Saturday, August 23, 2008

fries , pussy and a coke

Fries pussy and a coke

Young master ,,, ohhh the idea of becoming magicall ,,so that you can make clouds disappear and move objects or alchemy of turn base metals into GOLD ….ohhh how mankind ( that includes girlkind also ) have bee striving for this SKILL set to finally evolve into this TIME/SPACE …because we can feel that somewhere some how these skills are possible we want to evovlve some SELF CONTROL into this ADVENTURE ….. ok remember the un-impossible

Pussy pussy pussy ,,, that clean shaven or soft and furry …slit of skin on the body of a human the same yet different to us , their voice is softer ,,their skin and muscle tone is softer … their tits make us think or actually make us NOT think , the effects of the BIG T is actually the shitting down of higher brain function so that you can focus of fucking ….the big t- testosterone … also it is there to insure you are pumped up to protect the ahrem …fuck or fight response … so her tits do not make you think they help you realize your INSTINCTUAL NATURE that you want to think you do not have1 …but it is such a daily part of you that you have forgotten it in FAVOR of listening to humans so caught up in self delusion and illusion of self GRANDUER ( hey a great adventure if they want no judgement have fun ) that they made up …. Sciences proven we human are more than that which we are made up of … and that actually controls the AUTOMACTIC running of the BIO-MACHINE called homo sapiens
The swelling of her clit in response to excitement like th swelling of your dick fact a lil dick hidden in tiscovering like your was supposed be still , safe healthy and very very sensitive more fun to play with actually ..

Ok back to and order of fries and pussy and a coke ,,, the inatant ,,,mentally , the magicall mentality …. See again I will go back to the limited PHAROH who considered himself the GREAST thing on earth and his science the end all of KNOWLEDGE …. (every age of man thinks it is the smartest and not much more will be found out – bullshit ) pharoh KNEW that metal can not fly …. Yet thru our desire or WANTO ..we created STRESSSED ways of creating this MAGIC of flying metal … in accord with time/space limitations … yet to pharoh it would be BIG MAGIC …

Instant foodsand restaurants that served things thru drive thrus ,,, are attempts in and within the limits of time/space to have the magic of think and recive…. Instant graifaction a magical state … am I getting my point across many girls in reality study the META ARTS ,, the learn about the goddess cultures in hopes of being a Witch … and having instant control or atleast more control over time/space …many many people study ABRAHAM and the law of attraction trtying to speed up TIME/SPACE so they can have their WANTS as they think fo them ,,, they want instant MATERIALIZATION .. of their wants ..wehn in fact his PLAYGROUND is about experiencing our wants no limit except that which is POSSILBE TO think about ,,the UNTHINKABLE is not available here right now …( no limiting TAO ) but the de3srie to have the food the fun the adventure just by turning on a GAME and there on the TV is whatever dream you could want to play …. We are ever so slowly evolving better and better games ( great fun no judgements .. just understanding and thus freedom to choose ALTERNATIVES ) you want instant pussy …. Well you can buy it , but in the controlled market of ILLEGALITY you get shitty service for the sexual health care industry of this country there is not real competiion to choose a better professional who will give a better experience of relaxing enjoyable sexual expercise and body function ans healty stimutlation of natural human organs …. ( my statement of th reason why sex industry should be legal and regulated and in open competitive markets) …. Instead you have cyber sex …. Ok something iss better than nothing ,, the INSTANT …

But remember the idea of TOA the no1thing the state of un-impossible … there at the same time as thinksing is the materialazrtion of thought time ….. evry psosslbie is all ways all ways ..there for ever ..inot he point of total confusion and the eperince of no 1 thing ….. so a space time playground where things happen more slowly …. Events come in a linear fashion ,,is kinda of fun ,,the JOURNEY ..thur the events passing .

But since you were PROGRMED to view this life as some sort of punsishment fo a GOD ,,( the tool of PHAROH this whole god invention , the god/man pharoh who the salve was trained to serve or die … whose children were thren trained to serve and slave for or die nad generation after generation learned to serve and priest learned to EXPLOIT this ablity of the human mind to store memeory as auto programming to be able to function in complex working cultures …..but this is such an UN NATURAL STATE FOR the TAO adventurer ,,the inner spirit who cam her to be a FREE ANIMAL a bio-machine called HUMAN …that in the twisted instinct state ,,,mankind shows the effects of manipulation

So honeslty it is resoanble that mankind in it’s frustration and the deep inner knowledge of its own TRUE SELF that of being the I – in – I …. An unthinkable magical being …. We would search for some sort of FREEDOM and self control ..yet yet yet ,,we ARE HERE TO BE IN TIME …. To experience the events one step one step ,,, not depending on amgic . yet we are being trained to depend on the magic or the current illsusion of MAGIC prvided by the controllers once ore ..the slave master the pharoh is tricking back deeper into slavery .. addicting you to his escapism promise … of fast food? Of fast entertainment ? of fast pussy? Giving you the entatainment like the ROMANS knew keep the slave citizen entertained …. And they stay controlled to be nursed from … by the ruling class ….. like some ant colonies that have aphfids that they LICK the aphfid SWEAT for FOOD …

Ahhh but FREEDOM of choice that comes from having newer and newer PERSPECTIVES or points of view ..ideas , and understanding ….. of tha nture of things that are happening then can make real LATERANTIVE choices … see you TATOO is not an alternative choice .realyy it is an express of your REPRESSION and frustration ,,,it is a statement saying I have had enough I am not going to take it any longer ,,but that is all it is …just a visiable statement that then THEN LIMITS YOU IN the real world …. For once more dumbass that TAT on your neck has prevented you from getting a sweet deal of ecominc freedom .. once more the world judged you by the visible TATOO … you think it is your ALTERANTIVENESS when in fact the tattoo is just an INDICATIOR or symptom of your inner self speaks ,,, aksing for help with the confusion of the world …. And you stupidly stop at this Expression of ofristration thinking it itself is the answer the joint or the beer or the go boost of the TATOO is the answer when infact you see later you need more and more of that drug to keep the good feeling going keep the illusion going .

When what is reality is that your inner self ,,just wants to BE NATURAL … live as described int eh EXPECTIVE programming of the DNa that is what our bio-machine is based on ,,then experience living on foot in front ot ther other steping off into the love and adventure of being a TOA being a HUMAN…
OOOH YEAH THAT MEANS LOTS OF FUCKING SO THAT THERE WILL BE new models for the next Tao to in habit for adventure …. ( ohhh R you stuck on my trashing of Nietzsche remember he and his peers were so stuck in the idea that mankind was beyond its DAN as to not put that into the equation ..they had not idea of the concepts of vibrations and Quatum paritclicles and thus the NON REALITY OF concrete pyshics )

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