Monday, November 30, 2009

mexican dream herb

Dreams of cute ass

A friend had given me some motnhs a geo a couple MEXICAN DREAM HERB PLANTS …… I wish some of my other plants grew as quick as these are …. So I got interested in them as of late since they are so fucking big now and I jus’ gotta love the internet . ….

So ..the sage from her TRANSLATION of the unthinkable describes sleep in HOLISITC TERMS not just the sciences of matter but bringniing in play aspects of the UNTHINKABLE ( which again are not limited to translations of any 1 period or epoch of time and word tools used at that time or level of the listeners as buddha talked about talking in terms of the ablity to understand … another example for me of my belief in his connection with the voice of the sage )

So the bio machine … the individual cells eah being a BEING using a grouping of LIFE , whose hisoty was first of free non connected ness 1 celled being life now evolved into a CITY OF CELLS …. Each cell a bio machine of a USER EQUAL TO ME … but slave now to the system

Now me …. My wants ..and stresses can effect the bio mechnics of the …city … IN SLEEEP THE CITY IS free OF MY confusion … AND CAN HEAL ..and do other improatnt aspects it can correlate data .. now it is not free of the stress of me , I have re connected to the TAO to a much larger extent ( never am I totality DIS CONNECTED form source or toa ) but not totally . I went to sleep carrying stress and c oncerns and intetntions with long terms plans in tack…. All continueing and limiting the nature of the whle city to express their won self repair ,,but this is part of the game for the cells their adventure of being cell . like you are adventurere in the being of CELL in a society …

Bio mechincs means …. CHEMISTRY is under way ,, we do . respond to chemicals around us , to much oxygen would kill you fast , we have DNA parameters corrct ( you do not get the otts to fuck a mule deer it has a cunt but they do not excite you to gotoZALES Jwerler and buy it diamond rings – unless you are realy meantlly fucked ..outside of dna nature ) ….. drugs do effect us ,,,, and old wisedom age after age wisdom says ,,almost anything in certain amounts is GOOD for you to much is bad ,, a lil beer great , a lil smoke great .. the right amount of OXYGEN perfect …. So the MEXIACN DREAM PLANTS , an easy to grow weed said to enhance VISIONS …hmmmm pretty cool I am agreeable with that … but to know more is smart ,,ahhh the DOSING firt I got remember the doses are most probably taken from people who have been using the shit regualry already so they ahe build up a TOLERANCE htat I will not have next is that this culture has been using it for a 1000 years and my DNA bio machine has no hisoptory of this . kind like how north ameican 1st nations people have 85% alcohol intolerance level while soutn American natives have only a 30+% and and Europeans only 6% ..genentic long term exposures . …

so to test this herb which has such a long term history,,,, ohh I could tell it is TOXIC because reference to it causing nausea in tea form NATURE SAYING …YOOOO ! SHIT HEAD YOU ARE POISINING ME AGAIN … I WANNA PUKE UOT THIS POISIN … SO TO ENHANCE their high because of THEIR TOLERANCE levels natives would drink a tea then smoke bowl ….. I cured JUST 1 leaf and tested part of 1 it in a cigarette …. ( ahhh prepaving my experience ,,with expectation of results possiblitys both NEGATIVE AND POSTIVE depending on the source and the UNDER LYING motivies of the writers )
AHH USE THE USEFULL ..i do not WORSHIP the ivory tower but do use the data provided , I insult the PRIESTS of the tower not the information available … I use as my steps to climb over their wall as I walk thru heaven …

Back to sleep ,,,, and hypnosis and being in the ZONE … all have TIME DISTORITION . experiences memory useful ( directly useful ) to conscious mind ME not the dna PHIL ,,but me that uses the PHIL … the nameless Tao self the ULTIMATE CHOOSER . who can choose to IGNORE instinctual messages like YOOO ! DUMBFUCK THIS SHIT IS TOXIC …. And still do it any way …. Sleep or hypnosis use of sleep …. And being involved in an ativity so ENGGROSSING that I lose concept of time till such a period that I am once more comparing life ,,, comparing life .. most likely in a state of wishing I was once more totally engrossed in something . ….. way down the emotional scale for JOY , ( now remember joy can be found in CHALLENGES in losing a game but playing so hard you forget all time ) in the ZONE .... You only rmeber a dream if you are some where near a waking state …. Regular sleep you pass thru a ton of different levels of dreams but raley remember but a few .

This morning I woke feeling great feeling rested and feeling LIKE I HAD DREAMED ..10,000 dreams ….. fucking wild ..way to many dream bits an pieces were registered as memeory …..

Now the meixican dream herb is not known TO BE A SPEED … other wise the Indians would have used it as such ,, In fact yu use it as you go to sleep it does not effect entering into .sleep or seemingly maintaing sleep ..ahhh here byt mid day iw as getting that feeling I get when I pusht the NITE TO LONG … and end up withon a couple hours of sleep , and the next day by mid day I feel the Drag coming on … of sleep depravation .. slight but noticaeable … the WEED isnot a SPEED ….. what the fuck is it .. the day was bright the trees brilliant ….. my wake up song ..TWIST by korn ( you had to have been there a few times to appreciate the Prophet Jon …the sounds of an INSTINCTUALLY FRUSTRATED MAN calling out twist THINK FOR YOURSELF…that is where all this shit started in those 45 seconds on cd ) it sounded more ACCUTE . the breeze temps and texture also .. slighty quantifaiably mor noticeable … so I did what ever test I could and found some ting with some tiny FUCKING PRINTING that I remember not being able to read well more just make out … and saying … fuck I am precieving clearer this is readable in terms of not making out the letter forms to seeing the texture of letter forms … hmmmmm interesting .

The I got hinking , whay should I have remembered so many dreams …. Hey DREAMS ARE VERY ….sensory .. YOU SEE feel action hear .. it is very real life sometimes . sense organs …do not SEE without tbrain ,, you can have great eyes but if you optical portions of the brain are BROKEN YOU DO NOT SEE … you canhave a great brain withno eyes you do not see … except in memeory of once havin sight . what if this toxin .. is LIKE A SOAP ….. you blood vessels can get clogged … why maybe could not ceratin aspects of BRAIN ..the tips of dentrites get clogged by stuff also … and if this herb some how stimulated the CLEANING SYSTEM of the body … then enhanced sensorial events may have caused the TAO self .. to MISTAKE MORE ACCUTITY IN DATA for being awake ..and return to check wha! The fuck ! is goin on ,,ohhh you are just dreaming real LIFE LIKE ..go back to sleep I am returing to Tao ….. so that iw why it does ont interfere with sleep per se , yet kinda does … and as TOA SELF RETURNS , memeory is then LAID DOWN .

Yet to we have DNA memeory ….. where by every event that does take place is regeisterd but since O EMOTION OR VBIRATION is NOT attached to it , the MEMORY IS NOT USEUFL TO …toa self or consuis self or user chooser self …. Thus we do not have access to it , but it can come into play in AUTO LEARNING EVENTS … as a predisposition towards the future learning at a conssiuos level .

Now the fucking MORAL ..yu can wash you hands and say WOW my fuckinghands are clean what if iw ash t hem even more it should be EVEN BETTER , then scrubb and pour acids on your hands till they are fuckin RAW and get and infection and fucking DIE like an idiot or …just wash your hands when they get dirty……. I have lived my entire life without this WASHINg of the Mexican dream herb , in fact all of Europen human kind had lived , thought , created , etc with out Mexican drem herb ….BUT SO MANKIND HAS NEVER HAD …KORN either up until recently…. I like korn ….. I like boats .. I like cars ..i like lots o shit we now have … but to over use anything is not good . like wasing your hands til they hurt JUST BECAUSE A LIL IS GOOD DOES NOT MEAN …..ALOT will be better . most likely it will be the exact opposite for remember the natural urge upon ingesting this herb is to PUKE IT UP … TWIST ..think for yourself ….

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