Friday, August 29, 2008

pussy shaving animal

Pussy shaving animal
Welll . So have you yet ..felt that there is so much you WANt and that you get ..alll around all the time , this whole event itself is a want that you got and get ,,, even that hot fucking sticky air ,,,, last night which drains the life out of you..but then comes a breeze … and you experience the CONTRAST …. And if you had PRE-PAVED that segment of living you enetered your evening like you eneter your morning by saying to yourself with a level of excitement , hopefull expecatation …. I INTENT TO SEE MY WANTS tonight and then leave it alone ..let you rself become aware of the VASTNESS and varied wants you have ,,, and the realization thru even small events of experiencing the UNWANTED … how you can better enjoy those small wants in fact REALLY REALLY enjoy them because you are now CONSCUIOSLY aware … awakened … the contrst aof hot and humid with a refreshing breeze …. Are is the basos needed for the and this wholoe them of CONTRAST is one of the main toopics of the Enteratiner Ester Hicks whose link you can find on that page.
But you ,, you worry about meeting your next girl friend …. About the next time you will get LUCKY …. Here again the understanding of the reality of your EXPERIENCE the comaprision between feeling controlled a victum of living and realizing the choice s presented by the contrast of having times of pussy and times of no pussy ….. In fact .. It was good to seee you young master there with your 1 on 1 … we have talked about the stress you are becoming aware of in this relationship ,, you are tasting the possible contrasts ,,, you are forming newer wants in your mind AUTOMACTICALLY , these are then … by the facts of the nature of TAO ,,, a THING a thought form lets use those wrods ,,, a form in the possible of the toa which has a connection to you and this experience of TIME?SPCE ,, a time space which is made up of INFINITE numbers of YOU’S WHO ACT in a way to be expressed as particles so that all who are playing in time space contrast can have just that AN ARENAA to paly in …so part of you is seeing …. How the 1 on 1 is involved in a CONDTION of cohersion and control since the 1 on 1 is the only love life family form you have been MODELED ,,you are still having some problem with the … ahrem model of our DNA … but by being aware of this as a contrsting event ,,that in..ITSELF is not GOOD or BAD ,,but the opportunity for free choices ,,,, you start again the of understanding more clearly your wants ,, and the POSTIVE STREAM OF TAO that will give you what you focus on ,,because what you are CHOOING … CHOOSISNG ,,, you are wanting to think about the most ,, your free chooice to choose to want to think about the UNWANTED , more that a newer MODEEL … well that activates the steam of events for you … the I - IN - I ,,, will give you what your focus is ,,, so the better you realize and MANAGE ,,t he contrast let us say by choosing ,,to enter your segments of life looking for the cntrsats and the RESULTING wants created from the contrsat …… I wanted some form of relief form the heat ,,,, it came in a breeze ,, it came in a drink of water it came in going inside one of the stores ,,, it came …also in the CHANGING OF MY FOCUS of thinking as I got involved int alking to another one of you … young masters ,,,, who has been taking these ideas and running creating a newer alterantive life stlye plans ..creating new jobs for yourself ,,leaving the stressed out life of being slave just for CASh $$ into creating a life stlye of living more fully and enjoying the action of living instead of living to make cash so that you could escape …. You saw it …. You realized …. The trap ,
And the back to pussy ,,,,, lets say you were walking the streets of Jammn in Jensen …. Did yuou SEE YOUR WANTS in the friendship you see between the groups of girls laughing a giggling and shopping …. Caould you notice the BODY LANGUAGE expressed there and then the commucation between a boyfriend and girl friend ,,, some of them NEW to their relationship with out the baggges each of them create in the manipulative relationship of the 1on 1 …. The deep bsublte stress of FEAR based love ..the fear of losss ,,the fear of being rejected ,,, the fear pervades the 1 on 1 ,,, it is the base foucs so in fact thus you get stress resultining life of stress from the deep un known foucs on the basic fear of the basis of the 1 on 1 love story …
Reading the LANGUAGE of the body ….. Taking that TRUTH and using in the …. To formulte new things to WANT ….and then realizing that like riding a bike like learning to fly while stret surfing ,,, like learning to do your trade whether it isTRADER for rbd. Or building demolition , or fucking window wasing each was something un known something new something you had to proactise …. And with practis you got ,,confident …. And so it is with mmeeting newer and newer pussy opening up the game ,,, but then you will quikly realize just new pussy Is not the anwer you ,,your DNA calls out for the love of humanity which is that of family and again this DNA nature knows what is instinctually right aand best for us as a SPECIES ,,, you the flesh and bones bleeding sweating ,, hard-on and wet pussy hormonial ,,, shitiing andhariy pussy unless shaven animal …what is correct will be a force you will feel by comparing the contrasting of events your realized …REALIZED you wanted and got and then choose from it and modified …… after you achieved so level of skill at ….

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