Thursday, September 25, 2008

no fucking .......... fun

No fucking …fun
Okay here is the topic from Wife B begins to experience pain during intercourse. She sees a doctor, and the doctor tells her it is a problem brought on by stress. Thus, until the stress alleviates, the condition will worsen making it almost impossible for sex. In the meantime, hubby and and wife A maintain sexual intercourse, and wife B knows this. However, she begins to experience insecurities over her inadequecies in this area, which leads to depression and bitterness on her part. She also grows jealous and angry, which further adds to her stress and her inability for sexual intercourse. How would you handle this situation? How would you feel if you were wife A or B or the husband?
And here is one great reply from the community …. Intimacy has NOTHING to do with sex. Husband only being with wife A is wrong and has to take that into account. There are other ways to sexually please a woman than penetration. Just as much time should be spent with each wife, regardless of having sex or not. As a woman, I find it just as fulfilling to lay in bed and have heartflet talks and cuddling from my husband as I do when we have sex. With that stress gone, then work on the other stresses until she relaxes and can again enjoy intercourse, don't push it so that she just gets stressed out again.
For me young master to see that there is an understanding in the world about the deeper aspects of what is going on is ,,GREAT it makes me feel ,,,, more in EMOTIOANL alignment with what I sthink is the most natural family lifestyle for humans ,,,now that is not to say ,,it is the only family lifestyle …. Just because it is most natural we humans have that freedom of choice ,,, WE ARE SO FREE we can choose SLAVERY …. Emotional alignment … is the RESISANTANCE …. You have ddpely in grained in you to the point you do not realy even understand it , so many people feel like they are SELF DESTRUCTIVE … some how , they are going along great then everything Collaspes again over and over like life pattern they may even get into things like the LAW OF ATRRACTION the moive the Secret , and get all pumped move on to ,,, What the Bleep is Down the Raibbit hole and realize the science behind it all ….. And even enjoy the Eneertainment of ESTER HICKS … whose link can be found on here is a direct one to a video where she does a RAMPAGE of aprrecsiation ….. Feeling good is what is important ..the flow of your average state brings on more of the same flow in the up coming …. Energy flow of YOURS … your experience of time/space ….. and from this link you can get so many more of her entertaining CLIPS …. Keeping ESTER in the realm of Enteratinment as she and …jerry even describe themselves as Enteratiners …. Is improtant for the …deep training started way back before you even can rmember the TRAINING to IGNORE YOUR OWN ,,, emotional guidance THAT CONNECTION WITH SOURCE .. with the real observer the real chooser the real experiencer ,, ( here is a self guided self hypno scritp to help you FEEL that BARE INNER SELF
But the Values or ethihcs social programming started way back with words like this ,,, NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP ASKING THE LORD MY SOUL TO …. KEEP …. If I should die before I wake … etcetc etc … done night after night , the young human mind , created INGRAMS , Nueral pathways … just the thoughts the repeated words the feeling behind the words DEVELOPS PYSHIHCAL REALITIES …
Ahhhhhh the above girl with her ….pain during sex , is told by a good DOCTOR it is all in your mind … everything is in the mind ,, everything is vibartaionl ,…. The make up of the sub atominc paritcle is only vibration ….. And again over and over I will bring you back to science Shroedingers Cat .. To Bohn’s respsonse and to Wingner …. Us ..the OBSERVER it self effects the WAVE . Why do we need to have double blind study because ..INTENTIONS on the parts of the particapants effects the results .
The wealth of topics from is great …yet MOSTLY it is people be ing concerned over the SYMPTOMS ….. The symptoms are part and parcell of the DIVIDE and CONQUER .. Confuse and conquer , for confsuoin is just DIVIVED attention … as you look around the site youngs master you find the DEEPEST thems is ABOUT the JEAOPULSY theo OWNERSHIP the focus of LOSS ..the mental FOCUS of fEAR of loss the UN - UNDERSTANDING about the DNA design of the human animal and the FREEDOM of choice to IGNORE IT … …resisitance , is ..not letting your self thingk fro yourself ,, no matter how much you tell me or show .. Off that you are ALTERNATIVE ….. In reality I see your associaltion with just smaller SOCAIL GROUPS and you acceptance with in these limiting communities ,,, communities often where your actionsa re so ILLEGAL you must live like A RAT … underground ,,, scared of being caught and caged .. ( like the one master I wrote a few weeks ago and the other who gothat stupid marijuana bust etc etc .. ) so free we can choose bondage …… and calling tha choice being ALTERNATIVE … without seeing how much of you activity is based on social placement in that culture … is not THINKING FOR YOURSELF
The sister wives shows that , WITH IN THE PRE…PRE …existing 1 ON 1 RELATIONSHIP WHERE THE … the I LOVE YOU statement has been given the resulting stress causes every one even you DEEP stress … unrealized expectations about a love or human life that is not in HOLIStic Haromony with the DNA design of your body or mating expecations just hink about the HARD EVIDENCE your engorged cock ….. That is hard evidence ,,,the chimp cock one who has a VARYING relationship form …not a stable family unit the HAREM being the m ost common family unit for MAMMALS ,, we broke off form birds over 20 million years ago …. They are 1 on 1 ‘s not us …. The chimp cock is apencil dick esinged for deep spern placement in a sperm completive pussy …. Her pussy design of the chimp over engorged ,,, receives it pentration pleasure because of the banging experience on the Engroged lips , where as the thicher ACORN heeded cocks stimlate female pleasre because of frictionm of repeated intro vaginal movement …. The leg=nthgt of the human cock shows our EVOVLUTION inot sexual RECREATION .

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