Saturday, March 22, 2008

69 ing is better than 52 ing

69ing is better than 52 ing
first young GORILLA , I wanna talk about a quality fairy tale a great escape from reality …… the dream of HOLLYWOOD …. Jerry Maguirre that movie about a sprots agent …… its got foot ball a good demanding bitch Dom bitch fucming scene , it has the CLASSIC LOVE story and soul mate concept ,,,,, the fairy tale ,,,,

the gorilla you is ABLE to live alne in fact that is how he proves and builds his territory ,,, he is not HALF A MAN unable to live without …. Not complete without his 1 true love ….. the DNA ape in you the REAL man in you is not a MAMA’S BOY ….. who needs EVE to think for him he is Capable to act to be to forge a life sutable for the female of the species to be safe secure and having time to raise her young …….

But the Fairy tale ,, subtley fed into your expectations thru touchy feely programming and the use of HORMONE , sexual Frustrtaions … of not matingg frequently ,,, mating is another word for ,, 69 … something enjoyed in the APE world , again read the page mating behavior go down to the description of our 99% DNA cousing the chimp called Bonobo .. we car cousins not the same but similar … ok ,,, in the movie , good old whatever his name …… is stressed because he is unemployed to stressed to fuck a woman he loves because he is an APR without the money to create a stable territory for a female he desires and her young ,,, WE ARE FRIENDLY CARING ANIMALS ….. this is why they break up ,,,, he is the gorilla without the territory , living in the insanity which is the thought form ECOMONY …. Un natural state . later when he makes the cash he is able to realize his love …. He is PROUD AMLE …..

Ahhhhh but the moral of the story is TWISTED … to program everyone for the fairy tale of love the soul mate , where he is empty without her ,,, YES I AM EMPTY WITHOUT THE FAMILY AND FEMALE ….. yes true , but it has been twisted ,,, the gorilla builds the rritory not so her can live alone , but so he can provide for people he loves , the gorilla faces the leporads or lions or hunter human , to protect the family because it is OUR DEEPEST DNA INSTINCT …. Love. Ttrue …… but they / we have been twisting this idea and using sexual frustration the MARLIZING OF SEX ACTS .. the illegalizing of sex … and marriages since the days of PHAROH … to create twisted minds controllable and usable for the armys and the greeddy . temember the 1 on 1 laws of Rome … the timinf of marriage to insure the male would have to be a soldier a warrior first before he had the right to get pussy andhave a fmily ,,,, that deepest of our natural urges ….

In this movie you see the TWISETED CONFUSIONS OF THE HURT …. HURT female , demanding life be a fairy tale they join in groups to complain about how the fairy tale did not work out again and again …… you see the real life evidence of the life you lived … young master but it ends HAPPOLY EVER AFTER ,, with the 1 on 1 fairy tale ,,, the hero found out he was HALF A MAN without her …

Wow ,. So girls you should be looking for a ½ man , go date a mama’s boy since he is half aman he can not live on his own , like a WHOLE MAN LIKE THE PROTECTIVE GORILLA OR MASTER …. Girl go out and find a drunk whose other half is the bottle of booze or can of beer … find the looser junkie find half a man ,,, so you can complete him …….. sounds real fucking smart ! half a man …

Jerry and ester hicks , the entertainers known as Abrahan/Hicks … iver and over talk about the whole person , especially when talking about relationships … and love .. the UN-NEEDY human experience ,,,, the gorilla male is un needy ,,, he provides safety and food developed over time , and he protects this area , and is availbe for fucking ans sucking when the female is horny ….. simple INSTINCTUAL …… the amster is not HALF A MAN .

Ok , 52 and 69 …… the programming of fear thru news ,, the headlines are the arrival of DRUGG RESISTANT T.B. Ahits England ,, be afraid be afraid ,,, divide and conquer us with fear ,,, ecomony make sure we live in a state of fear ,,,,, so what the biggest out break of this die- ease amoung humans , was in a bunch of stressed out pepele struggleing to live like Americans in poor citys , fighting for the ever powerfull dollar , often selling themselves for that money as sex toys in an unregulated natural service industry ,,,,, if it were regulated there would be safety factors for everyone , keep it illegal keep it underground out of site and the rich people have slaves scared to come into the light of day because of fear of jail …. Sex industry or drug use ,,, laws create underground slavery ….. in tha bigg dangerous out break 53 people die in this backward AFRICAN NATIon , AMONG Aids already infected human group …. 52 people died over months ….

This weekend in the UNITED STATES ….. more than 52 people will die in their cars while rushing back and forth in our stressed out world , they will most often die because of theat person who hates living so much they live thru POISINING themselves with drugs and alchol ,, the drunk driver …… the HALF A MAN OR HALF A WOMAN , who is looking to live in the fairy tale promised them in all the story that created all this evil and Jon from KORN described in snakes and laddrs ,,,t he constant fairy tales told to you by MOMMY and the TV. The expectation of you first girls friends when you were a teen , thr confusion and frustration that made the now drunk irrrespsonible human ape who is controlling a 5000 lb piece of metal while he is POISINED …… some one who just ……….. __________ ( oooh here you are expected to insert your own thoughts , think for yourself)

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