Wednesday, September 17, 2008

told WANT to do

Told WANT to do
( yeah finnally the flow of good old dirty sex comes back into my stream of C ) Young master you may feel a case of the ASS from time to time , likke a burning desrie to beat some ones ass ,,, and when you finnaly get stupid d drunk and act on it ,,, you ended up being the one on the ground in the parking lot beeing pissed on ,,but that minute of embarassment … is a past … a learning experience ,,, trying to tell you to explore the UNWANTED …. Understand the complex DYNAMICS of your UNWANTS …. To better calrify the real wants ,,, and your real real real wants aget you out of bed in the morning ,,waking even before the set time of the alarm clock … how does that happen that you can wake feeling great before the alarm clock RINGS ,,, and the next school or work day you can sleep right on thru the SOUND of the the alarm?
WELL my frind it is that you live … a life of FEELINGs … of feeelilng like you are being told TOLD your wants ….. Like they were WHAT TO DO’s ///being told what to do . Like a slave .. Is directed by the slave master who is directing the vast quantitiy of slaves to provide to the nneeds of PHAROHS thru out time off some where in their palaces …
Wax on ,,, wax off ….. The reasons for polishing the car were a mystery to the student to the point her rebelled …. This is not what I WANT ! ,,, yet in truth the building of stamamina of muscle forming repective movements …all lead to the WANTs of the student . But it would be nice to really understand the UNWANTED the you can WANT ,,the Unwanted to the point it becomes the WaNTED . I bring this up over and over …for a reason or 10
And one is you can not LIE TO YOURSELF … ohm you can put on the happy face to the rest of the world ,,yes everything is FINE jus’ great .. Smile smile laugh laugh …. While all the time you are dieing inside … living a life of SILENT DESPERATION oooooops! Big my bad , it was not another old voice of wisdom Shakespeare but … so many wise old men talked and described our CONFUSE andn CONQUER _ ED life that we live but to give ,, some any form of dercetion to create a BALENCED life stlye HOLISTIC life style to change that state has often been lacking in the writitings of the ancient wise-ones …. Thoreau ain’t that ancient but he is way before MTV .
So often your case of the ASS is realy the DEFAULT living ,,, being expressed ,,defaul;t living is living with out RESPOND si ability ….. Without thinking about the life you have … understanding it with that great mind that can plan to get into a stupid fight … because ieven drunk you are thinking making stupid plans using your mind .. You ahow over ana over how really fucking smart you are …. But without direction that FANSNTIC ENERGY is wasted ….. Getting wasted … getting high the energy the planning needed to live out side of the laws to be albe ,,,, again ABLILTY pro cure to dope etc ,,again shows the ABLITY of your mind ,,
That mind that has RESPONDSIBLITY .. To respond with ability …. For the total out come of you time/space adventure
And you can not lie to yourself about ,,your current position and actions in your own personell adventure.
Now to a girl who denys her INSTINCT to be a HAREM wife , but wants and clings to the proven by centuruies lousy relationship form of the 1 on 1 …. This to is her ‘own responsibility when she is ALONE over worked stressed and hurt BECAUSE THE fairy tale failed again AND AGAIN AND AGAIN .. If she used that great mind which and PAINT HER FACE with such skill that can decide on the COVERINGS for her nature …her clothes so they create that STATE of sexual FRUSTRATION that willl ILLICT form many men the I LOVE YOU SALVE statements … statements based not on UNDERSTANING ,,,why he lives a WAX ON WAX OFFF life ,,but a default living of doing the same old shit as mom and dad and their mom’s and dads did before them over an over …all based in the cultural soicail programing of the desing of the ROMAN CHURCh ,, the roman church MORPHED into many form but the same theme ,,held true to , for the ROMANS understood the need to have choice ,, to VOTE , just make sure the population just votes betweeen a choice of 2 EVILS ….. The same animal with 2 heads …. The same church theme presented in multiple forms … the same basic social programming .
Step 1 ,, the UNWANTED OR THE NEED TO GO THRU THIS SO TO GET THE real! Wants ! Wax on wax off ….. “ the human penis an acorn head on alonger shaft much more Gorilla like than chimp like “ gorilla look all big and bad , but are the most peaceful of loving family devoted animals …. Chimps look all samrt and interesting ,,but hidden is a DECIETFUL cuture of MANIPULATIONS nad violence and MURDERS.
Wax on wax off …. Understanding SEXUAL friustration …. For you young master to realize the MACRO-cosim and MICRO -COSIMS are everywhere in Galaxyes ,, osalr systems eco syetms family units in the dirt itself …… the idea that nature ABHORS a vacuum …her pussy is a sensitive vacuum ,,, it feels and likes the action of even a finger being inserted into it ….. In fact a great thing for you to do ,, is to take out your cock cool down a bit and tease that first INCH or 2 of pussy hole with jut a finger ,,,, she will naturally get tightened up to feel your finger more ,,.SHE WILL CON- CEN -TRATE on that finger only to get stretched in and exciting way all over again like INTITIAL penetatraion …. When you SHOVE back in your hard cock … colled down enough for you yourself to enjoy the senstions of fuckeing again like also from the beginning …
WAX ON WAX OFF … not living by default but by design ….. And remember as you ,,feel the DATING STRESS ,,, she is designed to be penetrated ,, and that cock gets hard to do the penetrating …. The fear or shyness is a result of the years of TRAIING the re-inforcement of that training thru the sublt mind FUCK of TV …..and fashions. You are only TOLD your WANTS because you allow yourself to live by DEFAULT … find in the unwanted maybe the DIAMOND mind of your WANTS ….. You may gotta break some rocks first to live the richest of lives . Meta4 type shit jack ass because $ ain’t what you want it is the BASIS activity that $ allows you to live … welll the is ALLOWING from within the walls of the pharoh’s city that needs tons of $ and the swame activity base lived in nature that costs ..lil’ amounts of $

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