Monday, March 31, 2008

sucking pleasures

Sucking all the pleasures

Young master , be honest with yourself and at the same time be honst with that which you dream about your sexual fansty life ,,,, it is in your honesty with self that real freedom is going to be made ,,, it comes form you not from the wrodl . because when you got you ideas your dreams your goals ,,, your REAL feeling understood , that you will then be clear enough with the vision of a master ,,,,, to then attract the birds of a feather into your experience .

That goes with the commitment to make the cash , to building the territory ,,,, again I like to refer to the 3 tents , 3 single family homes , all off grid , solar electric , fish pond , free range chickes kept penned away from the house ( chicken shit sucks ) …. The orchard fo food trees understanding the activity of living like a human ,,,, not an ecominc salve ,,,,, one who get their life and self worth from the acceptance of the world and fashions ….. the world that does not have time to blow bubbles , and I betcha she does not have time to blow her male either ……ohhhhh but we self delude ourselves …. We males accept whateve attention we get in the 1 on 1 because well that is ALL THERE IS , and the vast majority of us are HONAORABLE , ( up until the real core of the relationship has changed the core dynimcs …. Even if he stays the deepest of inner changes and damages may have started the end is only time )

Now honorable in a polyigam is to be the male who female’s freely choose , they in fact are always the ones who do the choosing we do the asking out , the begging and the queeem allows us to express our sexuality ….. it is twisted the subtle mind fuck game of human relationships , and we wonder why we have such pains around us ,,,, no matter how much we think we learn the correct way THIS TIME …. BASIC THEMS OF STRESS repeated and repeated come back .

Money money money , do not tell me you do not feel some stress and concern about money ,,, because you do …. Even if you self delude and put on the happy face , the smiley face , 96 out of 100 of you do feel stress , and that is only because of the choices you make with the mony you have , you probably make a ton of cash , but you waste it in ??????? msotley being lazy …… lazy in the trap of ecominc salvery to actually be in harmony with the REAL WORLD not the ecominc slavery world the world that keeps you in bondage well atleast most of you …. Instead of doing something really NEW AND ALTERNATIVE …. You strive and try for the BIG BUCKS … the next step up the ladder ,,, finding blisss out side of yourself in entertainments , instead of NATURE .

And sex is nature. NOT Blowing bubbles is just the example of the lack of time for important things ,,,,,, and then there is the fact …. The animals aceepts that she goes in and out os cycles , she wants to get fucked wildely and then a week later it is less important , and another girl in the harem will need the lots of sexuall attention , but because of the GREedd and ownership OF THE 1 ON 1` the natural cycles is ignored so that the female can gain LOVE CONTROL , the statement of the I LOVE YOU SLAVE ……. The subtle honor chain that she thinks will give her happiness for ever in a fairy tale ,,,,, the whole idea of looking outside of herself for love and acceptance , she looks into the EYES of other to see if she is beautiful or cute ,,, their words are most important …….

Young amster honestly , you do not feed on the statement of YOU ARE HANDSOME like the girl feeds on it , in fact she says it to you in hopes that you will say a compliement back to her ,,, TWISTED . we are the ones who wear BLOOD STAINED T-SHIRST S, our favorite fishing shirt would be our only shirt if our boss would let us wear it to work ……. On average on average …. It is not us who should decorate the land we own that is the creative job of the female … we are not programmed that wasy , they are! But do they dress up for them selves …. How does a nudist girl dress up ? is she self centered and so self consumed ,,,, putting on fake fronts and smiles for the world while all the while ,,, happiness is when the LORD , hears aher prayers and she fiannly gets RICH .

There are so many fawcetss so many sides so many deep conmplex issues ,,,,,, that it is not a sound bite . not able to be under stood in 30 seconds , so easy to returned to the TRAINED programmed state of expecting the fairy tale to provide it’s happiness of happiness from outside aceeptance of the SOCIAL HIERACHY … whether you believe that your girl friend understands this or not , look at the ACTIONS NOT THE WORDS ….. ( ooops Deb if you read this not for you not for you not for you … be who you are and let me write freely like you said you would ) seee sublte slipping backwards is enevitable it is guaranteed when you were a junkie and you get clean then go right back to living with the same old gang , you without Nknowing IT ,,, return to old habit patterns … fine fine fine young amster life is your choice ….

Do not limit the keitchen of experiences ….. but look at your actions ….. what is it that drives you where is your money and time going ,,,, are you slipping back into the same old rutts again becoming the addict asgain to society and WHY ? no time to blow bubbles , she has not time to want to blw you ….. because in the end it is her ,,, choice … her lead , that is nature ,,,, real deepst nature , not the first few months of wild sex ,,, which is th EVE gaining control …. Eve leaves when control is felt ,, then nature cycles take over and you are stuck with your words of honor ….

To be honest I have been wondering so often how am I going to hold thehands of 3 women in wall mart ? then I think about my kids and I have been able to wlak with all of them ,,,, giving attentions to each as they needed when they nneeded with out GREED from them , but with EVE ….. the 1 on 1 expectations , her getting her self worth from me saying you are cute … it confuses me , I do not feed or even really believe any woman who says I am attractve …… you too young master do not need the world to fiiilll our hearts or make us happy in that way , we can not understand EVE’s experience of sublte motivators …. And until I have the 3 tents that I feel are my HONORABLE nature , I will not be able to experience thre unpollututed dynaicns of …. Hmmm selling the house seems like a trap , it willhappen but I , myself motivated self is tekling me , phil you should work and plan a new system ,, build the cash you need to do it another way , creating mutlitple streams of possibility ,,, a good farmer or good gorilla did not rely on one babna tree or els he would die be come slave to that one , his harem also in salvery to one tree of income ….. that is why in the free food section of there is different trees that produe food , but to do that would mean I may have to budget the the money I have going into supporting the rcreations and lifestyle of the honor commitments I have made before while I was rooted in the OLD WAYS ….. complex the freedom of building from scratch as compared to building from with in ,,, the fear of loneliness …… fear . is fear the basis for a MAsTER to live his life , is that the trust in the ideall of the law of attraction ? will not birds of a feather realy be brought to gether ….. ?

Saturday, March 29, 2008

eeenniee meaniiie mineeeei pussy

Eeeenie Meannnie Minnnie Pussy

Young amster some thing s can not be called forth into reality thru visuall prompts , you can not us a vision board to work out your WANTO’S ……. For those you write about your desried future ,, so here in response to a prompt I saw in my world is the ideal event on choosing pussy , or is it like in nature the pussy choosing you … because when you get the 3 tents compound how will you choose which girl ….. if you see the prompt “ can I be your wife “ ( since I a do not have 3 tents 3 single family homes courrently this is anexercise in life planning ,,, to planning to fuck and live with 3 women who have planned there life up until coming into contact with me and my writing …. Women who have thought the only ONLY way their would live their lives and raise their children was int the accepted 1on 1 fairy tale ….. yet because the ALTERNATIVE has been presented new ….. options presented ,, new thoughts and future dreams start to gell … what MAY it look like , ( yet the reality of course will be some what more dynamic .

First dipshit is the spirits of EVE Anand ADAM ,,,, both are socio pathic un social in fact greedy , if your outwardly think you want a harem but it is a shallow want , a MATRUBATION fansty ,, then you will not have the Will The Commitment to do a toru of duty or even finish creating the 3 tenst and a camel , beth an Eve will stich her FANGS into your cock and suck out your sperm , just remember the spirit of EVE is a slaewoman she will sell you on the product she has to sell HERSELF …….. and when you find those all to common familiar relationship patterns returning and the fighting that goes along with then …… you can realize how comfy it is to be back in the crib … following the lead of your mothers and fathers ….. and the comfortable feeling of being dysfunctional once more ….. AHHHH home again !

First dumbass you gotta understand the concepts behind MAGIC 123 , you will find the link at the children’s page ,,, the concept is that the young untainted human is very very loving and social ,,,,, in fact most arguments with kids resulted from the child learning that to get attention they grab the parent emotionally thru being NAUGHTY , thus the squeaky wheel get s the energy the attention ….. thru fighting …. In magic 123 , the level of fighting from a chikd actually grows on a bell curve for 21 days the dies off as new learning becomes ingrained in nueral pathways of their brains , the key is in the take five ,,,,, and the not engaging in any fights or becoming emeotional with the other NATURAL HUMAN …. Not the manipulative spirit ,,, but the deep inner human ….. she is a deep in human , she WHO , welll that is in the Dating sections of .. where and how to create the natural venue …. For meeting lots of sexy friends …… and letting yourself be seduced ! NATURALLY .

So back to the compound , the already got 1 eve who says she resepcts your plans and ideals and you ….. now when the next girl arrives chooses you , well she does choose you from a very very very different set of REALITIES as compared to the first girl ,,, true or false can you see it , the first never had the reality of the other girl … only the idea the theory …. So when the next girl arrives the reality has and does change ,a nd the TIME OF EVE APPROACHES .. . for the first girl , if her commitment was true and not a self Deluded DREAM , then she will be your best HELPER , she will invite the next gril friend her FRIEND her sister , it will be your who will be hot maybe hotter than you to find her best friend …….. that of course is the ideal situation .

And it is here in your forming your desires , it is here in y our own personall bloggging that you state your wishes ,,,,, your what do you want for dinner …. Does your girl friend ask you that , and do you sometimes have preference about whatca want to eat today ,, well that is designing your future … stating you desire for a future out come ,,,, well if you were to write about your vision of the future is is you saying I want this for dinner , I want this for my future …so to sate that you believe that the first girlfriend will in fact kinda choose the second girlfriend and that those two then will choose the third ,,, what better future could you ask for , the girls are then responsible ,,,, and to be TRUTHFULL ,,, be true dumbass , you know that you have had friendship with girls of many many different body shapes , you have built and grown respect and caring for these humans these females , maybe even to the pointo of having atleast friendly sexual relationships with those girls this idea trashes the fairy tale of the most beautiful girl in the world what is actually most important is the girl being pyshcially healthy ofr her body not carrying to much weight for example which in time will stress her body frame and back cuasing DIS EASE beauty is a combination of skin and spirit ,,,, you may not have made her your girlfriend mainly because you are so ,,,,,, VANE as to need some arm candy , your girlfriend had to be cute so your fridns would not laugh …. If that is you realize ,,, WHAT YOU RESISIT PERSISITS …. What is reality for the lone male to worry about what the IMMATURE peer group thinks , the peer group that will be lead by the media and churches like sheep ,,,,,, to date because of FASHION . well honestly this male will not be the male with the commitment to create the 3 tents , and if a male like this does have the 3 tents and the girl chooses a man like this it is that ….. girl again who is responsible for her own hurts in life ,,, since in fact like always it is the girl who chooses the male , she listens to the mating call the pretty words of love and if she isHOLLOW , lacking love of herself she will go to any sounds of love coming from any man . and ignore the RED FLAGS .

So I guess for me it is my deepest hope that the current woman in my life will meet her best friends and they will meet their best friend , and I knowing that it is my DEEPEST gorilla instinct to like all people , to find friendship in the friendly people , I also will like the friend of my friend …..

Now what is I like her,,,more! What if I like number # 2 more …. Why? Why would this happen , honestly look again to the instinct of us ,,,, example the parent with more than one child , the mother or father loves each child for themselves it is not loving one more than an other ,,, even though deeper special bonds can form between on child and apparent but if the JEALUSY the spirit of Adam and Eve were understood , and the expression of deep soul connections accepted and the real love of everyone for everyone was understood a child would be happy for the other child and parent , and since the dynamics of the 3 MOTHER family it has that special factor of letting a child form strong bonds with the other mommy in the family ,,,,AHHHH will mom 1 ,,, get the spiriti of Eve again ? jeously of possession control … just because the child came from her pussy when in fact once the child is outside of the body it is the child who will eventually leave mom in some years to form new bodns it is never never never , controlled by the greedy controlling mom ,,,, form day one the child is free to seek the love needed the attention requited . and the more

The more the greed of eve reisits the more the pain persists ….

So the magic 123 ,,,, if the greed of eve show up and some fights shoed up , I know I do not like to fight , I want not to experience the old familiar patterns of common world and familys ….. fights as being the common form of commucation . SO I WOULD NATURALLY AVOID THAT FEMALE THAT WIFE , AND SPEND MORE TIME WITH ANOTHER MORE FRIENDLSY LESS GREEDY AND CONTROLLING WIFE , THIS LACK OF ATTNTION would generate ,,, thoughts in the wife left alone , like the child in time out in magic 123 …… there the woman can choose ,,,, to FEEL or just return to solving her lifes problems with the same old ideas ,,,, the EVE ideas …. Or she could realize the words of your blogs ,,,, she knows you thought before she ever meets you … evn if the words do not make sense , atleast she some what know the up s and downs of you! Much better than she has even known the mind of ANY OTHER GUY SHE HAD DATED .

So eeeenie meaniiie minnnie moe ….. which pussy should I choose no , which pussy will choose me / us ? but that should only realy happen after you have done the TOUR OF DUTY , built a reality … then presented yourself to the world an then BIRDS OF A FEATHER , the laws of attraction …. That which keeps atoms and sub atomic particles together …. Will work again for your benefit if you do not resisit .

Friday, March 28, 2008

Pretty hot Dick

PRetty hot Dick

To qoate Elivs Presley “ thankya thankya thank you very much “ but you do not have to be coy and hide your desires or compliements in those three lil’ letters behind your name Ph.D , and I am suprized to receive such a cmpliiement like that form a woman like you after a letter full of such a convincing argument against my line of REASONING ….. your data and great wrting and readable presentation shows the quality of your formal schooling ….. if I had not opened my mind up to the idea that since the days of PHAROH , the learned had been supporting the LEARNEDD ,,, with their degree systems of priest or Doctor …… it is like a blinder keeping you and the people who listen to you looking inside the walls of a BOX . a box that is book shapped .

Young master for you to think for yourself is very important …. To realize that we have 10,000 years of ecominc $$$ greedy reasons to think inside the box , to boost the ego of our teachers so that we can be placed policatically in the ecominc and govermenetal position and make that $$$$ cash …. The above letter I am suprized to have received I must have touched a nerve of A SO CALLED professional ,,,, I offened her social policatial values , hey I betcha her kid was reading my shit ( remember do not read my shit unless you are 18 …. Disclaimer to get myself off an fucking legal fucking HOOK , they want to complete the programming while you are young ) so in her fear she decided to throm her DATA SEEN FROM HER POINT OF VIEW , TAINTED WITH HER DEEPLY held values .

And I say thank you ……. But another out of the box point of view about human evolution and anthropology …… as compared to our DNA cousin the chimp , yes they are more closely related to us than gorillas ,,, true true true , I will not argue with that fact and data … the gorilla is about a 10th of 1 single percent more different ,,,, but they are more closey relted to each other than we are to them and look at the varying social structures in terms of mating they have … so with that level of variance …… I say we could easly be very different in mating from the chimp …. Your using of chimp data to support the idea of FEMale ,, suppression coming to an end now adays , leading to the current stress .. is natural because of the compounding of centurys of female dominanation by males ….. and that todays female is an example of the chimp heritage coming back to light ,,,, the female gaining more soicall and poikictial power … like in the chimp world which to a great level is dominated by female manipulations . IT PAYS TO BE CUTE …….

Dipshit my friend do you go to places like the Spearmint Rhino or any other titty bar , there you are in a place actually run by women , yes a man may own the building but it si the women who behind the scenes realy run the show that the man makes a profit from ….. and it is all about MANIPULATION …… of your HORMONES …. That powerful self created drugs store of the body . tease tease tease …. And when you are hot , get your GOLD your bright and shiney ,,, your green backs ….

Dumbfuck , realize the Professional needs to make sure your LOOK UP to them when you start to realize that HEALTH CARE IS All based on comparing themselves to the placebo effect the surgar , the power of them mind … when you realize that mental health industry is an industry that needs to maintain A CLIENT BASE ….. so to realy explore and cure the CAUSES fo human stress would in the end … END the profession ,,,, the self geneerting mill mill of schools and profession practiced ,,,, close their minds and ONLY TREAT … SYMPTOMS W tihout really thinking in terms of the causes ,,, give you a Pyscotherpuedic DRUG …. And mimiamal talk therapy …. Yes it is great when so one is bleeding to death ,,, from being cut up emotionally by an UN INSTINCTUAL life , that their inner animal in its confusion is so depressed that is can not function …. Yes end the bledding and pain … but why not think about

ALERNATIVES ,, since the world the Ph.D and Professionals have created by DEFAULT over the last 10,000 years since the Priests of the ?Days Of PharoH …. We have accepted the world given us by our fathers and mothers , based on the wisdom of TAINTED books of gods and SMART men ….. who designed system to support the children they had who would follow in their foot steps into the same UNVIERSITYS thru Alumni societys ,,, to then provide the same for their children generation after genertation ,,,,, and it comes down to $$$ the buying of bright and shiny shit , the ability to shoe a cute girl how rich you are , to become a 1 on 1 , like the Empire of Rome’s LaWS said to do .

Ohhhh dipshit my friend think for yourself !

Thursday, March 27, 2008

spanked by appointment

Spanked by Appointment

Last year young master , I wrote a lot about the events of course I was experiencing each day like today , and I was comparing my thoughts about the MASTER/ slave likestyle and reality …. Yes the MASTER/slave based relationship is reality but it is also one based on a joint choice between the parties often based on the BDSM contract … so iwas realizing the UN- INSTINCTUAL nature of it ,,, sure in my past the Role Playing of DOM/subbie had been fun ,,, with Deb and I the contract based MASTER/ salve relationship was cool to sexplre , and the digging into the …. Culture and finding out that MASTER/ slave bassed relationships often in high percentages end up like all the rest of relationships , that are not based on the EOMOTINAL GUIDANCE SCALE ….. the feeling of you deepest inner nature …. So I got again deeply committed to figuring our what is my DEEPEST inner nature ,,, since I have been so fucking programmed to expect life to be a STORY BOOK ….. MASTER / slave was gain a s story book .

Now that is not to say that the girls deepest desire to be totally submissive , to experience the release of endorphins is outside of her DNA instincts , no , in fact it is VERY instinctuall , again I go back the the bite on the neck that so many mammals do during sex , and how this violent strong neck biting of the male is infact a trigger for EGG release , in fact the PAIN Pleasure OF ruff sex , is seen in the BRANCH of DNA the branced off 100’s of millions of years ago during DINO times ,,, in birds , ducks for example do the neck biting thing …. So it is deep in the DNA of female to like a bit of SPICE DURING SEX …

But last year I remember my reactions to getting to many safe words during sexual play , while providing the stimulation she liked so much in pasts SCENES but now she is finding flaws and ouches ,,,, not he stimulating OOOOWWWIIIES .. but sharp ,,, ouches ,,, and the deepest level of ny inner Groilla does nt want the female in my territory to feel real OUCHES ….. in fact I would join armies to fight and die for my country ,, to protect my family ,,, ( hey I sound like my old drill sergeant , the programinfg I choose to learn in a volyunteer army ) so the deepest nature of a good man is not to hurt the female who will bring up give and carry , nuture and provide love for ,,, my ,, my DNA legacy ,,,, children , so to REALLY HURT HER is un- INSTINCTUAL …. ….

Yet I love see her wett and twisted in her ddpest need for my cock …. I love to see her being INSTINCTUAL …. In her lust for getting filled with hot hard , blood pumping live dick ….. yes the dildoes with their ribs and rings , and ball sacks ,,,, the vibrating wands to move in and out and around her pussy to tuch the entrance of the womb , to find that spot on the front wall of her cunt . for her to feel pop in and out of her ass ,,,, is great , but the spanking is great also , the ZEN of her being spankined ,,, I may not net quite so Zen in in the because I I concerned about my aining about creating balance ,, about timeing of the stokes ,,, the blending like a chef , between a sting , and and a sexual tease ….. the words ,,,, of what may seem DEGRADATION , but in fact are the urging her to be the lil’ horny SKUT which is her deepst nature ,,,, ok I show so much about how we are not chimp ,,,,, yet we are not all Grollia ,, do not ,, DO NOT limit things dipshit …. But the GORILLA harem does seem to resemeble our FAMILY VALUES ….. they are very sexual animals also , but the chimps ,,,, 1/2 of the time she is in heat …..and she is very fucking horny to the point of getting banged 50 times a day , she uses her pussy as a PASSPORT TO travel freely among rival tribes fucking her way around the jungle …… and to us the way she gets fucked by the groups of males in new tribes would be compared to GANG BANGS AND RAPES ,,,,,

OK SO , it is likely this is some where in the girl human ….. the idea of liking a good RAPE ,, HOW TO live the dream …. One was the MASTER / LSAVE , yet I found my desire and her was not equal in time she felto ouches , so I stopeed ….. yet she still wants it , but the fairy tale princess inside can not ask for it ….. the fairy tale rpincesss all dressed in white the GOOD girl ….. but , in nature instinctualism ,,,, she does ask for it , in the gorilla workd it is ALL the female coming on to the Silver back , seducing him thru sexuall scents ,and seduction ….. in humans it is her also in her manner of dress and her YESS .,or the no no no no as her legs open wider and wider ….

So , if she can ask for a back rub , to have the Hitachi used to create a healthy spine thru it strong violent , vibrations stimulating healty bliid flows ,,,,, why should she not ask to be tied up , teased whipped spanked , maybe even candled ( not this time I did some candling last time , I like to create a good ride a good adventure ….. hey maybe the barbers strap ? hmmmmmm , bad man )
Why can not ,, since the decisison to join in a MASTER/ slave is not what a “ good girl “ does ….. why can not the instinctualist girl ask to be tied to night ? why not ….. at least that way I know the chances of common activities will not bring about ouches , because the deepst inner need of the female is her own choice to now experience , as an free adult.

What is instinctual ………. Love is instinctual for you disphit , the protective caring male who when seuxllay pumped likes ,,, NO LOVES to hear feel and see that the girl he is fucking is FEELING IT ! it geemrates more and thick richer sperm , it realeses the egg form her pussy …… it is BDSM , it is

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

funking 11 times a day

Fucking 11 times a day

Infant- i- cide …the killing of babies that are still on the nipple ,,,, the battle for hierarchy and dominance ….. seen in humans that are social based with royals family ties so power and money flows down to the kids …..GREED ……. Ok dipshit you can fuck 11 times in a day ,,, sure we all have done that or more just to see how times you can do it ina day and still get hard enough to penetrate her …… listen to that think about that , and still get hard enough to penetrate her ….. who is the DOM in that ? who is the pentrator and who is the subbie ? our bodies tell us so much about what ourreltaionships should look like … so young master when I look back ward to some one who looked at nature for understanding his confused fucking reality of warfare greed and stress hunger drunkness family violence ….. I am talking about the SAGE of Taosism Zhauangzi ….. I hope you a person able to think now for yourself who is starting to trust his won emotional guiadance system ,,,,,, sy\ays to yourself ,,,, this vibrates with me …. This idea feels logical , feeling is vibration ,,, at a quatum level , this whole universe is nothing but the less than noano second expression of a 1 single thing coming into being vibrating and leaving …. Compounded and compounded , like vibrations JOINING TO BECOME ,,, THING ….. law of attraction , birds of a feather flock together …..

Your choice to engage in a POLY family is a vibration , tha will attract it’s …..LIKE …. And like is our nature , our deepest DNA heritage ….. I brought up infant i cide for a reason ,,,, we humans are realy very nice on average a few very greedy sociopathic mutations are able … we able to learn how to motivate us the nice masses , into becoming greedy of fearfull and create armies and warfare to support the PHAROH and emproors and kings and presidents ,,,, the same thought form with different names …

In the chimp world of tribes of , male family groups and hierarchy batlles in the troops/tribes plus wioth out side tribes ….. or the genrally peacefull passing down of power from silver back male to sivler back male , the test and challenge of strength so that the females and children have the best protector to provide the safety and stability for the family unit ….. so when the silver back gets old , he is beaten by a younger silver back ,,,, not a teenager but a silver back who lived next dorr in peace for year yet now that the grandpa silver back has become weaker and ready to return to the TAO for this adventure of being thing ….. he beats his neighbor in battle , ( most gorilla battles do not end in DEATH or even real permanaent damage like broken bones , yet the great exercition the amount of energy used in the batlle leaves one who is older to realize it is time to pass on ….. in peace alone in his sleep like the old warrior Indian did as they walked away form the tribe to die in thie woods they hunted and called home …….

Infant I cide , is the cause of death in chimp and bonobo worlds to the common level of 14% ….. loads of babies die because of infanticide of males and very often females greedy or scard that the baby was born of the dnda , there by having the SCENT of the DOM tribal male ,,,, so a competive female will kill that moms baby given a chance …. Are we humans realy that bad , the we kill over 1 in ten of our neighbors children?

In Gorilla HAREM life , with a stable siver back ,,, infant i cide is almost un heard of ( ans what may have been seen could be mistake accidental or the example of ,, gentics mutation on the males part killing his own DnA kids ) even when comes to a new silver back taking over ,,,,, infant I icde is the choice … the choice of the female who wants to create strong alliance or bond or HIERACRHY with that new silver back …. It is not the silver back going around hunting and killing babies …. It has been noticed that it is a result of a female wanting to form GREEDY ? selfish bods with that new sivler back .. and sacrificing her youngest ….. to the new god .

Think dumbass about us , over millions of years developing more complex language when goriila nd chimp can be taught to commucate with us to levels like ar 4 or 5 year human child ….. they store and remember sign language very well and form complex disccusions asking us about our famly and friendships ,, not just asking for a TV show or a banana ….. they ask deep questions like a 5 year would …. Think how much we have changed letting language change us ,,,, us who are very loving …… we accept and adopt the young of our females very easy , we love seeing a hppy woman with child , andaccept her as our wife and woman very easily …… without killing the kids one out of 10 ,,, and then remember myth has a basis in facts
The EVIL step mother ,,,,, the sublte infant I cide …. Of the female who marries the rich man and then wants her own offspring to receive the benfit of her search for a DOM male …. Dom in the competive tribal world as compared to the co-operative world of an expanding harem society , yes , the you teen must find a neww farm he must be smart enough to create a territory out side of the … ideal or perfect local …. Thus we … the RUNT genencitally of another great ape litter was forced to live in marginall areas , and like nature always does it gives what it takes away in hopes the animals will surive , the almost blid hear and smell better …… the runt ape living out side of the jungle in the savannahs or the slatwater coast line learned to live on different foods …. No longer able to create comfy beds each night from fresh leaves … I lived in rocky caves …. It played with rocks instead of saplings ,,,,, it had to run from the fires of the savannah ecosystem 1 , 2 , 3 times a year , it ate , the popped corn , or wheat puffs ( surgar smacks to you and me wheat puffs heated grass seed , wheat is grass ) ….. our paly created fire which made old wheat seed better to eat ,,,, it smoked and cooked animals cought in the fire , the meat tasted bdifferent it lasted longer with out getting green and smelly filled with maggots …. We the runt of the gorilla ape world , being forced to be creative ,,, forced to develop … lone male TERRITORY … instead of the support of the chimp tribe world where males stay inside of the tribe for life ,,,, there is no need for the LONE MALE TO BE SO CREATIVE like in the gorilla world and a gorilla forced out of paradise because he was smaller or thinner a runt of the litter , this runt of the litter being the smaller one , happens all the time a very common gentic condition …..

I keep wanting to remind you of you HARME NATURE ….. because ,,, there are no NO GOOD MOVIES OUT THERE SHOWING THE ……. SOUL MATE nATURE OF THE HAREM … FAMILY ! …. We only have the fairy tale of the 1 on 1 …. Within a tribal world … where there is great evidence that we are co-operatively harem based … where are the movies from HOLLY WOOD showing us the programming of happy harem familys….. where is the pretty dresses of marriage for the young woman who is joining the harem family ? the ahrem family may feel like FAILURE of the fairy tale …. A second best life …. When in fact it is the NATURAL LIFE OF US HUMANS …. Us the greates average number who are not really that greedy .. you may think you are greddy but think about this will you really work just for money just for greed ? without having some emotional tie to the work ? on average you will not work just for money for long ….. look at this if you like th product you will get involved … if the idea that this company slapped the face of FDA and the surgar and atirifical sweetners industry … to produce something great with STEVIA …. Then yu0 will join to make $ and do something good , but to just make $$$ only ? you will not do it on AVERAGE …. The un-anverage the mutated greddy human ,,, ohhhh he will get rich with this idea …. Who are you dipshit ? ain’t nothing worng with buying your way out of ecominc slavery money lis like a gun ….. a gun does not shoot itself … money is just paper …

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

teasing the clit

Teasing the clit

Young master , rubbed thru her dress or pants the attention ,,the devoted attention to her in her your life is something she craves like a child craves the attention of mom or dad ,,,,, and the stimulating of her clit brings her back to the basic reason we both got together , it was actually for sex , no matter what else we went thru in terms of learning about each other personalitilies , a good and very very valid important aspect of building freidnships , but the event of sexual fun , is the CLINCHER In the relationship moving onward ….. so any playful clit stimutlation helps bring her back to realizing what is important , brigning both of you back to your roots ….. root chachra stuff ……… things that really feel the best in life ….

Now being polite is a fact trained into us ,,, even more so it is part of the loving nature of loving animals , we males do not on average realy rape except when we are trained to think of the female as some one BENEATH us …. I am not talking under as in under me while I drill my drill in and out of her pussy ,,, the act she desires …. But beneath as if she was UN IMPORTANT ,,,, now that is a SYMPTOM of the ages of training from organized groups wanting something from you …. They pumped up the groups of humans years ago , getting everyone excited over some thing BRIGHT AND SHINEY ,,,, an described a plan for warfare and how to gain that bright and shiniy goal ….. the teaching of they are UN WORTHY , BENEATH US , we are the CHOOSEN FEW …. WELL THAT mind set became something that human brought into their familys ,,, and put women under men in importance , instead of understanding the yin and yang ,,,, hell I would not be here if it was not for a woman , who liked to get fucked! Mommy liked getting fucked .

The compounding generations of sublte brain washing or programming of training of using a book OF GOD .. to justify the greed of the leader the richest people who like being in power and being worshiped ….. and thus we have the male who does not realy love women because he is confused because of his training …. Confused because he has never seen any other relationship form . he does what he sees ,,, monkey see monkey do …..we are just evolved monkeys ,,,, a different style of monkey called apes … and we are really smart we do learn what we see …. MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO …. We are able to learn . from our models . the generations of warfare ecomonys the idea of taking slaves , and treating them as less than human , since the rules of warfare are win or die , so the losers are only alive because of our inner nature of kindness , which is being being confused because of the greed for the bright and shiny things of the world ……

But dipshit what realy feels BEST TO YOU ….. I am dipping into the teaching of Ester and Jerry hicks …… what feels best ? if you took a hunk of bright and shiny stuff and putt in on the ground ,,, and touched it looked at it ,,,, then compared doing that to touching a girls clit , watcheing her reactions , did the hunk of gold react? ,,,, when you feel the wetness of that excited pussy ,,,, your feel excited you are involved with something that is responding to you ,,, does the hunk of bright and shiny gold , move squirm warm up or wet ?

Rub your hard dick acroos the humk of gold what will happen you will eventually build a callous … and if you rubb your dick in and out of a hot wet open expsed submitting pussy ,,, you make milk and get softer healthy dick skin …..

Money or gold or the bright and shiny is not what you desire deep inside you , now the attention you get by having bright and shiny shit , is something you want ….. ATTENTION ,,,, when you drive that CAR YOU WANT ,,,,, you will get attention … and it is that attention actually that you realy want sure ,,,, the action of driving the car riding the cycle , going fishing at 50 mph ….. in your fast boat is fun and does feel good , but somewhere in that fishing trip is the idea of sharing the event with another human … it is the tellsing the story later , the inviting of freidnds to enjoy your Bright and shiny ,.,,,,, your boat that really is behind the buying of the fast boat ,,,, eventually.

When in fact you as a LIVING BEING …. Love …. Love …. You like interacting , you like being wanted ,,, so when I stimulate that pussy I create a flood of hormones , that make her want me bad ….. good fun …..

The basic theme of Ester is for us humans to realize that living and finding the dppest best feelingsof the world you live in now .. willl help you bring into your life more of that ,,,, the best ,,, sure you think movies like the secret are all about making money buying happy ness thru owning something bright an shiny so people can oooooohhh and ahhhhh over you , give you attention ….. when in fact the ideas are foryou to realize you can have that BEST feeling in petting a fucking cat , you can have the bright and shiny everyday by waking up to meet the sunshine ….. and well me , saying you can get that best , by licking pussy ….. they all tell you find tha happy happy , stay focused on that and the LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE …. When you are feeling good you attract good things , when you bummed the day form bad to worse ….. and well a life is made up of days , daysar made up of events , and evnts are made up of our feelings about them ,,, is this the best or even good or does this sucks fucking shit ….. and if it sucks shit what is the butterfly and daisy outside the prison window of that experience that minute that now …..

So dumbass , I tell you to think about trying to developa new life style …. An life alternative … since the 1 on 1 has many factors which are INHERENTLY not supportive of your DEEPEST DNA nature …… over an over I gotta get you dumbass to think , this is not a sound bite you can do with out thinking like you live now ,,,just doing the same things that your father did … just because he did it .or just because your friends do it ,,, dumbass open your mind and think

Now the tour of duty the building of $$$ to buy your way out of Ecomonic slavery …… buying out of ecominc slavery …. This period of time takes ,just that TIME , the day to dday experience of TIME SPACE …. The empering of your desire , you can easy fall back into the expectations of your freidns and fathers before you ,,,, living just for the GREEED of the bright and shiny not understanding the deepest reasons you want bright and shiny shit ,,,, since , to be stuck on an island alone with a great car will become loney ,,, and eventually you would rather be stuck on an island with three girls who ,,, love life and interactions , like sucking on you cock ,,, that tail pip of your car on the deserted island will not enjoy sucking your cock in fact is can not suck your cock , it will not get pleasure from watching and hearing you feel pleasure ,,,,

The tour of duty ….. helps you prove to yourself ,,, what you realy want to see what may distract you ,,,, survivial of the fittest .

Monday, March 24, 2008

sound bite , oowwwlieee

Sound bite , owwwie

Ok young master this blog will not be about the stimulation of ENDORPHINE thru sexually biting your lover …… that high of the firm feel of teeth on random and sleected parts of the female body ,,,, or how this action on your part to hear her submission or her desire for the bite ,,,,,, goes all the way back to the nicking during coupulation of animals still in the DNA strands we carry yes diluted over time ane experiences of generations of ape and humans but still , that high she gets from a firm bite ,,,,, the idea that you have in you the DNA of the Dinosaur our common cousin with the bird ( some birds are 1 on 1 for life but remember we broke away from them to grow out of the mammals line of DNA strands ….. 100+ million years ago ,,, birds went one way we went another … we meaning hairy live birth animals with tits ….. no today is not about how if she does not repond with submission and delight you RECOIL in instinctual confusion as she takes the DOM position sexually , the drivers seat as you do your best to dance around what you ASS- U – ME ,,, assume she wants , when in fact she often does not know what she realy wants because she expects LOVE to be like the models she is fed ,, thru TV and magazxines and stories from friends and the dreams ,,, the failed fairy tale dreams of her own mother ,,,, who lives ther romanaitc dreams , vicariously . thru their daughters like men live their sprots dreams thru their sons …. In lil’league baseball no todays blog is not about how if she

Really thought for herself really felt her EMOTIONAL GUIDANCE SYSTEM ….. she would realize that she is the PENTRATED ,,,, just look at the movie GOOD LUCK CHCUCK for example it is funny to the MASSES ,the average person because of the depth and thruth behind the common themem and images ,,, the images of girl after girl getting fucked …… allowing themselves to be PENETRATED in one way or another …. Hint hint ,,, submission . the permiting of PENTRATION BY A …….. PENIS A PENTRATOR …..

No today is about the idea that I can not describe or stimulate your thoughts thru the SOUND BITE ….. because the sound bite dsicusion the RETROICAK discussion is based on the idea that both parties are socialized and think in common manners about certain topics ….. and well is so different that you can not be emotionally triggered into expected states of respinse in a simple disccusion about INSTINCTUALISM when you have not done some of your OWN deep thinking ….. it is why my writing is so hard to read ,,,, I nned you to go on a roller coaster of THOUGHTS …. So that I get a reader is is free to think for themselves , free of the PROGRAMING THEY think ,, you think you are not VICITM of you think you think for yourself , but YOU ON AVERAGE , think the thoughts of your parenst with a slight change in the outward appearance ,,, a fashionable or SYMPTOMACTIC change ,,, not true deep feeling of your EMOTINAL GUIDANCE SYSTEM ,,,, the touching of your complex DNA strand .
So when this weekend while we had an Easter party and people coming and going all weekend and I of course am in vloved in the discussion about why I am selling my piece of THE DRIVE ….. I can not explain it in a 30 second sound bite , in fact I can not explain it in terms of things like relationship symptoms or in comparison ot other relationship sounseling forms … because I need the person I talk to to be in TOUCH the girls I talk to ,,,,,, since this weekend I like spent 1 male ( me ) with like 8 to 10 girls …… I need the person I talk to be able sense her won SUBMISSIVE DEEPEST NATURE to be able to describe sex in terms of REALITY that she is the PENTRATED , but she can not because that would mean , admitting her …. Fairy tale …. Is not congruent with her DNA …..

To discuss would be to easy when she thinks about it , when she looks at the DNA strand ….. and her own real deepest desires , her own HORNY-NESS ….. an plus with out the 3 tents , as PROPS FOR THE DISCUSSION ….. the 3 single family homes , the human sized homes and the alive with food territory prop ,,,, things to be explored on the human housing pages and free food pages of …….. it makes talking about my whys ,,, talking about the evidence of the DATING STRESSES very hard ,,,, ohhh she n=knows about dating stress , again I refer to common arts , which has to touch COMMON feeling of COMMON people because of a COMMON e[pxerience I go back to GOOD LUCK CHCUCK the movie ,,,, to the movie enchanted ….. the dating stress themes ,,, the STRESS the PAIN THE HURT … THE DESIRES for changes it can not be explained in the same amount of time it takes to generate the flood of hormones , relaxing the female into the desire of wanting ,,,NEEDING penetration ….. the bite on a lip or ear or neck ,,,, the touch to her breast , and body , the feeling of being penetrated by a simple finger ………. All this happens quickly bringin up the DNA URGES , that are behind the DATING insanity of the 1 on1 ,,,, the relationship most common in the DNA that broke off from mammals contless millions of years ago ….. we the DAN atrand that has many many forms of Harems ….. AND co-operative society groups .complex ideas

Saturday, March 22, 2008

69 ing is better than 52 ing

69ing is better than 52 ing
first young GORILLA , I wanna talk about a quality fairy tale a great escape from reality …… the dream of HOLLYWOOD …. Jerry Maguirre that movie about a sprots agent …… its got foot ball a good demanding bitch Dom bitch fucming scene , it has the CLASSIC LOVE story and soul mate concept ,,,,, the fairy tale ,,,,

the gorilla you is ABLE to live alne in fact that is how he proves and builds his territory ,,, he is not HALF A MAN unable to live without …. Not complete without his 1 true love ….. the DNA ape in you the REAL man in you is not a MAMA’S BOY ….. who needs EVE to think for him he is Capable to act to be to forge a life sutable for the female of the species to be safe secure and having time to raise her young …….

But the Fairy tale ,, subtley fed into your expectations thru touchy feely programming and the use of HORMONE , sexual Frustrtaions … of not matingg frequently ,,, mating is another word for ,, 69 … something enjoyed in the APE world , again read the page mating behavior go down to the description of our 99% DNA cousing the chimp called Bonobo .. we car cousins not the same but similar … ok ,,, in the movie , good old whatever his name …… is stressed because he is unemployed to stressed to fuck a woman he loves because he is an APR without the money to create a stable territory for a female he desires and her young ,,, WE ARE FRIENDLY CARING ANIMALS ….. this is why they break up ,,,, he is the gorilla without the territory , living in the insanity which is the thought form ECOMONY …. Un natural state . later when he makes the cash he is able to realize his love …. He is PROUD AMLE …..

Ahhhhh but the moral of the story is TWISTED … to program everyone for the fairy tale of love the soul mate , where he is empty without her ,,, YES I AM EMPTY WITHOUT THE FAMILY AND FEMALE ….. yes true , but it has been twisted ,,, the gorilla builds the rritory not so her can live alone , but so he can provide for people he loves , the gorilla faces the leporads or lions or hunter human , to protect the family because it is OUR DEEPEST DNA INSTINCT …. Love. Ttrue …… but they / we have been twisting this idea and using sexual frustration the MARLIZING OF SEX ACTS .. the illegalizing of sex … and marriages since the days of PHAROH … to create twisted minds controllable and usable for the armys and the greeddy . temember the 1 on 1 laws of Rome … the timinf of marriage to insure the male would have to be a soldier a warrior first before he had the right to get pussy andhave a fmily ,,,, that deepest of our natural urges ….

In this movie you see the TWISETED CONFUSIONS OF THE HURT …. HURT female , demanding life be a fairy tale they join in groups to complain about how the fairy tale did not work out again and again …… you see the real life evidence of the life you lived … young master but it ends HAPPOLY EVER AFTER ,, with the 1 on 1 fairy tale ,,, the hero found out he was HALF A MAN without her …

Wow ,. So girls you should be looking for a ½ man , go date a mama’s boy since he is half aman he can not live on his own , like a WHOLE MAN LIKE THE PROTECTIVE GORILLA OR MASTER …. Girl go out and find a drunk whose other half is the bottle of booze or can of beer … find the looser junkie find half a man ,,, so you can complete him …….. sounds real fucking smart ! half a man …

Jerry and ester hicks , the entertainers known as Abrahan/Hicks … iver and over talk about the whole person , especially when talking about relationships … and love .. the UN-NEEDY human experience ,,,, the gorilla male is un needy ,,, he provides safety and food developed over time , and he protects this area , and is availbe for fucking ans sucking when the female is horny ….. simple INSTINCTUAL …… the amster is not HALF A MAN .

Ok , 52 and 69 …… the programming of fear thru news ,, the headlines are the arrival of DRUGG RESISTANT T.B. Ahits England ,, be afraid be afraid ,,, divide and conquer us with fear ,,, ecomony make sure we live in a state of fear ,,,,, so what the biggest out break of this die- ease amoung humans , was in a bunch of stressed out pepele struggleing to live like Americans in poor citys , fighting for the ever powerfull dollar , often selling themselves for that money as sex toys in an unregulated natural service industry ,,,,, if it were regulated there would be safety factors for everyone , keep it illegal keep it underground out of site and the rich people have slaves scared to come into the light of day because of fear of jail …. Sex industry or drug use ,,, laws create underground slavery ….. in tha bigg dangerous out break 53 people die in this backward AFRICAN NATIon , AMONG Aids already infected human group …. 52 people died over months ….

This weekend in the UNITED STATES ….. more than 52 people will die in their cars while rushing back and forth in our stressed out world , they will most often die because of theat person who hates living so much they live thru POISINING themselves with drugs and alchol ,, the drunk driver …… the HALF A MAN OR HALF A WOMAN , who is looking to live in the fairy tale promised them in all the story that created all this evil and Jon from KORN described in snakes and laddrs ,,,t he constant fairy tales told to you by MOMMY and the TV. The expectation of you first girls friends when you were a teen , thr confusion and frustration that made the now drunk irrrespsonible human ape who is controlling a 5000 lb piece of metal while he is POISINED …… some one who just ……….. __________ ( oooh here you are expected to insert your own thoughts , think for yourself)

Friday, March 21, 2008

eve with fangs

Eve with fangs

Wow I got a letter asing if I am cheating? Wow the thinking in terms of all that we have to think in terms of …. Is part and parcel of the diffuculty of starting something as truthfully DIFFERENT as instinctualism is ……… the whole concept of lie-ing cheating , hiding being UN – INSTINCTUAL to yourself young mater is whay you do nto date before you finish the compound atleast not date with any hint of LTR in that dating ,, sex and friendship only …. Of get her into understanding you up front so that while you are building she is understanding

NO CHEATING when you rlife is an advertisement that you will have 3 wives …. Where is the cheating ? and why would you cheat dumbass ?

The letter asked me , am I cheating , did I break up with Deb? And the answer is no to both ….. but the dynamics between my reality and terms of phrasing and expereices , and you the vanilla world is very different …… did we Deb and I Break up NO ….. yet she can not really FEEL the INSTINCTUALISM reality until it is a reality …then if she chooses to not live with me it will NO BE A BREAK UP , it will be freedom of choice in respect and the deepest of love and wish for her happiness on my part to she her develop her newer life …. So as we live together now , as I sell my lil’piece of paradise on the water to free up my investments ( you young master will not tie your money up in an investment not liquid like mine , you young master go to the training page for investment vehichles suggested for you ) as it sells , I will lucky be in a position to hekp my daughter to establish herself here in this great area the Treasure Coast of Florida and since she and Deb have a great relationship .. Deb will stay here while I build what is my passion to build to maek real for myself and the proving of ideas for my sons to have another choice of life style when they grow up ,,,, yes and for you dipshit to get real time expience reading thru the blogs …..

When the compound is done then I will…. Cheat ! but it will not be cheating … since the STATEMENT of having three home is there hard in wood and concrete and tree and drivesways etc …. It will not be cheating to start and INSTINCTUALISM group in the bedroom city of the large region city ,,,,, it will not be cheating to work my ten foot circle and then invite the women I talk to to my TAOIST meetings , where they comfotabley can be INTRODUCED ,.to me! No cheating no hiding no lieing just FREEDOM OF CHOICE .

The Fangs of EVE ,, a woman at the weekly art show has a piece of work where EVE has fangs well that started a disccusion between her and I ….. at most I will contact her thru the WEB so that she can explore other ideas about EVE and evolution outside of her Christian based fansty world …. To think of EVE as a myth used to describe the evlovution of SUBTLE FEMALE CONTROL OVER HAREM MALES THRU SEX AND POLITICS , …..eve with fangs ..!!! the lies that eve does not even allow herself to realize she is telling the world .

Wow , I can see a whole thread of blogs arising from today …

One a young lady has been hovering around the art show for months ,,, her body language and mine I am sure commucate ,,, and deb has body language ….. that in relationship to what it would be like if the 3 tents and a camel were already built ….. because without the 3 tents .. NOTHING IS REALLY REAL ! … the stress is unnatural .

That above event really will bring up things like attractions thru advertising , thru the way a girl dresses ,,, the real person who is female who when she is naked and I would be touching her wetness ,,, my attraction would be great , as compared to seeing this female not dressing in the common advertisng sexy manner ….. as compared to lets say Deb … who is a very very sexy attractive woman at all times … YET this other girl is a very nice person

Who will my other women be ? see right now iam surrounded by a w2orld full of people who maybe reading my shit and I do not know who you are , I walk down my street and go to work and on occasion some one will refer to my writings , but …. But …. Every onw knows I write ! and no one refers directly to a blog ,,, and that is understandable , who … would ,, be so BRAVE as to show their face to talk in public …. Look at the WEB you all are very BRAVE here ! the place you can lie and hide who yu realy are …. Me I can not and do not ! …… in fact while I was advertising for my INSTINCTUALISM group meetings ,,,, in newspapers magazines and on the web ehll you all had my home telephone number ….. it makes my RIGHT NOW difficult like I am half in the closet , since I do not want to meet another woman here in this situation …… it is just wrong! 1 home is wrong for 3 women ….. the ecominc reality I live here is just wrong ….. for 3 women ….

I can see some good blog streams coming from this …. The stress of Deb right now is a good blog , I can not feel her feelings I can only read what ever body language I see as being a Repititious and most of the time ,,,,,,, the ass-u-me ….. the assumptions I make because of repeated body language . and the fact that we humans lie even to OURSELVES . yet assumptions does make an ass out of you and me …. Assume … ass- u – me …..

Thanks for reading people thanks for commenting and writing ,,,,, and no I am not cheating no I have not broken up …… but yes I am expanding my base of friendships and yes I allowing for the best happiness of the indivilual and freedom of choice with the greatest life stability I can provide to be expressed in my world for everyone who I care about .

Thursday, March 20, 2008

a vision of pussy

A vision of pussy

Young master this is called , this tech. idea is called a vision board I am sure I have refered to it before let me explain it more in depth go to .. and you can read this blog and see what the fuck I am talking about

First what do you see ,,, do you see pussy pussy pussy , do you see a dildoe in that young womans asshole? Do you she the other smiling intensely as she is fisted ? what caught you eye the mountain scenes or the SEX ? the family scenes or the soft chick exposed in the woods? I want you to realize how much you love for the search for FANASTY masturbatory content

When I fact I want to get you to think about concepts important and life changing ….. life changes to get you living in a NOW instead of DREAM …… but the future is started with those dreams so dreaming is good , but how do you feel while you dream , what is your vibration ,,, your feelings about the life you are living today ,,,, OK some of the conditions of your life today are and were created by peopke other than yourself ,,, from PARAMETERS …… parameters like living in an agreement of rules about how ATOMS will react ,,, a common thread for us to experience time and space without it becoming a chosa of each person doing some sort of META PYSHICAL MAGIC … each person acting like a god and being all pwerfull … breaking up an agreed upon structure of equall ….. so if you are the type of person who wants to USE the TAO for yuour own benefit or the benift of mankind like the Emperors of old who hired sages to advise them ….
If this is you today who wants special control and pwer outside of the normal ,, because you are so fucking spirituall advanced , well you are breaking the agreements of this reality …. Which says , sure you can effect your future thru INTENT AND WANTTO …. Within the rules of the game

And rule number one is enjoy what you got , even if that shit you got is very UN-ENJOYABLE , find the daisys and butterflys outside the prison windows , enjoy the air you breathe , enjoy the idea that you even breathe at ALL !! enjoy feel good , honestly feel good .. while yes having some dreams about other things …..

It is feeling good now and feeling good later ,,, but when you feel bad in a HERE AND NOW , you vibration is what? If the vision board is your only happiness and day to day is terrible …. You major vibration is one onf terrible ,, and you create a tomorrow full of more terrible . there is a subtle MESSAGE here …… you understand when you are it ……

So back to the vision board it is full of things that I feel good about , it is not that my day to day life sucks ,,,,, and if ind escape in my vision boards ,,,, no ,,,, I live in an almost fucking paradise ,,,, I breathe the air I have , I see the birds and flowers and butterflys all around me … and I have dreams about a life to come , so I feel good and I notice good and I then notice more good as time goes by I keep noticing good stuff , the block by block atoms by atoms ,,, experiences come my way ,,, and will come your way , in fact everything in you way ,, your world is the atms built by your expectations built upon the events of your arrival here ,,,, the game you came to play , you game into a HELL OF A FAMILY …. Well that was your Tao game for yourself …..

There are NUTS on the board ,, there are trees on the board , there is the 5 acres site plan ( available for review on the human housing page of instinctualism ) theres is the starter house plan the rib construction plan…… ok balance that again with PUSSY ,,, the girl positioned like a puppy on the left she is chunky she is HEALTY ,, sshe is soft …. Not unhealthy wehre she would benefit from returing to an instinctualsit diet for 1 year ,,,, eating real fresh foods with a … 1 .. only 1 meal prepared or restuant meal per week …. Eating real foods fresh fruits drinking WATER ( aqua es vida ! ) ….. that giel is healthy now an behind her is a window , looking out to another visibale buildking whit tons of nature around ,,,,, ahhhhh my vision of fucking in the future in 1 of the bedrooms of 1 of the girls homes ….. a soft young lady , like I have now over lover looking natrure presenting herself like a puppy for my penetration .

There is solar panels , there is a copy of the book Zhuangzxi the sounds of nature TAO-ism ….. there are pictures of friends and family (the faces BLOCKED OUT HERe on the web for respect to their privacy but for me my copy I see friends and family I will see in my NOW creating assembling future ) the is a picture od cherry fruit and almonds ,,,,, there is a Green living roof system being installed …. There is a girl fucking herself with a thihc dildoes , look at her face and see the espression of PENETRATION as she is forcing the CARROT PLUG into her self into her hole ….. there is pictures of my own sex …… again I would not be a GENTLe MAN if I did not respect the young ladies whose fotos I used so I blicked out there body parts … but for me I remember the afternoon or day ,,,, I remember how ike the SPORTS CUFFS instead of hard dangerous hand cuffs or the danger behind TIGHTENING knots of ropes ….. I think about how that DIKDOE with the suction cup is easy to control and thrust , the balls sack , is good for rubbing up angaisnt her clit and how with the 2headed HITACHI one head on the suction cup and one on her clit shaft ,, I get great SQUEEKY SOUNDS ….

The picture of me , is 2 fold sure is was a great shot ,,, I s was well lodged deeply in her and with drew enough shaft to allow for a good foto ,,,, but myself mike most people in general ,, am not accustomed to seeing there own body in a FOTO ,,, your realy hate your won body ,,,, when we are all different shapes sizes ,, we are human …. But because we are not MODELS , we look at ourselves our bodys with disgust ,,, I need and want to change that ,,,, sure I am cool with my back cover book foto , me the fisherman ,,,, but me the NAKED mpw there I arrive in unchareted acceptance . yet that foto is of GOOD VIBRATION a great memeory …….

Still the fotos should bring up great feelings ,, not remind of how LIFE SUCKS NOW ….. but in and of themselves enhance the best of what ever is your TODAY …… yet the girl botton right corner ,,, is a BITCH …. ( Ohhhh the girls you see their faces , they are stock porn used to stimulate the idea that I will be meeting strangers again not just people I now know ) …… the POSER BITCH …… the EVE …. To resist her is for her to persist ,,,, there will be rainly days in your futer just like today ,, aceeptance not resitance , what you resist persists …… so I put in a girl who was not in her fot enjoying her body , every other girl had the feeling of some one who was actually enjoying the activity they wwere being fotographiced doing , except her she was a for profit bitch .( oooh I know all the others did it for the $ also , but their fotos also show they entered their ZEN state of living the experience )

Look not just at the sex , but balance a vision board with sailing ,,,, and family , and stuff , now pring a copy or two and place it your briefcase or tool box some where …. Where you will every now and then look at IT …. Not some where you remeind yourself how TIDAY SUCKS and you will be happy WHEN …. Being happy WHEN …… it is meant to accent life , a teaspoon full of surgar mixed inta an already OK Aadventure called HUMAN LIFE . ( ohh you make this with simple cut and pastes )

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

the goodest part of fucking

The goodest feeling of fucking

Young master , feel the good feelings the reasons why you like doing things , think about them as much as possible , sure acknowledge the thing that passes into you life that is not so good , try to understand it , then create and idea a plan to alter that ,,,,, but retrun to ght activity of doing that which is pleasnt ASAP …….. the real activity not the dreams of doing something some day … but the what you can do now , do that . this is about the health care aspect of your life and the life of your family , the deep programmed in concern about the fear of life and death and of pain and discomfort ,

The slow idea that we allow into our lives and bodys states of decay and dis-ease … when in fact the body is very well designed to live healthy , again I go back to nature to wild animals who live and have lived without the help of MEDICAL doctors long before man learned to write the animal who we now worry about like our pets , what happened to that animal why does it need the help of a HUMAN doctor to stay alive when it’s body is desgned to not be sick ,,,, the animal in nature is NOT sick unless it is stressed .

You dumbass do not get sick until stressed , the compounding of stress over years , the sugeestion that Dis ease is common then allows you to accept the idea that you SHOULD be getting sick , you expect to catch colds and get sick or develop cancer while the evidence is that our bodys create mutated cells all the time and destroy them as they arrive through out life ….. but as you let youself get programmed ( A HARD THING TO AVOID it is shoved down our throats from the second we arrive here in this human life , it comes from every other human we talk with .)

The idea of of chasing what feel good , really feels good m now poisoning your self into NOT FEELING , is not the same as feeling good ,,,,,, getting high or drunk is not feeling good as much as it is masking pains and loss in your life ….. yes it does feel good because your life sucks so much . you have forgotten what feeling ,, realy feeling good is like . even the happy activities you used to engauge in are now tainted with the memeory of thinking while doing them , thinking about the problems of your life …….. you can love fishing or surfing , and while doing that you can get totally into the ZONE of living ion the now being ZEN …… but when you start to think about the pain of your last break-up … the worry about your last girlfriend . or your job or car payments ,,, during your fun time ….. you are no longer totally ZEN in the activity any more ,,, and this starts to happen over and over till , your fun time becomes like the rest of your life and the only way to make that activity fun again is to be HIGH while doing it ……. To stop FEELING .

Now the great feeling of fucking …… I think you should take some time to watch some porn for STUDY , whether you have an active girlfriend or not ,,,, it is the idea of the study of watching the pleasure the girl gets while getting fucked ….. you can not see and understand or think about what is happening while it is your cock doing the fucking …. I KNOW , that porn is mainly ACTING , but is you watch some of it ,,,, the cheap shit type that is just fucking and sucking shots , you will notice some are ,,,,, true cumm shots on the parts of the girls , the male is easy to tell if he is cumming a woman can and does fake it often ,,,,, THE CUMMM actually is even not so important , it is the acceptance of the pentration I want you to realize that is happening in the porno …… do not watch the cock or even the pussy or asshole , but watch her body and face , read the emotions ,,, read the body language , read the state of muscles and facial tensions ….. legs and hands ,,, rmember or atleast compare later to whay your girl friend tells you thru her own body language ….

Seee , I understand at any second over half of us humans , that is 1 out 2 ,,, look areoung count 2 people 1 of them is single or soon to become single …. And because we are seuxall we will use something stimulate those organs functioning ,,, girls use the STORY the romance novel it is the porno of the mind , us males use real porno , not to say do not enjoy just a good TOKE of porno also , but it some thin you dipshit comsume often … to stimulate your sexuall oragans and blood flow ….. HEY IT IS SOMETHING THAT FEELS GOOD but try not to let it get tainted by thinking about the bummer shit of your past ….. keep it Zen .

Why study porno ,,,, I want you young dipshit ….. I want you to see her being held by her hips and getting fucking ,,, the PENTRATOR the male with a hard on forcing it over and over into the body of the submissive PENETRATED …… and how the subbie even moving in rhythm ov acceptance and desire a nd horny slutnness of ,, DO NOT STOP DO NOT STOP ……. Hey stopping ,,,, when she says do not , helps her to realize whay type of deep reality she is expressing ,,, that she is controlled ruled by HER FEEL GOOD SPOT ,,, the only real ZEN time of her life is when she is saying DO NOT STOP …. So when you stop and do the MASTER THING and say Do you want it ,, are you horny , give her a but slap and call her slut before you re-INSERT …… do yu think it does not effect her mind ,

What is her response , to you , does she take control , do you submit because you are begging for pussy ? how has sex really been for you in your past ….. UNDERTAND IT A BIT so you can create newer future more in harmony with the deepest NATURAL YOU . you the hard cock which is the FORCER …. She the one held by her hips to be fucked and PENTRATED ….. yet she the one who bangs backward in lust and ZEN pleaure. Do not stop do not stop …..

The key to health is the MORE THAN …ignoring of the concept of DIS EASE ,,,,, being in your life so deeply that we no longer are around programming of dis –ease needing companies and for protifts like doctors and drug companies ……. Being in your ZONE activities like fucking anturall , now when fucking itself brings in baggage like you brought it withyou on your surf board ,,,,, so that getting high was needed to earase life ….. well that sucks .

I want you to realize your life dipshit , the deep shit about the ecomony of $$$ the simple ideas of keeping $$$ moving around our own country istead of it going out side to build big skyscrapers in Saudia arabie or BuiDia ….. 60 billion a month , that can pay for the hydrongen eco system , after 5 years of war we ould have tatlly paid for the hydrogen ecomony , and the terrotist world would be bank rupt with out funding to maintain any terror organization ,,,,, and the world would have stopped the 90 % of gloabal warning ….. but NO! because you are to SCARED TO send a LETTER …. To say ,,, hey I UNDERSTAND ….. using gas to grown crops to make gas is stupid ther is negative results , when in only 3 states 3 out of fity ,,,, we do not even need windmills here on the vacation shore line ,,, we have loads of wind passing over empty miles and miles of the centra part of the us , in fact we have not even talked about the suspended water mill in the gulf stream which is very friendly to sealife yet catchs energy , and right there breaks it in to HH O …..

Think about thing that feel good , not just the anger of the warfare of them and us ,,,, realize , understand ,, plan , act … ( to get you to act it takes anger ,… then use that anger …. ) but move on to the next best comfy happy feeling thoughts . how about fucking ?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

a deep growling fuck

A Deep growling fucking

Young Master , the grunting you make as you cummmm maybe be the only releic of our nature , many many men do not talk during sex do not interact during the fuck ,,, sure it is part because we are focused in the sensations on our cocks , and in the nature that the male is not the talking member of this species …. But it is also in ,, the idea of fear of offending the girl ,,, the one who wants to SUBMIT . her whole body design is to be a curled up lil’ ball on her back her pussy and asshole exposed and then to let you fuckin penentrate her over ane over for the ENOJYMENT OF BOTH. And during this , is the sounds of the fucking yes the SLOOOP POP SLURP of you dick in her wet pussy is exciting . but the deep GROWL coming out you during thr fuck is exciting touching her deepest animal side while she is tied up in her DESIRED SUBMITTING posisition .

Now dipshit this DEEP SOUND and it’s assoiciation with sex is hearable , all around you ……. Every fucking day and understanding it could have stopped prevented the closing of BEAR STERNS and inbvestment bank ,,, how could my ideas of fuckina d sex and instinctual nature of the PENTRATED PUSSY effect ecomony ? what is about the deep sounds around US what are they …

Well fisrt dipshit ,,,, 60+ billion dollar of COMMON WEALTH is shipped out of the US every month , that is every month …. 60 billion the trade deficit is mainly OIL ….. and that defeicit is over 100 , that is our wealth leaving this land to enrich another land ….. that is you being a farner and giving away your food to the point you realize you do not have enough food for you and your family ,,,, simple comparison .
The sound of sexual ATTRACTION is the sound of the pipes of your car , not just you the punk 16 , 17 , 20’s but the sound of your dad at 40 buying his harley ,, buying that Chysler which has a designer exhaust to enhance the echoes an produce a GRUMBLE … where none was with old exhaust systems …. They actually design cars to grumble , to be strong sounding so that you dumb ass FEEL STRONGER and thus the females feel like you are the MALE OF THEIR FANSTY …….eve ,,,,, the spirit of eve …..

It is not truth of nature it is RE-CREATED nature .

Now dumbass for the cost of a fucking 40 cent stamp you can talk with that dumbass mother fucker in Washington who , thinks he knows what you are thinking ,,,, because the oil company told him what you think ….. the player of ecomony created situations to support themselves when it comes to attracting pussy ,,,, buying pretty young pussy , for part time toys behind the backs to the legal responsible of the 1 on 1 the female they married supported , yet the rich wife the smart rich wwife looks the other way ,,, as long as her trained husband does not , EMBARRASS her with his sexual toys girls ……

During the 90’s GM had a design to RE-FIT every exisiting car with a hydrongen power system ,,,,,, the car you now drive they can retro ift …… we have enough wind energy passing over 3 states to power the entiere country ,,,, that passied into water makes , H H O ,,, two atoms of hydrogen and 1 oxyengen … the cost of changing to a Hydrogen ecomny is only about 600 billion in governemt investment and backing ….. the cost of retro fitting the cars included ,,, the RIO , returnon investment when thinking about the US as a whole , the 60 billion amonth NOT LEAVING THE SHORES but being kept in our FARM , circulating thru out the country instead of leaving ,,, means the 600 billion would be recovered in 1 year ,,, that is 1 year ….. and we have the funds to back a Bear Stern buy out to the tune of 30+ billion , lost gone wasted money , the few humndred dollar tax checks this year again wasted money , since the drain of wealth will continue , the reality is with oil over $100 … we are being stupid ,,,

Because the SOUND OF THE GRUMBEL IS SEXY , the sound of electric the silent sound of power is SILENT not sexy , the sound of a HARLEY ? the sound of YOUR TRUCK .. the sounds of sex ….. so when you worry about you income ,,, your debt load , your future ,,,, you complain about gas going to $4 , when you see the Ice shelf melting ,, THE SUMMERS GETTING HOTTER , REMEMBER it would cost 40 cents to change it by sending the dumb mother fucker this blog ……… ooooooh actuall she would rather hear the grumbles coming out of your heart and chest while you are enjoying her act of sexual submission much more than the loud sounds of the pipes of your bike …… so be expressive during youf fucking young master . ( ohh the address to you senator is simple , your state name / senator , Washington DC ….. and guess what the post office will deliver the letter based upon just aht much of an address ,,,, you lazy fuck do it )

Monday, March 17, 2008

fucking penny

Fucking Penny

Ahhhh penny she is so good to you when you kinda understand her a bit she will be all around you , even though she looks like a man in a foto is is 100% girl ….. young master what the fuck am I talking about …. PENNY a girl who looks like a man ….. you know what the PACKAGING …. Is less important than the person and her psuuy feels the same as that girl who FIT THE CURRENT fashion model of CUTE …..the current fashion model has changed for decades what you think is cute today is not what was cute for males of history , historically there has always been changes in fashion even in body shape ,,,,, now the inner person who shares your vision of a full life and family ,, the person who is happy with that vision and that life is the friendly person you want in your harem …. And tied happlyly by her own free choice to a …. Puppy platform ….. to be teased and spanked and fucked till she is nuts screaming in continous orgasisms and sensations ….. a girl who after getting untied would call you a BAD MAN yet want to ge fucked like that maybe even torrrow aor later that same day ….. this girl is beautiful .

But what if she looked like a man ….. well they do not look like men they look like themselves , the girl I am talking about is the girl reference to thing …… like a car is thing and we call it she ,,, welll a PENNY is a thing and I have called her she and well if you look it looks like a MAN….. that little unnoticlable unimportant thing …. Maybe like a girl who does not catch your attention but once UNDERSTOOD respected brought into your lie would be the greatest lover and friend and femeale you could ever call yours … the PEENY is the same that little HIT ….. of cash the 1 cent ,,, once understood how with 400,000,000 people all giving just one more penny , like .9 of a gas price sign ….. just 1 of those .9’s is 4 million dollars … always looking at money in terms of the BIG HIT amking that big dollar can be a trap , when in fact it is the recurring income of pennys that will give you security in ECOMOINC TERMS …. And $ and understanding it has a part in your life , because we want to co-exisit with the world around us , just have freedom from the salvery of traps hidden in the ecomony …. Gets lo9ts of little PERCENTS … per cents … cents … pennys , from many different streams all come together to form 4,000,000 dollars …..

But $ will not buy happiness , the more money you make the more you depend on that income stream for the HAPPINESS of the DRUG of buying shit ,,, the DRUG of buying shit ,,, of buyinig lifes BLING THINGS … if feels like happiness , well so does crack cocaine ,, it feels like happiness while you are able to purchase that high ,, that drug ,,, so is the 6
$6.00 producing in her or you that rush that high that feel good . I was watching and listening to a couple ,,, who ending up fighting ,,, then smiling ,,,, she NEEDED , 6 dollars ,,, she NEEDED a THING … A THING ….. a bling ITEM …. Something she muchof in her life , but today to support her high she NEEDED just one more hit o9f the DRUG of PURCHASING … something anything …… and she had to ask her male for an OK ,,,,,, to make the choose not of her but of him ,, asking him , CAN I SMILE BY , BUYING MY WAY INTO SMILING ….. and

and he said NO , but then the ADDICT started pouting ,,, the damage of his ego forn not releasing a simple 6 dollars ,,,, and he remeinded her of the shooping Friday night , the dinner out Saturaday and now the lunch at the St. pattys parade they had spent enough cash this weekend she did not NEED ,,,,, NEEED …. ( like it was air to breathe , need ) she did not NEEEEED ! that stupid magnetic braclet/necklace ………… it was not a need , it was a drug the constant high and low of a DRUG ……. The JUNKIE getting her fix , him , T-shirts and jeans , SHE fashionabley relaxed trendy dressed with proper ACCESSORIES …… dipshti really feel the difference in things like the way we hide our body with shit like bling and clothes , realize you may have some fashion clothes but you honestly are happy ,,, with or with out fashion clothes ( if not …… if you have to have the fashion label ….. hmmmmm you are an interesting male , )

the drug of a fucking PENNY ………. ( is hse friend or foe , she is friend once understood , the tool for purchasing territory which is then legally yuours and you will not have other gorillas coming by to confront you for your harem …… AHHHH example of the friendly co-operative nature of the AVERAGE human …… the penny is interesting )

Sunday, March 16, 2008

wild house pussy

Wild house pussy

Young master have you not yet learned not to judge my blogs by their titles ….the package designed created for display tio gain interst ,, you and your big truck ( sumb move as gas creeps toward #$4 ) the makeup of the girl the dress which is colorfull sttracting attention to me , an d only me ,, selfishneesss is in both of us this look at me . I am spcial . this dis-ease we have allowed ourselves to become .

And it is dis ease , the sexual stress of dating the hinting of what is a natural urge in both of us ….

But actuall today is about the Tao again , this aspect is important as much as writing things that are of a MASTUBATORY NATURE things to stimulate your fansty life ….writing about sex or looking at the pics everywhere of NUDE HUMAN ANIMALS ,,,, no trucks no make up and clthes

The wild house cat ,,,,, my fisherman past is to always have catsa round , an to watch that they are all different they have PERSON- AL – ITY … each different the offspring of genenrations of house cats so easly fall back into their wild roots ….. yet the free food of the though form ecomony , the surgary sweet salty tastes of bagged cat food keeps the coming back even though I watch them hunt and eat prey from the wild also . so,e develop closer relationships withus humans some do not , so realy enjoy getting rubbed by me and picked up and played with , some do not , and they like to play with each other , they clean each other play with each other even as adults ….. the looks and lack of looks they commucazte with each other ….. friendly co-opeartive

To day while on my runn a group of guys was un packing their trucks to go fishing as I passed one guy with his hands full said to his buddy YO give me a hand here , and his buddy jokinly brought me a total stranger into their world by saying get that guy running by to help may hands afull also , so the cordial greeting of ggod morning and good luck were exchanged as I passed by ……… FRIENDLY CO-OPERATIVE HUMAN ANIMALS NATURE ….. we are not inherently EVIL on average

Sure a tiney percentage of us will be born mutated to express variations in DNA and Genes that are Socio-Pathic , greddy non co-opearative very selfish to the point of destrictive , but it is not the greater average , it is the Friendly greater average nature of mankind that allowed us to get this fucking populated world wide , yet we can because of this friendly nature be lead , by a selfish 1 into acting against our own long term best interst or against our freindsly nature

Look back to warfare , men who had to …HAD TO .. trained taught paid , threatened with jail if they did not do what was told them ,,, the warrior of our armies …… they can return to the countrys of people that earilier in their lives they killed spilled their blood with ( with deep personal cost of memeory of acting unnaturally ) yet we become friendly again ,,,, we talk shake hands do business have lunch and just build friendship witht eh EVIL ONES once the programmers have changed the programes they feed us ,, the beating of the drums of warfare ….. over and over Americas enemeies have become Americas friends ….

And do you think it effected the soldier of time , who when he wom the war would take the local girls as his extra wives ? the evil ones were wet pussy ….. the deepest nature os us is to be co-operative , we get told there is LACK ….. so we must protect what we have , the greed for gold ,, bright and shiny shit ,,,, the leader that tiny percentage stirs us up with words form bibles and gods ,,,, to gather more shiny shit for the church because god needs to know that we love him ,,,, and nust show it though giving god shiny shit or money to buy shit ? god needs to go the the MALL (huh?)

Now remember the GREED OF EVE , she is designed to be greddyduring the time she is growing a second person in her belly , hell I see that in the wild cats while one is pregenanat she is not as nice as other times she is more forcefull to become the first at the sqweet and surgary foods of Ecomony ,,,,, yet while wild hunting she is a bit more co-operative and in fact is the food is abundandt , the other cats leave her extra scarps in fact making extre Recreational kills for mamma cat to feed from . ( kills are not bad there are the ticket back into the Tao for the chance to relive another life ,, maybe as an Advarrk ?) ( or a bacteria or tree )

The greed of eve when she is so far removied from nature as to think of her self better than other humans ….. the FIRST WIFE … the warrior comes back with captured wives ,, and they are SECONDS less than in the eyes of the first wives ,.,,,, but you the warrior think that way while you have that new girl nude in bed and she is liking the fingering the licking the fucking the dick sucking while she is living her NATURE …… do you think you dumbass really care abouit 1st wife or second wife ….. or are you in the MINUTE the now , being naturally human …..look at your self MAN , we do not on average dress or wear make up or wear as much BLING as the girls do ………. And let allow yourself to realize things about the greed of eve. The animal who because of LOVE for the chold growing in her belly does what nature designed her to do ,,,, become greedy for a short period ! A SHORT PERIOD .

Saturday, March 15, 2008

tao-ist tittty

Tao-ist titty

Young master , what is it about spiritual sit that is so important ? well it is something that this wonderful mind of ours thinks about , we are creative animals formsing tools to help ourselves , from rocks for knocking birds out of trees when we were Savanah Apes , to Auto macitic twisting silcon Dikdoes for recreation of the girl and you ,,,, you know you love seeing and hearing her get sexually excited , you love to deny her her orgasim for 1 more minute angain and again ,,,, she hates you but loves that you will not listen to her begging for relief and force to get close yet not let her cummmmm ,, till it realy realy hurts .

Oooh shit spirit world stuff , not sex … but sex is everywhere it flows thru your viens dumbass in the form of hormones in bursts every 45 seconds micro doses of testosterone …. “ sometimes we hear you speak of the word PERFECT and perfect sounds ( or feels in the vibration that you offer when you say it ) like you think that you will get everything checked off your list , and life will be PERFECT “ once I’m looking at all conditions that p[lease me , then life will be perfect “ amd we say and then you would be DEAD , and we do not mean dead the way you mean DEAD , we mean dead in the way that there is no DEAD , we mean finished , we mean the opposite of the Eternal Being that you are . [ THIS IS JERRY AND ESTER HICK FROM THE BOOK DILBERATE INTENT]

It is shit like that which draws me to the entertainment and writing of Abraham ….. to be an adventurere or experiencer ,,, of something IN-FI-NITE is to always in always have experiences , to be perfect is to have nothing more to add or change ,,, it is stagnant like a dead swamp . no action or movement . it is the state of the UN THINKABLE , the non experiencable ? dipshit even in the harem life you will have DYNAMICS , you will have experiences and changes and living , but because you are living in the HARMONY of your DNA ….. you are not resisting your HORMAONIAL nature and neither is the girls who choose , ( free will choose to live with you )

Yet because of these choices wthere will be doubts about whether , there maybe another path , maybe the old path of the fairy tale which is more better ………. Mo’better …. Which could lead a girl to leave and return to the world of greed , GRET ! her adventure ,,, but it should not be your responsiblitty to house feed or others wise provide for this human after she chooses her new path …….. you dumbass in your animal territory honor to provide your HAREM and family with what?

Housing , electric , food ( avialbe for picking and nutruing ) and transportation ,,,, and you honor to do this for a good number 3 is good number , it slows for slpit decisions for majority rule . but if a woman with your children decided to choose you ……… she is fertile when she is and she knows it , you are fertile 24/7 ,,, the babys are something of her choice to want to get pussy fucked during her time which she n=knows of and feels in her being ….. you can not know this you are not responsible ….. you are responsible for creating a stable territory if she choose to settle in your territory and create child , that is her free choice if she wants to leave again her choice , she is the one who ……… is………. Making her won bed and that of her kids . I am 24/7 ready so it is my NATURE to want kids ,,,, there are really cool to watch to chase to rool balls to to watch smile and listen to them laugh and grow up ….. it is MY NATURE to protect and love them . it is DNA nature of this friendly co-operative animal called HUMAN .

If she leaves my $ and effort are concentrated on providing for my territory not another territory of someone who by free choice , left the life theyFIRST CHOOSE by free choice , then left ….

So that is an for example of a bummer , an experience possible of the Tao , the experience the unfolding of the everything ,,,,, not a still dead being of perfect . being of perfect where nothing can be added or taking away , still dead over ,,,,, to have everything totally complete over done PERFECT . life is an adventure . now you have shoices dipshit to live … in some form of harmony with your DNA programming while you experience this tiny experience called being human ,,,, 70+ years out of IN-FI-NITE years ….. infitny 1 billion years 70 outa 1,000,000,000 it aht infinite 1 billion ? no a billion is a grain of sand to infinity …. So during this life ,,, you have freedom of choice , feel ….. DUMBASS be still , use that brain which is able to create or buy really cool DILDOES …… use that same brain to feel what it is to be HUMAN ANIMALS ….

Friday, March 14, 2008

friendship fucking

Friendship fucking

Young master , you have not come to read this because you have found the deep joy of good friendship and caring a and hope that the story book happky ever after 1 on 1 love , not love affair which is easy to come by ,,, but the life that will provide stability we humans desire the friendships we humans dsire the life that is best for raising the thing that our hormones force us to want ,,, kids , the reason for living ,,,,, the simple joy of seeing your kid grow up healthy and happy with a mom and a dad and family who are not fighting all the fucking time . you have not come to reading my shit on and off because you are already in a relationship that gives you it ALL already ,,, so

So , realize the deep inner expectations that the lose of a dream can bring to the building of a new dream ,,,, that idea of settling for SECOND BEST , is the expectation of not getting what your deepest self realy wants ,,, but WHAT DOES YOUR DEEPEST SELF REALLY ……. Really …. WANT ? and since the story book idea of love and family was found by you to be a story book ,,,, again I will refer to KORN and listen to Jon’s words in shoots and ladders , his way of saying to the world OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES . to the programming of OURSELVES …. The words that cause all this EVIL ( I can still remember everytime I hear or think about that song the first time I saw Jon and Korn do it live ,,,, and him blowing the pipes … a great ENTERTAINER they are ) but what is it you were looking for in the fairy tale of love , the only idea you were trained to think love is ….. the NUCLEAR BOMB FAMILY .. waiting to explode over and over …. The forcing of an animals to live as it was not designed ….

The Harem faily the Poly Family provides the needs of the human , male and female ,,,, it is stable and dynamic enough to allow ffor the individual enjoy family and creative and work lives ,,,, with the freedom you have never ever dreamed of … from the aspect of the ecominc slavery issue . and $$$$ is a very important issue ,,, believe it or not ,,,, for most couples love is not enough , because as the money grows and the couple gets used to living a certain way and then the eventuall change in inceom comes , ( the same events happen in in understanding each tree species will go thrugh 7 years cycles of productivity , yet having the diversity of investnments in varied species of strees the human is CO –OP ‘ING with nature once more not forcing on animal / tree species to deliver when it is in a natual SLOW cycle , the farmer/ protective human can nuture that tree while reaping bunker crops from other who had been emerging from their own SLOW period . )

But as an ecomonc slave usually all your EGGS are in 1 basket . in that one career or company and ecominic go thru cycles also leaving you and your LOVE in stress because the income has changed . the fun bought by MONEY is limited . the fun BOUGHT ! the idea of instincutalism , yes is to create wealth $$$ but to find , FUN in the idea of being HUMAN , of being happy with the friendships of family children the EARTH itself . and this idea is the SECOND CHOICE life style ?

It is the second choice because the OWNERSHIP idea of love is gone ,,, yet the sex ,,, that sex that brings you and her together in the first place , those chemicals that flow thru our viens in our teens that bring us together ,,, the chemicals are not fairy tales … they are the TRUTH. About being an animal which you are ,, you are not some CONCEPT this idea of spirit being ,,, no you were that before you came here to experience time and space living of being a DNA animal … you are a concept being still , but experiencing the agreement of hard matter . so why not realize it and enjoy it for what it is ? why not ? what is so second best about being what you are ?

But that story book that created all this EVIL runs in your mind over and over ,, you feel SLIGHTED by life that lied to you , …. Life did not lie it has been YELLING TO YOU , listen to you emotional guidance ,,, understand conficts and choices … create what is is that will make you DEEPLY HaPPY ….. listen to the programming of fear ,,,, the slave chains of the medical industry who tells you over and over the human body is weak when the doctor does not grown new skin cells the body does that all by itself ,,, the slave chains of health care and insurance … when the fact is you will DIE .. with or with out a doctor you will die , the health of your body is dependant on the FEELING of your life …. When happy you feel no PAIN , look and feel you life and you will understand this truth in your self . sex is fun , talking with friends is fun , watching smiling playful free children is fun , layng the sun is fun , sweet fresh from the garden strawberrys are fun , puppy dogs are fun …… waking up depressed and with ahang over is not fun , but the talking with friends the night before was fun ,,,,,, so talking with friends is fun so do it with out being DRUNK every day ? hmmmmm it must be hard to do because we do drink a lot us the money making adults in this PROMISED land of gold covered streets ,,,, when the real happiness seens to be the interaction with the living beings of the planest , not with the interaction with cold hard MINERALS . like gold and diamonds …

Think dumbass what should be your first choice or your second choice when it comes to your own STORY BOOK OF HAPPINESS ?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

buying pussy

Buying pussy

Young master with a state governor in the news a great tool for understanding the programming you have been given because thru the constant expectation that we humans live against what is NATURAL for us , you understand the DIVIDE AND CONQUER tools of Ecomony ………. No not just government but that which is behind even government the idea of ecomony-s .

The evidence of history , to show that HAREM cultures survived next to greed based cultures warfare cultures , that the INSTINCTUAL harem goups tribes , survivied while warfare power ecomonies come and go thru out history . another great movie to show you no the ,,, PUMP that most people find in it , onw groups see a great love story and wishes for that fairy tale love 1 on 1 . NOR the bravery in battle , the pump you young master may fell why watching a good bang/bang/shoot’em up ….. but to look at the art of the movie in showing the behind the scenes truths about ourselves …. The search for some for power and the FRIENDLY PEACEFUL nature of the over whelming numbers of us ,,, us , the common people , who just want to live our lives and fuck . look behind the surface themes disphit .

Behind the scenes of buyng pussy ,,,,,, how in fact even dating is buyng pussy , as compared to the pussy shopping for a good man they lwait to be bought and say that that is the same INSTINCT as shoping basesd on facts ,,, they say to themselves the guy that can purchase a good date etc … show his worthiness , but in fact what they are looking at is BLING …. It is fashion .. to be able to purchase the things of living ,, for the common person . ooooooh I am wrong , because the average common person is so INGRAINED in living in the ecomony of being and ecomonci salvery that they SEEM un- seperable . money and living .

Yet they are not , just that you have not allowed your self to THINK FOR YOUR SELF . yet . but that means realizing things during those times of confusion , the times you are worrying about talking to that cute girl , feeling you life , and then questionsing why is dating so fucking hard ? if your focus was to create a good territory and if girls were free to shop based on instinctual drives and life times desires and their won deepest feelings ,,, not expectations of having the newest purchased THING ! from a store , that temporary high of buying recreation and happiness . if she could shop with out fear of APE ,,,,

Now buying a product or service which is natural for each person and does not hurt either person and is of ExERCISE and Emotional benefit ,, why limit or illegalize it ,,,,, because you , dipshit have been programmed to think that it the girls who choose this way of creating $$$$ do it because they are forced some how ,,,,, but if you really look at it . you can see it is girls who coose freely , yes maybe they do not want to do it… or atleast when asked in public ,,, in public ,,, they do not want to do it , yet the evidence of their life is they DO CHOOSE it …..that is because of greed , I am not talking about junkie chicks walking the street but high quality women many with some level of higher education choosing to enjoy their bodys and provide males with the exercise and emotional comfort for money like a doctor prescribes Therapy . Certain deep instinctual needs not many men can get from the TRAP of marriage 1 on 1 enough so that no matter what having another woman keeps showing up in this FAIRY TALE OF of love we now live and thin is reality .…. ILLEGALIZING nature is A GREAT DIVIDE and Conquer. Keep the population un settled then the population becomes a programmable and ok slaves …..

The harem life of our cousins the animal world , remember to touch yourself , you are covered in fine hairs you breathe air , you eat , you respond to hormoinal triggers at certain timew without your CONCSISUs control ….. you are and ANIMAL . and a very depressed animal at that , no other animal is as depressed so self destructive ….. or GENECIDIAL like we are ….. now we can live a harem culture and realize the truth about the average human , WE ARE A VERY VERY VERY …. CO-OPERATIVE animal , we co-op with nature as evidenced by the old time average farmer who loved his land , it gave his and his family food woood housing everything pus it allwed for the exchange of gifts and arts ,,,,, we co-op’d in harem cultures we are natural 12 BRAVOS … combat engeneers .. creating defensives against the warfare tribes , to the point that peaceful harem tribes lived for ever even shile CANNIBAL tribes grew and died off thru history. When you realize the peaceful nature of the average US and then look at a movie like BRAVE HEART and watch the truth a 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 greed based humans can fuck everything up . then look at our own history and times ,,,, Exxon made more money last year in 1 uear than any single company has ever made in the history or the world … that is our truth …. When we have the data and designes already to live without them at all ,,,,, and you feel stress you the ECOMINC SALVE . I ask you disphit to think for yourself .