Sunday, November 29, 2009

different pussy's

Different pussys

Hey phil this life is different ..even the fucking toilet is different this just feels WEIRD !!!! the toilet is a composting self contained unit AND it does feel different GOOD GOOD GOOD … much of our up bringin was in DISHARMONY with nature the OVER COMING OF nature because we HUMANS were ASEPERATION of not part of …. Shit is BLACK GOLD …realy much more important to gold ,,, spread a few pounds of gold around the base of a plant and it will DIE …. Spread a few pounds of composted human shit ,, HU- MANURE ….. and the plant will feed you …. AND WITHOUT FOOD YOU DIE ….. what is realy the GOLD ?

THE MORE I CAN MAKE THINGS DIFFERENT ..better for you …. You gotta get a BREAK from the life you lived to form new Dentrite associations the UN-use of old pathways helps new BELIEF ystems to form about other POSSIBLE lifestyles … new strong pathways , all of this in harmony of a TAO self USING BIO MENCHINCS . a law of atrraction concept the word tool of the sage . …. Your time for peace is all about this idea this OPPURUTUNITY and it is offered to girls why why why ? because budwieser has girl not boys on their adveritisnposters for good fucking REASON pussy sells FOR THE TIME OR …AMENHOTEP 4 and Neferitit ..the first budwieser girl of history …. Her busts the fisr t international graven porn ….. humanity has been mind ufcked with sexual frustration ,,yes the pussy sell shit but ,,all the pussy that does not live up to the IDEAL of the image ,, eesl unworthy and thus is minded fucked along with us males ……

Difference TIME FUCKIN OUT OF THE mind ufck needed . time to clean forget the old programming well atleast the sctivity pathways to become less active new activity and thought pathways to form into secure helalthy memeory ,,then COMAPRISON of the WANTED AND UNWATED can truly be done at individual levels of experience and judgement about how and where that 1 person is on the level of emotional guidance scale as pertainng the thinking … comparing lifestyles and … free choices of personel problem solving using new data experience …

Then she will lead more of you young master young male … out …. The power of sex , more thean I could ever do with words , sex sells …. 1 chcick bodisatva ( not foloeing the rules of bodistavaness but being the ..source behind the great ones essence of teaching now here in a timea of new word tool SHE ..the smell of her will lead you young master to new CREATIONS . ….. then you if you got he guts will prove you own metal take your own time out , thus proving… but her first in a supportive way get the chance QUIET THE FEMALE MIND … a brain much more active than ours …. They do not have regular testosterone floods to wuiet themind like we do unti the reach menopause then MIMICING hormones enter to serve a similar FOCUSING of female vibrational creative power …

Now the sgae says did not come here expecting to be guided by what everyone else wanted ……. NON CONGRUIOS STATEMENT given the facts fo the AGREEMENT STATE ENTERED INTO with awareness that as baby human we wold have to LEARN basic rules of INTERACTION of communicating in understandable ways that the URGE to be social is the ANTURE OF HUMANITY basic sexual family urges of the harem species . … so we eneter understanding or expection WITH AWARENESS OF THE CURRENT .. current …. State of the adventure platform … FOR THE SAGE SAYS WE HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF … aspects of the adventure platufroma dn we have ..INTENTIONS to live BORAOD INTETNIOSN … but intentions al the same ,, form a state of KNOWNING-NESS beyond the ablit yo fo the brain the 2 gigs we now use AND THAT SHE TOO USES ( the vessel for translation of the voice of the sae is always tainted even Buddha was tainted ) now the DNA design of current human brain … and we come knowing the current state of the HUMAN CONDITIONS war hunger ETC ,, it is ADVENTURE as compared to …. Total constant perfection which is boring .

So that as a given , maybe your INTENTION upom entering was the creation of activity in the possible solution for the 5000 year old mid fuck …. THRU ….THNKING FOR YOURSELF to do that means using the BIO MECHANICS AVAILABLE … using DENTRITE FORMATIN and withering …. WITHERING . the lack of stimulation of old dentrite pathways will cause their decay and dissaperance as new pathwaysa re prefeered WHY PERFERED because the use of them FEELS BETTER .in ahromny with the expansion of TAO and law of attraction .

This is in harmony with DEVINE SELF INTERST as compared to in the interest of the devien or PHAROH as humanity has been trained to think … we are nice it is our nature … even in devien self interest we will INSTUANCTUALL express that which is good for the FAMILY UNIT for we LOVE SEEING THE SMILES OF OTHERS …..

So simple ! ….and it feel good and thus you feel better and the expansion of tao . so simple .

Taking the neded time out to ….exerince ….DIFFERENCE …

Now how could this become …the concept of … bodhisattva … the being example of the voice of the sage or the buddha…. Thru the VERY ALIGNING ACTIVITY OF SEX? Which it seems that humanity DNA precluding towards .enjoying ? ahhhhhh fun fun fun … the DIFFERNCE now is in Young miss saying Fuck me ! fuck me ! and express it with the sublime ness of female ejaculation over and over …

Hard work is not the path to Well- Being. Feeling good is the path to Well-Being. You don't create through action; you create through vibration. And then, your vibration calls action from you.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Washington, DC on Saturday, May 7th, 2005
Action is a result of THINKING FIRST ….. the attraction of the whole quantum playground is VIBRATIONAL first ,,, now if the intention of the 1st impulse of thinking has with it the FEELING the VIBE of positive expectations ….. then we go back to shrodingers cat discussion and the idea that human can effect the experiment thru intention .

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