Friday, November 7, 2008

Nail Hard ! blow job

Nail Hard ! blow job

Young master …. Again feel .. not just think go beyond that now and FEEL do not worry just yet about where you are on the charts the tools … comparing ..over and overe we are taught to compare ,,like we are searching for some sort of perfection level for everyone ,,that is bullshit again the CONFUSE AND CONQUER …. Back home in the Tao we are equally ..equall in perfection of ever expanding …. The NO 1 THING and here we are equal and OK in our frreeeee choice to be DIFFERENT to enjoy different DREAMs

But I wanna talk about her … and yours enjoyment of…. Blow jobs …. Becaue it SEEMS from her ..represenstation her JUSTIFACTION … of self mutilation that she idid it for YOUR PLEASURE …… well have you told her the truth about how that tongue metal really feels now ..sure it is cool the first time a change and change is nice but it is not NEEDED it is NOT a must ,, and if that HUNK of metal is causing her to now experience the beginning of T M J
( ) so that she is so much pain that she can not suck like she USED TO ..THERE WHERE IS THE BENIFTS for her and you ?

IT IS ABOUT FASHION it is about KEWL .. it is about positioning in a culture or social group ,,about her HIERARCHY …… her attempt at alpha staus or EVE has expressed herslf ….

NOW YOU SAY nothing in fact support her BECAUSE OF YOUR position as the I LOVE YOU slave your need and not wanting to rock the boat so that you maintain a constant or atleast the POSSIBLITY of SEX …. Admit it
Because what you resit PERSISITS …… what you admit and will look at honestly admitting the weakness of SHYNESS your TRUE NEEDY_NESS and fear … well once fealt ..touched expamined ,,now you create STEP 2 .. solutions and from there you ae once moreMASTER …. In power weakness is only weak when hidden kept in the dark …. Understanding the FOCUS of fear which …… is thought which is the MOLD in the INFITIE field of QUANTUM POSSIBLITY from which you will start to ntice the 2 gigs of data per second which your BIO MACHINE can process …. Ohh there is an INFITIE AMOUNT OF POSSIBLES FOR YOU TO NOTICE TO FOCUS ON ..but remember the LIMITS OF THE BIO – MACHINE ,, sure you have MUCH CONTROL thru thinking to the point you may believe you are GOD LIKE yet ,,, you are limited in the TIME/SPACe by AGREEMENT we all came here in AGREEMENT to play on a somewhat level palying field … of the possible …. Agreed upon limits . the bio machenics is set to exisist within parameters , things like NEEDING TO BREATHE and rink water ….

Back to the bolw job ….. you dipshit … when you both met were in a state of sexual frustration ,, will you accept that ? I know you said you had another girl friend ,,but realize that you designe …. The evidence trail that you are a HAREM speices as shown in pounding blood filled hot reality by the hardness of your swollen cock …. That in it designs shows the vidence trail of a HAREM MALE ANIMAL in your DNa ….

The harem is a place where by choice the girls . find their BETTER MAN ….. it is anot about the BEGGAR of the current dating sexuall model of you asking her out shasing her because of the TEASING LITTLE PUUSY SHOTs she is presenting over and voer stimulatling the testorone which ,,what does the BIG T do .. it wipes out thinkig ,,, so that the DINOSAUR brain can be exspressed ,,, fuck or fight …. Very easy to manipulate you ,,,, for your brain not longer thinks. Study …the works of these TRAINERS

Now I TOOK THE TIME to HEAR her EXPLAIN why having her piercing was important ….. and this goes for TATOOS also ….. I stopped my talking to hear her ,, irepeated back to her what she said so that I showed that I heard her and allowing her to clarify things if I was srong …but when I started to express my IDEAS ,,she started to TALK OVER ME ….. well I have free choice not TO FIGHT it is not important … if she wants to be where she is ,,that is cool her life … it would be cool If I were respected enough to be listened to like I did for her …but HONESLTY …. WE CAN GO BACK TO THE WORKS OF Dr. GRAy and the bible that women use in relationships that like the bible of religion no one really reads poroperly ( chritainity is based on a TAO-ist concept of God … the UNGRAEVEN ) ….. her not letting you talk especially as you start to make sense and show her her…her …her own ./…EVE-ness ….she does what she has been taned to do by the models of her life to date ..confuse and conquer change … topics ..rediidrect and not LISTEN and if that fails becaome EMOTIONAL stimulating the NATRUE of us be concerned …. The ULITMATE TOOL a womans tears ..crying ….but back to DR. GRAy from the links page look young master FEEL ….. not just that tongue stud across your dick ..when she is not in pain after taking and othe Dose of ADVIL …. OH realize this TMJ is self created ….. MARY BAKER EDDY find links to her on she had to hide her ideas in the christain church to avoid PERSCUTION …but understand the understanding this SAGE had about the natural state and lealing ablitly of the human body ………. And how WE ARE the ones who cause DIS-ease . that mouth jewelry is nothing but EGO … and in that STATE OF …. UN WORHTYness which starts the need to express …. FASHIONS and hierarchy …. The FOCUS under it all … is one of ..FEAR un easiness .. self hate ? hmmmm what do you thnk ? ( ahh so I guess I got to state my side now ..EVE … I choose not to disturb my peace by tryinbg to force you to listen in an in person discussion so it may seem like I agree it is just me avoiding the FIGHT with you once more ) fighting ..what you resit persists

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