Saturday, August 2, 2008

you limit pussy

You limit pussy
Argue for your limits and they are yours ……. That is what wht messiah told us …in the book illsuions , young master … and I wonder if you really understand all the limits you argue for ,,yes you argue for them , as if you wanted to be limited live within the box of rules that are there to keep you in a state of STRESS and confsuion ,,when in fact you are free to leave the box ….. But that means you would have to do something on your own be creative have some GUTTS …. And you ain’t got that . Ohhh you could beat some one up I a fight maybe you have practised that so much you feel cofident about that and in fact the years of practice and planning are the reason you find yourself in the position of havingthe opportunity to become engaged in that which you practised for …
Building a practising something different willlead you into realizing becoming involved in something also , but what ?
Well how about a life where you meet girls who do give that that feeling of that look … of I DO NOT CARE I DO NOT NEED YOU …FUCK OFFF etc. and then you hear everywhere that girls wonder why they do not get asked out why they are alone so fucking much where are all the good men ..they ask , the whole ALOOF LOOF ..of fashion . Tramsites information ,,, it is non verbal commucation .
How about a life that is so different that you can not realy even concieve of what the reactions REALY WILL BE …. The reactions will be much more POSTIVE than your LIMITS expect …. Your limits that taught you to DATE in a certain way ..understand the dating rituals of this …day and age ,,are only reflective of this day and age … now ages , last fucking ages ,,they are things that last decades or even centuries ,,but are CULTURE specific ….
Our dating world is designed mainly by the ecomony which is driven by the mating rituals , of the MO/BETTER ..getting the attention of mates , boys for girls and girls for boys , by being NOTICABLE ..then each proves their worth to the other in the ways ,,taught to them by MODELING …the continued flood of advertisers images … aka … fashion. And media ….this is your LIMIT young master only here because you believe it tobe true . And that any other course of action ,,is some wha impossible.
So again I bring you back to the truth about the whole thing ,, THIS TIME SPCE is not real , the hardeness of the key board of you computuer is a sresult of your bodies ability to only percieve …. Certain things which is designed in limitations of the DAN ,,that this body is built from . .the body your spirit USES ,,is designed to percieve …aspects of the UN-IMPOSSIBLE , not the whole of the un-impossible for that to happen you would once more be … be …. Being …. You would be the TAO. No you percieve able to feel sense .. Only limited amounts of the whole UN-IMPOSSIBLE EVERYTHING … so in that way you can experience limits that you agree will give you the adventure .ahh to frucking confusing I know .and that is OK ..enjoy the dream , but if the dream this life is only enjoyable when you have drugged yourself with medication or beer of good smoke ,,then you may ( your free choice ) you may want to re think the limits you are accepting ans choose to broaden what you will aloow your self to percieve …the key boasrd is when you use tools of percetion more defined than human body senses the key board is just a DANCE of energy ..with tons of space …. Things moving so fast that the movement to other tools of perception can only be detected as the …sum .
The is more to the eye than what the eye can percieve …ahhh perception .
The animal world uses many other forms of commucation ,,, like that look the girl gives when she is being COOL and fashionable..the loof which actually destroyers her chances of meeting a BIGGER range of guys ..( but is does cull out weak and shy guys … leaving the males who have drank enough to feel nothing thus lacing feeling …and stress that nature really has there for REASONS … they are now confident to act agaist their confusion ,,,,the shyness is a reaction to the confsusion ..)
Estrus …….. Every other of the many 1000’s of mammals ,,dna animals flesh and blood animls ,, breathe air like us , bleed like us ,, have to eat food and drink water like us , feel pain like us , have hormones like us etc etc etc LIKE US ….. Every other mammal commicates wthe strong desire to FUCK during times of Estrous Humans, unlike other species, do not have any obvious external signs to signal estral receptivity at ovulation (concealed ovulation). Recent research[1] suggests, however, that women tend to have more sexual thoughts and are far more prone to sexual activity right before ovulation (estrus).
I find it intersting that YOU ( AND I HAVE been tuahgt like it was some sort of fucking law ,,for example like Columbus had to endure tha the world was flat that we humans are different ,,,, we have allready made bombs that can like kill of th whole world and laST YEAR ONLY LAST YEARS .
We found out that
Just a few whiffs of a chemical found in male sweat is enough to raise levels of cortisol, a hormone commonly associated with alertness or stress, in heterosexual women, according to a new study by University of California, Berkeley, scientists.
The use of the limit hertro sexual ,,,,, after the fact shnges in females due to the MORPHING OF the body thru the actions oncontiued thought …. You tinking will effect your biology ,, more than your biologiy effecting your thinking , but doctors need to HAVE RE CURRING INCOME to pay for tlife stlyes so they teach LAWS ..theat your depression is resutl of chemical that the bio machine makes .. Instead of the under lying truth …. Of energy of thoughts . …. The bio machine tha DNA animal … sure has mutations at the rate of 3 percnet ,,but that is 3 percnet for all total possilbe mutation types not 3 percent of 1 tiney slice of a possible mutation , homo sexuality is on,y 1 epresion of mutation typoe ..yet it can be a trained change in human interaction and the the biolongy will change to relfelet the new , expectations
What does this have top do with pussy … it is all aprt of you learning to EXPAND that LIMIT you fight for , and the expectations …. You can not even concieve of due to the training ot THE PROFESSIONAL ,,who in the days of Columbus told eveyone the world was round ….. Or like aristotle told us THAT HUMANS ARE DIFFERENT than the animal , when in fact finnally we are using good INDUCTIVE experiemsnt ,,doulbe binds ( umlike what the drug companies use to test their products ) but good sciens to see WE HUMANS ARE NOTHING BUT FUCKING ANIMALS ….
THE SMELL OF A HARD WORKING MAN GETTS A REAL WOMAN HORNY . OHH BUT HUMANS ARE SPIRITUAL BEINGS … we are evovling beyond our animal …. No , you are still BEAST … the truth is you are PART OF THE TAO . Never ever seprated from that which you are ,,you are here just in a dream to enjoy the ILLUSION of using DNA to experence a PORTION of the whole .to be LIMITED by choice ,,now undestand you can also choose ..your limits . If the limits forced ,,forced upon you do not make you feel good ….. Do you feel shy uncomfortable and stressed ,,,what is the emotinal guidance telling you on the scale , you are alowed to find the next best feeling

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