Friday, March 7, 2008

penis and pussy recreation

Penis in pussy recreations

Well young master , that projection on your body is made to be put inside a body … now what body ddid you dream about when you were younger when you were first getting that hard projection what body stimulated it ? when you jacked off as a kid … did you ever think about GIRLS ? ( ohh I am questioning a guy who says he is gay and I question this choice in terms of DNA ) this same question I ask of some girls , did the thought of a man ever stimulate that wetness between your legs , the lubrication .. the inner wanting to be PENTRATED , by the hard hot engorged cock of the boy you had been looking at ?

If you dipshit have ever been excited by the nature of your plumbing than please give me that ~ … give me the fact that NATURE is you are HETRO , but of course you have free choice now a days very cool this choice thing . now sexual recreations for girls the nature of human recreation is for the relaxation of sex …… and girls being the social animals they are , to give love attention friendships girl to girl is natural and friendly and fun and relaxing and within the bounds of nature ….. for the lone male it is more a trange activity , once the black back teen gorilla is actively trying to fuck his sisters or aunts ,, DAD ,,, chases him out of the territory telling him it is time for him to do his TOUR OF DUTY , to form his own private territory ,, then attract his own females ,,,, ATTRACT HIS WON FEMALES …. Because on average the other males are doing like the black back and thinking about sticking their dicks in a girl so , the develop territories ,, they protect banan trees , they shit out tasty plant seeds the gather in their stomach while forging far and wide ….. they shit the plants they found tasty into the home territory thus creating garens of food for girls who like the same foods as he does …..

Or is the balck doing this to attract another black back male ? yes the black back male may have have mutual masturbation with his brothers and cousin with the interaction of his siters … that play then became him wanting to fuck his sister , which then got the attention of dad who said in his best dad voice ,,,,,, TIME TO GROW-UP SON …

Young mast and miss , the stress of current human development ,,, the man hate young master of your mom ,,,, now I fi remember my numbers well ,, the symptom of human sexual mainpultion and repression …… called incest touches the lives of 1 in 6 womoen ,,, and your mom a woman ,,, and that 1 in 6 means count 1 , 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 and then mom , it is about the law of averages ….. the same effects that the perp exhibited now the victims exhibit ,,, and there is a great chance your mom , is 1 of those 1’s …. Even in her FASHIONABLE move to encourage you to be femine ,,,,, playing with dolls , a ALONE male child with a woman who hates men …. Yet married ,, complex shit young mater ( and young miss , you also are being SOCIALIZED into being more male ,) just open your mind here .... dammm if this wacko does not bring you a bunch of cool links ….

Now think about the variation of dogs in a liter , the RUNT the small one often is the smarter one or else it will not feed aand it will die , nature gives it a better brain , we …. Before we were savannah apes , were lush jungle apes , but we being thinner and weaker had to learn how to live in MARGINALL AREAS …..we had to LEARN ! …. To live …. We learned to understand how fire burnt the savannah and yet there was till food , cooked animals and popped corn and wheat ,,, kernels , that actually were easier to digest , the cooked animal being smoked now ,,,, did not spoil so fast , and the sparks from our new toys the rocks of acave as compared to the soft sticks of lush jungles …. The rocks hitting each other created sparks which by accident made small fies ,,,, that dad remembed cooked small aminals making them easier to eat , since we are not meat eating by DNA design .

Yet we eat meat ,,,, you are not GAY by design yet you needin human touchbecome gay , you being confused by the STRESS of dating girls ,,,,, you the male who has been encoursged to act and feel like a girl …… you learned to be gay ….. truth homo sexual genes , can not live on because true homo sexual genes have no children to pass down , their genes to since they are ,,,,, homo sexual ,,, non – sexual ,, in numbers that would support the living of that gene in the competitive natural world , so being gay should be part of the 3 percent it should be 1 of 100 possible genetic changes …. That happen by mistake , like being born missing a finger or hair lip , or downs syndrome …. Or what ever the 100 gentic variations of the human can come up as , and being truthfully HOMO SEXUAL SHOULD BE JUST 1 of those events …… aht did you feel or dream about when it came to the opposite sex , just between you an me ? becaue I know your mom , if she knew you were reading my stuff , she would take the JAG away from you again ,,,, the controlling open minded fashionable TODAYS woman that she is , very scraed you may THINK FOR YOURSELF ! ( ooooh the fear of losing the CAR the $ , the CONTROLED you can you feel it ?)

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