Wednesday, November 19, 2008

PT mind fuck D

PT mind fuck D

Young master like a whole bunch of every NICE HUMAN animal which is USED as a BEAST or slave of PHAROH in war ..welll you came back with what the …. Porfessioanl is callinga a PTSD post tramic stress disorder … to fucking keep my ass legal .. I say now ,,, do not listen to me . listen to a legally liscensed health care provider …. My legal thus being covered …. What realy is up is you have a MIND FUCKING DISORDER … you have the effects of COHERSION AND CONTROL of MANIPULATION …. again over and over dumbass I tell you think for youresl ,, FEEL for yourself .

Now this is a topic I do not want to touch with a 10 foot pole as … one of my teacher taught me ,,, you ( again with the gun to the head comparision ) are not forced to admitting to what ….. HAPPENED IN THE PAST . you donot any more have to BE PROUD of being IN HUMAN …. you did your time ,, sperating honorably or dis … is un important because I believe you enetered with honor .. the agains effects of the mind fuck causes the result now CLASSIFIEIED by OTHERS …as DISHONOR fuck them ! my teacher one of the most INHUMANE of our speicies ,,, an ISREALIE …. He was not a jew nor the human breEd Hebrew ,,yet both are true of him ,,no he was beyond that he was ISREALIE first …. And to be a combat soldier of that mnd set is to be INHUMAN …. And yet live with the things he did in the name of HONOR . and he said ……..

If the BOX ( the tool of denial of compartimentalization ) can no longer keep that hidden any more accept .. your FEELINGS about that which you feel respondsible for ….. YOUR truth …. It is DATA … and only DATA ….. and return to the time before the GETTING OF that DATA ….. store the data … in a new menatal box … like the old DEFRAG graphic of window , remember all the little RED files that would show up on the graphic …just BYTES of info locked away …… in the defrag file …. FACTS yes ,, but now with NO EMOTIOANL ATTACHEMENT ….. and then treat that whole time of your life with a TEN FOOT POLE ….. so not touch it ,, and if you get triggered evey now and then LEARN .. find out which movies you can not watch ,, what topics of discussion you can not enter into …. And live ……….. when the red files crumb free ,,, allow your self to go back inot DEFRAG mode …. Just like the old slow . defrag took often hours sometimes even over night allow the COMPUTUER of your bio-machine ,, YOUR brain the over night needs to restore the …. Wall the bricks …. Of the red filles of data hidden THERE YES THERE facts is facts .NOT IGONRED just accepted …. As facts that are not impratnt to who you are now … and live …be HUMAN ONCE MORE . YOU PLACE ON THE EMOTIONAL guidance scale not any one elses … that their SHOULDS .. NOT what they would DO …no what YOU ARE NOW doing and living and feeling ,,thinking for yourself ……that is the only reality ,,,, you can not it is impossible think or feel for some one else and they for you can not JUDGE your reactions to what you Lived HEARD ….SMELLED ! or did or did not! Do ….. you can have a PTMFD … post tramic mind fuck disorder just beause you felt reponsilbe for the horro the effects of the hooro you saw , even though you can not PIN POINT your eXACT REPSONBILTIY you as a part as PLAYER in the over all HORROR is so UN NATURAL to the nice GORILLA / the savannah ape IN YOU … that your INSTINCT CAN NOT DEAL ..and that is natural ..maybe sure while still livng 24/7 in the FOLD .. it was ok , but now a a Civialian …. Something is wrong ….

The doctors my want to Drung you back inot health ,, talk you back into reliving over and over .. staying stuck in HELLL …….. and choosing that path is you free choice … accepting ALL THE FEELINGS …. The truth the untruths the insanity and confusions ,the resposniblities …… accepting them all as DATA … storing the data ,,, remembering who you WERE ,, who you WERE before the GETTING of the BASIC TRAINING …. Ingoring that and no longer refereeing to yourself as …… a __________ .. what ever you were in their world …. To not touch it with a ten foot pole .. to no longer feel pride in that ….

IS AN ONTHER FREE choice you are not hiding … no accepting understanding moving on with life …… BEFORE THE GETTING …. Forget ….saregent forget ! Fregget ………. Think for yourself .

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