Sunday, August 24, 2008

horny lil slut

Horny slut

Who are you really? Just be yourself !! ever here that ,, someone usually a gilr telling you to be yourelf //that is so much fucking bullshit ..BE YOUR SELF . becaue you are YOUR TITLE with in the contesxt of interaction . you are never ever yourself even when alone with yourself most often your are still one of the many SLVES going over the events of life ….. now she is …. one of her most important deepest held truths is she is the penetrated the link to that page is on this page ..and so is a link to a great book about sexual submission understanding its freedom and true self expression . of the orny lil slut …. Hormones instincts DNA all at work expressing the fun that the TAO can have in being ,,being ,,, a thing …. A thing using a stalbe reality a universe for experiences .

So young master , with your mom you are one personality at school in front of one teacher you act one way when infront of another another way or self comes out , and if you were in front of the two teachers for example ,,your SUB C brain would make FLASH unknownjudgements about LTR value to you … your stream of WELLBEING …and you woulod then present a personality tainted in favor of your BEST INTERESTES …

How are you when you are pulled over by the cops as compared to 5 minutes earlier with your friends ? how about the HEY YOU
,,YES YOU OVER THERE … personality …. For most people it depends on the tone of the sound of the voice that calls out the HEY YOU and the contexst ,,if it is at a jobsite .. a construction job site ,then you will react one way now matter what the tone of voice is… you willsuppilcate or risk losing your job ..correct

JUST BE YOURSELF ,,, who the fuck am I ? if I do not understand the changing dynamics of the relationship …. The confusing ups and down of the female hormonail cycle is alien to you young master you are flooded constantly with a testosrone drip that peaks ever hour or so with other sub hourly fluctuatlions you do not go thru ..ovulations or mesntrations ..the shedding and li quifieing of entire areas of skin into blood to prep for another high of HORMIANL changes radically strong drugs … thses hormones … do not tell me girls you do not know that you are changing you have a word for it PMS …your instinctual nature ..your DNA and you are then different and thus so I must be to you when I am trapped with you eh 3 wife life … no trap no expectation of me to change to flip flop depending on her hormones because as 1 girl is flowing in the other 2 are not wuite there yet and within dayas as the other is coming out the other is going in and so on and so forth ,,,, you ,…young master are saved by the balancing of the total family unit like it is designed to be in NATURE . but does not happenin the contrived relationship of the 1 on 1 …

But can the 1 on 1 work ,,, can rocks fly? Yes rocks can fly … if you take a rock of bauxite from a mountain and purify it .. take lot so effort and energy and unatral contrived action ,,you purify it into aluminum now ,,, go even more comples with much moreefforts and work to craft and ddesign it in to an AIRPLANE , shape it ,,, polish it , attach it …. Work it over and over … and now you have jus the firt step of the UN-nATURAL stress needed to make a rock fly ,,because next you have to POWER it to desing and test ,chambers to control the dangerous explosive tendency if distilled essence or ancient plants ..WOW more work and EFFORT … but it is done and go to Amsterdam Schiphol Airport and you will see tons of these … contrieved pieces of rock flying in and out …..

The 1 on 1 human relationship is comparable ,,yes doable … like rocks can fly ,,but with such great effort and un naturalness that to live it would be to become slave to the event and contiunue for ever feeding it energy till you exhaust your resources …… just study the marriage counseling industry for a while understand the CONTRIVED ideas ..and effort of fighting involved in maintaining such a GREED STATE as the fairy tale lofe story of the 1 on 1 ….. you young master as evidenced by your fucking cock and her fucking oriness are and am ..harem animals

Now you can BE YOURSELF .. finnaly if you do the econic ideas of instinctualism and the child raisng and the sexual … you will find a NATURAL congruency …. In you ..and the whole family ..peace out phil

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