Thursday, August 21, 2008

the steam of pussy

In the stream of pussy

In the flow of her lubrication …then the fuckng of her pussy is pleasant for both but if she were to be dry and you are out of KY …. Or good silcon lube well you could end up chaffing your cock and that ain’t fun honestly my may have fucked a stressed chihck with a dry pussy ,,well haveing to rely on spit …. But then the real question is ,,WHY is she not WET ? ahhhh ,, she is probably fucking because she BELIEVES she should fuck ,,it is her JOB …. Instead of fucking beause it is her NATURE AND DESIRE to be penetrated

Now again I want you to hear the words of a great entertainer ..whose art is the streaming of her INTERUPTATION of TAO ..or Abraham .. whatever it is a nice thing is that Abraham does not TAKE ITSELF very seriously …. Nope it constantly ssays ….. it is ..just the you of you the I – in – I ….

but back to her pussy and her INSTINCTUAL CURRENT OF THE FLOW of her pussy lube …. The interst actually she feels when she hears the pleasure that her SISTER is having getting fucked by you ….AHHH again eith the concept of FREE WILL sister hood …. Free hoice on her part a great desire on her part .. an evidence trail before you TWO BECOME a TWO …. And more ….. is it there ? is the truth being spoken of ? by her… for you have your EVIDENCE TRAIL already correct young master you have well maybe it is not totally done but .. some is done right the simple basic unit 1 is done and 2 is being built right …so you have your evidence trail and the costs are under control the ablity is yours i mean honestly how much more simple can you F’ing get ?than that ….. ohh now I did put in the link to earth ship for reason is technology is great but unless you got no PROB with a worn tunneling into your living room …. The idea of direct dirt walls ,,,the rib and skin will give you the effects you want ths renewable ness of WOOD … and the thermal mass of EARth in a smple plan.

This is too the stream ,,when it comes easy , simple yet providing what you realy wanted …AHHH THE STREAM IS picking you up gently .. rwo row row your boat gently down the stream MEERLY MEERLY MEERLY life is but a dream ….. some space cadet for ages past wrote that song and sang it wisdom to children and we have choosen to forget ….

God dam we are stupid us humans …. The flow of the stream of your HORMINAL DNA .. the flow of your squirting sperm and her wett pussy ….natural streams …
The stream of enenergythought or whatever ti is that is BEYIND THOUGHT unthinkable which is that which is the VIBRATION can I use that description … that is the reality behind my ….hardness of the coffee cup I drink from ,,,, the feeling of thing that is this key board I type on …. Now remember young master mankind can only TRANSLATE the TAO when trying to describe it with things or tools like words that re in the REALM or LIMITION of thoughts … building blocks of description but they lack so much ,,rmemeber throughout history ,,, many many teacher came and talked and had the following generations ,,fuck up their words …. And call them GODA … even look at the abraahm videos and you will see the glassy eyes of the FOLLOWER of Abraham who addresses Abraham like it is some sort of GOD ….FIX ME OHH GREAT ABRAHAM …

Remember ( and I know I will offend many with these words but what would the GREAT ONE really be talking about today ..if the traddiontions of his words were never formed but were to be formed to day by him …. Saddathra or Buddha …… the idea that there is evolultion to the toa even though the toa is complete only there is the infinite unfolding of that which is unthinkable …. Or that one side of the I – in – I is more advanced or smarter than the other side .. as if there were STILL SEPERATION …. This whole idea of nirvana ..ahh but to have a n DERAM or illusion that continues thru more than one life time ,,,, SURE WHY not who am I to limit the TAO …

The balance my frined ,, mind body spirit ..body the feeling good and letting the tree live in your land and provide it’s fruit for you and your family ,, the using of sundrying … like SUNMAIDE RAISIN still dryed with the sunlight ….. to store free foods ..going with the natural flow instead of fighting a stream of WELLBEING already established for your SUPPORT …the stream already ESTABLISHED for your support … in you DNA ..the truth about human family units and love and sex …

Understand love is LOVE , yet there are chnges in love because of hormones ,,we KNOW THAT IS FACT . yet the underlying love is still there ,,,THE MOM has different feelings actuall for the child she breast feeds than for the child whose mild teeth are falling out still LOVE … but different it is the INSTINCTUAL NATURE of NUTURE …. Didffferent at different stages of development but the love of the inner person .

And to love a girl Only because SHE PRESENTS ..HER self in a fashinalble sexy manner can be seen to change with the fashions …what is considered to be attractive ,,when in fact dumbass ,, you really love her ,, even in the moring when her make up is gone her hair is a mess …. And she is no longer looking like a MODLE ,,you still love her … so love is for the actuall person …and it keeps on going even as the ATOMS OF HER BODY change you do KNOW that there is not 1 single atom in your body that has been there for over 7 years ( except those which were implanted by doctors ) living tissue changes out totally even bones do , every 7 years ,, you are not your body nor is she …. Yet we love ..bodies? and yet it is said I can only love 1 girl … WHA SAYS , where is the real evidence trail for that ASSUMPTION about me a male ,,, she is designed to FOCUS HER LOVE on 1 yes on 1 mainly … as in 1 baby INFANT ,,she has to have very focused DIRECT LOVE 1 on 1 …to insure the survival of that infant ,,and this is where the concept of 1 on 1 love kinda MUTATATED FROM … plus add the complexity of political need to conserve power in the familys of the very few … complexity upon complexity ,,IF YOU WANT TO PADDLE UPSTREAM ,,, of you can choose to go with the flow of her pussy juice of our DNA … read the water and the stream like the instinctual fisherman in you does ….. read the evidence trail of our body design .

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