Saturday, September 6, 2008


Young master what would you do with that much cash ..lets say .. You were letting yourself , allowing the potential of the UN-IMAGINABLE … you were letting yourself receive allowing ..the art of allowing and you expressed it ..this ALLOWING ,,not a forcing or having to make it ..but an allowing of your wants to arrive and lets sya your wants were for really really realy big stacks of cash … one good way of allowing is the whole LOTTO industry … now I am not talking a bout trying to force it ,,by buying a bunch of tickets … but ALLOWING that means buying one ticket …then realizing the
Small talk in your head …about your chances …. At first you may get excited and think you are going to win … and you do not … so the next time you buy a ticket you have that LOSER small talk going on …. This loser smalll that lil’voice in your head is about you TRYING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN …. ID it realize it do not resist the truth about what you are doing . and then realize the TOUR OF DUTY BLOG … on which lleads you very derectly inot a life full of your real wants….
Ok the I WILL BE HAPPY WHEN …. IS NOT THE WAKING UP FEELING EXCITED ABOUT LIFE AND THE ..the you got … and the dreams you got … the I intent to SEE my wants today …. Because if you are subtly living in the 5 steps … and you look around you at all the shit you hate , in your current life ,, your focus is on the UNWANTED ,. Your thoughts are there … and you will end up seeing more of what it is your are FOCUSED on …. And what you are realy focused on ? Is that happiness is ..out there .. In a fufutre of getting $ 14,000,000.00 so that is you REAL focus …. Happiness is the pruchase of all that shit $14,000,000 will buy you … so happiness is not here …and thus you get what you think about ,,,, which is the same old same old. THE SAME OLD SAME OLD … just what you have always had and what you have always been focused on .
What is that $14,000,000 do ,,, here you gotta let yourelf expand into my IN-CORRECTNESS … you want a really cool car or 3 ,,,, so you want a car ? You want a transportation devise … that is what a car is … so be happy for that BIKE you got it is a transportation devise …. NO IT IS NOT A CAR IT IS NOT A ..DB7 .. Ohh so maybe you want a transportation devise that has and enegine? So get a fucking scooter ….
Scooters are un safe you say …. Ohm so you are thinking about the FEAR of death , the place and time is not of your choosing an OLD TOAIST sage called Jesus said that … or at least we have written myths about him saying that … TOAISt in that the baisis religion of him was one of the UNGRAVEN … as in engraveing words on stone ( not just the graven image but the graven image or depiction or description as in words wrttine in books of STONE? Way back then … but back to the scooter ,, when you get your $14,000,000 how fast will you go out and buy a really cool HARLY DAVIDSON .. So do not geive me this safety shit reason . You know you will buy a bike ..
So 4 tires and a roof to get out of the rain …. And you can get one of those out of the box ,,, called KIA on sale for sometimes 8,000 a lot less than the ¼ million a tricked out DB7 can cost. They both have 4 wheeels both have roofs both have airbags , and both of them can get you a speeding ticket ….. Why do you wan the DB 7
You want it .to control the minds of other people ? Huh ? Control the minds of other people …. It is your tool anyu really fancy thing you want to buy where you can get the same fucntion for a cost of 1% by buying something else is all about EGO and really conrolling others . It is not even about getting their respect any more it is about being able to MANIPULATE them creating a fear state in them with your DISPLAY of power .
Nietzsche ‘s will to power …. ? But the base of NTURE is not of control as it is about the creation of a stable family unit for the purpose of safety relaxtion and personel enjoyment , the concept of creating BLUSTER . And the deepest abasis is different between your DB 7 and the silver back gorilla massive size and strenght ( which is a muscle mass grown on a vegetarian diet )
The DB 7 is not about your self worth ..or self esteem … it is your attempt to create thoughts in the minds ,,to force people to think about you in certain ways so that you can feel better about yourself , because , YOU IN REALITY BASE YOUR SELF AND YOUR WORTH ON THE ….JUDGEMENTS OF OTHERS …. But you act as if that were not true you tatoo your body and put ugly plugs in your ears as a statement of saying I do not care what others think of me … I am a REBEL … but yet it is the growth of your amount of tatoos and the size of the whole that you base your posistion in the limiting subculture of others who dress and act like you …. Again , you are looking OUTSIDE of you for …LOVE
AND THAT IS REALSONALBE WE HUMANS ARE VERY SOCIAL ANIMAL ….. The HAREM family is IT …. Here again you find you striving for the interaction with others , based on a CONFUSE and CONQUEWR programmed into you model that supports and Advertisng industry a consummer industry ,, and thought form of economy …. That entraps you en slavery of loneliness always striving to be IN a crowd of people who are like minded ? Where am I goin here fuck I do not know .. I am kinda lost .
The harem family unit ….your DNA evidence trail …. Gives all partys that which they realy want int eh supportive numbers naturl for our species … 3 tents and a camel … 3 single family homes she getts her own cave her privacy she has friendships with girls who can talk with her hours on end like girls in girl type tones and words and about girl issues …. They are their to ehelp each other in important times when the DRUG factory of the bio-MACHINE called human body is raging … the supportive family to insure that their children get to ENJOY being KIDS not having to drug their children into submission so that they will be a good GOC in the public school system … home schooling ideas . So that they can BECOME proifssional women make that cash ,, ( their lil part of the $14,000,000 so they can buy things to manipulate the minds of people who see them with the THING ) but what is more important the love of real people or the love of people you will never ever meet as they see you in that THING or dressed in THE FASHION statement . Can you think for yourself about the nature of coming here ,from the all.. The no 1 thing … to be here in a 3 dimensional ( no multi demensional ) stable pyschics of well being … well being in that the LAW of pyschics is not a LAW with an ATOMIC police dept . atomic jails for law breaking sub atomic particle , but the turth that it is an agreement state of 24/7 …. Continuos PROJECTION of well being and FREE CHOICE ,, the potential to FOCUS on the negative aor the positve .
A free choice to have a Life based on a happiness …of WHNE I get X, Y , Z …. I will be happy when and again your focus is on the lack of … you get wht you think about and much of what you are thinking the TRUTH… not the HAPPY HAPPY self talk , but the DEEPLY trained in PORGRAMING of your bio-computer mind , which came from observing the models much of which is subtly step by step placed in associated engrams of related memory becaue of hours of TV watched , then RE-Inforeced … by the happy smiles of mommy as she took you SHOPPING …
Young master ,,, think for yourself.
( your intent to NOTICE that you are the RECIEVER of billions of and trillions of $ already … they are shown to you in the design of that KIA … the 100,000 mile warrenty the saety and functioning , the streets you use to drive on the Traffic light system that allows for reasonable rational trafic flows and much less accidents unless o one is ESCAPING the CONFUSE and CONQUER by being drunk and creates an accendent. You have been recieing the benefits of millions of dollars worth of DESIGN in this computer you use fast or slow ,,,, it is like fucking magic . And all the while you have ….. NATURE right out side your door or window ,,, so if you wanted the $14,000,000 so you could go to all those far away places .. And see realy cool animals and shit or even cities and people ,, your town is the FAR AWAY place for that Billionaire in China … he spends his big bucks to drive thru you all-American villae and look out of the trap of his window like staring into a tV screen in airconditioned comfort …. And OHHHH and AHHHH at your town .. Like you would about his town ,,, allraound you are birds and tress and nature like you see on tv …. And it is all her for you right now WITHOUT THE $14,000,000 in fact the bike you got for free the cheap scooter you can afford , a HOUSE is just some place to get out of the rain in …. etc etc etc .. and alll fansy foods are well just foods … PLANT BASED . Even streak just processed grass .

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