Wednesday, November 26, 2008

purest pussy

Purest pussy

Or life ,liberty and the pursuit of pussy … .. all the shoulds and have to’s … crammed down your throat all your life your acceptance of them because you depeneded on your parents for day to dy things of life … we ae designed to JUMP THRU HOOPS … to stay alive in the JUVENILE YEARS … but you YOUNG MASTER re ,,now capable …. ABLE freely choose differently … EXCEPT for the BAGGAE of …… PROGRAMING ..the shoulds and best advise ,,

Advise based on the recurring passed down life of the SALVE WHO SERVED PHAROH ….( or kings or Popes etc etc ) again I refer to great studies in book form exploring the culture of the American freed slave familys and how they continued to pass down ..actions and mindsets whhc were based on being BROUGHT up as a BEAST OF BURDEN ,,then to remeind you , that your HERITIAGE of being from SERFS of Europe is still swirling around in our culture and lives ….the dependence on ECONOMY …. Which is still baseda round the service to PHAORH fmailys of our current age .

You have sole ownership of your vision. And the Universe will give you what you want within your vision. What happens with most people is that they muddy their vision with "reality". Their vision becomes full of not only what they want but what everybody else thinks about what they want, too. Your work is to clarify and purify your vision so that the vibration that you are offering can then be answered. --- Abraham Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Sunday, October 11th, 1998

You realy do not FEEL those words LIFE LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS .they are not real to you …they are the abstract words of history text books …. When in fact they are the facts of ..TAO itself . free choice as described by the SAGE jesus …. Of the SAGES of each era all said the same general themes , USING THE WORD TOOLS available in their age. AGAIN Ester Hicks is not a GOD ..but an Entertainer who Flows with her expression of art …. She DIRTYS up the purity of the message with the IMPERFECT tool of words .

But if you get inot her shit and listen you will find out how many people come BEFROE her like she was GOD …and then listen to how much fun or sport she has ,,she in her Abraham persona …. Makes lite of it all ..remeinding you always that we are I- IN – I IN FACT EVEN THE lettice I killed this morning for my lunch or the chicken I talked with first who I have known for a long time … that because of the MILLIONS of years of DNa …. It’s bio machine has that informs it that ,,,, its TRANSITION back to TAO will mostly likey come from those who carre for it the most ..HUMANITY ….. the MOLECULES of its BIO _SUIT will be used by it’s feeder and firend human …. It goes to sleep once I catch it by its feet .. hanging up side down ,,, it transitions in a matter seconds from a peacefull sleeping state ….much more HUMANE than we human do for each other forcing our aged to live on and on ,,, and on ,, in states of depression and in bodies that no longer serve the adventurere spirit ..yet the ..TRAINING to listen and do what is EXPECTED of the ONE … by the MANY or family is straong and our VERNERATED elders …SUBMIT to the indignity of slow aging . ( ohhh 3 years ago I wrote a blog about an old man LOST searching for GOD and JENSEN BEACH … like the old INDIAN who walks off inot the woods with no water or food to pass out lost in in his tired sleep the WOLF will help him TRANSITION .back to TAO ..)

The INTRUSION into almost all aspects of your living by the NEEDS of the slave MASTER …. Is still evidenced in the day to day living and what FREE CHOICES YOU WILL ……..LET ….LET ….LET yourself have . because realy feel it ,,, listen to the words all your BUTS ..but this ,,but that …all the GOOD INTENTIONS of helpful family and friends when infact the fact is …. Again like I think the Sage Jesus said .. you know not the time or day of your death ,,, do not worry . all your buts are based on that theme .

This agreement state …( there is not law as we know laws to be ,,with Quantum poice forces and Quantum , Judges and DA’s and Quantum Jails to 5 to 7 in ) the stream of well being that allows fo the experience of 1 thing after another ..1 thing ….. instead of ALL THINGS ALL THE TIME ….ALWAYS …. And under it all is just a VIBE … a vibration … of giving you the OP to experience that which you focus on or think about .

Free to think about the PUREST PUSSY ….. or free to think about the manipulative pussy …. Free to expect … which is ..the vidence trail of thinking about …. Free to choose your wants … it is in your head AIN’T NO ONE ELSE REALY IN THERE …..BUT YOU!

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