Friday, March 28, 2008

Pretty hot Dick

PRetty hot Dick

To qoate Elivs Presley “ thankya thankya thank you very much “ but you do not have to be coy and hide your desires or compliements in those three lil’ letters behind your name Ph.D , and I am suprized to receive such a cmpliiement like that form a woman like you after a letter full of such a convincing argument against my line of REASONING ….. your data and great wrting and readable presentation shows the quality of your formal schooling ….. if I had not opened my mind up to the idea that since the days of PHAROH , the learned had been supporting the LEARNEDD ,,, with their degree systems of priest or Doctor …… it is like a blinder keeping you and the people who listen to you looking inside the walls of a BOX . a box that is book shapped .

Young master for you to think for yourself is very important …. To realize that we have 10,000 years of ecominc $$$ greedy reasons to think inside the box , to boost the ego of our teachers so that we can be placed policatically in the ecominc and govermenetal position and make that $$$$ cash …. The above letter I am suprized to have received I must have touched a nerve of A SO CALLED professional ,,,, I offened her social policatial values , hey I betcha her kid was reading my shit ( remember do not read my shit unless you are 18 …. Disclaimer to get myself off an fucking legal fucking HOOK , they want to complete the programming while you are young ) so in her fear she decided to throm her DATA SEEN FROM HER POINT OF VIEW , TAINTED WITH HER DEEPLY held values .

And I say thank you ……. But another out of the box point of view about human evolution and anthropology …… as compared to our DNA cousin the chimp , yes they are more closely related to us than gorillas ,,, true true true , I will not argue with that fact and data … the gorilla is about a 10th of 1 single percent more different ,,,, but they are more closey relted to each other than we are to them and look at the varying social structures in terms of mating they have … so with that level of variance …… I say we could easly be very different in mating from the chimp …. Your using of chimp data to support the idea of FEMale ,, suppression coming to an end now adays , leading to the current stress .. is natural because of the compounding of centurys of female dominanation by males ….. and that todays female is an example of the chimp heritage coming back to light ,,,, the female gaining more soicall and poikictial power … like in the chimp world which to a great level is dominated by female manipulations . IT PAYS TO BE CUTE …….

Dipshit my friend do you go to places like the Spearmint Rhino or any other titty bar , there you are in a place actually run by women , yes a man may own the building but it si the women who behind the scenes realy run the show that the man makes a profit from ….. and it is all about MANIPULATION …… of your HORMONES …. That powerful self created drugs store of the body . tease tease tease …. And when you are hot , get your GOLD your bright and shiney ,,, your green backs ….

Dumbfuck , realize the Professional needs to make sure your LOOK UP to them when you start to realize that HEALTH CARE IS All based on comparing themselves to the placebo effect the surgar , the power of them mind … when you realize that mental health industry is an industry that needs to maintain A CLIENT BASE ….. so to realy explore and cure the CAUSES fo human stress would in the end … END the profession ,,,, the self geneerting mill mill of schools and profession practiced ,,,, close their minds and ONLY TREAT … SYMPTOMS W tihout really thinking in terms of the causes ,,, give you a Pyscotherpuedic DRUG …. And mimiamal talk therapy …. Yes it is great when so one is bleeding to death ,,, from being cut up emotionally by an UN INSTINCTUAL life , that their inner animal in its confusion is so depressed that is can not function …. Yes end the bledding and pain … but why not think about

ALERNATIVES ,, since the world the Ph.D and Professionals have created by DEFAULT over the last 10,000 years since the Priests of the ?Days Of PharoH …. We have accepted the world given us by our fathers and mothers , based on the wisdom of TAINTED books of gods and SMART men ….. who designed system to support the children they had who would follow in their foot steps into the same UNVIERSITYS thru Alumni societys ,,, to then provide the same for their children generation after genertation ,,,,, and it comes down to $$$ the buying of bright and shiny shit , the ability to shoe a cute girl how rich you are , to become a 1 on 1 , like the Empire of Rome’s LaWS said to do .

Ohhhh dipshit my friend think for yourself !

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