Saturday, September 27, 2008

but this is a real ....

But this is REAL
Young master , your focus on what is real ,,,, is …. Your focus … youthinking even when you think you are not hinking about the LACK of the WANTS in your life you actually are noticing the LACK of th that BIG WANT. It falshes constantly ,,, as ,,, a I TIOLD YOU SO ….. This is reality and since you were trained to believe you are not IN THE TOA ,,, but an outsider NON DESERVING , in fact born into EVIL and in need of cleaning of sin …. You were PROGRAMED into forgetting the lfow of NATURE …. By slave master working to support the thought form ECONOMY …. Trained from the time of your birth by the exposure to parent s who accepted the TRADITIONS and their own training without knowing any different well because ,,, if like the days of old …. You did not PROFESS faith in the god of PHAROH you were a DEAD MANWALKING ….
DIVIDED CONCETRATION … is confusion and a confused army is notan ARMY .. But easy to pick off indidivuals to the PROFESSIONAL killer ,,the ARTIST solider …. Confuse and conquer… divide and conquer ,, so many topics to keep each human’s ATTENTION divided … on topics so that the REAL ECONOMY can continue as it wants letting the people when they are not drunk and even when they are drunk arguing about ….. NOTHINGS….throw in alittle doubt throw in a question hydrogen storage .. Or using inner combustion hydrogen verus Fuel Cell ….and you can stop the use of a clean available fuel for decades so ,OIL BARONS can make their last GENERATIOANL CAH IN hhhhhhorah !
This in terems of you CHOOSING to leave the mainstream culture which you show is your stated intent thru your TAOTOOS asn all the shit that flows from your mouth even though your EVIDENCE trailo of real actions hows you are just … A POSER ! …. A non thinking sheep …. Who just complains …traped still in the programming of his childhood ,,,,” now I lay me down to sleep pray the lord my soul to keep ….”
That little repeated story ….. Year after year supported by mommy and daddy and grand mom aetc etcetc , even by TV in sublte ways …. Makes you believe you live out side of the TAO ….
Time space .. Is like a deck of cards where you the real you the experiencer you …the focus of the UNTHINKABLE .. Who decided to come and FORGET for a while like YOU FORGET YOUR TROUBLES AND ENJOY A movie ( the you like in )…. GET INTO THE STORY IGNORE EVERYTHING ELSE OF YOU life for the duration of the moive …… just like that ,, as best as can be explained using the tools of words based in the descriptions common to a TIMES SAPCE event …not TAO understanding of a VANTAGE point of still being …still being in totall foucs and understanding of the OPTIONS AVAILABLE IN AN UN-THINKABLE .. Toa …experiencing time/space is like experiencing a deck of cards …..the FLASH of opening the BOX of shroidingers cat … TWO possibles are there when the box is LIVED EXPERIENCED ,,the fact goes into history the possible collapse into a reality ,,but this deck of cards is passing so fast WE CAN NOT …PERCIEVE sense translate ,,the spedd of the QUATUM SECOND ,,, remember young master you can ot EVEN HEAR the sound of a DOGS whistle you can not see the mouse in the grass like the EAGEL CAN … you can not smell blood like the shark ,,your BIO _ MACHINE is very very very limited … so that you can .. So that you can … soTHAT YOU CAN enjoy the movie the adventure . Of life ..believing you are out side of the TAO ,,,, yet of course ARE you “OUTSIDE of your home town just because you are sitting in a MOVIE theratre watching JOHNNY DEPP be a PIRATE …but for a few short hours you’re a totally in grossd in the action almost like you were living the events …
This has to do with HOPE …… the xcitement of living the thoughts …that you have concerning what you call REALITY , and the PROGRAMING ,, your family programmed you to live and expect certain conditions and limits depending on there place in the ECONOMY of service to the GOD KING …. Pharoh of our age ,,, h idden off in the concept that the ECONOMY ITSELF must live on …. The posisiton of your TRAINERS those who loved you and wanted to teach you to do the EST they believed was available to you based on their lives and the lives of their parents ….. These EXPECTATIONS , are the ENERGY ot thoughts that you judge your wants and expected ….ECPECTATIONS …the energy of thoughts … you will se what you expect to see … over the course of the flow of the QUATNUM seconds the opening of the Quantum box the collapse of the Quatuam possible YIN OR YANG ,, live cat or dead cat .'s_cat yet even though the box is sheildeed ( remember a best that can be explained explanintion from the FOCUS of being inside a limited movie event ) sheield from exteranl events the AGREEMENTS state to create TIME/SPACE PYSHIHCS … the toa coming together each QUAT itself equal to each other part of the I in I ,, who understand that 1 second or 1 nano second or 100 years is ,,,NOTHING not even a grani of sand an NON PERCENTAGE ,,to an ever expanding INFINTY…. So each experience no moatter HOW WE JUDGE IT , each experience of BEING a thing ! ,,, a thing … a single quata used to creat sub atomic particle from shihc a universe can then be formed ,,each experience is a valid experience ,,that existing for billions of years as a QUATA ,,, when the movie is over will be ,,,, just amemory to the I in I that was that single un- idenetied QUAT to us … yet the agreement state ,,NOT A LAW BASED STATE , with free of a QUATUM POLICE force to insure that toa does its job oof BEING <<< IN a state of BEING … or else the Quartum will get arrested and putting a QUATUM JAIL to see a QUANTUM JUDGE ,,, and be prosecuted by a QUATUM DA … and then do time on Quantum PAROLE … as a pariticle in time/space …
THE WHOLE INTENT IS ONE OF WELLBEING allow even QUANTUM second the chance to experiences a SLOW evovlution based on the lfow of ENERGY and free choice ,,,, an expectaion is just that ENERGY of thiking of FREE choice yes your programing is strong and DEEP but you choice to not NOT taster water like ahorse that you have been lead to FREE choice ..the flow of energy of thinking and expectations . That flow is the flow of the QUANTUM itself the agreement to be just BE allow the creation of SMILES ..of experience ….
I feel like alittle child amazed at everything
I am paving a glorius joyful path for my future
I am so excited I know this life is GOOD I can feel it all about to burst
It is forming and molding as I write this
All good things come to me …. By Debroha Miranda
Now doesn’t that make you feel better hope ful that event by event the slow evovlution of what you want can be expressed by your friends that are your equals who live as building blocks as ATOMS themselves so you can have a short 100 years of MOVIE TIME CALLED living …where you can choose to believe ” now I lay me down to sleep I pray the lard my soul to keep …. “ or the NTURAL HUMAn design othat is written into the bio machine ///your DNA ,,, live like every other FREE to choose life form on the palnet ….. Who does not have to RPAY IN FEAR to the concept of a GOD ….. Animals make FREE choices everyday be that MATER THAT SAGE take some time out to watch the free choice of the animals all around you realizxe YES THERE IS dan PROGRAMING GOING ON IN THEIR EXPERINCE IN LIVING ..SO IT IS WITH YOU ,,, YOU ARE ATRACTED SEXUALL TO FEMALE humans you do not get all hot and bothered wanting to fuck cows and b ull Elephants ,,the direction of DAN is in us also . Like them but within that experience is and EXPRESSION of freew ill for the animal and US .
Yet an animal can be trined to follow to FEAR mankind to PREFROM like a trined animal like a human slave .. Trained by REPetition …

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