Wednesday, November 25, 2009

solid gold dildoe

Solid gold dildoe

With palieolithic evidence dating back 30 … get this 30 fucking THOUSAND YEARS AGO …. 30,000 years ago of evidence of sex toys made form stone, wood , horn …. Remember today we make some lyrex a form of GLASS AND glass breaks OUCHY PUSSY ! …for the queesn of pahorh times to have madE solid gold didleos is within the realm of possibles… that were probably metlted down right away …. To not INSULT the males, ONLY GOOD POLITICS … do not think any thing you d o today was not done for fuckig 1000’s of years you are nothing special except RE-PLAYERS OF THE SAME OLD SAME OLD … any you will re-live the same old same old wild se x tattoos piercing getting high struggling to get rich, …..throw ing rocks in the air they KEEP FALLING ON OUR HEADS and we wonder why ,,,DUH … we are the god choosen smart ones huh …. ?

Ok where am I going ..of course is to expand you .. get you out of the box …. Living og life It is not about the CASh but the FEELING OF BETTER what are you going to use $$$ for any way to feel better well what is BETTER , that new thing you buy willl make you happy like aDRUG only …. The MALL IS A DRUG …. 5000 years of shopping like EVE … think for yourself …

So I looked at the familys I know directly my own family … friends , in laws ( I have a lot since I have 3 diviroces and few LTR’s ) so the adds up to 23 familys I maybe missing 1 or 3 …. Out of that 23… 4 are TRUST fund familys …. Now all of those RICH ones they all went thru periods of $$$ stess , 2 decided some years ago to live within the means fo their base income comeing from the trust … and all other diviends or extra work incomes …were HAPPY HAPPY $$$ AND they found finally stablity … 1 added MILLIONS TO HER MILLONS OVER TIME …. Cool and 1 is still s truggling and depressed and medicated …. The other 19 are honeslty doing OK as far as we all consider OK to be , that is on average MAKING ENDS MEET often STESSED but some how making it …. Sometimes not making it and begginf ro help ….. 12 of those 19 realy are STRUGGLING MORE htan making it …..

Really take some time to work out the FACTS of your evidence trail around you DO NOT JUST accept the word of the PHAROH LIE …. The bulsshit … look at the reality you know … JUST MAKING IT IS NOT … …that is slavery ! the earthship housing concepts establishing the food forest creating the pond and the whole comfy enivroment is about designing your won TRUST FUND lifestyle …. So $$$$ is for fun .

I dig the words of the SAGE ester hicks , but to sell her stuff she uses the greed urge in people ..i use sex like budwieser does sex sells …. … form a pure state of TOA of quantum reality … $$$ is abundanat sure in conceptual pureity of tao … but if the street were realy paved on GODL and you picked up a bag of this GOLD .and brough ti to the store to buy something the store owner would say . FUCK GOLD WHAT THE FUCK DO I WANT WITH GOLD ..THAT SHIT IS WORTHLESS I HAVE TO SWEEP THAT SHIT OUT OF THE DOOR EVERYDAY

A SENSE OF LACK , is needed for the PAHROH ECONOMY to exisit there has to be HAVE AND HAVE NOTS …… the core teaching of the SAGE not the sales team of ESTER HICKS .. is that you want to feel better ..feeling of greater and greater relief ….. AHHH …NATURE AND A NATUREAL LIFE WILL BRING YOU back to wellbeing . just a blue print …not a RULE TO FOLLOW . ideas for you to work the ….. to create a life style to attract the P[USSY …. PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY ..the urge …the hormoianl nature of your desire for RELIEF it is to dip your stick in that wet pussy which wants your STICK . she wants penetration even if she is enjoying the love of another girl she her nature self likes hard cock , NOT COLD GOLD DILDOES ….. except if the EvE spirit is deep in her then to be the EvE with the solid gold dildoe is more important HIERACHY SYSTEMS of PAHORH ….. once more the greed the poisin of the snake . OF MYTH … 5000 FIVE THOUSAND YEARS OF REPEATING HISTORY …

You TODAY … are so free you can choose bondage …. You the smart educated human ( we humans are such a fucking jokes …. Laughable ) greedly lil human shit … but yet some , a few are … some a few are … some a few are …. ?

Think for yourself ..if I have to fill in the blanks you are not worthy …. You have your OWN CONNECTION to the self tao .to the I in I … everyone’s equal …. Yes with special dynamics of yur DNA creation TRUE and if that were to be an EXPRESSION of some sort of limit it is nice to realize humanity is in general very nice especially when they are COMFORTABLE iwht their life …. Ao aid would flow to help you … equal …. the EQAUL to Buddha .the Equal .. I ….. what is I ….. so an I I ….. the pardox page is to get you to feel yourself not as human but as QUANTA …. Not thing but creator of thing-ness … itself in …the same EQUALITY …. Out to in fi nity beyond the 2 giga bytes of data processor ablty available to the HUMAN BIO MACHINE … remember that limt we DREAM THRU

Laugh my friend laugh the mind fuck … you now know better if you want to . your want is not BUYABLE with $$$

There are no choices that are really a detour that will take you far from where you're wanting to be -- because your Inner Being is always guiding you to the next, and the next, and the next. So don't be concerned that you may make a fatal choice, because there aren't any of those. You are always finding your balance. It's a never ending process.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Albany, NY on Saturday, May 22nd, 1999
You when I choose XY and Z that lead to such problems ….that wsa my inner being guiding me to that RUIN ? well there was some TEACHING in that constrast , there was some IMPORTANT level of motivation to b ehad in the living of the events which … will cause you to ACT instead of staying stuck ….. remember this is a PLATFORM for an IN FI NITE adventurer to play in ,,,, this is not the beigining or the end ,,just 1 more expreince of being a point of view ,,you need to forget your Braoder self so that this life will have FLAVOR of reality ….
You did not come here to EARN your way back into heaven …that is the mind fuck of learning to live up to the NEEDS of Pharoh ….. EARN YOUR WAY THRU GOOD SLAVE SERVICE you can follow your pharoh into heaven and away formt hepain of slavery …. A very old system still being pushed on huminty even thru BUDDHISM … the earning of nirvana thru mediatation .. the Buddha described in the owrd tool available to him ,,there is no where else to go except into the NO SELF … limited by word tool limited by the basic progrming of the brain used … so think for yourself use the compairion I behind the wall in heaven … or on the other side walking away form those trapped by word.

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