Friday, November 20, 2009

no nipple rings any more

No nipple rings any more

So welcome to Jensen beach young miss and young master ,,,, the idea of the vendor who becomes so excited as your girl friend is rummaging thru the piercings for items for your ears not her;s ,,, and she picks up the nipples rings commenting on the sharks teeth ones asying , kinda cute , but I took mine out ,,and I fucking get excited by that honest statement ..and I praise GOOD GIRL GOOD GIRL … well luckly from the short interaction with this young couple I knoew I was talking iwht the …i- in – I ..type folk … and so when i am congrats him on having now a nipples to be enjoyed and a girl who understood ..he does ont want to lick a NAIL he wants to lick a nipple or clit or a belly button …. Good girl ,, NO shiny metal could make her more attractive e,,no piece of cloth could make her any prettyier … all she needs is to keep that owonder ful smile on her face and nothing fucking else could EVER BE WANTED by any man . of any woman that SMILE ON HER FACE . now why has knowing left the personage of so many other girls … young miss ? what do you think young miss , who I feel is a teacher of teachers … I hope you enjoy the link I wrote down for you young miss , your interst in knowing different things and that I touch a world thru their own attraction …

The mind fuck so instilled that even VOLTAIRE would say … if mankind had no god man would create one ,,, VOLTAIRE came up in the talks last night ,, I heard that and thought how could this man I have such respect for in historical terms of his pexression at a time when he could be fuckign skinned alive for talking like that … how come he ehas the expectation that GOD is A HUMAN GOD FORM IS NATURAL and His expectation of man kind to re-create PHAROH , saysto me he had NO EXPOSURE to th freedom of Tao a more pure discourse on the idea that god is or nonpysichisl or non self ,,is unthinkable un comparable to things of theis time/space like humanity or human form or human brain . … as I realize the SYSTEM T THE HIERACHY infected even the followers of Buddha but actuall just look at the system of the time of the great one , the acceptance of of petty kings and princes …. sect and casts ,,, the un equality yet , Buddha taught the UNTHINKABLE in the word tool best that he had ,,, his essence is in the fucked up re-wrioten word ,,,,,, respect for life SEENa dn….. UN SEEN how could the Buddha tapped into the knowing of tao , explain bacteria centurys before the science could show the evidence trail of UNSEEN LIFE and give word tool to talk the average person about ..the life of the UN SEEN …….. so a state of ….. mind fuck … of separation from the quanta concept ..the non physical equal self … ..whihc is you ., created ……
anxiewty ,, the confusion fo what should I do in this world full of rules ,that deep down feel UNANTURAL but fromd ay 1 of birth I was taaughgt was the NATURAL ORDER of things …. Form kings downs to humans counts as property along with the cows and pigs . peasants …..anxiety in being in a state UNANTURAL even today resulting form not thinking for yourself because we were taught to NOT THINK JUST LISTEN AND FOLLOW AND ….OBEY ..GOD/KINGS rulers leaders those who have pieces of paper given to them by others with p[ieces of paper ….

Anxietry happening so often that it becaomes a triggered state of sconfusion passing right thru thinking and into experiencing the full blowness of the totality of confusion born from the PRACTISING of confsion from day 1 of rules urles rules expectations sometimes evr changing … ..what do they want from em , they being mom dad friends boyfriends teachers fucking strangers on the street eventually in the twisted expression of stress and the effects of manipulation you project onto complete fuckignstrangers values …. And the of course employers , but in reality all these people who do ..JUDGE even the fucking strangers … you sense judgeing are to some exptent to the level of their noticing of you JUDGEING YOU , yep you are conreect in your fear …. They are just acting OUT THEIR ..TRAINING THEIR UPBRINGING …. IN FACT TO GREATER OR LEASSER EXPTENTS THEY TOO ARE PROJECTING THE SAME feelings of you producing in them ANXIETY …

Now I betcha you have already done the counseling maybe reading listening to friends watchinmg mom and maybe dad ,, go for counseling take year after year of drugs or self medicate to hide it ..or whatever the next thing … be the next thing whatever and it still comes back … THE TAO can not be contained in the books they are dead data great evidence trails but like the current voice of the sage repeats ,,,, you are my equal clear your doubt and find your own answeres cpmapre the rightness of the answers you get thru the FEELING of being RELIEVED or not …. And relaze the effects of SOCIAL expectations as it comes to that feeling you ..feel . it is not In a book .

Ohh I forgot 1 important players in all of the CHURCH AND STATE …. PHAROH AND THE PREIST HOOD …. What do they realy want behind the lies of freedom they tell you yet always seems to not produce decade after decade …. What evidence trails of history can you learn from ,, light the unlit candle of words to guide you inot learning … from rocks thrown in the air …. That fall for 1000’s of years ,,different faces ,,different details , just like mom and you different names of past relationships different details she did Ludes and you do blueberrys …. Same fucking shit .. all just symptoms … the core under lying connection is what the UNAWANTED EPXLORATION is about , then

Time for peace to reprogram .

Faking never works realy does faking an orgasim ..give you the pleasure ,, all it does is end a fuck that you were not into having in the first place you were only being the vessel fo hispleasure adnistead of BEINGIN THE SUBBMISSIVE VORTEX of that you ..faked it … you are the loser all the way around .

Say the magic words to th GURU .the teacher does not help him unless he is that fucking SHALLOW … to repeat the words like you know ehen you are only really repeating like a trained parrot like you were trained to do to make mommy smile to get the cookie or to your teacher to get the grade ,,,, here is is now time for changes … no rrepating shit ,,just be happy … simple and hard until you have tiaken t he time for time space to happen and data be correlted within the dna BIO MACHINE …

The goodness of that which is you ,,,, hmm what the fuck does that mean ? bullshit ! you have been looking in the mirror young miss for a long time comparing yourself to evry new fashionalb echick on the pages of whatever and NEVER HAVE YOU lived up to ther and ..HE the mysitical magicall man of your dreams wants her! the mirror lies it is a poisin of self destruction you are un comparable it is the….. mind fuck , feel the impossibility that has been mind fucked into you for 20 year or so …. Now how to find the place of peace to erase the mind ufck ….. to allow yourself to fuck as the GOODNESS WHICH IS YOU . ..yes fuck as the goodness which is you for it whole basisi of it all is SEXUAL …s tarting form childhood repression then then then COMPOUNDED by the images on page or picture or movie or story or fairy tale ..but it realy started in the beginning and it is from there you must free yourself …. Rep[rogram let the time/space experience of LEARNING TO happen as wuickly as possible but form the palce of CONTRADIICTORY focus , in the middle of stilliving in the mind fucking … you have split energy … and stgruggle for you have the INCLUSION antureo fo the LAW OF ATTRRATION ,,the INCLUSIVE … what you put ..thougth or jus tfocus on will be INCLUDED so to take FREE CHOICE to IGNORE with purpose AND FREEDOME OF CHOICE to become the GOODNESS OF SELF you are allowed to . expecially if someone loves you with UN CONDITIONAL LOVE NOT conditional fear based love these will ALLOW you to …. Take time needed for experience to ..teach for words don not TEACH they only guide ..lite the path of the time/space events whihch .. are the basis for DATA CORRELTATION nad thus EXPANSION of BELIEF SETS .. and then POSSIBLITY for future manifestation .

Did I get that out in a way nayone can understand ?

Sexuality is the PUREST FORM OF TOA EXPANSION … do you believe that , evne in the just Playing for fun .havingn just great fun relxing sex , is a in the zone activity right ? that is in haromony with toa . but ,,the evntuallity of CHILD tah amy or will come some day and if in a harme family only once evry 5 years of so for other sister / wifes have new babies the need to new expression it timed more naturally once more … the new dna combination from the STAND POINT OF THE NEW ,,ADAPTIVE ANTURE OF THE VERY EXPANDING VERSIONS OF THE DNA GIVEN BY THE CHOOSEN MALE … each new with the EMEOTIN OF THE DAY PERESENTED IT IT… so the first child is special as is the last child ..all different allwith unique potentials . each the chance for a new EXPANSION of tao thru the action of JOY SEEKING o fthe life …. The reason for living is the movement towards that whihch feels better from within the design of the unique DNA bio machine of each person …. Within the parameters of thea DNa desing ,,, I do not get the hots to fuck Mule deers but I do get the natural expression of the hots to fuck so many of the girls I see walking the strets at lets say a regular jamming in Jensen night …. Sex feels good … ahhh moving towards the better form with in the DNa design . is natural the expansion of tao … thru new life… harmony of ever expaning IN FI NITY .

And a gift of CALLING FORWARD FOR THE mothers ..mothers ..nothers … OHHH YOUNG MISS GET THE idea of non POSSESION of a human child but the gift giver CHILDREN ARE NOT CHATTLE OR POSSESION again the passed down mind fuck of the SLAVE MASTER of pharoh times . a child is an invited a guest I am blessed to have in my life for only few short years realy for by age 5 they are already striving for their own independences yet enjoying the safety family provides are … and allow the baby to HAVE MOTHERS WITHOUT EGO sister wives ..OR …..OWNERSHIP of the human baby ….. conditional love ? or unconsdtional love , what do you really want for the child ? your happiness or theirs ? and the gift of MOTHERS MOTHERS MOTHERS , is beyond your knowing for you grew up with that possible NOT ! IT IS AN UNKNOWN pssoiblty of love have choosen to ignore only be cause of limited up bringing .
And all this is the hopeful way of avoiding the generation of people all fucked up with ANXIETY …. I have been interested in a group called the amish ,,, cool lifestyle but the POISIN OF THE SHOULD … is so deeply engrained ..the god/king concept bummer . their ife stle in many ways shows function , even the mormona many wife system shows function , but the god/king shit … well that is where provides the guidance of their lifes tlye without the GOD in human form but the UNTHINKABLITY concept of tao . or Buddha
A belief is nothing more than a chronic pattern of thought, and you have the ability—if you try even a little bit—to begin a new pattern, to tell a new story, to achieve a different vibration, to change your point of attraction. The Law of Attraction is responding to your vibration, and you can easily change your vibrational point of attraction by visualizing the lifestyle you desire and holding your attention upon those images until you begin to feel relief, which will indicate that a true vibrational shift has occurred.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
Vibration is the word tool for thinking ,, what is a thought can you buy a cup full of thought , it can be seen in action as electic activity in brain scans .. but that is evidence trail POST ACTION the choice of THINKING in the first place set out the activity of DATA use in the brain which is what science views as electrical activity . … so where does the first IMPULSE of : want: come from …..ahh there you head out into the unthinkable .. and tie into the use of DNa bio mehcicnl form use by TAO self or perscpetive .. I – in – I … as words become living expreince and events become data with connections of dentrites to access the data and repetitive access of supporting data or evidence trail of like events … brings about the oppurutunity for CREATIVE solution building that has the bassis for BELIEF because of the data stored and manipulated creativily because of similaritys show possibility … all this is …is … of moving towards what feels better with in the nature of a speices proven to be friendly and nice and co-oprative for is these traits were not there , the species would have destroyed itself ..killed off it’s own children or mates … good nature of the surviors . see feel read create ..RELIEF …. ( now I have had people talk to me and say thought comes from the bio machine , but I dispute in that the free choice we show to act outside of the …design of DNA to self destruct me shows a chooser OUTSide ..OF DNA ONLY , I AGREEE FROM WITH IN DNA PARAMETERS … cause well that is the fact we are experincining thru dna parameters )

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