Tuesday, November 3, 2009

eat meat

Eat meat !

Ahh the mind fuck in active evidence , the SINGLE worst thing you can do for the enviroment is to eat commeriacally produced MEAT so they say , so the complex evidence trail supports many tied factors ….. the effects of advertising advertising advertsing …. Telling us we need to eat meat … your hands have NOT CLAWS they are soft and sensitve oppsoibale thumb actually made to grasp and test ripeness of fruit and take it off the tree ,,, your teeth are not made to ripp thru animal hides …. But breat again for eating fruit ….. like our cousin primates . …yet meat is a great source of DENSE FOOD VALUE , convient because it could be herded behind INVADING armys to feed the slave murders of PHAROH …. Who expaned the ideas of the 1 AND ONLY WAY of the god/kings ….. currently we have 580 million acres devoted to production of meat ,,range and pasture land while we humans are packed inot , uraband and sub urban areas living in tiny apartments and dencity housing living and working on just 108 million acres …. http://www.instinctualism.org/housing.html .... but hey i like to eat meat ,,, I like catching and killing my own food that is why I go fishing .

http://www.instinctualism.org/pest_control.html pest control ? Well go and find out how letting common MEAT animals become wild on your http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html will be your pest control in fact be the ewatch do to wake up your watch dog ,, and there for you to harvest … in harmony with nature …. To EAT MEAT … plus info on cleaning them , like cleaning a fish it is not that much different , fuck that plucking the chicken like I donot scale a fish ,, I SKIN EVERYTHING , … so you skin’em , suprizing quidk and easy not un like doing a fish … ohhhh yes I foregot fish is meat …. http://www.instinctualism.org/ponds.html take a look a the stocking recommendations for that 4 foot deep pond ,, that is a lot of meat to harvest yearly …. Plus the fresh water lobster and then …. With understanding the self cleaning aspects of creative use of Algea and air movements and solar pool heaters for 129 bucks found on this page ,,, http://www.instinctualism.org/adobe_slurry.html designing piping in advance to distributed heated water for swimming season then valved to direct water to fish production areas for winter time …. Putting in extra capped off piping which is cheap in the beginning and as you have the cash you tie in a 12volt pump and a 15 wat panel and a solar heater and activate a line … all of thise makes the water move giving the OP for natural claensisng , and the algae is havrvested for COMPOST …. FERRTILIZER … watch the FOOD FOREST VIDEO ON . http://www.instinctualism.org/submissive_training.html what doe shti have to do with FUCKIN A GIRL AS SHE WANTS TI BE FUCKED ?

Because your life young master is more than just your dick and her pussy …get that thru your head . she tooo has to embrace a diverse life style of self empowerment . and freedom …. And expansion …. Stuff stuff stuff till you realize it is not the stuff but ,,the FEELINGs that matter . feelings of WHAT ? we got so lost in the stuff in being like PHAROH thnking about colleting bright and shiny shit …. That we do not even know why ,,except we believe ti will make us feel better

Hmm interesting … I was talking with some one who wasa greatly effected by conservative radio , I could tell by his repeating of the themes I have heard on them … I wonder if he has heard that of those countrys that became capitalistic ,,,, at the fall of the WALL …. Places where the Polls showed people feelings 90% excited about being able to get into the CHASEE FOR STUFFF … for capitalism ….. and now those numbers are 53% , and 46% even a few contrys where thenumbers of excited people are down to in the 30% percents , having the access to stuff was not happiness … in fact the stability provided in the old ..COMMUNING system ( yes flawed every goverent is flawed ) is now being reivived in socialisms ….. hmmmm interesting to have access to other data streams …. Like NPR …….. http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html the micro it is almost Randist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayn_Rand ( I am NO fan of Rand ) but in the stabilizing the first few layers of MASLOW allows for the movement to exploring the getting of STUFF … or not . and leaving governemtns and minding industyrs … to mind fuck the lsaves left in the city ,, by their own free choice to not seek alternative life styles .

Everything exists for joy. There is not one other reason for life than joy. We've got nothing to prove to anyone, because nobody other than All-That-Is is watching. In other words, we're not trying to get brownie points from some other galaxy. We're not trying to get someplace else; we're not trying to get it done, because there is no ending--we cannot get it done. Everything exists for the purpose of joy in the moment.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, May 11th, 2002
The worker slave was never going to become ..PHAROH ( unlike the golden CARROT of capatialism where 94% will struggle and 6 will makes omething ) the worker slave had to be provided some HOPE other wise they got depressed and no longer worked and pyramids did not get built the effects of manipulation http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html ....... yet from within the evovlution of the ..FIRE STARTER … the tool of Gaia http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html to free up traped biological wastes layered thru out the bio sphere called earth ( oil is millions of years old bio logical sludge once released , the energy is use and EXPRESSED back out to space ,,,, Gaia had become TO GOOD at capturing and storing solar energy we the fire starter , release that energy and putting based material into the cycles once more ..this actiivyt may kill US OFF but we are just 1 nmore a larege numbers of animals who come and go on a planet over time …. We are like ..like a weed that mines the earth for depleted and needed minerals … the PIONEER PLANTS . which then make way for change upon their deaths when new plants can become established thru the mining effects of weeds …. The FIRE STARTER , evolved to serve Gaia . and so that we could have some form of JOY ,,, fairy tale hope …. Was created …. But went wild … still effecting you if you do not think for yourself …. No god in human form ,,,no land with streets of gold that floats on clouds …. Etc etc etc

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