Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Amen to pussy

I think 5,000 years is long enough …… I mean you do know that even toady a billion or so people very Sunday PRAISE the honot of PHAROH by name directly …… ending all prayers in his name …… A men …… Amenhotep#4 named of course in ohonor of Amen ..who can not be seen who is invisible the creator god thought form until you put in the magic word of Re…. so after you incant Amen-re the god has visible-ness …details details details ..like counting the number of angels that can dance on the head of PIN ,,, shit to consfuce the minds inand out of the ivory towers ..the PINHEADS … who we depend on to govern us realy …. The counselors to presidents , advisors to emperors … un important becaue you are so free In knowing some basic shit about ALL THE TERRIBLE LIES ….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5173TjVrUCI NINE INCH NAILS ..you can choose to bail …. http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html

Amen to pussy the power of a hot piece of ass ..the 1st lady of HOT ASS … QUEEN Nefertiti … serious babe and 1st wife to the FREAK A ZOID PHAROH ….. but she is NOT …..EVE no no no …that is for the menopausile female whose hormones now more foused like that of MAN …. SHE , who held in her viens the Poisins of a serpent ..( mythis about essence not fact ) not blood but greed and skill … Queen Tiye …. Amenhotp’s mommy ,,,, Amen was a BIRTH DEFECT even though we do not have his body the birth defect of his son Tut shows the vidence trail of in his depecitions …. He was Afucking FEAK A ZOID and hooked up with the hottest babe of all history , yeah sure …. Right this weak fuck was not the WARRIOR PHAROH of myth and go the hottest of the hot babes of all history because of his good looks ? ,,no he was an EMABARREMENT to HIS FATHER PHAROH he sent off to preist school because he was freak only after his stronger older borther die did mommy get involved … and …… CREATE the FREAK into the …SON OF MAN , the myth from which Christ was born .
“ and we will be GODS “ promised EVE ….. ohhh yeah you understand these were not people unlike us at all

THEY LOVED TO SMOKE DOPE THEY ,, LICKED PUSSY FUCKED IN THE ASS , AND BE GAY AND BI in fact in the end …Amenhotep may have been openly gay ….
Now get this on top of all that …. is that …MOMMY USED TO FUCK HER BABY BOY she was his lover and he very well maybe the beigning too of the Oedipus story …. If she idd not do this the chances are she sould have been sent out of the royal court into a 2nd secondary position of power but instead by ,, cultivating the power behind the MISFIT PHAROH ….. BY ARRANGING MARRIAGE with NEFERTITI ..( hot babe ) and Tiye’s neice or possible daughter by laiason …
EVE ….CREATED power enough to influence PHAROH to ignore tradition and destroy all gods except himself ….. and thus she becomes the mother of GOD ….. this whole family goes way beyond anything ever thought before ,,but actually the events remind me of…rome ( ohh lat word about his AGE OF EVE this is when the 1st evidence of pandemic of plaque of influenza …. Fun fun fun thanks EVE ….. the essence of myth is not the people . not the word tool of the story telling …

Can be compared to Claudius of rome a few 1000 year later and here to you must allow yourself to understand the WOMEN behind the man ….. even un to death . and the coming oF NERO ….

Create the FREAK inot myth staus like Claudis actually fought the killer whale … look any mom whose child is different tells her son LOVINGLY ..you are the special ONE … but do not give LOVE to any of these bitches of history , from th minute of birtht he child was wet nursed so mommy can preserve her TITS … in youthful fashion . but the THEME is important the manipulative power of EVE ….

Ohh yeah well ….. AMENHETOP and Nefertiti were the 1sr MYTH of soul mate …. http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html the grand and glorius illusion of LOVE … or as later we ascribe to ROME this loe ..thru the use of ROMAN tic .. or ROMAN ce ..

As for him being the creator of IMPORTNCE in moNO theism … aborringal man understood the energy of TAO was in everything evn the dirt itself …the whole MONO idea had always been there but was UN- PROFITABLE.. if we all were I and I ..
GLOBAL ONENESS http://www.naturalawakeningsmag.com/ article dec 09 it is free !

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