Saturday, November 28, 2009

ABC dildoe company

ABC dildoe company

I thought yung miss yu and I were having just a good conversation about ,,,the mind fuck the conservative media ,,, SPIN DOCTORING data to make Obama look bad when evidence trails did not support it , I thought we were agreeing on how long this whole SPIN DOCTOR thing ahd been going on even dating backwards to Mtyh OR STORYS TOLD SURROUNDING Claudius of Rome and him fighting a killer whale an attempt of IMAGE MAKERS of the time to RE_FRAME a weak ruler .yes a well schooled ruler who individualism finannly got him murdered by his wife … but I the image of society in general the emporoer had to have pysihcal bravery and strenthg to urel to command respect … so creative lies ,, pay this WITNESS and that witness maek sure the rumor mill starts up the quietly kill off the direct witness’s to insure the sotry never falls apart ..common shit , fuck done today crime circles …. Nothing new under the sun … again go back to Amenhotep 4 and the letters found form the Vassel rulers of Jerselum inhis time ….nothing new jersuslem was already named …. Read the POLITICS … THE ASS KISISNG AND BACK STABBING … not hear asy written withink and paper millennium later but in the mud tablets of the letters between GOD/KING and Vassel or puppet ruler . if you would take the same ,,,interest in clarifying data about this as you do about the amount of debt I the US today ..then maybe just maybe … you would hear the saleman for what he is …

Let say ther is this SALES MAN for the ABC dildoe Company …. Sure they were at one time the top of the line in DILDOE techonolog made from the ifnest polished RAMS horn … and as the centuries progressed the ABC dildoe company kept up with NEW AND IMPROVDED dildoe making ideas …… during all those years other DILDOE COMPANYS formed and competed with the ABC dildoe company ….. now you bump inot me and I tell you that Adam and Eve sex toy company is making this great thing clled the RABBIT …. And that this takes DILDOE IDEAS beyond ABC …. And so instead of HTINKING FOR YOURSELF you go back to your SALES MAN and ask him …… what do you thnk SALESMAN ?

What answer do you think the Salesman will give ? if he tells the truth there is a good chance he will ose a long time customer wha may also take other customers alsong with her to buy RABBIT Dildoes ….. does this sound logical ?

What I was saying that spin doctors , POLITICS all the bullshit keeps getting passed down , and is it not interesting how ,the NAME OF THE invisible creator god of PHAROH .. shows up as the ending of the prayers as decreed by another invisible god of a culture whose had such direct ties that …the 1 who came down from the MOUNT iwtht he RULES OF GOD … was ( as the spin doctors wrote it centuries later not truly of the blood of pahroh but found in a basket on the river by all the fucking luck not eaten by the numerous CROCS ) was .. a son of PHAROH …. Hmmm I was just saying that is interesting . ok it sue dates back to the book of numbers old shit … later on here is a debate One of God's names or titles is "The God of Truth". If we left the last word untranslated, the title would read, "The God of Amen" (Isa 65:16). Based on translation ….. today I say “ I’m cool “ ,,, meaning I agree ,,,,, when cool is realy having to do with temprature … not being TO HOT OR COLD so that it is AN AGREE-ABLE state …..
AMEN or Amen-re ..was the TRUE GOD the invisilbe creator of all the other gods and shit ….. and the name of PHAROH HIMSELF …. And who is to say this is not the ROOT from which all others adopted the UN TRANSLATED .. essence behind the myth . ( neat thing … is amen PURE is unthinkalbe invisible … now pollute it with Re and you can have a great SMOKE AN MIRRORS PARTY to impress the slaves during ritual feasts . and Invoke the presence of AMEN )

[amen] is one of the few words of scripture which is written in it's original Hebrew form. In fact, it is practically a universal word, having been adopted directly from the Hebrew into Greek, Latin, English, Spanish, and many other languages. Found both in the Old and the New Testaments, it is also translated in different ways, depending upon the context of the passage in which it is found. This Hebrew Amen is derived from the root [aman], which means to be firm or solid in the sense of permanency. Thus by implication, it means to be sure, true or faithful. So whenever we see this word Amen used in scripture, it is affirming truth, or illustrating something is said that is of absolute certainty. We can get a better understanding of the word in looking at the way God uses it in a slightly different context than we normally would see it. Here [amen] is used as a title for God, illustrating His faithfulness to His promises

BUT YOU KNOW WHAT … I think it is a good idea to never look for other data ,TRUST THOSE GUYS WHO ARE TRASHING YOUR PRESIDENT …. Just listen to the salesman never think for yourself …. Ask the ABC dildoe company sales I am sure he will be unbiased he has nothing to lose in the way of $$$$ of fame or position in the community …. Nope no hierarchy or status there at all ,,no ego trails dating back historically nope nothing like that ….. nope for he is a servant of Amen ….

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