Saturday, March 1, 2008

shaved pussy

Shaved pussy

Young master , the concern for the world eco system to see it s a eco system made up or the combvination of the parts , where in you find newer dynamics un-understood until experienced in it’s combined form …… ahhh just like I wrote yesterday about the poly family is unknown able until created , you building the compound then you have something real for girls to feel … the DEEP VIBRATION inside of looking for some thing different out of this experience of living ….

But what odes this have to do with shaved pussy , why is sahved pussy so nice ? well it does limit the amount of hairs I get stuck in the back of my throat since I do like ,,, I savor the fragrance the and flavor of female hormones like a quality choclate a good coffee . and a shaved pussy makes it much more enjoyable …. How about his girl readers instead of spending your money on putting ink inside your FLEAH ,,,, making something that we men already find as pretty and perfect ,,, ( there was an article on a womans magazine about why men love you as you are , even when you find yourself getting softer we still love you ) or boring holes and putting hard metal into the soft things I like to taste lick and suck on , ears , tits pussy lips , and mouth lips and tongues …. If iw ant to chew on metal , I would stay at work with a mouth full of finishing nails …… I do not want metal , sure it is your statement of submission , piercing is what owners have done with slaves since the beginning of slavery a way to create pain .

But back to shaved pussy , BOB EDWARDS wweekend on NPR radio . such great topics , 1 world population when women are educated they have less kids … great ! freedom of choice the girl who wants kids may have some the ones who do not will not , a net decrease in world population . 2 the CIA , they do our bidding , they do what we as a population ask them to do for our national interest , so , it you change you DOORSTEP , if the smalesst ecosystem changes and that is multilplied , the effect will change the larger system . 3. eniviroment …. We have enough wid power in Nebraska and texas to full fill the total americn energy needs ., the electric car battery should be a quick chnge unit , and not sold to the individual but recharged and re installed by brand name energy dealers , mobil – shell – etc….. keep the profit system going , thus we can move to electric cars . not hybrid or gas …. ( in Scientifi America last month , we can do it with solar … at a cost of less than hlf the Iraq war , it just takes a war like commitment from you … end the purchase of gas , end the cash flowing to the Islamic terror groups they will return to farming ) OOOOO HASHAVED PUSSY …. The effects of the shaving heads that are not recycled is UN IMPORTANT …. They are so fucking small as to be unimportant ,,,,, it is being PENNY WISE AND DOLLAR FOOLISH ,,, and dam we are so fucking dollar foolish

So honey shaving your pussy is a good thing , better would be to spend your money instead of ruining a perfectly perfect sexuall toy , with dirty ink and hard metal … to slectively eradicate hair , some hair is nice actually softens the skin and makes you more animal human like ,,,, but on your pussy lips it is nicer and more fun for both of us if it is barren ….. instead of going thru the pain to take the tiney un noticeable hairs off your legs with wax , spend a few weeks and the same money and have that pretty little pussy , zapped clean . thank you .

Penny wise dollar foolish , is canning food at home this? No , the glass jar once made lasted ofr decades , the effect on the environment of buying thigs that grown in your back yard for free in worse …. Even recycling is not that great compared to re using home canning jars , the energy ,can be carbon neutral if you learn and enjoy the skill of the wood stove and the growth of the hybrid poplar tree.… the time .// time … TIME … that thing we have so much freedom with thay you spend on average 2 hours , 2 full hours every fucking day , being a VEGATABLE … in fron of the TV. Return to the world of real life , make so money but fuck the corp and the life of making $$$$ live a human life , with the kids of the educated woman who chooses this , freedom , family ties in creation of fruit cups from the food falling on the ground behind the house right now , why is it falling because you bought into the idea of ecomincs that working at the job and buying food , is easy going to a GYM to get the exercise that picking up the fruit of gardening should have given you is better … you have been ADVERTISED INTO ECOMINC SLAVERY …. And we have becom slaves to anti depressants because if it , or self medicated with beer , 225 million perscritions for anti depressants to a population fo 3330 likkion is OBSCENE .. insane ,, when living a human life of family friends and fucking would be so fun and busy , expecting the buds of food from trees , to talk and care for plants . to socialize with friends and kids , to fuck wildly …… ahhh study the concepts of the website ,w atch for the newer pages as they come along week after week . be FREE TO CHOOSE be educated .

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