Monday, August 25, 2008


Pussy of 103 degrees
Young master , the bio facts again the proof of the instinctual ,,( and deep chiking blow jobs in a second , too ) ,the animal nature still inside mankind and even our acceptance of it and our description of it in outarts and music ..HOT FOR YOU she is hot for you ,,, when she is OVULATING she has a FEVER yes in fact if you were a couple attemptinmg to have a baby by desing struggling in stress to create what you REPRESIONS have caused the both to no longer act naturally ,,, one way of tell if she is ready is by taking her TEMP if she is HOT then she is HOT for you ….

But what about the response of the male who is in such a contrieved relationship that it becomes science based not lust based … I am sure in the beginning it was fucking lust based ,,,, the both of you based your relationship on this chemical reaction for you two had CHEMISTRY for each other … HORMONIAL floods and highs as that lovely complex soup of powerful drugs brought on the..end to FRUSTRATION and the beginin g of acting like ANIMALS as Nickelback put …
The HRDNESS OF YOUR COCK AT THE BEGINNING and then later on after you have been trained not to expect sex your CHEMICAL soup says it should be like your natural DAN design ..tells you it should be ,,, you should have girls around and when they want to get fucked they are then in close proxximiity ..other wise girls like to hang with girls …. They hang with us for that animal need and RECREATION of fucking ETC…. fucking actuall penetration being just one part of the whole game ..

Another very important part is CHOKING HER DOWN HER THROAT with my cock …. That also is important …. For me now to expose what happens in my life as example for you to see yourself depending on where you are in the WHOLE game of love/sex ..whether you are just starting , hard every minute and shoot your load with in seconds but who cares because your are rock hard again in another 30 seconds …. And this time it will last longer no problem , and accepted by the girl now tits or dress covered in sperm from your 1st cummming …. Or if you have been feeling the effects of the training that is and effect of cohericion and control the ever present result of the un natural relationship state of the fairy tale 1 on 1 love sotry ( which is just chemically based highs and intenctiys )

Ok so it has been like a week ,, FAY keep my GF from coming home so our daily morning fuck was not been fucked and well jacking off is just a RELEIF action relieves pressure but lacks the total interaction of sounds and hormones that are tramsimitted human to human me to her , and her to me , thru air borne means and thru absorbtion thru the skin ,,, my sperm carrys hormones that feed her so does my sweat and so does her pussy lubrication ….. microscopic keys and locks of the human BIO- MACHINE are fulfilled by REAL BODY CONTACT S.. that cyber sex or jacking off can not full fill ..

So I in part was sexually frustrated … and my old programming of ..DOUBT ..well has years and years of deep throu instilling brain washing ..girl after girl ,,, my protective .. Siver BACK gorilla who opens door politely who goes to work finding pride in providing for the family ,,the one who worries about her in SICKNESS and in HEALTH ,,resepcts her knows and is WELL trained to IGNORE MY ANIMAL SIDE in favor of the haromony of the marriage or LTR long term relationship …. So my cock get what I call SHY will pum up , an down deflate ,, out side of my contro l and expression of my confusion ,,, is he HOT ? OR not ,,, she is kinda but it is not the same ,,,, I need you ripping her own clothes off like we did during our dating year ….

She thinks I think that I don’t want her she has become self consisuo trapped in the fahion modeling wondering if she is still attractive ,,, and I in my HONOR AND RESPECT as a man who said I LOVE YOU …

So now when I am on top of her my face in between her legs my half hard dick .. in her mouth ,,, sometimes welling up to almost FULLNESS and then like for no reason becoming half hard ,, and my own ,,, embarrassment in this up and down action … and then her want her ..need to feel that hard cock …. Slide down her throat CHOKING THE AIR off ,,her feeling of SUBMISSION returning her instinctual nature of Subbie being fullfileld ..with a hard cock to strtch her mouth around and her postioning her head and gling her her neck to suck my cock futher and further down her throat to feel me balls resting on her cheeks and nose and face ….and then my trumthm of fickong her throat and at he same time I love it and I know I must focus on the IDEA THAT SHE NEEDS TO BREATE for I can get so into it ,, leaving that pussy I was licking to get up in apush up like psotion to control the rytthm of my cock down her throat … and the good proud feelings of being hard no longer getting up and losing some then getting hard again over and voer ..but now getting FULLER FULLER IN GIRTH AND LENGTH , the noticing of her gag reflex …. I must you must be aware of your 60 count and with draw to let her breathe .. and well that gives you time to stimulate that pussy over again , getting her hot ter and bothered ,,, driving her to begg you to fuck her when you again fill that mouth with hard cok your odor of dick ,,, fill her nose and stimulates hormones resosnes ,,, satiflying her keys and lock of chemicals needs ..that is our BIO_MACHIONE reality of hormone interaction .

So here is so much REALY FUCKING GOING ON ,,, in sex isn’t there ?do you ever realize this shit OR ARE YOU JUST RESPONSIVE ..and based on what SHOUL+D be and so when what should be id like it should be you ..have anger of ..UNREALIZED EXPECATIONS … it is better to understand the comples ..trainin of you and your body ,, the effects of dating and sexual frustrations ,, the changes in the dating model as comfort and security builds and her own fear of losing you goes away aafter she has received and trusted in the animal who you are ,,the SILVE BACK GORILLA who will die for the family and her and cares for her in health and sickness who siil treat her with love and respect to the point of allowing your won sexuall esperesion to be reperesed for her beinift …

And then both need to understand the long term effects of this un natural HUAN RELATIONSHIP FORM ,,, THE THUS needed … forcing of the relationship like I described how much effort it took to keep a ROCK FLYING the energy planning and skill because flying rocks are un natural .. the 1 on 1 being unanatural will also need un nautral levels of planning and effo=rt to keep your cock hard to get her to BE HOT FOR you once more …

Now in the HAREM she can choose to interact with you when she wants you expectation of ..a more frequent natural expression of sex for your body ,, which is always ready ,, 24/7 ,,not on a high and low MONLTY cycle like she is … THE EFFECT OS THE STIMULATION OF HER BECAUSE OF THE hormone presence and the sounds of SEXUAL EXPRESSION SHE HAS FORM HER SISTERHOOD GETTING FUCKED BY YOU ,,,, the sound of her FRIEND and sister gagging on your hard cick which is rytmiclaly fucking her throat ,,, remeinds wher of how much she enjoys the EXPRESSION of being a SUBBIE ….. and thus her HEAT BUILDS FOR HERSELF AND FOR YOU.

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