Saturday, November 22, 2008

a two foot dick

A two foot Dick

The rich man and the eye of the needle a story of the SAGE jesus ….. the trap of wealth …. Sperating you from living because of FEAR ? of DEATH ? of transistion back into twhat this whole ILLUSION is constructed from … keep this new PROGRAMING in side of you to conter act that shit you have been pumped with from birth the idea that you are SEPERATED from the Tao ( or god ) and have to REDEEM yourself to prove worthy ness , when the truth is , we ARE ! the ones who LIVE the expansion of infinity for the COLLECTIVE which is TAO …. Fuck without US …. Without your you and your won PERSONEL experience of BEING you will not happen and INIFITNY WILL NOT BE ….. IN FI NITE … you have to happen … you are the most important aspect of it that which has already been experienced …. Lis the DESCRIBABLE ..the GRAVEN IMAGE … it is US the unknown yet to be made PREFENCES OF FREE CHOICE that keep the EXPANSION GOING

If all of you, when you went home today, found your homes had blown away, you would be happier in the days and weeks and months to follow than if you went home and everything was normal -- because it causes more focus of desire. There is all this fresh stuff pouring through you. It's like opening spaces to new allowance. If every remnant of success was gone from you -- still you stand as the culmination of all that you've learned. And we don't mean learned in the sense that now you know how to do it again. We mean you have been the creation that has been in the process of being created, and here you stand as this clearer, more focused wanter and allower than you've ever been before. Which means, you can take your next breath of desire and step into your next place of allowing, and all that you ever had, and ten times more, can be in your experience immediately -- when you accept that you are the asker and the receiver, and the letter-in of all of that.--- Abraham
OK now on to having a 2 foot DICK young master ,,,, go back to the idea of ..UNWORTHYNESS …. Having to MEASURE up in having that fancy car to attract the attention of EVE …. To feeling that if you had a bigger dick or bigger muscles you will be meore attractive …when the truth is always about YOUR IDEA of self Worth and the VIBRATION you currently hold about that INDIDNVUAL topic…. GOOD VIBES know that you sometimes can jus’ sense when things are right,,,, RIGHT ? the expression of flashing in and out of exisitance of the Quantum itself is just VIBRATION and we in these bio machine bodies can TRANSLATE only 2 gigs per second of that VIbrational reality ….not being able to have access to everything is the BLESSING of being here in TIME/SPACe to no … to have NO’S …. To know thing … 1 thing at a time instead of ALL … ALL the time ….. in ALL forms and possibles ….

Her pussy can not WITHSTAND a two foot dick would be a waste of FLESH and BLOOD PRESSURE for you to maintain a 2 foot idck … he pussy is about 6 inches deep on average …. So gusess what you are on AVERAGE already perfect fit for her pussy ….. now if you are larger and you BOTTOM OUT FREQUENTLY in fact it can be uncomfortable for her at first lucky pussy is sSTRECTHABLE ….. if you are not well I guess you can use your collection of DILDOES to on occasion give her( them becaue …THEM ..because the intent is for you to develop the HAREM for the OVER ALL benifts of them and you and the kids to come ..the HOLISTIC FAMILY unit ….. of a GORILLA LIKE SPEICIES remember to realize that yes we have a few more common DNA strands with chimps but the expression of our DNa is more GORILLA like than CHIMP all around ,,, not jsu the dick asl explored in the open piciture of but to the aspects of evidence of our SHOULDER BLDES .. see we GORIILA TYPE APES …. Spent less time in trees .. CHIMPS ARE STILL MORE TREE DWELLING than us LARGER APES . we though we the NICHE ape pushed out of ht lush JUNGLE to evolve into the PREY speices ape of the open fire plains and savannahs ….

But honeslty todays topic is supposed be about wealth INCOME work opening your mind to PROVING your over all level of WANTO for if you REALLY REALLY REALLY want something then you will do other things that are NOT so fun and find them fun to insure that you GET the FUN that you want in the end … you will live the ADVENTURE ….. time/space is not supposed to be the MAGIC I=OF INSTANT GRAIFITCATION like being it ALL ALLTIMES while stillin the tao . no dicooncetion or time lag for thought to experience ..everything ALLWAYS in all …..ways ….

Every Tom DICK and Harry …… every tom has a hariy dick and TWO FEET .. and those two feet we all cover with FOOT WEAR …. And to many many many that FOOT WEAR the APPEARANCE … of the manintence of the foot wear is important to the over all ..PROFESSIOANLISM of the persona nd COMPANY … yesterday I told you to collect 800 .. company names ,,now stop an look at them .. and realize this ,, ON AVERAGE ..each of those names is a contact to 3 family units each family unit is made up on average of 4 people …. 2 older and two younger …. 800 times 12 is ..uhhhhh welll take this finger addd to that finger take out your toes now young master you will add it up …ohh fuck IT ..8000 times 12 is a whole fucking bunch ,, will you agree ? of the 8000 how many CPa’s were there never thought about CPA’s have you ,,, ever notice the amount of LEGAL offices , and ARCHEITIECTS ? Sales REPS and upscale FURNUTURE stores , care delasers hips ….. hmmmmm how many 100’s of people who need that all IMPORTANT … ACCNET of as they said the key to SUCCESS is to put a SMILE ON YOUR FACE AND SHINE ON YOUR SHOES ……. Ahhh so the young master who has spent any time …. Looking thru the pages of will get the hint … I don’t wannna spell it out for you ,,to hand it to you on a silver plater but to develop in you the bality to think foryer for your ..self …. ( ohhh dipshit that scary clown will disturb young children and just because you are yet to have a baby angel to proctect with your life .. does not mean I don’t and having some PUKE PUNK think he is being cool and sitrubing my baby for COOL his twisted idea of SELF IAMGE …. Is lame on the punks part ..LOSER ….. just you’re your thumb and fore finger in the shape of an L against your fore head for me OK …. You can not think for yourself you did not get the idea …. COMPETITON … is good it CULLS OUT LOSERS LIKE YOU ..fool try again this time think for yourself ,,break free of the social conditioning you now hold to ..or not FREE CHOICE ..

Last again …. Steep yourself in the INFINTIE …..if 1 quantum is this large … then where is the end ?

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