Friday, August 22, 2008

eating bluegills


Wow ,,the title had nothing to do with pussy , so I betcha this whole blog will be sex sex sex … no sorry it is your life again twisted around and handed to yu in another form so you can think for yourself with new perspectives and thus hopefully make a broader range of choices about what it is you really want your fufurture because that future is b eing created TODAY HERE IN your mind … young master ,,the possible the cage of your programeing allowed you to EXPECT what you have now and you have that NOW ,,, and from this now yu are thinking about yout tommoroows as well as handleing the pressure of this now ,,watching where you are walking RIGHT NOW …. Is important and the expect of the DESTINATIONS are also IMPORTANT ,,but again the YIN AND YANG …the balance never to much in one ..the future or the NOW and the past well it is very important from there you get the info for the 5 steps the all important knowing of what you do not DO NOT want which helps in the creation the assembling of NEWER ideas ..
Does the idea of a natural life sound THREATENINGLY like it may be boring ..? I look at the changes of nature everyday and really enjoy them ,,,, I see what the current guru’s of today feel is imp[ossible because they are stuck in the teaching of the past of man’s ego .. like Deepak Chopra a very smart man great debater and sales man … but when I herd him say that animals have no SOUL of free choice or spirit .. iknow he is stuck in the BOX of word and books …. He is not I – in – I with the old wisedoms lets say of Zhunagzi the MUSIC OF NATURE ….. another book but of man who like the entertainer Ester Hicks teaches the NON importance of himself … the NON godliness of self ..since we are all even the VERYATOMS themselves are all equally the god shit … the expression of a point of view and experience otf the Un-impossible ahh but did not the EAGLE freely choose to come visit me? Day after day ,,there was not reason for it to do that other than for its own enjoyment … ahh WHY does Deepak Chopra ignore the Ferrel cat that chooses to become friends with humans while the others donot and do not say it is only about food , because when their belly is full or even before when they are not in competition for food meaning hey are inside alone and I hav poured food out on the kitchen floor ,,they want more to be PETTED and to purr for me than to eat they leave the food and pester me for FRIENDSHIP ahh this is the PROOF THAT animals the beast have NO,, NO .. free choice or concsiuos awareness , the respond only like animals …. Whne I would take out the canoe to visit the dolphins/porpose that swim the INDIAN RIVER … and those majestic mammals come over to my canoe as interestedin me as I am in them ,,that great big … eye looking up at me as the swim nest me in very shallow clear water …. Why ? do they do it .. if the animal is only controlled by instinct and not BLENDING OF FREE CHOICES .. you are not controlled by instinct that is the basic programming freeing you to then better enjoy the choices fo experiences you have presented to you …. Because if you live in harmonly with your instinctual nature you will not be so FUCKING STRESSED by the confusion fo our current dating and sex ..and sex is IMPORTANT … the family unit the social nature of the harme , we seek yet MUTATED into 1 on1 faiy tale expectations which have failed since the days of the GREEK who expressed their PAIN and confusion in their theartre with the TRAGERTY and in the poetry whose bulk comes from stimlutaed from the pain and confusion and expresses mainly the pain and confusion with some pleasant exceptions here and there yet the vast numbers of works will show a 100 to 1 ratio of pain to fairy tale…

Ok but today was about a handful of beans … of yellow beans and pole beans …. It is about a 5 year old picking fruit and helping in the kitchen whose pride and sence of self expands as she tells everyone how she made all of the juice and jelly …. She did it ,,even though young master someday when it is you that istaking your kids out picking or fishing ,,,REMEMBER it is not NOT about you or about actually getting any work done ro catching any fish for tonights dinner it is all about the KIDS having fun ….. get that drilled into your head if you want to get work doen then do not let the young ones help because you will demand of them to work which is not what they are HERE to do they are INVITED GUESTS to play and in that play they then learn form EXAMPLE and test and trials …how and what they may like or want to do when they are BIG.

Ahh but the limited expsosure of events is …something that is part of the box also ,, for so many of you young master have much more exposure to PORN than to going fishing in the wild or picking and preserving wild foods … yep you know or at least have sex data to dream from the modeling created for you even while you watched noggin and NIK …the sex was there forced into brain thru the Britney spears of one age and the HANNA MONTANA of this age ,,but is was the sex of FRUSTRATION and fashion UNREAL human bodies ..being paraded and ILLUDED to ..stimulating hormaones that you did not even understand you had starting to circulate thru you while very young …. Yet the interest in ATTRACTIVENESS shows the evidence trail of sexuality even in lil’ones ,,but I am not track again ain’t I ..with todays theme

The them of LEARNING that which you do not know …about … the baby steps and the ego of failure which in reality is not failure at all but those baby steps that if you were a real human of ages past you would have had the play time while young your own like PLOT to play in the cane pole to catch bluegills with ,,the pride of bringing home that lil tiny blue gill like the big bad hunter to the family the OOOH ands AHHH of family telling you how great that lil bluegill was and then EATING it ,,, that lil blue in the hands of a small boy is the same size oas a 3 lb bass in the hands of a man .. can you feel the EGO reference you may have to laugh at the bluegill it comes from the TV shows showing only big bass and thus your attempt to catch only the biggest and best …

Fay desemated my beans …yep they are trashed and the lil crop I had going from this SFG of beans well needs to be replanted …. now i am a lil;one a kid a learner … and since I am that and I do not resisti it ,,my ego is not that fucked up … I took the hand full of beans left ..the EQUAL to a bluegill and well cooked it up and it tasted so SWEET ….. honestly the beans were not doing well they had been sunburned the new soil does not have the MICRO BIOLOGY yet to fully access all the nutrients aavialable …for the plants ..yes like us ,,like we depend on bacteria in our guts to digest our food to get all available nutrition from our foods ,so is the plant world dependant on a healthy well balance soil system .. and that takes time to establish … you can force it with artifiacil chemicals but that in reality destroys and poisins natures HOLISTIC SYSTEM … and just produces a Realiance on MONSANTO AND DOW CHEMICAL …. ( pharoh familys of our age ) ahhh but so good my lil bluegill’s worth of beans tasted .. like the small salads of lettuce and lettuce for a few sandwiches here and there had been ,,the leaves , small some VERY imperft … yet natural ,, in fact that FRESH LETTUCE in stuff you get at the store ahs been bathed in sulphurs and pesticides since the day it was born in the field …. And yes it LOOKS GREAT ..while an at home fruit or vegg iee wwill not be as perfect ot look at …. Hey it will NOT BE LIKE A BRITNEY SPEARS OR HANNA MONTANA … to you the now lil’one of farming or of the learning of self RELAAINCE ….. ohhh you would be so proud to LEARN … some Kung Fu …. To be a beginning learner of that would find pride in .. the beginner at learning ..Guitar hero … you would be ok at ..but your EGO will find nothing to be proud of in learnig to CONTROL REALLY CONTROL YOUR OWN DESTINY …

Evey kid begins with years of catching bluegills ,then a bass here and there then ,,to the point that 3 lb bass are the regular ,,,, like bluegills were in youth … but that takes years of evolution of expectation ,,,, ahhh here we go BACK IN TO the mumbo jumbo of … ABRAHAM ..the vibrational expectations and the law of attraction s expressed in time/space adventures … moving from bluegills to bass over the years of youth ….

The moving form a hand full of beans to full famly dinners and and shelves full of prepared for winter time foods … it is lke the years I learned that the wild grape vies I had on my land were just hat wild grapes ,,the learning from a local old timer who told me that back in the 1800 when that old hisotic home next to me was built these vines were the grape vines of that family providing juices eating …. Vinegars and WINE … the learning that year of tasting the seedy lil fruits ..understanding when it was ripe and not .. and how fast the fruit dropped and the second harvests .. the tending of the vines so that the next year there were more etc etc … and then the decade plus of cropping from it … and the pride of all the five year old I have taken out and let them pick ( actually messup a small section I have just for kids ) fruit and help be involed in preparing it … the can look at the shelves and see 20 GALLONS of juice and 24 jars of perfect jelly ( much better this year , last year I missed the crop because of personell stress , I just got the second harvest )

The pride of tasting that which you make yourself at 5 and then choosing ,,not to have the store bought stuff but her own home made jelly ..not to drink the gator aid but her own home made juice … ahhhh living . can you conccieve of it young master ,,yes there is moe than just your hand on in store for you in the future ..yet your hard dick will be tended to all SO . by 3 who choose to choose FREELY something Alternative those who understand and do nt resit but embrace their instinctual nture and part of that is holistic mind body spirit

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