Thursday, November 27, 2008

ohh fuck just TWIST

Ohhh fuck just TWIST
To start you here with korn video for twist will get you ready for todays blog ,
It is a thank you ..but it sure does not feel like it …. It is the rain that waters the corps and makes things PRGRESS ..but it feells like the rain … colder than the sun was a little while before ,,contrasting to the warm glowing rays of sunshine ,,waer and dark clouds are ,,young master but it is with rain that things KEEPS FLOWING …
The Emotional Guidance Scale
Positive Expectation/Belief
WHERE AM …. I ON THIS SCALE where are you ?

The contract on my house fell thru ,,no SALE ! so this home is still FOR SALE

So for the last few weeks I was at ….. 5 to 11 … yes 11 and 10 overwhelment in that I FELT for myself and my daughter on the moving from the only home she had ever known … while disassembling the boys bunk beds and looking a the 3 foot smilie face I would be overwhelmedn with thoughts of sadness that I was CHEATING my family of having POSSESION OF THIS ..THING what do the sages like the buddhas alsway say about MATERIAL POSSESIONS ? those ties keep you TRAPPED …. But the love for my family …is not a SHOULD but a natural human desire to see smiles …
But reality is my children or girlfriend are not my POSSESIONS ..they are INVITED GUESTS inot my life …. And like the opening statement of page hightleted in pink they have their own ADVNTURES to FEEL … life of contrasts to MOVE IN AND OUT OF .. for me to deny them the life that will cause them to create their own dreams by FEAHTERING THEIR NEST so completely they feel no pain ,,Is in fact PAINFUL .

The day after signing the contract I went out for my run only to be greeted with the sight of three DOLPINS porposes playing in and around the end of my DOCK … later that day while having my after work coffee over looking the LAGOON like I do every day a bald eagle , came flying low and scared the shit out of all of us as it almost touched the roof , but the impressivenss of such a large raptor that close and then to have it bank in the wind surrent off the cliff at the waters edge only to cruise right back over or heads again ,,, made me think WHAT THE UFUCK AM I DOING SELLING this property ?

What am I DOING I am …… working the 5 steps that is what I am doing over and over again , IHAVE THROWN THE important rock of HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS into the air and like a rock thrown into the air the rock came back down to hit me on the fucking head .BECAUE WE LIVE IN A WORLD OF AREGREED pyshihcs …not meta magic … yet it is the stream of well being ( meta magica ) that creates the oppurutunity to have a COMMONALITY of AGREED UPON physics and GAME RULES ..laws … thing s to depend on some what …. A con tin nuity ….. selling the house FREEES ME

DEVINE SELFISHNESS ……. I can only REALY … control my own position ont eh EMOTIUOANL guidance scale … and if I am not happy then guess what others around me will not be happy either ,,, for they like me like to see IMPORTANT people in their life happy also ,,, we all like to see the smiles fo everyone else around us the more happy faces we seee the better we all feel ..( jus ttake some time to realize this dipshit your day is always better when you are metting happy people , get some GRUMPY bitch serving you coffee whose BAD energy just fuckes things up a bit until you can forget it and NOTICE or focus on other smiling afaces once more ….

Now the 5 to 11 ..list ,,is not some god GIVEN list that has to experienced , VERBADUM … written in stone … it is a general WORD TOOL … like an article in American Scientif where they were .. saying that NOT EVRYONE goes thru the STAGES OF GRIEF yet ,because it was written in the 60’s by a NOTABLE person that people do , we all . expect that we ALL HAVE TO and if not there msut be something wrong ….. the ignorance of the IVORY TOWER .

So maybe I did not feel pesisisom ? maybe I went thru it so fast I did not feel it , maybe ,, I felt it in relation to other aspects of the complexity which is the ..whole of the HOLISTIC ..wanto … something outside of the ablity of my 2 GIGS of processing power to relate to the whole event at one time .

5678 form hope to boredom I sure was feeling ….

Now ALL OF THIS IS GONE ….. but what is the silver linning of this whole experience ….. AHHH vibrational reality to the end result , GETTING ME UP TO SPEED WITH THE … thought form already , out there in the META EXPERINCE OF THE allll possible TAO … every want once decided oevery focus …. Goes beyond TIME/SPACE … inot toa the state of UM-IMPOSIBLE … ... where depoending on the PASSION level of YOU ,, you will be drawn to it and it to you ….. the Quantas to come will slowlyu form inot the PASSION ..the WANTOS the effects of the thought stream the focus you carry … you mainatian , if it is a FOCUS of it will not happen then ,the events to be lived q uant by quant ..atom by atom ..cell by cell . flashing in and out of being FASTER THAN the speed of light …. Will come int SUBTLE forms based upon EXPECTATION . the continuity of the PLAY GROUND ….. with out continutniy of time/space rules of DNA expecataions ,,, this REALITY WOULD BE VERY RANDO…RANDOM … I am sure in the UN-IMPSOSOIBLE there are other ..Demesnions like the scientists believe and there our LAWS or agreements states DON OT HOLD TRUE … and random magic is the LAW ..but not in this one UNVIERSE this time/space palygroudn , this one has GENERAL rules for the EXPECATION of the BIO MACHIONE WE use for life experience for bing a Self repeicating being as OSSPED to being … jus the EXPEINCE of thing .. like rock or air or water … being life like TREE or fruit fly or TURTLE or human …

So now and yesterday … I plunged way down on the sacle to 12 , 16 and 22 … from 22 the next best feeling is ….. REMEMBERING the plan … and the ability to not ..NOT depend on SOLEY the sale of the house ( advertise advertise ) as my only means of SELF DETERMINATION … the mater aspect of you young master …. 22 the core of it is in POWER=LESS=NESS ….for when you take back your power the other felings melt away . now to 16 DIS ..COURAGE … lack of feeling the ablitly to control you life ,,, being controlled by events or OTHERS ..evnts are easy … but others ,,the smiles of the others in our CHOOSEN … yes you choose to maintain ties to FAMILY AND FRIENDS isnot a gun to the head LAW .. you are free to walk a way …. Courage ….. ahhh in that you will find yourself getting 19 ..aboput your won self … the POWER OF HATE …. I talk about about the GOOD IN HATE ….. Jon of KORN understands that and I explore his work in TWISTED INSTINCT on sale for a dollar 25 there is much BENEIFCAL ENERGY and PASSION IN HATE mold the energy of thought ..focus ,that which goes out into the TAO before the TAO comes back for us to TRAVEL thru EXPERIENCE . the engraevning of evnts ….

AHHHH SO .. what now I pseak japanesse …. I have choices … to ignore experiences .. to get overwhelmed give up and RELIVE the best advise of everyone else …to take EVNTS as SIGNS OF GOD ? that something should not happen ? like going to a TAROT CARD READER tell me my future ..LIVE AND CHOOSE FOR ME ….. or ..SELF DETERMINE …. Use that TOOL you have that i refer to over and over again in the book TWISTED INSTINCT … like in the SONG …. TWIST by KORN ……. You gotta think about the events you experience in your own MIND …… based on your OWN personel WANTS based on your won experiences ….. life liberty and the pursuit of happiness …. See you in the lawn of the bake sale , come get a ballon and sign the SHIRT .. it is not KORN this year but … skin dread ..avenge 7 fold ,pepper, SPONGE 9 when was the last time you even had a chnce to see sponge again ….

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