Monday, November 17, 2008

chase a bear inot a cave


Again young master …. The understanding that girls who take all sorts of shit about relationahips and ths tudy of such a complex thing as the //FAIRY TALE one on 1 …… because it is so unnatural in the realm of MAMMALS … to have family or seuxall units aht are life time 1 on 1 relationships ….that we have to either make it a LAW .. punishable in years past by the threat of death …. As in the storys of the sage Jesus and the cheating wife …. ( ooops so girls cheated also ? ….the harem world is based on her leaving in peace if the male of her choice turnes out to not be what she WANTS her want to … ) mars and venus the observations of 1 human who is tainted by growing up an artifical culture….. yet Dr. gREy wrote some great shit ,,not the 1 and only word of GOD from which h all of human life should base their life on …. No divercity

ok dr.grey talks about the LONE MALE ….. hmm the silver back gorilla yet he uses the BEAR …( bears ant igers ..are harem familys also in that 1 male covers the territory of erveal females but the females are not social …human females are very social ..we are apes )

this past pineapple festival a friend a girl came to our booth to ground herself , with her preschool child in tow …. Upset and crying was the mom , happy to find stability and some smiles was the child …. She had a fight with her man ,,, and HE WALKED ..AWAY instead of let her get him even madder and madder … ( he had in the past allowed that and eventually got so TRIGGERED as to becom violent with the woman who was POKING him with emotional sticks so rapidly that his TESTRONE filled brain ..the big T clears the brain so we males can fuck or fight … and fight means FIGHTING ….. push him to much and he may just kill you is his nature ) he learned form his past and so , when he flet the insanity he TURNED HIS BACK ….. and walked away

see he has to like so many men now a days leave home for days to FIND work ,, work 10 tro 12 hour days , the drive half a day back home …. Stay a few days and then go back out of town ….. she …beening a social animal is stuck alone without the SOCIALIZING which is her nature aound the home … ohh sure maybe some girls friends here and there but theose have stresses of COMPARISIONS … comparing the level of wealth stress that is so common now adays … in os called friendship to the point they are not real friendships any more . just PETY QUEENS in subltte batlle with each other …

he meets her at the festival but wants to relax and have some beers the MAN IS TIRED toasted wated from over work as a slave to make usre his family is taken care of ,,she wants to ……….SOCIALIZE …the figtht insues … he walks away ! she left alone wants to chase him to complete the argument so he will understand …. WIN ! …… no one wins … both only lose right as soon as negative fighting starts . unrealized expecatations … depending on satge 2 of the want everything ,expects need nothing , be happy with your now ….
Unrealized expectation her expectation is that he will be as NEEDY of socialiazation as her ,,NO N O NO NO … he is not a woman !

Instead of …. Listening to me a going home … she talks with other confused women ,, who feel like her do not listen to DR>GREY who talks about BEARS GOING INTOI CAVES ….. lone males …. And she decides pursue him to complete the fight or ..make up ,../… either way they both lose ,,for if she sins her STRONG MALE IS WEAKER ..if she loses she HARBORS RESENTMENTS … no winners only LOSERS and weakness. So bestupid chase and angry bear into his cave ….

Or live the life your DAN has designed for you … with the support of a sisterhood

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