Saturday, November 29, 2008

swollen clit of desire

Swollen clit of desire

Desire and passion ,,,, the strength of the WANTO … you young master are not your CELL STRUCTURE the bio machine you use ,, the bio machine is a grouping of self repiclacting cells that is for ever changing ,,, that you use … not 1 atom of you is over 7 years old ,,you are still a 7 year old …

You ..are a point of view of the UNTHINKABLE-NESS called tao … the part of the POPV that is here encounters ,, a Contrast the wanted and UNWANTED … lets us take dating for example …. Lie to yourself .. lie to everyone else ..but 99.9% of you have some shyness issues … most need to have that COURAGE IN A CUP to flat out start talking to some chick that has gotten you excited … ...... well that page will give you great skill sets if the CONTRAST of the wanted and UNWANTED stimulates enough ENERGY … if you get madd enough if you feel the POWER OF HATE THEN GIVE IT DIRECTION ..feel passion …. And the girls they to feel STRESS the tension girls feel about whether guys willEVEN TALK with them ,,the stress they go thru to be SEXY or nice ..the way we become un natural to EFFECT THE MINDS of others ,creating in the place we can not create in ,. The attempt of manipulation , hate to think of that way but it is …

This is contrast from these events comes thoughts

A vision of yourself … living something other than what you are living in your NOW …. A tought is a POTENTIAL .. it is the expanding of IN FI NITEY … if it is lived then it becomes the DESCRIBED and TAO is that which is the described and the undescribable ALSO …. You ..the unthinkable part of you is OUT THERE ON THE LEADING EDGE OF …TAO in what the entertainer ESTER HICKS calls vibrational escrow. that you out there is as much you as the YOU that is USING the BIO MACHINE called Phil , Tom Sally , Eve … you launch many many many WANTS or ROCKETS of desire … out there ,

Time space allows for the experience of only 1 thing at a time … 2 millions bytes of information at 1 time … so WHICH WANT will you attract ?

That is the reason FOR …PASSION ..the energy of desire ..the power felt while feeling HATE ,, this second of CLARIFYING A WANT …. And making a choice to move towards that part of you that is in the TAO that is calling you …. That you created from youw onw persoenl comparison of events and POSSIBLITIES.

Now the how you will get to where it is you WANT … and the blocks in the way … and what they are the blocks ..the blocks are the living within RULES created by others .. it is living within the AGREED UPON rules of a TIME/SPACE EVENT .. it is living within the agreed upon limits of BIO MACHINES …. Whiether that bio machine is a Redwood tree , the machine of a fruit fly ( that lives and die in one day ) or that of a HUMAN OR THAT OF A long lioved turtle. …… the DYNIMCS of the DNA that we use … must be understood in reltaionhip to other CREATED blocks ….

No other animal ,,DNA bio machine goes thru any thing like we do about the very very very important aspect of RE _CREATION of self … sex… if you would look at the fron pages of womens magazines and realy understand how most of the topics ..the titles of articles in those magaizines actually relate to SEX . you would be surprised . at the stress … the blocks to expressing our DNA nature ,,the HORMONES THAT AUTOMACTICALLY start running thru our viens in our teens ..they have nothing to do with MANMADE rules of of not expressing sex until we are 18 or 21 … they have nothing to do with ..the rules of marriage as VAGUELY described in religious books or by religious teachers of governments … from page 3 of that book"Getting married is more than pledging to stay together till death (or divorce) do you part . It is more than living away from your parents wih another person . It is more than having legal permission to have consensual sex with your partner. Getting married is entering into a seriuos legal relationship that has diverse consequences ......" blah blah blah .....GET THE PICTURE . The truth is love is not a FAIRY TALE of Soul Mates becaue they get divorced at rates of close to 60 percent .

The blocks are pat of your Dna thought the NICE NATURE OF A HAREM SPEICES A SOCIAL SPECIES …. The concern for what others will think about you ……. These blocks ..come into play when you are thinking about moving towards that part of you that is out there in the LEADING EDGE OF TAO …. That from which the Qantas yet to come will lend themselves to form as to enable the expression of .. always with the free choice to fuck it all up … a yin and ayng potential .

You get 1 event at a time … and fromt hat you get FREEDOM to choose … what PASSION IS MOST STRONG and why ? is it the PLEASER PASSION to think your actions effect those around you so completely that if you did not act in the manner you think they want ..that Life will end ? ARE YOU THAT IMPORTANT ….no remember you can go outside to today get hit by lighting ,,, end over and they will keep on keeping on with out you ,,the world does not stop because you LEFT … and remember we all do LEAVE ….9 NO ONE GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE 9 …. You are never REALY in the head of another person ,, and you do not have the right to protect them form the EXPERIENCE of getting to choose their own perferrred .experinces ,,their own WANTS …. Which result from their own experiences of contrast ,, which is the EXPANSION of IN FI NITEY that each is responsabile for ,, we are here to expand infinitey . to keep it all flowing …. The engravening it ..with our living of those wants .

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