Saturday, August 9, 2008

itty bitty pussy

Itty bitty pussy

Itty is one of 3 pussy’s the newewst and youngest ..
Young master I do not want you to lose the FOCUS on the POWER of focus ,,inderstanding the concept of what excited you and feels good actually DRAWS you to it and it to you ,,, I want you to understand the idea that PUSSY is like air or food it is natura and such it will naturally be drawn into you life .

Like the cells of your body each are a life form un to them selves and from the soup of their eniviroment they draw from that which they need at the time .

But today I have dip back into the negative the stressful PRGRAMED aspects of our world an current time experiences ….. again to the TOPIC of SOUL MATE ... this is stress ,,the UNCOMFORTABLE feeling attached to DATING …. That actually drives you away instead of drawing you fast towards something the feels good ..the vents of dating after the relationship has formed and FAILED 9 ohhh yes you understand relationship failure you got trained about that during your first few attempts in your teens ,,the stress confusion and trars and HEART BREAK AND pain …. NOT SOMETHING WHICH WILL DRAW YOU , BUT THE instinctual urge keeps us drawing to each other ..doesn’t … so pussy and you will be drawn together naturally that is a fact ….

Focus on the other aspect of the compound which are much easier to FEEL …feel good about and the atsts are 85% percent of males have gone fishing and would go fishing again in the future ,,the OP , just the OP to catch your own food is so NATURAL and fulfilling that even if you neve did catch anything the OP to is enough of a draw to get you up and ready to try again . here explore the POSSIBLES

now on to pussy and soul mates and the CONFUSIO about the 1 on 1 … and love and instinctual reality of your DNA nature …. What is LOVE is it the HIGH that is actually the result of sexual frustration ,,, her tease ..yes her TEASE ..becaue in reality thinking like a NATURUIST THE ONLY REAL USE FOR CLOTHES MOST OF THE TIME IS NOT TO COVER OUR BODIES in protection of the ELEMENTS the cold of nature but ,,,clothes are a tool of framing the body in attractive sexually seductive ways to …..benifit from the effects of SEXUAL FRUSTRATION ,,, and creating states of sexual frustration in both parties as they wait to express their DNA nature ….. this FORCED repression creates elvated states of HORMONES which are the most PURE FORM OF DRUGS available to mankind the strongest of pure HIGHS ….. THIS ILLUSION STATE WE CALL LOVE ,,, AND SOMETHING CREATED AND WRIITNE ABOUT since the days of the ancient Greeks. In the fairy TALE OF LOVE STORIES AND SOUL MATES .

but love .. love we human social harem poly animals are designed to love and respect each other and ,,and ..and respect and love NATURE … since in fact mainly you are a vegatiarian ,,, ( ohh Buddha classified fish as a veggie )

now this brings me back to ITTY and to K and BABY …. 3 pussy’si love thenm all , I want to spread my attention among the three when they come together in a group , and I love them each indivilusally when they come to me 1 by 1 ,, or in groups of 2 and then as the WHOLE family of 3 pussy’s …. Baby has been in my life for about 5 years ,,, K showed up about 2 years ago but it took about 18 months till K decided that I was nice enough that K would seek me out for attention …. K did not have K had a good life already like many others who never even give me the time of day . and Itty well Itty has been around for about 6 months and just in the last 2 wweks has Itty been coming around to get touched ….. and come in the house and CHILL .

and I love them ALL …. I care about them ,, I enjoy seeing htem HAPPY relaxed and expressing their JOY in being touched ,,while at the same time I notice others I see others who do not come for attention . form me. Hmmmm freedom of choice cool .

like children or your brothers and sisters and your aunts and uncles like your group of friends even friends who are no longer really friends …YOU HUMAN LOVE thenm and wich them well and want to se them all Enjoying LIFE. Right or wrong .?

then the question again is WHAT IS LOVE ? is it just that flood of REPRODUCTIVE hormones ,,the effects of ENDORPHINES raised due to artificial sexual manipulative dating methods and designer clothing …. The fraiming of her tits to attract your eyes … her artificall scents designed by science and mass trials and tests extract certain STATES AND RESPONSES in the oppsirte sex ,,,,? Is this NATURE ? is that love?

When K first got on the bed when Baby was there … Baby got mad ….. and moved away due to being the one and only for so long BABY was not ready to share me ..but K and BABy were friends first … so their bond won over ,,, so tha soon when I was paying attention to BABY ,,, K would move in and rub up against BABY and baby in like kind would be attentive and loving to K … and like wise when I was touching K ,, baby would move in and sometime lick K … and so now ehn Itty decided to join in ,,,,ohhh , baby and K both knew Itty before I did …. So itty has been welcomed very easly ….

The design of their clothes MEAN nothing to me ,,, in fact their color etc means nothing to me , they are all 3 different in size and shape and many many featuyres and that means nothing to me … I love and care and worry about the feelings of all the Three of my pussy’s them being healthy now that is important ,, so many people worry about their weight to the point of STRAVING themselves into being UNHEALTHY ,,or they give up due to RELATIONSHIP stress and EAT and EAT until becoming large and un healthy … honeslty if one of these 3 pussy’s were to attempt to come over and be with me and they were in a state of being UNHEALTY ,,, I may at that time be REPULSED … draw back away from them , but most likely my efforts then would be in trying to get my friend and lover back into a state of being healthy …. My focus would still be one of love but ..the unhealthy aspect would taint the relationship … and so …WIEGHT for example ..issues are not about the VALUE or lovalbity of a 1 …but instead it stimulates the expression of LOVE in the form of concern for the REAL health and WELL being .

Okkk I have attempted my best ot drag this … image out … my 3 pussy’s are … FERREL wild cats …. Bing a fisherman and bait man and farmer ,, having cats around has always been antural ..they love to catch mise and rats … and I give them some store bought food and table scraps to keep them interested in living around my BUSINESS’s

ITTY bitty kitty ,,,,, K for cat …. And Baby because well he was just a baby when he forced himself into the house and said I wanna be here and out there free also … you human types are OK ! in my book

But I …. I the human … love them all just because 1 is black or one is striped or one is blotchy …. 1 is big male ( baby ) or a very very tiney female K or the great great great grand son of Baby Itty …. Ilove them all their presence in my life is good for me and my family …. And they FREE TO CHOOSE like interacting with us also .

Is or has your dating life realy been about LOVE …or control and possession ? fear of loss maybe ? Fear and self doubt about self worth and attractiveness ? this is love ?

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