stressing on earth . things like CONSUMER spending economies …. Finding happiness thru buying shit when happiness is relaxing and fucking more often , stopping to enjoy nature and listen to birds , watching the fruit trees change day after day becoming heavy with fresh live foods .

Ohhh yes that means spanking your girl FRIENDS .. friends with a “ S ” …. Just think dipshit about us as a different a speicies not like the chimp not exactly like the gorilla , and yu can see how we used the safety of harems to create stability in our groups to allow for the development of our brains ….. and as like the professional of today are understanding the ancient wisdom of single sex class rooms , as they experiement with the idea of having 3 teachers in larger class rooms and finding that the 3 teachers creates a day to day dymanic of allowing children to change form day to day to the adult which they find on THAT day to fill their individual need for attention and learning ….. the POR’S are learning how about you dipshit ? got the guts to learn to do something different .

3 teachers mainly teachers a female in K thru 9 grades , that 3 allows for the hormone cycles of the females to not confuse the kids a woman in hormonal stress is not forced to act unnaturall be cause that teacher has support form 2 other teachers who most likey are not on the exact day to day cycle …. The kids benift. WE ARE DNA as much as mind and spirit.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

time for flogging

Finding time for flogging

What? Finding time for flogging , am I for real ? flogging as in the old word for a shipping like on board a ship to punish sailors or slaves ….. finding time for flogging young master is another erason that the 3 wives will help let me try to explain …. I use the word try , ( remember try is to think as much about the failure as the succees +1 + -1 = 0 thought energy and matter is nothing but energy temporarly in matter form , energy is not sun light but the action behind what we measure as light energy … most basic energy is thoughts , that real part of infinite possibility field the thought of it )

How can I really understand the female mind , I can see the surface I can base some ideas on the nature of nature and the instincts of nature . but what about this FLOGGING . how and why where in the animal kingdom is there any evidence of flogging …. Welll not flogging like we do … just like tool making in the animal world or home building is not the same as what we do as humans but yes there is INSTINCT in flogging .

Flogging giving her a spanking and allowing her to feel and express herself in fear , submission , in screaming .. allowing feelings . is like well look at the cat world again the bite on the neck is needed that pain is needed to stimulate OVULATION . and pain also stimulated the immunine system to highten itself thus making sure that weak spern is killed inside the female an only the STRONGEST sperm survive .

SO dipshit who are you to judge whether a girl really like a good spanking or not and WHY , tha fiary tale of making love in reality could be the road to a self destructive mating behaivior creating and ever weaker human animal ,, remember we are not only spirit .. we are the animal that spirit energy experience time and space thru … with the tool of memeory/mind /computer . so our DNA the DNA you and I spend out young master helps to re strengthen the human condition by respecting our DNA roots which are not exactly like that of the animal kingdom

Look our cousins the Chimp ( which we are DNA closer to than the Gorilla ) mate in way that females leave home tribes to join new tribes … like us the female leave the tribe most often ,, but like us that is not a law …. In chimps the female is a loner and the males a groups hunters and share sex among them selves with out greed if a female is ready every male in the family fucks her ….. AHHH SEXUAL STRESS …. Now the gorilla keeps a harem social stability he does have to fight and protect the gilrs but the girls can then build friendly supportive culture ties because of the males protective efforts . andd the male will be the one sho changes out because of over work and death in protecting the family ……think about tool building ,,, or nest building what we do is not what animals do yet animals do build home , they dig a hole or den ,, apes build nests of leaves … we build fucking complex concrete and metal wood structures ….. they use straws to collect termites , we create bows and arrows ….

Dumbass , you are DNA ,, bone bloods skin muscle ,, hormones ….. you are animal .

So , we do scatch hold force and bite during sex , and we , got more complex , we got into SPANKING , and then we got fancy in creating fancy spanking tools …. Things to excite the skin , and stimulate the animal inside your female . She feels that she is animal , she realizes how much an animal she is when ……..

You pull out and that pain of emptiness becomes her whole universe all she can think about ….. is saying PLEASE MASTER FUCK ME PLEASE MASTER , that animal ddp inside wants to have a strong child and needs the best sperm and to get teverything her inner animal needs , a good spanking with a floger is theway to go …. We are complexa s any animal ,, not better not strange … just really think about other animals the complexity we have observed ,, and then realize ,, you , dumbass have never realyy observed yourself or your own culture to understand OUR NATURE OUR INSTINCTS.

Monday, September 3, 2007

sex is the real fun

Looking out the window

Young master , we are a lot the same all of us males every culture I have traveled to lived in read about , in all the male shows his instinctual self in this …. Given the Opurtunity to be master he likes being master

Now the evidence can be something as simple as driving the car ( no sorry it is not always about sex but read who knows ) yes just driving the car and I watch the women looking our at the sights as the male focuses on the responsibility of driving his family safely to their destination ,,,,, safely ,, like the cave protecting the mouth of the cave worrying about family safety , like the lion chasing off rivals is all about safety for the family also . the girls in his harem if another male intrudes will become sexually harresed … creating a life unstable for the children .. lack of safety .

My travels in north America , south America , Europe and island nations . always ihave seen the same protective nature in all good men , good men … good men … not all men . but the good men . The one who should have been the breeding males ,,, but look now at the war toen areas where tribe fights tribe for OIL wealth , cash that the common man will not realy see but some powerful head or leader will enjoy ,,, the same here in our coprertions … is the same dynamic ,,, in our dating also ,

You dipshit ,,, you display wealth in the form of that truck , the illusion of security of wealth of cash , you do this to attract the choice of a female to freely mate with you ,, to fuck you , now when the fucking slows and since you respect the 1 on 1 you now , fight for wealth so that you can entertain yourself in your sport with anew boat … or like the male you are , you have to attract other pussy girlfriends that you have to attract in the same way you attracted your fritst … with cash display ,, andy you have to entertain them the new girlfriends and still have some cash for the first female …. So your greed need is one of warfare in marketing to make cash or in war torn areas warfare of weapon use , killing …. If you dumbass realy will allow yourself to see the motives behind what you think you see . you can find the BASIC INSTINCT OF SEX ….

So the 3 wives the homesteading of the 3 tents and a camel is the action of you to create a sane world once more ,, you want to change the world like the russain proverb ,,, you want a clean world sweep your own door step first …. By you acting your evidence trail will be the truth that helps others to act on change other wise ,,, it is you saying do this do that and and then living a lie … using OIL instead of re newable energy …

Now to sex , the help you as a sexual master give the girl to allow her to be what she realy wants to be , but because of the pain of programming does not believe whe should be ,,,, and that is SUBMISSIVE …. To be allowed to really feel her pussy , her own funnest toy ever … better than TV. Now the fact is you young master want to play hard and strong every day if you could but you do need the Ok , the permission form the girl ,, you honestly do not want to hurt oher that goes against the nature of that the same guy who drives the family safely from point to point ,,, it goes against the nature of the deer who ,,, fights off other dear to create a pasture and area where females can live and bredd without harassment . but US twisted humans .. twisted by rules used by leaders to creat power and wealth for themselves …. So they can have either fun toys to play with because their sex lives suck .. or for them to have loads of other hidden sexual partners …. Truth if you will remember you loved sex , the best when you felt you could fuck 5 times a day , when it became a question when she was no longer KIND OF , chasing you for sex , and you had to find fun in other things …. You know what I mean dumbass , in the beginning you were kinda of chased for sex , you were her favorite toy , when she became comfy her desire lessened ,…. In the competive 3 , you will have to serve 3 female sexually ,,, and they themselves will have that SUBLTE , reminder of sex because of the other womene the sisiterhood . SUBLTE DYNAMCIS .

But to act like a 3 tent master before you have 3 tents will probably not feel natural to you till you have 3 tents . and instead of building the 3 tents while you were 12 you bought into the LIE the powers that be have planned for you ,,,, their plan , of consumerism life style , the way of the ECOMINC SLAVE . find happiness thru buying shit . when in fact simple working life and good savings would have brought you the land and simple dwellings before age 20 … go back to my earlier writings and explore the ideas about $ .. money .

Remember you so many times over and over in your past gave up all other activity almost to enjoy fucking 5 timesa day when you had a new girl even into your 40’s ( and 70’s as I was talking with that other writier Art Noble of the Scared Female ) that fun is a fun you really want ,,, and she wants , now

Tieing her to a table and enjoying the action of her feeling her favorite toy her body ….. rmember the fun , feel even this minute the rise in hormones in your mind and body … that hormone is LOVE . love is there then it grows into the friendship of conversation ,,, in that lust the female bonds with a male … her animal self like any female of a any animal harem who stays by choice not because there are cages or barbed wires , not he male sleeps she can leave anytime but harem animals of the beast world stay ,,, safe and secure with the male of their choosing ,f reedom of cahoice ,, the same choice I see in girls of today human girls … just open your eyes dipshit . and think on your own,

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Think for yourself dumbass

Before Romeo and Juliette

Young Master what do you think , let yourself think dipshit free of the training in what THEY say is right and natural , outside of the rules of the GOD , a christiam god? Maybe who had made laws to enhance the poly life style because before the Romans got involved we were a poly animal …. This is all before the 1 on 1 tragedy of Romeo and Julie the tragety of Tristan and Isolde … before the Pain

Look dipshit , she will bond , the fairy tale of love is an effect of NATURE , it is stimulated by her having reproduction hormones raging thru her blood stremm in her teens ,,, her need to be animal and mother to reproduce and if the first healthy strong caring male who reproduces with the female is of good stock , good stock means he respects the female understands that the female he mates with will be carrier of his DNA so her safety health and well being is his own . ABUSE IS NOT NATURAL it is the result of the paim in the 1 on 1 the greed !

Look inti , look behind the story of TRISTAN AND ISOLDE . understand the controlling of population thru kings , the after effects of the Roamn empire ( it was the wealthy female of that era and of greeks before them and the ruling class female of eygpyt that produced this idea of 1 on 1 so that the queen could have power thru her association with the male ….. here is the TWISTED INSTINCT …. Ruling power talked about in the story of ADAM and EVE …the knowledge was that of greed and lusting for things… look and think about ideas behind the story of the storys you see on tv.

Realy see open your blind hypnotized eyes dipshit … have you ever heard of the idea of HOMESTEADING .. yep like the pioneer of days past … and today we men with guts still do it ,,, got out away from the trap of pretty light and funky sounds ,, the HYPNOSIS …. Of media . what do you really like dumbass is living on the end of a joystick a game controller that is reality, huh ?

Dumfuck , how do the animals of this world live? With out health insurance ? how did we live we us humans with out the health care industry … FEAR FEAR FEAR …. Fear dieing be trained to fear a story about HELL , so that you have to give 10 percent of your crops or cows or chickens or dollars to a church ……. Fear death . do you see animals flying by fearing death , do the animals you see when you are and eco tourist do they look like they are living in drpression and fear like us humans …. Why the difference

OHH , but I remember you are not allowed to think for yourself , you must listen to professionsals since they are professionals ( hey understand I use that whole PRO shit thing in my business also it helps me make $$$ , the idea that it is more effective to rely on a PRO ) remember dumbass yu are to stu[pid to think for yourself …. Infinity ends at a brick wall where you can see the impposible yet stand behind a awall in the possible ,, the field of infinte possibility is there infinity?

You dumbass have the OPT to create alternatives , but your fear , of ofailures may hold you back , dumbass think about it , if you have 3 homes …. And you are in no big rush ,,, they are there , and you meet one girl who can think , and then you will meet others , it si just facts dumbas … you will meet others , the facts are there are lots of girls looking for alternatives ……….most will go back doing the same old thing and get the same result . Time is on your side dumbass …. And it is $ effective long tern thinking dipshit.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Ass fucking EGO

Ass fucking EGO

Young Master your male , provider , cave man , judge of yourself EGO can fuck some things up . One it will make you spend more cash , your wealth when you should not beiong doing it …. But to admit certain things is emabareessing well I have embaressed myself many times over these last few years of writing in hopes that you will see in me , yourself dipshit .

I talked most openly about dating shyness , and the idea I wanted you to get about “ cpurage in a BOTTLE “ that drug or beer , the idea that you use bait that big truck to attract or keep a chick around .

But when you have her , and the family that may ( will ) along with her and you have your own goals about cash money and wealth figures in your bank accounts , the idea that you can go into DEBT spend to much cash at times eat up your wealth in this world of SO MUCH SHIT TO BUY … and since you do have decent cash flow ,,, you spend it feeds your EGO in front of the girl

But , but but ,,,,, hmmm but is a caution a protection ,, plus it is the trigger for you to explore your real wants ,, and what you do not want so …. You can be on the track you really want .

The idea of the 3 tents and a camel is for yoyu to provide for the family in housing , going off grid you provide energy , having fruit trees , fishing pond and chickens on the compound you provide basic food … lastly the camel , the extra car ,,,, you have provided transportation .

But the facts are the habit is to SHOW OFF by being that BANK being that help to a girl ,,, being the cave man provider ,, that your good man .. male ego loves to be … it is a bait based method of creating SELF WORTH . and a trap in a world where there is just to much shit to buy and to hard to not buy … THE DRUG OF consumerism

So how to deal … if you are in the trap already a trap of your EGO’s own creation , how can you get out and save face still feel like the man you said you were ( and still are yet money income and spending can get out of control ) it is very hard to ADMIT that I have no money ,,, especially when I have so much money locked in so many other accounts ….. what to do FEED my EGO and eat my wealth , creat new income streams – true but that can take some time and has to be balanced with life style wants … IE time off work to enjoy fucking and such .

EGO dipshit …. Your fucking EGO …. Hell my fucking EGO . can I say NO? to her to everyone that expects me to be able to spend with in the amounts I have in the past when ,, the dymanics of costs change . Do you find yourself hinting .. to the family instead of standing up and saying things must change …..

Hinting ….. and ASS OUT OF U AND ME … assuming the message is clearly understood , trusting in the idea of love ? love of me not my BAIT …. When in reality the dating process was often built upon BAIT … your ablitly to purchase shit while dating and your properties and shit

So , I say that by having the 3 tents and a camel set – up before you activily hunt pussy ,,, it lets everyone know straight up what expectations are ,, there is no change in mid stream that conventional dating leads to

Still not an easy thing to do … and I personally have been here before …. The off season cash reserves depleted the bills increased for whatever reason leaving me in stress ,, which is then felt and expressed …. I have done this in many years and many relationships …. So to prevent it

Have the 3 tents and you camel set up she has the basics of life done the extras she needs for her own growth , well are her own responsibility not yours ,, your provide the basic life needs . housing energy food and transport . ohh yes if you are saying you can not afford the 3 tents and a camel go back into the ideas of the PATRIOTIC PERVET of april 2007 and think about how you spend cash and make cash and the reality of you .