Friday, November 6, 2009

useful cock

Useful cock

Young master Zhuanzi was known for his ..discourses on the ideas of usefulness … and all that really boiled down to was the idea of view point could the people involved expand themselves like tdoays sage talkes about until they could see with the yes of source ,,concepts of usefulness in everything .

And so Jammin in Jensen once more brought up a great topic to be explored ,,, by 3 age groups one the elder … hatman … one the younger The fashionable … and me the timeless ( yeah I wish I am not that good yet ) and so the hatman brought up …. The feeling of lack his contrast of late nad that of many men … his useful place in the world in the maslow pyramid level 3 he felt it was not there when it came to girls as it was in the past .. he was ,,is suprized at how easy it is to get ALID … but to be of that USE WHICH GIVES MEANING TO LIFE …. That is different and that he is not finding , even to a younger woman who thought maybe here ,, with her I will be that NEEDED to her and young child . to only realize ,, he was a TASTE of mature wine for the girl to enjoy and move from for she did not NEED a gorilla ….. to serve and protect to FREE HER to expand , ( maybe she is missing the best parts of life in some ways being the EVERYTHING …… sure she has control and at the same time lost everything in searchof the control ….$$$ )

The fashionable , he got involved , he heard us talking and looked at us with a confusion … his head twisted in realy honest confusion of the feelings both hatman and I were expressing …ohhh I gues I should give quicky on 1 aspect of my own 2 cents worth … I have been it all like the Fashianable and like the hatman …. And the WHITE KNIGHT is what I call what hatman is searching for …. And for me it was from that position any longer term relationship formed …. My USEFULLNESS position …. Even if that USEFULLNESS was as MASTER/SIR to a girl who wanted a MASTER in that period of her life , only to when she regained her self …. Want to buck to change the rules mid stream and EXPECT ME to also …SLO SOLLLY ADIOS….SAY THIS CHINA MAN … I have wriiten volumes on this aspect in BDSM blogs of the late ’07 up to mid ’08 …. So done all the real time explorations there . ..the aspect of white KNIGHT … can come is so many forms ..

Now back to the CHIMP CONFTONTED WITH THE WHEEL wondering why we would even worry about being of use ? …. The fashionable …he ATTRACTS PUSSY he does not chase pussy ever all he has to do is stand there and girls will eventually find reason to engage him in conversation … his web presence so extensive he is recognized …. And and pussy is always coming by to say high … never do they stay in his life long and YET ALWAYS THEY return … for they get the RIGHT GUY ..the USEFULL guy but in a few months , they leave that guy , find to many flaws in that RIGHT usefull guy …. And come back to PLAY with the fashionable until the NEXT MR RIGHT COMES around …. Ahh the fashionable ..USELESS I say , from my limited view poing ot J & H .. be a man type of expectation for males … never more job or work than is needed to buy more clothes and add the never ending show of manhood his tattoo … just enough to get minutes on the phone , no car no house no hassles , and more pussy than … 20 of the equals I know who come to the same event every now and then . ( ohh equals with jobs carreres degrees and staus stuff to show off to attract the pussy talking with …the fahionalbe. ..hell they even buy the same clothes as the fashionable but get nothink like his results with pussy ) how about instead of 20k on a cool bike 300 on ( it could be the harem aspect of him since he ahs so many he is not NEEDY OF ANY 1 .. while the j&h is needy … of being NEEDED by 1 ..and an unnatural trap results not serving him or her …. This is an aspect not directly said yet alluded to in the teacing of Ross jeffires amdn Major Mark )

He is USEFULL he is like the DRONE bee in a hive full of SLAVE WORKER FEMALES …. Ohh but in reality have we not been heading in that direction for a while … girls out number men now for the first time in the work place their mnumbers I remember over took men in colleges and schools of higher learning a while ago … maybe at some GRAD evels men still out pace but over all , education completion is more female ….. the TRAINED SLAVE WORKER …CHASING THAT CARROT ..CHASE THAT GOLD ,…. YOU CAN BUY HAPPYNESS …( in the words of Wayne ..NOT ! ) but listen to the mind think not for yourself but follow the path like mom did , ..EVE look at he results around you , do the same old thing , YES AT LITTLE DIFFERENT , but under ti all it is tha same old patterns just newer DETAILS . PHAROH has completed it work almost in this trend ….. finding a more direct route of slave instead of enslaving the male thru PUSSY .. just enslave the pussy with the greed of the EVE SPIRIT ..( it isnot the good girl within , but her expression of THOUGHT FORM I call EVE .. EVE is not the person ..but a PERSONA free choice of the person … who is not using the 5 steps inteligenly? ( viewpoint from limited perspective ,,, FOR TO serve the needs of the greater Bio spere Gaia … the mining of earth athe reflecting back into space trapped solar enegy the freeing of bio logical wastes back into toxic subastances for some animals yet building blocks for the next evovlution …. THE FIRE STARTER MUST GROW until it KILLS ITSELF OFF in the cycle of life and death in TERMS OF GEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES ) remember the 1 beingness which is Gaia is an equal not greater than you which is equal not greater than the beingness of the lettuce plant you kill to eat . which is not gereater than the beingness of the bacteria which decomposes the drt to relelase nutrients for the lettusce to grow from .. ot the beingness of the garin of sand which the whole is built from shihc use the grouping of molecules BEING ..etc etc etc ..each and equal tine/space user ….. time space is but the dream of the TAO you source a view point of equality and sameness of no self and ALL POSIBLITY of unthinkable …row row row your boat gently down the stream merrly merrly merrly life is but a DREAM …..

THE fashionable is of GREAT USE ease the pain of being a WOMAN in todays world ,,the MASTER fills a need for HER to be the subbie her instinct wants to be but her greed will not allow her to live … constistantly or with J&H .. AHH BUT J & H are battle line honors the survivor warrior concepts passed from the sperm of the survivor to his son who then lives or dies to pass his sperm of murdering tool of pharoh …. THE COG IN THE MACHINE YES … but in those times of stress J & H …. Even in murder .. it was just a job . eve has no such BIO LOGICAL RECOrd IN HER DNA … so it is just a game ….. be the subbie till it is no longer fun …. And wonder hy he does not act like awWOMAN ABOUT IT … and understand . READ D.r gRAYS work mars and venus as he wrote it not as you interupti it …. Not for men to learn to be women but for women to understand what the BEAR is when he enters the cave . yet gray to never thought about us as ..we really are dsigned ,,I AM NOT BEAR … IAM IN FACT PRIMATE and much evidence from non comptitiove sperm thihckness cock design , to historical family units …much much much more GORILLA than any thing else . I sure as fuck AINT’ A ….BEAR but if that is all his publisher would allow him to write and still sell books well , cash talks ,,,

What is GORLLA DADDY like , he created territory ,,, that he knew ,,, when girl/s came if she liked they fucked and kids came in time ,,, DADDY ACTUALL IS the center of the family as the kids grow they play around and with daddy mommy can devote time to nuturing baby and feeding and taking care of herself and kids that need care and grooming withother females … and on occasion as her pussy needs him , she interacts with SILVVER BACK emotionalll grooming time and sex time … but dad … just hangs around and is a center piece of stability ,, and fun . and of information ,,, when he senses it is time to move in HIS TEERITORY TO GATHER NEW FRUITS , he signasl move time … mom does not have to worry about that aspect he has that covered … she can be mom and girl friend and relax …. And enjoy living . …….hmmm but what about the new car and the gold jewelry ,, and the flat screen tv ,and saving for that ,,CRUISE someday , and getting my nails done every week and and and and …… enter slavery free you can choose bondage says the SAGE over and over ….

Your Inner Being would want you to manifest everything that you decide that you want. Your Inner Being would want you to know that you have value and the ability to have or be or do anything. Your Inner Being would want you to fulfill every wish and whim that you could identify.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Tuesday, April 14th, 1998
Because from the newer point you will continue to experience CONTRAST and thus expansion of solutions for toa to BE in growth .. you and life choocies had always been a possible , but never THING UNTIL YOU THOUGHT IT …IN TERMS OF THE specialness of you … if I think it .. it is me … not you are another new perspective of expansion .

Yeah but yeah but ….

To worry about REALITY and say well there are limits in this AGRREMENT STATE ,,,, is actually very wrong , the agreement sate has limits of pyshcics yes so we can hae a STABLE PLATOFRM OF belief of common expectations taught to each other as we are born ..and that does expand as each genenrtion modifies beleife systems … you are CREATOR the changer of Belief systems … every day in every way things are getting better and better ,,, it took 10,000 years for man to learn to fly , yet the materials for flight were always right around mankind the whole time ….. you will never fininsh , you will leave here with things yet un done , for the next ..part of yourself to live to be born into …I in I ….

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