Monday, November 3, 2008

1.5 testicles

1.5 testicles

young master ,,this is about the FORE GETTING of the bullshit compounded …and POUNDED into the minds of human kind from before the day od SOCRATES …. And after we started to respect the use of fancy words and and skilled GRAMMAR …… the acceptance of the slave posisiton as compared to PHAROH or master position … and the acceptance of that ECONOMY thoughtform … just an ACCCEPTED thought form …. Now adays we do have much more leverage ,,,it has taken over 200 years since the opening statement about humanityies FREEDOM and Equality is fiannly relazed …the EXPERINCE OF TIME from point A to point B … little STEPS of moving towards things you WANT that we want also in terms of mass concicuiuos .

we are here to experience TIME experience TIME we got to have SPACE to do it in …… remember your TAO self is stillin the I – IN – I dreaming about you being here … it in TAO experiences no time it experiences everything always in every NOW a state of NO 1 THING a constant every POSSIBLE …. So time is a COOL GAME PLAYGROUND TO be in ..but TRUE separation it NOT possible you ae always even here i=on the PLAYGROUND you are still in the INFINTE FIELD OF POSSIBLE OR TAO…

1 percenatge of your POINT OF VIEW ( an unnamed point of view because names are un- IMPORTANT ) is here on the playground the rest is in and OF the WHOLE … that idea is UNTHINKABLE so do not get rapeed limited by the TOOL our brain which is limited to processes only 2 gigs per second … but feel the VIBE ,,, feel what resonates in you ,,,,, not what you have been taught to FEEL THRU ,, you have been tuahgt to FEEL thru a filter of MASTER /slave expectations … GOD , savior , evil humanity ….. the saviors are the Slave Master who taught you to work so you would not die or be put on a work detail so dangerous you would die … way way way back in the days of building PHAROHS pysramids . please the avior and you lived … make the savior slave master mad and you got put on dangerous detail you died and you did not reproduce and your kids are not the DAN strands we now all share …. Those who lived is the DAN we all share …

now BACK to …fore GETTING …… feel outside of the filter ..outside of the training ,,to feel is to TOUCH TRANSLATE energy … and what is the ATOM ? we have gone over this ? what is the ATOM a thought form of the use of sub atomics ,,which is THOUGHT form of the use of Quantas … and QUAnts are just , VIBES ….. feelings .. no 1 ting , coming in and out of BEING …. 9 WHY DO THEY COME AND GO … SO THAT the play ground can be … the SREAM OF WELLBEING ..the building blocks of you can experience the wanted from the experience of the UNWANTED …… thye come and go changing as you move towards that which is MORE AND MORE PLEASANT . or staying the same os the unwanted if you FEELY CHOOSE NOT TO MOVE move begings 1 ST in thinking about where and wht would feel better ..thinkiing is what ? enengry or VIBES vibrations … in and of the whole .. I – IN –I ) the evidence trail of your COCK shows the relationship to the peacefull family oriented species and cousin ape ..GORILLA yet science says we are closer relted to chimps , and wonders if like the Great dane dog and the Beagle if they were to fuck would they make puppys being that they LOOK so different on the outside …. Well fuck head over the 6 million years of an UP RIGHT walkin ape how many chances world wide for ..possible matings could there have been ? with cousin speices .

so we have in use and showing out of us tbetween our legs and the designe of her psuusssy also …not realy chinp like the evidence trail of being PEACEFUL animal ….

The hierarchy ,, evolvution of Chimp is only 1 step beyond the ….. PLY AMOURY of many monkeys ….. these monkeys have no family units or even organized hierarchy TROOPS or tribes …. Neither chimpr not the family unit of Gorilla ….. during mating …. Rivail males will try to break up the mating activity so he can mount the orny little bitch by scratching at the balls of the male … who is locked insde …ohh you do realize that PENIS design amoung different speices is different RIGHT ,,,, it is commmo in some to have that swelling we still have just before we shoot ,,well way back that create a ball on the head of the cock which locke d the mating pair together to insure that he would shot deep in her ,,, her cunt would contract in orgasims and pleasures and ,,, he would swell locking the mating pair together ,,so even if other competors were try to break the fun up to get their chance at riding her …… it would be un likely ….

So at this time …. The scratching of the FUCKER balls leaves the genral population of males monkeys even today with an average of 1.5 testicles in a population average …… OHHHH here is ma trashing EVE’s new FASHION of talking about POLY AMOURY ….. WE HUMANS ARE instinctually a secure family species ,,, the secure family helps the babys develop more securely and confediently in a unit that is not changing to often ,,, they can use their 2 GIG compasity to learn life not deal with new aspects of ever changing family dynamics ……. Ahh to finnaly adresss poly amoury ….

FOE THE GETTING of the mind fuck …. Just FEEL IT the idea of doing that …. This if it feels good,that is the CELL by CELL ….. manifestation of the dreams born out of the CONTRAST ….not instant magic …but TIME/SPACE experience of magic …..

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