Thursday, November 19, 2009

gagged and fucked pussy

Gagged and fucked pussy

I t hink id’ing myself as the squeee-gee uy has actually been good for biz . this bolog actually is sparked for, the feeling of , the I IN I .. interaction with this woman who stopped me while I was working inthis plaza yesterday … asking for my card .. her smile ..her look . her sense … her ,,NON VERABal comucication spoke and became later the INSPIRITACTION is this blog . for now .
It is about FEELING in the vortex is about ….. feeling being the now !

Good thing about the gag is not hearing the safe word bullshit ,,, safe sane sconsentual …ok , I do not want a murder rap so . safe is for my own preservation , sane is that I understand the effects of sustatined upbringing of sexual manipulation so that I enter into the SCENE under control of self ,,, I will refer to the dating page for the skills are the core of his training being amster of self before matering another .

But here today master I am going to bring you to the regular fuck of your life ,,the in your mind fuck ,evey relationahip as she gain her control and starts the self detristructive events that will end it all eventually in one way or other …. And you return to fuckin t he girl of your VIBRATIONAL ESCROW … that you keep away because of the set points of EXPERINCE past your learning a lot of that learnng cam e form and is currently being supported by POPULAR MEDIA , the ACTORS and ACTRESSES of UNREALITY … can a well crafted TV or movie generate emotional response ..well the creators hope for that strive for that ….. and

Ahh here … is key point from life experience ..the learning happens remember words do not teach they can be the un lit candle to be used ofr guidance ,,but they themselves do not teach , ti is the events LIVED that leave the trail of …EMOTIONS .. study memeory retrieval and you will find that emotionally charged events haves more dentrites formed so easier acees to the data events …. LEARNING … sexual manipulation and sexual stress your whole life has left EMENSE ENORMISE GRANDIOS …amounts of starnds of dentiites linking supportining events with emotionally charged negative expecations built and tied so that in time the ..thought just brings for the ..starting point of negative EXPECTATIONS ,, ( for you and girls too . actually mabe with girls even more since they ,, well it is hard for me to talk for them but they are much more emotional than us so they would create more of these links and their barins are not washed with testosterone ,,, focusing hormones like we are unti lthey enter into menaopause and start to relelase male mimicking hormones , thiey use much more brain .. than us and actually this is much more confusing .

But on to lesson for today ,, and to do this I will use inof gathered from the watchers of my blogging I stumbled upon a good video ….. remember ..remember remember … the reality of ACTRESS .. key word in videos in fanasty yet the events sometimes lead to WORDS OF TURTH . or examples of truths ,, and then studying the ….FAIRY TALE movies of current culture you gain better understanding of the enenemy …. She is not the enemeny but the EVE spriti of her is for us both ,, as much as it is the psotive of the Gaia ..who uses the fire starter I jus love this video it is bake sale time ….. I can feel the pump …. Ready to kick some dust if SKIN DRED PLAYS THE SECOND STAGE like last year … go Benji !

Back to porn … study the links ,,, she mumbles after some ruffness .. her boyfriend taught her ? then where is he and why is he not the fucking one doing the fucking ? …… where is the boyfriend ..where are you if youw were the boyfriend ? the bullshit sullshit bullshit ,even if you get a chick who will scream for you, thuth is you are in the … psotion of depending on her in some way ,, she is in control using YOU like a set of works … works the neddle used by the MORPHINE .. addict herion is just refined morhine morphine is just a plant derived chemical that MIMICS the key way of self produced chemicals called ENDORPHINES . you can over load or over dasoe on morphine ,,, easy thru herion ,, in BDSM we have to be skilled enough to LAYER the endorphine does she experiences to crea the state of ..SUB SAPCE ….. METTING GOD ! ….. total submission can bring on . out of fears of death and losss of control and excessive sexual stimulation also …. And to achieve the HIGH she needs a set of works like the JUNKIE odes and I becaome that for them , just a set of works that she uses as she wants thru her control of me thru my HONOR STATEMENT OF LOVE …… complexity she actually knows for they have books devoted to this shit …. Realy you can find these books if you search ,, on is the care and feedin of your husband … treating us like some caged bird , the same theme as the books about the care and feedin go any PET like a caged bird or good dog … EVE is so smart she becomes dumb . when her real nature is of that of the if she lived that without the GREEd of ownership but from nature with her sisiter wives she would achieve the state of PURITY of the book refered on this page …… ahh so free she can shoose the bondage of her own manipulative efforts or …… ? the sharing aspect of free choice mind set is prefeered over the resisiatnce of I HAVE TO be nice because he has other girls …. Sharing is caring … says barney

But remember if you do not have the mind set of th the STABLE OWNER ( stable having more than1 chicck so that if one gets uppity you can say easy BYBE BYE BABY ..) if you are some how … HONOR BOUND to her . you become like the movie ..the story of O where mater ..good ole whatever his name in the end becomes the BRANDED 1 … sublte ..sublt themes and expression of the constant TRAP of EVE … and remember the sotry of O in book form and then movie date back fucking DECADES this is not new shit it is the shsit of the MOM’S of your current girlfriends ,their TEACHERS of relationahip forms …fucked huh ?

Think for yourself . dream your self inot the feeling place not the fanansty expression of frustration just to get you nut ,,,,, but for the feeling of what is possible , if something is possible for one person another person than ,,it is possible for you and even if you have not experienced or seen it in reality ..the door is open to create the experience in mind ..with clarity and positive expectation thru the use of mentor imaging …. Again go find the studys about the mental practice of baskeball players a s compared to real practice as compared to the non practicing group …..

But young master if you have lil or no real experience in being the dom as the book in the vision of the STATE of mind of the DOM in the video will be a good MODEL FOR YOU ,,having a mentor without having a mentor ….. his face slapping pussy pulling … now COCK CHOKING remember she has to breathe … do a 30 count in your head and withdrwl ..your murder rap is very impsrtant ! she will die so fucking easy …. And no pussy is worth life in the can … the evidence trail of her connection to you thru a web apge that shows graphically that you consider yourself to be DOM in a bsdsm life style will also protect you from PYACHO EVE who wants it but next day call the DA and your ass is getting arrested while at work which will impress your boss totally ! ..but is our realtiy …. Virtex ir fucking not ,,, hurricanes are a threat you have been trained to think is possible …any possible trained into yu mind can thru sshow up …wanted or not , it will be the contrast for furtue expansion or non event by accepting the fact you have been trained in negative expectation … so have a hurricane shutter ,, an evidence trail that shows she KNEW WHAT THE FUCK WAS GOING ON …reasonable DOUBT … this ramble I stems from my past when at the same time I have past of truth …. She does want to be penetrated as much as be the one to control the flow … and say no …. The turh is inher wetness . hell in her presense with you . so epending on factor of past epxeince and limitin trainng or learning based in that .. well you’ ll figure it out .

Just ideas to start you …..

Someone has said, "the Universe has imagined it even better than you have." And we like to add to that: The Universe got all of its information about what you like from you, and it has remembered every piece of it and has put it together in perfect formation. And so, the things that are on their way to you are so much better than you even know that you want. And as you allow them, the essence all of these things that the Universe knows that you are wanting make their way to you and appear in perfect timing for you.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, February 7th, 2004
And so true remember you can only think about 2 gigs of event activity at any one time , and events are much more much , real life had many more gigs odata present than ..what ever 3 gigs of pussy your cock is sensing and filling your awareness with ,,,,, all the stuff is projections of EXPECTATIONS ..dreamed or lived by you ….. you will live any future eents based TOTALLY upon your belief in their possibility
All needed part for airplanes surrounded the scientist of the PAHROH age they all thought they were the highest evolved concept o f human kinds so EGO proud to build Pyrimids to their greatness ….yet their BELIEF limited them in making airplanes
No material was intergalitically transported in so that we could start making airplanes a 100 years ago ,,no everything needed was always present . BELIEF was what was lacking …. You will see it when you believe it …. Hey a good book by wayne dyer . has that name . the voice of the sage over and over ,,, ask you will reicieve knock and he door will be opened ,,, have the faith beield of the mustard seed . and as your beielf point realy changes everyday in everywy things are getting better and better , the the epxresion of perfect timing ,,, and that perfect timing could bring you into positions of feeling ANGER …… ahhh the emotiona motivation to move beyond ..GO FURTHER ON … in the gam you are losing the perfection is to feel anger and PLAY HARDER ! .. not comparing for to do that would tak you focus out of the game but to just become more intetn on watching playing being on the field 110%
Now all of the above can relte to PUSSY a very important and motivating thing in life to be sure , but the aspects of OFF GRID living since you have had NO MENTORING about it in fact the constant mind fuck of veating the illusion of dependence on …the grid for food and home elelctric , you have fucked up expectation ther to . so that is why the exposure to the pages of are imporatnt for there is much more than just pussy ..there …. Take

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