Thursday, March 6, 2008

happy girls

Happy Gilrs

Young Master watch the world do the thing that the Taosit Szage did 100’s of year ago and learn the simple lessons , one lesson is that nothing is black and whilte like we want it to be , simple like the man made symbol of the Tao the inter=twined white and blacm , when you know the truth there is only shades of grey , white always ahs some black a black has some white . like economy compared to here and lets say NEW ZEALAND … the feeling of the population one here who has been trained ot value , fighting in terms of co-operation ,,, what do you feel or see as the POSSIBLES for you , what have you bought into as the BEST way to STRIVE for living here on earth during this ,,, this life . are you stuck in the value or trap of one life 1 existatnce , there is no IN-FI –NITE possilbes for you …. If you do have some infinity in your spirit how about looking then at the possibles in the wolrd of choices about life styles and ecomincs and family and GOALS …. So explore what you feel or think is the possible for you , are times hard and you describe your world as hard , then , can you maybe think about the possibles outside of that description and then work to explore those possibles .

When you read my shit , you understand I proclaim ,,, it to be shit that I am not the OFFICAL .. Phd. But also read the words of others and underatand they are represented in their way of seeing things …. Two writers describe the actions of SEXUAL safari;s OF FEMALE CHIMPs yet use different words and each words timulates feelings of RIGHT OR WRONG in the emotions of the reader and those emotions are based upon the PROGRAMING of the reader .and the hidden desire of the writer who crafts sords to effect the world to encourage the world they want , but just remember it is an INFINITE reality , why limit the kitchen of it’s spices , the things we use to create tasty foods dishes , things to enjoy ,,,, why should a pio be only the fruit and the wheat and ,,, what about some honey or surgar , or cinnamon or nutmeg , or ginger , or mixing of fruits … what about adding ice cream later ????

Your observation should take into account the changes that you young master go thru , some guys stay in the adolescent stage of being a member of a POSSE or Crew ,,, some men grow up and do their TIME ALONE …. Yet once the Indian brave returned to the tribal area he developed relationship supportive friendship with males once more , now girls tend to be friendship oriented for a life time , each supporting each other , the Evovlution of APE . she can not EASLY raise a child a lone , yes she can but it is stressfull …. Ahhh a flaw FLAW in the single family home design , a design forced upon human kind buy the ecomony , that wanted to sell concrete boxes to the ecomonic slave of industry ,,,,, dividing us , into nuclear families ,,, nuclear bombs ready to explode , that need to be drugged into submission with anti depressants of a constanst flow of beer .

( I nothing against beer how about making it yourself ,,,, maybe you would have more respect for it if you had to grow the barley and whenat and malt those hops and do the brewing maybe it would be much more sweet to take the full moon ceremony to enjoy a good beer HIGH )

I see the writing about the fighting of the male Gorilla , the Phd. Saying that the gorilla male lives it’s life , fighting , when in fact the test and challenges the siver back get yearly is very rare it is often a teen agers , just testing … the other siver backs . live in co-operations with diffined territory ,,, and the kid of course while trying to find space in the world ends up starting short lived fights here and there , the perecentage of stress , that you view in the confusing complex tribal chimp life and stable gorilla life is very different . and this peace of the HAREM allows for personell growth ,,, maybe the reason why us HUMANS DID EVOVLE … was this harem with broad co-op ties between silver backs , like the harem Indian tribes seen here in the Americas , with their , lives that had NO MURDER … to even get mad in the resolution of an argument was , the MAD person ostrisizzed for a season …. To live with out friendly co operation …… maybe even his females going to live outside of his territory …. Open your mind while you read young master.

Next is the feeling of losing touch with the ground once you go out on your own ,,,,, on one side is excitement on the other if you were the rich and comfortable one , to leave that comfortable safe life for the unknown is …… harder . but is living in a gold plated cage what you want? If YES great stay where you are ! again I can go back to the writings of Zuanghzi …. Describing wild bird kept in golden cages living on the best of human foods and dieing ,,,, dieing because what is good for one animal is not good for another . what has been good for you , and what has not ,, remember the lesson you have LIVED . do not get drugged by comfort back into the submission of life as usual ,,, and remember the one on one ROCK WILL FALL , it always does . couple after couple , year after year , century after century …… why just do the same old thing ? Because you do not have the guts to expand the options ,,, the spices in the kitchen of the universe …. .is it because you have no MODEL ? no plan shown to you ? ok well that is changing before your eyes on

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