Friday, November 28, 2008

co creative pussy

Co creative pussy

Young master ,,, ohh about 4 years I ago I was teaching some one about the book ILLUSIONS by Richard Bach … .they had read the small book and we were discussing the theme of the UN IMPOSSIBLITY of toa … ..they showed interest in learnng how to be POWERFUL MAGICAL …. Walk thru walls be all knowing and destroy clouds and shit ….

So like the book says see it in your mind done and it is done …. So I explained you have to take the CLOUD out of your thinking as if you had never hadEXPOSURE to that cloud when your mind is that focused THEN OF COURSE TO you the cloud NEVER WAS AND SO IT IS NOT THERE IN THE SKY …. BUT IF YOU ARE DEPENDING ON THE AGREEMENT OF others to do this ,,, you are FUCKED ….because you can not create in anothers experience ,,we ALL AGREE on a stable platform to experience a general state of agreed upon PHAYICS … but the FREE CHOICE in each tao to see and feel experience is just that in each ,, and a freedom of each .

This person still wanted to learn to get rid of clouds , so I remeinded them of PYSCHOITC S … they think shit we do not see is real and for them it is very very very real …only unitl you SHOCK the bio machine ,,, will you ever be able to get them to experience ..this time/space agreedment of the rest of us … and even then there has to be a WANTO of that psychotic to want to see what the rest of us see other wise after the GRAVE shock to the bio machine they promptly return to their won PRIVATE IDAHO …I explained for me to teach them that MAGIC IS for me to teach them to become mentally ill on command … self generated . and still they wanted to learn …

But when the student came back once more for some more clarity … and told me how it did not works while with frinds …. And compalianed … I had to go over it again …. The idea of STABLE PLATFORM AGREEMENT STATE …. And that magic ,,breaks the agreement state , so others will not let you do magic ..unless of course they want you to do magic and then ..well then we get professional magicaians … who do magic but twtihin the context of the agredd upon state . it is why mystics when examined to closey are almost always found out to be …using the tool of ….. mass hyponitc hullicination … the desire of the individual ot experience hynosisi is the only way …. There has to be a general UNDERLYING …. Acceptance ,, or allowing oF the PROGRAMING .

Once I could get the student to NO want to PROVE their power in fornt of friends but ,to earsae clouds feel what it is like to pass thru solid matter etc .. astrail travels etc …once they were doing it for their own fun and not for the GLORY of being able to say to others HEY LOK I AM MAGICAL AND YOU ARE NOT ! ( ohhh this desire to show off again go back to the effects of cohericion and control manipulation . i get fucking so lost tryint to teach this shit even live this shit for it is outside of ..the day to day . agreement state it is s useless ..recreation … it is something I can not share .because of the DOUBT of the others unless they themselves have already lived it .and then well I am not having to convince them in any way ,,hell they are trying to convince me ,,that their concepts of the UNIMPOSSIBLE ARE POSSIBLE .

So this has to do ..with ,,keeping your GAOLS to yourself ,,, unless of course you are truly involved in a MASTER MIND LIKE DESCRIBED IN THE teaching of NAPOLEN HILL ….. and the master mind is … a group of NON DOUBTERS .. very supportive of each other who still creative in their OWN minds ,not dependant on the minds of the others …. Alone! Lonely place actually wee came here to experience ..SOCIALNESS ….. a common reality . keeping your PLANS to yourself …… can be diffucult .. amny times but it is very important .. for then you do not have the energy of others streams , CO CREATING …. Uyour dreams ….. polluting it …. Because if you FELT they were important enough ..if you LOVED enough to describe to them you future …. Then you aLREADY … have polluted your dream with SHOULDS based upon creating in their world for their happiness , which I can not do …..

I can not realy create in another mind ….. I can do what I believe is best for me and what I would like some one else to like , but I can not force them to like it …. I just invite .them into my world they then HAD THE RESPONSILIBTY to feel their emeotinal guidance scale and move on …. Or stay ,,but if they stay in a FORCED MODE , if the SIGNALS of stress ..continue to show up ,then your want for their happiness OUR DNA instincts is one of caring ..will detract form the life you created and now BOTH PEOPLE SILL BECOME un happy … neither true to themselves

You TRuTH …is the lighted path for others … the best help .is you being happy ,,that is the WITNESS of the SAGE JESUS …. Talking about show your own happiness then let others free choice to follow or not … if not wish them LOVE AND GOOD FORTUNE …. Adventures . and so do you worry NO ONE WILL LIKE YOU ..PRIVATE IDAHO?

Ahh then what energy of thinking are you projecting into the UN-IMPOSSIBLE of tao .a dn how will the quantas assemble to to JUSTIFY THE ENERGY THE DESIGN you projected into the MOLDABLE CLAY if the field of inifinte harmony ….? from the links page that program music for candles is still a great RE-PROGRAMING TOOL the exposure day after day ,,helps clarify new programming , of the limited …BIO-MACHINE we use for this time/space adventure …. REMEMBER IN this body you can only deal with 2 million bytes of data per second … in your body you gotta breate air ,, you gotta eat food , you experience gravety .. you can not fly ,,if you throw a rock into the air it will come back down and hit you on the ehad ..and if you ACT OUTSIDE OF THEINSTINCTUAL expectation OF THE BIO MACHINE you will expeirnce long tern sublte stress …

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